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Re: I kind of agree.
Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 483 reads

Dear Hbyist+truth,
How are you with dealing with the sexual tension within a platonic relationship? Also at what point would you say that it certainly become unbearable within the relationship?  Also are you comfortable with married men being friends more so than single men?  Finally would you male friends be more curious to have conjugal relations with you because of your "occupation" or would they have any idea?

Sally: We are just going to be friends, OK?
Harry: Great, friends. It's the best thing...You realize, of course, that we can never be friends.
Sally: Why not?
Harry: What I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape, or form - is that men and women can't be friends, because the sex part always gets in the way.
Sally: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.
Harry: No, you don't.
Sally: Yes, I do.
Harry: No, you don't.
Sally: Yes, I do.
Harry: You only think you do.

Click on the URL to read the complete Ladder Theory.








GaGambler835 reads

and I know several of them not so secretly want to, or at least would be quite open to banging me.

That's the beauty of the hobby, I fuck as much as I want to, and only with women that I am attracted to. I don't have any need to fuck up friendships I have with women that go back for years, that I surely would have fucked up if we had been sleeping together.

Just face it, You don't like women, you just need them as cum receptacles.  

I have zero desire to bang let's say lopaw, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to hang out with her and be shocker of shockers, FRIENDS. Too bad you don't get the concept

....and despite sharing our love of fine pussy, it doesnt stop the offers for 3somes and meet ups that I get, which I always gently turn down. Can't blame some guys for trying, eh? :

GaGambler554 reads

but you also know I would never hit you up for a 3 some, A five some? well maybe, but I am way too selfish to share just one woman with you.  

Actually I have had a foursome with a lesbian friend of mine once in the past. she really wanted to fuck my GF and since I had fucked one of her GF's in the past it seemed only fair. Plus it gave my GF something to keep her busy while I fucked the other girl.

See what a sharing kind of guy I can be??? lol

and for the record, my lesbian friend and I never got closer than about five feet away from each other while naked it was sort of a MFMF but with only one dick in the bed.

Posted By: lopaw
....and despite sharing our love of fine pussy, it doesnt stop the offers for 3somes and meet ups that I get, which I always gently turn down. Can't blame some guys for trying, eh? :)  

So now you say "I fuck as much as I want to and only with women I am attracted to." Suppose however that you were isolated with one of those "platonic" gals. I would be willing to wager that within a short time, you'd be banging her on a regular basis. Let's face it- it's in our DNA! Ciao!

GaGambler482 reads

In that case the crack of dawn would not be safe

but ultimately, is for the most part true.

Sure, there can be some outliers, but for the most part, the main premise is true, depending of course on how you want to define friendship, a concept that is, of course, a bit plastic

Most people probably won't read the whole theory and the rebuttals to it. I look at it this way. Any attractive woman can turn a man into a sex partner but men will have great difficulty unless on her ladder.

Imagine this scenario: A married guy is "just friends" with a girl and visits her house. The girl comes out of the shower half naked and comes on to him. How many men would resist her? Probably zero.

If an attractive man does the same thing to a married woman who he is "just friends" with it could result in an attempted rape charge. At the very least, he is likely to get yelled at.

that all interactions between a man and a woman are sexual, and over the course of years I have found this to be true.

Resist at your peril

Alan_Nimm516 reads

although I was single and unattached, and my friend was married. She didn't come out of a shower but was nearly naked and came on to me at her home. I resisted. We'd both had some drinks and she was going through a rough time in her life. And she was married. We're still friends. Nothing more was ever said about it, by either of us.

I would turn her down. I have turned down free poon before.

Fair enough. What if both parties were single and free? Do you think the *average* man would turn it down?

