TER General Board

Re: I dont' see any kind of denial here about only coming up to my waist
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 424 reads

You really should stop getting your info from  senile old hookers. It just makes you look dumber than you already are, which is really fucking dumb. You're nothing but the TER Troll and that's fucking sad.  

Posted By: GaGambler
as for your intelligence, or rather your lack thereof, there is nothing "borderline" about it. You're just plain STUPID and TSTTT, good bye

I will save you a long story... But I meet this cute 20 something women in a bar after a Dr. Appointment in Denver.  I told her about my troubles and that the Dr prescribed some painkillers. Then  I told her, I don't take them, I just use ibuprofen and get along fine. I give her my burner phone number. Even though this is a civie chick she seemed a little shady. I get home, hide the phone. A week later I get the phone out and find a message from her. Through the slang and bad spelling I figure out, if I fill the prescription and give it to her, she will make me very happy. My problem is; my brain and common sence is screaming "don't do it" my dick is "what the hell are you waiting for?"  Am I over thinking it or am I being wise in staying away. BTW a Google search of her number leads to no ads or anything of value.

Avoid. She is probably making methamphetamine.

It's OxyContin not pessudafedrain, but I see your point.

Uh, lolwut?  I'm fairly certain that prescription painkillers are not an ingredient in meth manufacturing.  She'd probably a pill popper, or a dealer... but if she wants to fuck you for drugs... that's nothing unusual at all.

There are no painkillers in meth. Pseudoephedrin is the active ingredient in sinus medicine like Sudafed.  

After that post you should go back to your alias till the stupidity cloud passes.

Posted By: DaveMogal
Avoid. She is probably making methamphetamine.

GaGambler709 reads

Like the stupidity cloud is EVER going to pass over Chicken Little. We all now that will NEVER happen

You got me there. I thought that maybe, just maybe,  eventually the sky would fall and he'd wisen up.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Like the stupidity cloud is EVER going to pass over Chicken Little. We all now that will NEVER happen.  

We will find out who is the stupid one in the long run. You need to take a chill pill. Drink some Gatorade and nyquil tonight before you got to sleep.

Why don't you just GO AWAY.....along with your alias.

Stop posting just to hear yourself talk. I'm suprised that somewhere in this thread you haven't posted that you know someone who was a meth cook, a meth dealer, a meth head and a pharmacist who supplied the cook with the needed ingredients.  

And you gave them a special recipe for a mind blowing concoction.  

Posted By: DaveMogal
We will find out who is the stupid one in the long run. You need to take a chill pill. Drink some Gatorade and nyquil tonight before you got to sleep.

If you do this, she will be back for the refill in a few weeks, and then you'll have to fuck her again whether you like it or not, and so on, until there are no more refills and you can't get any more drugs for her.  You might feel lucky the first time, but if you keep fucking her for drugs, the odds get better over time that you will catch whatever she has, i.e., HIV from sharing needles, a little HSV2, maybe both, who knows?  Its your call.

I think I will go with my instincts and the sage advise offered here and just say no. Lol

So let's diagram this out shall we...

1.  She's an addict and she really needs the pills...  BZZZZT  

2.  She's reselling them to someone else.... BZZZZT

3. And she is going to have sex with you instead of paying for them on the black market... instead of her (or her boyfriend) sticking a pistol in your face.  BZZT BZZZT

4.  And she is not going to just sell an hour or two of her time AND get some (alot...) of spare change out of the deal.  BZZT BZZZT

Really - under what set of circumstances is this going to be a positive experience for you..

Go hire a reputable pro.  Really.  Even if she's just a thrill seeking amateur which is the best case I can think of.... Why would you want this level of drama

There really is a sucker born every minute.

My dick has been making bad decisions since the early 90's. I have no idea why I keep taking his advise. Lol.

Like I said, you're not the only one. My dick is guilty as sin.  Of course many of us may not even be here if the male appendage was as smart as our brains.

What you are even contemplating in this case would be really bad, and you don't need me or any of us to tell you that.


-- Modified on 10/23/2016 5:32:27 PM

-- Modified on 10/23/2016 6:04:25 PM

You would be committing a felony.

No one here wants to break any law  LOL

Posted By: rrasha88
You would be committing a felony.

It's Colorado. Do they even care any more.JK.

GaGambler436 reads


I know this board is full of anti drug fuddy duddies, but I am only an anti prison fuddy duddy.  

If she is hot, and she really gets your motor going, I would set up a date to "talk about it" and perhaps since she is willing to do a "drugs for pussy" trade, maybe she is up for some other kind of "trade out" and you can ease back into this conversation AFTER you have fucked her as no way would an undercover cop actually fuck you in an effort to bust you for such a piddly offense.

Do you have a fucking clue? Confidential Informants can, and do, fuck people, do drugs, and commit crimes just to bust dumbasses like you. They use CIs more than undercover cops just for those reasons.  

Posted By: GaGambler
IS SHE HOTTT???!!!  
 I know this board is full of anti drug fuddy duddies, but I am only an anti prison fuddy duddy.  
 If she is hot, and she really gets your motor going, I would set up a date to "talk about it" and perhaps since she is willing to do a "drugs for pussy" trade, maybe she is up for some other kind of "trade out" and you can ease back into this conversation AFTER you have fucked her as no way would an undercover cop actually fuck you in an effort to bust you for such a piddly offense.

prostitution is only a misdemeanor, not a felony.  Unless you're a pimp.

