TER General Board

Re: I tend to think of it this way, Sarah...
gaylemeyers See my TER Reviews 330 reads

I think manners and positivity are welcome in any of the pools.

I've been perusing some other boards just to see what's out there. I've noticed the same handles who post here post on other boards, but have a completely different demeanor. Here, they come off like jerks or are quiet and reserved; there, they actually seem warm and friendly or outgoing and gregarious. Wonder why? Is it a general atmosphere thing?

wrps07329 reads

When someone brings up facts or another view point or opinion they get all bent of shape and act like jerks. You see the same type of behavior in the corporate world. They don't think providers read all the boards to see how they really are.

right here on TER. I know I do. There's the newbie board personality and the general board personality, and sometimes the regional board personality falls in between. Yes it's definitely an atmosphere thing, but so what, I'm here for entertainment.

General discussion board = big kids pool
Newbie board = little kids pool
Local/regional boards = hot tub (woohoo!, I love the hot tub)
Media discussion board = folks at the beach with their nose stuck in a book
ISO board = nude beach
Over 60 board = old folks on a nude beach (just kidding - I'm old too!)
Massage parlor board = onsen (see what I did there?)
Suggestion and Policy board = lifeguard stand
BDSM board = folks at the beach with absolutely no sunscreen on (ouch - lol)

And yes, as you'd kind of expect the big kids can sometimes play rough on the GD pool.  Oh, and there's no lifeguard at any of them.  But they do have water wings available in the Newbie pool.

That's how it comes across to me, anyway.  But I think different...  :-).   Ow, uh oh... I have a cramp!  Should have waited after eating before jumping in.  Help!!!!  Lifeguard!!!  Help!!

I think manners and positivity are welcome in any of the pools.

Absolutely.  May I help you put that sunscreen on, milady?

Posted By: gaylemeyers
I think manners and positivity are welcome in any of the pools.

I will admit though on occasion the general utter stupidity of some on this board brings out my inner asshole. I think the constant moronic troll posts brings out peoples ire here.

GaGambler314 reads

Well except for the newbie board, even I can be "nice" on that board.

I have checked out other boards in the past, but never posted. Didn't seem like I would enjoy the personalities as much, plus they tend to post some of the same topics as TER since a few post on several boards. I agree, I have seen different personalities than what is conveyed on TER. Some are nicer, some are not.

My post reactions have to do with who is posting, what they are saying, etc. Sometimes I am nice, cynical/sarcastic, informative, and playful ... just depends on many factors. I am not one for being passive.

Some days I post a lot, other times you won't see me for weeks at a time. After awhile it is boring reading the same topics, especially if you have been on here for years. You'll see the long time posters go off topic and putz with each other because they've already said what they had to say on the topic 1000 times already, sometimes as recent as a few days ago. Hell, I have even seen recently the same topic beat to death in several threads in less than 24 hours! That is why I do go through spurts where I start new threads that have not been talked about for awhile. Heck, sometimes I like to answer the "over beaten" topics.  

Now that I am thinking about it, I got an interesting topic that you rarely see started on here. Probably become a train wreck, but oh well. lol.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
I've been perusing some other boards just to see what's out there. I've noticed the same handles who post here post on other boards, but have a completely different demeanor. Here, they come off like jerks or are quiet and reserved; there, they actually seem warm and friendly or outgoing and gregarious. Wonder why? Is it a general atmosphere thing?

Bi means two. Hands down we all have at least 2 or 3 different personalities that we use is different settings.

So every situation calls for different kind of persona.
And it is not a mental disorder as Bio polar or such ...
It is normal way of things ..( unless you live in communistic country  where you can not adjust and obligated to be just one kind of persona)
 Mr Jung said it all ..
 We know about  about Mr Jung mask persona theory  of course ... So I think it is explanation .. and we are very free here.
 It is good thing.


The main aspect of bi-polar disorder is a tendency to shift from severe depression to manic behavior.  It is a very debilitating disorder when not treated, especially in severe forms.

Having two tendencies with which to face a situation is a sign of normalcy (Not that there's anything right about that.)

fartsonhigher1327 reads

Some of the differences will be a "when in Rome" type of thing. Other differences can be what moderators allow. Most of these other boards have strong a regional presence and a week national one. People may be more likely to have met others face-to-face, and might be more careful about how they are perceived.

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