As a single man I only pasted up sex once and that was because the lady wasn't coming from a place of strength and it would have been wrong to take her up on her offer at the time. So if I was single, sure I would take up the offer. Now what would the average man do? I could not say as I am not them, but I expect most the single non dating men to go for it. I bet about half of the men with SO would as well. Problem is we aren't dealing with the "average" man, but individual man and as such responses will run a gambit of reactions. I as a married man in love with his wife would turn down free pussy as that is not in our arrangement for open play. I have not and will not betray her that way. The next guy who really knows. Most likely most would jump at the chance, but most if far from all. And that was my point. I only can speak for my self and that is all you can do as well.

Nobody can speak for any one single person but sociologists and others have studied the nature of man. In other words, how would the *average* man react to the scenario. I would believe that the average guy would give in to an attractive naked girl if presented with the opportunity. It would not matter if they had agreed to be "just friends." This assumes that the possibility of getting caught (if one or both were married) is nil.

I put guys in the friend zone but I have no control over what they are thinking or their motives. So they might be thinking....yet, however if I have friend zoned then there is no chance in hell I would let them touch me. There is a reason they are friend zoned.

I have lost potential friends who can't separate shit. I could not deal with the innuendos that were constant even though I asked them not to in order to keep the friendship.

Dear Hbyist+truth:
I am just wondering when you are in the platonic relationship with your friend a what point would you know that there are sexual connotations or tension within the relationship? Also how are you with dealing with that as long as it doesn't become overbearing within the interaction of you two as friends?  Also at what point would you head it off at the pass?  Finally would you say that you get along better with women or men and why?  Also what would be the gender that most of your friends would be?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I put guys in the friend zone but I have no control over what they are thinking or their motives. So they might be thinking....yet, however if I have friend zoned then there is no chance in hell I would let them touch me. There is a reason they are friend zoned.  
 I have lost potential friends who can't separate shit. I could not deal with the innuendos that were constant even though I asked them not to in order to keep the friendship.

Dear Hbyist+truth,
How are you with dealing with the sexual tension within a platonic relationship? Also at what point would you say that it certainly become unbearable within the relationship?  Also are you comfortable with married men being friends more so than single men?  Finally would you male friends be more curious to have conjugal relations with you because of your "occupation" or would they have any idea?

Replicunt552 reads

(The pie chart allots a  10 % value and then the author proceeds to dismiss even that paltry amount as 'mostly rubbish') Einstein seemed to get an awful lot of tang.  He was neither wealthy nor what anyone would call a looker.  Lol

of wealth and power -- most idiots don't attend Wharton, Harvard, or the like, and this helps to contribute to a pretty good lifestyle.

Plus. while Einstein might be famous for attracting the attention of young women during the last 20+ years of his life while at Princeton, by then he was world famous... and also more wealthy than most realize, even though he had lost his Nobel money decades before.  However, by then was likely more of a curiosity than anything else -- though I guess when he was younger he was a serious womanizer, so perhaps you are correct and it was his intelligence that attracted them first

I bet he had that memorized and just quoted it to me lol. I of course didn't mind, because I had sex with him. And I wanted to. So it worked out for me. But he would always talk about how he would meet his other friends (women) and they'd fuck to get it out of their system, then move on to friend things.

But I think women feel the obligation to seem pure and celibate - but really, I think a lot of women wanna fuck the guy friends too.

But this all sounds like men getting all "intellectual" and "educated" about it, as if it's a new found concept - part of the mating process. Pretend you're smart LOL

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 5:53:25 PM

to which no system of logic can be tied.

Though at times frustrating, it is responsible for all the art we have in the world, but also for much of the violence between people too.

It is a mixed bag, for sure

skarphedin502 reads

We agree. I would just say that logic and sense are not overrated. Rather, they are simply inapplicable to male/female relations.  

But I do think you suffer from the disdain of mastery though. You mistake your facility with logic and reasoning for a lack of worth...

