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Re: I left my car keys after a first visit to a provider
SCBodyRub 13 Reviews 311 reads

Probably because she was preparing for another visitor... Or maybe they had already arrived

I left a very nice pair of glasses at a provider's a few days ago and feel stupid asking to get it back.  I can imagine there are some funny stories out there about what other people have left (besides the obvious, please spare us).

You feel stupid about asking for your glasses back?! Why?? I have had guys leave things at my place. I just wrap them up and dispose of them properly lol! ;

GaGambler506 reads

Unless you forgot to leave the proper donation of course. lol

Think of it as a good excuse to see her again.

I have left lots of things at a providers place, but most of those times we were dating, does that count?

obviously I didn't get too far but when I returned to get them the provider didn't open the door when I knocked.  So I called several times til I finally got her and was invited up only to find the keys hanging on the closed room door.  I felt that was my invitation not to return again but being me I called for a second appointment and we've since become friends.  You never get a second chance to make a first impression or to leave your keys behind after a first 'date'

-- Modified on 5/3/2015 8:56:11 PM

Probably because she was preparing for another visitor... Or maybe they had already arrived

I don't think there is too much worse than getting to the car and finding out you dropped your cell phone in their room. He was already coming out the door as I turned around. I don't ever normally take my cell with me, even if it is on silent.  

Posted By: ttcttc
I left a very nice pair of glasses at a provider's a few days ago and feel stupid asking to get it back.  I can imagine there are some funny stories out there about what other people have left (besides the obvious, please spare us).  

PussyLipGloss650 reads

(1) Women fucked me blind before I left. Repeatedly.  
(2) They were waiting with my stuff when I returned. And a smile.  

Morale: Treat each other like people, like friends, like lovers. No one forgets that.  


Posted By: ttcttc
I left a very nice pair of glasses at a provider's a few days ago and feel stupid asking to get it back.  I can imagine there are some funny stories out there about what other people have left (besides the obvious, please spare us).  

So cool, really cool.

There's no reason not to treat each other like people, like friends, like lovers. And yet some don't.

GaGambler392 reads

Ok, I take it back now. That was funny. lmao

That shit is mean and funny.... but you won;t ever like me if you do it to me.

Gambler is being chained down for my amusement. I am a Scorpio and I will recall. He needs to be beat to his enjoyment.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Ok, I take it back now. That was funny. lmao

...where I placed my clothes. While I was in the shower preparing to leave she laid out my clothes. She was too short to see the hat much less reach it. I didn't realize I didn't have it until out by the car. I had to call and ask to come get it. Of course there were laughs and jokes about my height (6'4") and hers (5'2"). I miss her. We had lots of good times until she left the business.

Lost and found:-).  I guess you are mellow when you leave;-) I always send back or u can pick up.   A little scatters when you leave! I like that !? Means I am doing my job :-)

walking with a skip in my step and a cloudy brain from a good time.  I try to always put all my stuff together in the same place so I don't leave anything behind.

I always try to leave a good impression behind. It has worked to my advantage with all but one of my lady friends.

Or at least I hope to be. I like to play golf, but I don't think I ever could after a provider has taken my legs out by rocking my world.

I tell her I have to be very careful to look around and not forget anything because she fucks me stupid. :-)

matuschek517 reads

One of first assignations during very early TER days.  Not talking 5 or 6 figure absurd piece of man jewelry, just a nice, competent, rather unique looking time piece that I was fond of.  Brain was still putty after lovely session, and didn't even notice the absence.  

Luckily was one of the sweetest gals in LA, (still active), and she emailed me the next day to inquire if I was missing a watch. Arranged to drive by and retrieve it, and it led to many more rendezvous with her over many more years.  

Advice: Call, text or email about your glasses, and you'll learn much about the true character of the lady.

Fortunately, I realized it when I was one block away from the hotel.   It would not have been easy to explain the absence of that particular watch and having her mail it to me would have been a nightmare.

I emailed her to tell her, and she said keep it or throw it away that she had many more (this didn't surprise me, a very sexual woman). I had flown in to see her, so taking it with me wasn't much of an option so threw it away is what I did. Too bad too, it was a good one.

sometimes I think Im scattered maybe Im just busy its anyones guess...lol

dont feel stupid just call and ask her to get it...
Its your stuff. no worries

No time to go back and retrieve it that night, so I texted her to just leave it with the front desk at the hotel, and I would get it after she left.  She suggested that I come get from her in person.  :)  Then again, that lady has been an ATF for over seven years.  

Ladies sometimes leave things behind when they visit us as well, and will ask to get this back.  Needless to say, I complied, and once again, subsequent playtime...  :)

On the other hand, I've managed to accumulate an awfully impressive pile of stripper shoes, and I think a negligee or two.

Each time it was incall to a hotel suite. Two different escorts, both times as we made our way back to the bedroom, I had stuff all over the suite. I missed some stuff on the clean up on the way out.  
Now I try to keep all my stuff in one area, if I'm visiting an escort using a suite

Left a jacket at a hotel incall. Realized it after I had been on the road for a few minutes. Also, knew provider was in a hurry to make to an outcall. Texted her and realized we were heading in the same general direction. Made arrangements to pull over and wait by the side of the road, until she drove up and handed off my jacket.

Thanks!!!! my friend

Had no problems going back to retrieve them.

Was checking my pockets while walking to the elevator after a session many years ago and discovered my cell phone missing.  Made a quick u turn and knocked on the door.  She answered right away, and there it was on the floor under a chair, apparently having fallen out while I was undressing.  Now I will admit to having my head in the clouds after that rendezvous, so ever since I leave the cell phone in the car once I've been given the thumbs up to enter.

Sunglasses are a problem with me. The one that stands out was with a very well known and girl who was visiting from Vegas. I went back and knocked on the door, explained the problem, and she sheepishly led me into the bedroom where they were. The first thing I notice is the (not insubstantial) donation (in 20s) is scattered all over the bed and floor. She'd apparently been just sitting there throwing it into the air.

VOO-doo443 reads

Or, in their hotel rooms.  

Most common is condoms, sex toys, and the like. I set them out on a side table, then forget all about them before I leave. It sucks, because I generally invest in expensive sex toys. Lelo, the stainless steel ones that come in a velvet-lined box, etc.  

I've left my car keys, my jacket (brrrrr!) and my phone.  

Always embarrassing to have to ask, 'Um, can I come back for my _______?' Goodbyes are awkward enough as it is.

fartsonhigher1486 reads

I did not go back for for it.  
I just just starting seeing better providers.

It is an opportunity to cement the business relationship with trust. I intend to NEVER see someone just once.

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