TER General Board

Re: I would be happy to oblige
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1343 reads

No no I wasn't talking about hobbyists. I mean hbyst+truth=;(. She's a bad bitch.  

I have no doubt in your labia revival skills. ;)
Posted By: hotplants
Love ink?; check. Love labia? check. Do not understand or have any interest in checklists....check and check.  
 girl hbyst .........Or hotplants.  hmm.....while, admittedly, I'm not a professional, I like to think I'm a little better at labia revival than a mere hobbyist.  
 (Seriously abhor the label 'hobbyists'. I'm not collecting tramps here.....lol...)  

Earlier in life I never thought there would be a time when I would be happy to see the weeks go by.  However, since I am waiting to take social security until the calculation maxes out in a few months, that is what I find myself now doing.  Receiving that additional income (thank you, FDR) will enable me to have a more regular source of “play” money.

Luckily, being an older guy with fairly set opinions about female attributes, it is easy for me to eliminate many of the increasing number of providers who are available in my geographic area.

Being a TER VIP makes the selection process much easier; it’s almost a necessity.  (I am in my 11th year of being a paid VIP; too bad TER does not offer a bonus for us longtime paid members.)

The below is what I look at in making a decision:

1) BBBJ: have not seen a cbj gal during the past 10 years.

2) Implants: have not seen an implant gal for about seven years.  There are a few on my “possibles” list but they also provide cim.

3) Body hardware: I enjoy sucking on nips and clits, so hardware on those parts normally eliminates a gal from consideration.  I did see one gal a few years ago who had a face stud; it fell out in bed.  I won’t make that mistake again.  (Unfortunately, face hardware seems to be a fashion fad among black women.)

4) Tattoos: when I was growing up they were seen only on Popeye the Sailor Man and bad guys.  I cannot adjust to seeing them on women, especially if I would have to look at one while suckling on breasts.

5) Age: While I have been with providers as young as 19, normally I prefer to see women older than 35 or so.  The older a woman is the better in my opinion, as long as she is in fair shape.  (Glad to see that TER added another age range to the selection table.)

5) Bonus factors:
A) Cim, especially swallows.
B) Suckable nips, clit, and labia.
C) Unusually shaped breasts, such as pendulous, and uncommon nips, such as puffies and eraser-length.

One or more bonus factors can offset one of the “negatives” listed above.

Southern California ladies are encouraged to apply for my “Receiving Social Security Wanna-See List”.

Hoping My Review Total Increases A Lot Next Year

Enjoy the ride!  I am.

Posted By: WymenLover

Being a TER VIP makes the selection process much easier; it’s almost a necessity.  (I am in my 11th year of being a paid VIP; too bad TER does not offer a bonus for us longtime paid members.)
You do get a bonus. Your rates are grandfathered in. Try signing up as a new member and check the VIP rate.

morecoffee1698 reads

Will be paying for your hobby. That's how SS works.

Posted By: morecoffee
Will be paying for your hobby. That's how SS works.

But my labia shriveled with all of that "checklist" shit. I hate to be a buzzkill, but nothing turns me off more than guys who view us as a series of acronyms. What's wrong with picking a chick you're attracted to and just having a good time? I promise, your experiences would improve exponentially if you didn't analyze the shit out of everything. Ick.

Nick people aren't going to see Tobi because she has tats...

People may avoid her because she is delusional, and does not sound like a stable individual. She also sounds very immature for her age, I always thought females matured psychologically before males.

Posted By: inicky46
PS: the idea of your labia shriveling is profoundly disturbing.

Coming from you, I'll take all of that as a compliment. When are you going to realize that everyone here thinks you're a scumbag?  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Nick people aren't going to see Tobi because she has tats...  
 People may avoid her because she is delusional, and does not sound like a stable individual. She also sounds very immature for her age, I always thought females matured psychologically before males.  
Posted By: inicky46
PS: the idea of your labia shriveling is profoundly disturbing.

I know I'm not IRL. That's all I need to know.