I mean, in any half-baked belief, there are things that ring true, like:

1. I think most ladies "friend-zone" guys when there is no sexual attraction. However, I disagree with the whys of the placement on the friend ladder.
2. We all know of examples of ladies who constantly seem to be going out with complete loser guys who don't treat them well instead of someone nice but maybe average otherwise.  
3. Some ladies are truly just out for the money; otherwise, Donald Trump would be a virgin.
4. I also agree that given the opportunity, most guys would have sex with a reasonably attractive woman-friend who walks out of the shower naked.  The fear of being caught or being 100% committed to a relationship might prevent it from happening, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't want to.

But then the rest of the "theory" is just bullocks.  Maybe the female friends I have are all just completely weird, but when we talk about what's hot for a dating relationship, it's not a loser druggie or simply a guy with $$$$$$$.  The attraction frequently comes from common interests & shared philosophies.  Money only seems to come into play if a man doesn't meet a bare minimum; a deadbeat isn't too desirable. Also, depending on the lady, some of the topics "shown conclusively not to work" obviously were only field tested in limited environments.  It does make me wonder where men who subscribe to this and other "gaming theories" meet women; they must avoid places where they would run into interesting women.

Posted By: kerri.bound
I mean, in any half-baked belief, there are things that ring true, like:  
 1. I think most ladies "friend-zone" guys when there is no sexual attraction. However, I disagree with the whys of the placement on the friend ladder.  
 2. We all know of examples of ladies who constantly seem to be going out with complete loser guys who don't treat them well instead of someone nice but maybe average otherwise.  
 3. Some ladies are truly just out for the money; otherwise, Donald Trump would be a virgin.  
 4. I also agree that given the opportunity, most guys would have sex with a reasonably attractive woman-friend who walks out of the shower naked.  The fear of being caught or being 100% committed to a relationship might prevent it from happening, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't want to.  
 But then the rest of the "theory" is just bullocks.  Maybe the female friends I have are all just completely weird, but when we talk about what's hot for a dating relationship, it's not a loser druggie or simply a guy with $$$$$$$.  The attraction frequently comes from common interests & shared philosophies.  Money only seems to come into play if a man doesn't meet a bare minimum; a deadbeat isn't too desirable. Also, depending on the lady, some of the topics "shown conclusively not to work" obviously were only field tested in limited environments.  It does make me wonder where men who subscribe to this and other "gaming theories" meet women; they must avoid places where they would run into interesting women.
The author stated certain things very poorly but I think his premise was fairly accurate. The amount of hot pussy a man gets is dependent on his tribal leadership and money.  I have never met a girl attracted to the clingy Alan Alda types. I've never met a girl wanted to be with a guy who was broke.

You mentioned a bare minimum amount of money. To some girls the "minimum"  is considerable.

-- Modified on 9/14/2015 11:44:01 PM

Skyfyre399 reads

In my younger days I used to have a couple of girls who are friends also. I suspected that they wanted to be more than friend and if they had just wanted sex with NSA I wouldn't have minded. However I wasn't that attracted to them to want to have sex with them.  

So I don't know how prevalent it maybe with other guys but in my case the ladder theory doesn't necessarily work.

Now I still feel like I can be friend with girls without wanting to have sex with them. However I just don't have much time for friends these days, men or women. Between family, work and hobby I really have no room for friends.

Alan_Nimm527 reads

as there's some women who are just friends for me. It's a lot easier for me to be just friends now that I'm older, and more mature (some would argue that). Also it became easier when I got into committed relationships years ago, and when the woman is also in a committed relationship. Then the little voice says, "well, looks like it's just gonna be friends."  One woman has been a friend for 35 years, and she was already married when I met her. Had she not been married or attached, who knows...

Skyfyre636 reads

Also the fact that I'm a hobbyist makes it real EASY to be friend with women without wanting to have sex with them.

It's because I can satisfy my urge anytimes I want 24/7 in exchange for a few dollars why bother complicating friendships?

Last but not least I'd much rather bang someone less than half my age because that's who I'm attracted to. A female friend would probably be closer to my generation and thus not nearly as attractive

I read enough in the OP's post, and I thought the premise sounded stupid.

And I saw my soon to be ex's thinking!

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