She saw my hip replacement scars and it came out I had extra painkillers.  After our session she bought what I  had. Illegal. Yes. But so is seeing an escort.

...the difference between a slap on the wrist and a punch in the mouth.  

Besides, this stuff is essentially synthetic heroin - people are dying from this shit.  In addition to committing a 'punch in the mouth' crime, not to sound self-righteous (but I guess I do here, sorry) you surely don't want to be responsible for providing this poison if something goes wrong?


-- Modified on 10/23/2016 6:11:30 PM

GaGambler564 reads

Some people think fucking hookers will send you straight to hell. The "war on drugs" makes even less sense than the "war on consenting adults" AKA the "war on human trafficking" personally, I refuse to be a part of it.

Who said she was a 'hooker'? Self righteous much?

Posted By: GaGambler
Some people think fucking hookers will send you straight to hell. The "war on drugs" makes even less sense than the "war on consenting adults" AKA the "war on human trafficking" personally, I refuse to be a part of it.

GaGambler400 reads

I never said SHE was a hooker, only that judgmental pukes will claim what we do is "wrong" these are the same people who want to put drug users in prison "for their own good" I refuse to help fight a "war" against our own citizens who's actions affect no one but themselves, that goes for hookers, drug users and even people too dumb to wear a seat belt or helmet alike.  

Now for an honest question SB, are you REALLY that stupid, or are you being intentionally obtuse in order to elicit a response from me? If it's the former, might I suggest a remedial reading class? If it'st the latter, then please GFY

You sure back peddle fast for a little fucker ...

Posted By: GaGambler
I never said SHE was a hooker, only that judgmental pukes will claim what we do is "wrong" these are the same people who want to put drug users in prison "for their own good" I refuse to help fight a "war" against our own citizens who's actions affect no one but themselves, that goes for hookers, drug users and even people too dumb to wear a seat belt or helmet alike.  
 Now for an honest question SB, are you REALLY that stupid, or are you being intentionally obtuse in order to elicit a response from me? If it's the former, might I suggest a remedial reading class? If it'st the latter, then please GFY

GaGambler496 reads

My offer still stands to find you a tutor, one specializing in helping people both physically and mentally handicapped like you are SB.

I thought your people were supposed to be smart. What the fuck happened to you? Maybe all that booze and young, hooker GFs who fuck you for free, has rotted your brain.  

Naw... you're just a borderline retard

Posted By: GaGambler
My offer still stands to find you a tutor, one specializing in helping people both physically and mentally handicapped like you are SB.

GaGambler452 reads

as for your intelligence, or rather your lack thereof, there is nothing "borderline" about it. You're just plain STUPID and TSTTT, good bye

Troll away Chino ...

Posted By: GaGambler
as for your intelligence, or rather your lack thereof, there is nothing "borderline" about it. You're just plain STUPID and TSTTT, good bye

You really should stop getting your info from  senile old hookers. It just makes you look dumber than you already are, which is really fucking dumb. You're nothing but the TER Troll and that's fucking sad.  

Posted By: GaGambler
as for your intelligence, or rather your lack thereof, there is nothing "borderline" about it. You're just plain STUPID and TSTTT, good bye

You really are that stupid ... the board's biggest Bullshit Artist and meglomanic trying to take the moral high ground. The sad part is you think people believe your BS.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Some people think fucking hookers will send you straight to hell. The "war on drugs" makes even less sense than the "war on consenting adults" AKA the "war on human trafficking" personally, I refuse to be a part of it.

Ones a misdemeanor and ones a felony ... and yes, there is a big difference.

Do you really want a distribution of narcotics charge?  Please do stay away from this!  Not only does she sound like a drug addict but she could be a cop or set you up for something worse!  
Did you REALLY have to come here and ask? I truly believe that you know what to do already.  

LasVegan503 reads

"little head" should know this is not a good idea.  Just go see a local provider instead and consider her fee, life insurance.

Sounds like she may have got into legal trouble herself and is setting up people to get busted. Pain killers are the new target for LE so it's very risky to even 'give' someone your script. Hell, offer her money to make you happy and see what she says.

First  why would you tell her about the Oxy's unless you were hoping for this deal?
Second, since she didn't jump on it right away, I would guess she got busted for something and now you are her ticket to snitch on for LEO. You give her the Oxy and in comes uncle LEO. STAY AWAY
If you want action in exchange for something hire a real pro found here. Stay away from drug trading as tempting as it is unless you plan to support yourself this way and are are willing to accept the consequences.

Posted By: Corythehuman
I will save you a long story... But I meet this cute 20 something women in a bar after a Dr. Appointment in Denver.  I told her about my troubles and that the Dr prescribed some painkillers. Then  I told her, I don't take them, I just use ibuprofen and get along fine. I give her my burner phone number. Even though this is a civie chick she seemed a little shady. I get home, hide the phone. A week later I get the phone out and find a message from her. Through the slang and bad spelling I figure out, if I fill the prescription and give it to her, she will make me very happy. My problem is; my brain and common sence is screaming "don't do it" my dick is "what the hell are you waiting for?"  Am I over thinking it or am I being wise in staying away. BTW a Google search of her number leads to no ads or anything of value.

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