Posted By: Tobi Telford
Coming from you, I'll take all of that as a compliment. When are you going to realize that everyone here thinks you're a scumbag?  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Nick people aren't going to see Tobi because she has tats...  
  People may avoid her because she is delusional, and does not sound like a stable individual. She also sounds very immature for her age, I always thought females matured psychologically before males.  
Posted By: inicky46
PS: the idea of your labia shriveling is profoundly disturbing.

You're either a scumbag IRL or you're 14...of course it could be both.  Run along now rapie, you're at a gunfight with a knife again.

GaGambler914 reads

The only person he has ever been able to best in a "battle of wits" is our reigning SPOTY champion, AnnoyingFungus.

Even TSTTTTT is smarter than Johnywouldyouleavealready.

I don't think she's any of the things you say.  I do think she's hot and smart and handles herself well here. Not to mention that you're not exactly the poster boy for stability and maturity.
Your problem with her is she called you out for what you are and you can't handle it

So my eyes seem to be working just fine, thanks.  Sucks to be you, I guess, alone and despised.  Makes one wonder why you come here?  You enjoy abuse, I guess.

GaGambler1156 reads

This tool pretending to have a chance in a  "battle of wits" is every bit as funny as Dungy pretending to be a "tough guy"

I guess it is kind of amusing, in a pathetic kind of way of course.

And always failed.  In fact, he failed at every attempt to be anything but an ass.  Remind you of anyone? Actually, more than one.

I drink alone, yeah

With nobody else

I drink alone, yeah

With nobody else

You know when I drink alone

I prefer to be by myself

I'm science thumping... and what would be wrong with liking the abuse?

You might be enjoying, because you sure can't give it.

Seriously, though, most people over 50 don't like ink. I'm fine with that.  

I need my girl hbyst to get on here and bring my labia back to life. Or hotplants.  

Posted By: inicky46
PS: the idea of your labia shriveling is profoundly disturbing.

This is my only handle, dipshit. I've used my alias TWICE, both times on the PO board. Don't try to be a detective. You suck at it.

I put like attitudes in the same group, I cease to view the individual once the individual is in that group.

Yes I'd say that is bigotry.

You fit the profile. Once upon a time I liked your personality, never was attracted to you physically, because of your personality. That was before your band of personalities started following me around. Now your personality repulses me.  

Like I said if this line of marketing works for you great!

You can't start a fight, and say I don't kiss ass when someone fights back.

Aren't there any finishing schools you can attend?  See, that's called having a sense of humor

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I put like attitudes in the same group, I cease to view the individual once the individual is in that group.  
 Yes I'd say that is bigotry.  
 You fit the profile. Once upon a time I liked your personality, never was attracted to you physically, because of your personality. That was before your band of personalities started following me around. Now your personality repulses me.  
 Like I said if this line of marketing works for you great!  
 You can't start a fight, and say I don't kiss ass when someone fights back.  
 Aren't there any finishing schools you can attend?  See, that's called having a sense of humor.  

But I kept forgetting how to do arithmetic and shit so I gave it up.  Now I just fuck with him in my native tongue, which he is incapable of understanding.  So it all works out.

89Springer1164 reads

Nobody likes you. Why would you hang out on a forum where everyone wishes you would crawl in a hole and swallow your tongue?

And I know you don't.
I also know you're aware he's become nothing more than an imbecilic troll and stalker, and that you and I are his favorite targets.
Personally, I could care less, as I enjoy whacking him about like a piñata.  He always rises to the bait and has a compulsion to have the last word, so I can whale away for extended periods.  Whatever would we do without the likes of Johny and Tidwit

Have you listened to detachable penis today?

Do you hate your penis?

hotplants1171 reads

Love ink?; check. Love labia? check. Do not understand or have any interest in checklists....check and check.

girl hbyst .........Or hotplants.  hmm.....while, admittedly, I'm not a professional, I like to think I'm a little better at labia revival than a mere hobbyist.

(Seriously abhor the label 'hobbyists'. I'm not collecting tramps here.....lol...

No no I wasn't talking about hobbyists. I mean hbyst+truth=;(. She's a bad bitch.  

I have no doubt in your labia revival skills. ;)

Posted By: hotplants
Love ink?; check. Love labia? check. Do not understand or have any interest in checklists....check and check.  
 girl hbyst .........Or hotplants.  hmm.....while, admittedly, I'm not a professional, I like to think I'm a little better at labia revival than a mere hobbyist.  
 (Seriously abhor the label 'hobbyists'. I'm not collecting tramps here.....lol...)  

GaGambler1376 reads

Oh well, the "dark side" is so alluring, just ask H+T. lol

and quite frankly I prefer pussy over dick as well, so I would hate to be a hypocrite in the matter, not to mention JCA could turn any woman into a lesbian, but you could have at least waited until I was too old for you anyhow. lmao

H+T and hotplants are worth abandoning cock.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Oh well, the "dark side" is so alluring, just ask H+T. lol

and quite frankly I prefer pussy over dick as well, so I would hate to be a hypocrite in the matter, not to mention JCA could turn any woman into a lesbian, but you could have at least waited until I was too old for you anyhow. lmao

You would definitely be someone I would want to hang with. What a fucking edge!!!!!

Posted By: RespectfullyYours
You would definitely be someone I would want to hang with. What a fucking edge!!!!!

I'll say it again

You're fucking cool

And sexy, can't wait to see the labia swelled, yummy

Why thank him, or any politician for benefits you earned by paying into the system.

Of course, Curly thinks Theodore Roosevelt instituted SS, supposedly between setting aside ceded land for National parks and helping Senator Phelan rebuild San Francisco.

That was a joke and showing of my NATS pride... The Teddy pic I posted was NATS TEDDY... Just was posting something silly...

GaGambler1360 reads

and never investing a single penny of my money, so all I could ever hope to get back out of the system is my own money, minus postage and handling, without any interest having been earned on it over the forty plus years the government has kept it. Oh yeah, great fucking system. Sounds like something Bernie Madoff of Mao Tse Tung would have been proud of.

We can't judge solely by how either of us benefit directly and personally. You deal in petroleum, I assume, so isn't it nice that a lot of seniors have a bit of an income every month so they can afford to fill their tank? What if the mass of people who haven't done as well as you were all begging on the street? Would business be up or down? Would your portfolio give you greater or lesser returns? That's not a rhetorical question. Things might be better without SS, but the way I view it, things would probably be a lot worse.

89Springer1389 reads

I maxed out on SS "contributions" for most of my adult working years. If I'd invested that in even an index fund, I'd be getting a lot more than $1800 to $2000 a month.

Of course, if the money that was meant to go to people who paid in wasn't being given to people who are (supposedly) disabled, or are here illegally, maybe I'd get $1850 to $2050 a month. That's enough for a few hours with a very good provider.

... it's not. The problem is old dudes knocking up young lazy women, and living/supporting their kids off your rotting carcass.  

insecure old men are fucking up their own SS.

Because it's nice to look at that letter from SS, knowing that when I retire in 20 years that maybe half of what they say I'll get is what I'll really get, and it doesn't even make a difference. I never was one of the cool kids, still not, but the cool kids work for me. They are going to be the ones paying their rent and sustenance with SS, mine will just ultimately go to St. Judes hospital for children and ASPC after they fire up the kiln and make me into ash.

As for the checklist, I used to have similar parameters before I started my hobby, and now that I've met the incredible women I have, I've dropped nearly all of them. The only checklist I have today is no TS,

I've never sacrificed anything. The choices I made worked out.

I've never had either a checklist or a bucket list. I have met some truly remarkable women in the life.

Posted By: russbbj
Because it's nice to look at that letter from SS, knowing that when I retire in 20 years that maybe half of what they say I'll get is what I'll really get, and it doesn't even make a difference. I never was one of the cool kids, still not, but the cool kids work for me. They are going to be the ones paying their rent and sustenance with SS, mine will just ultimately go to St. Judes hospital for children and ASPC after they fire up the kiln and make me into ash.  
 As for the checklist, I used to have similar parameters before I started my hobby, and now that I've met the incredible women I have, I've dropped nearly all of them. The only checklist I have today is no TS,

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