TER General Board

Re: I don't normally get headaches either
L.Guapo 475 reads

I normally give them.

I just thought I would share this with my fellow hobbyist & providers.

Throughout my 20s and 30s, I suffer from severe migraines. I literally tried every drug known to the doctors at the time some worked briefly but most don't. For the really bad episodes, I would have pounding pounding headaches (I thought my head was going to explode), at times I would throw-up violently and can not function at all. I was sent home a few times by car-service from work because my boss would see me and ask " what is wrong? you look like shit and you face is pale as a ghost?" I would tell him that I feel a migraine is coming on... I was told by the doctors that I am allergic to alcohol (wine would definitely trigger it)-so I stop drinking period, not even beer. I even carried dispensing-needles for Imitrix 100mg (migraine meds) & if I feel a migraine is coming on, I would go to the bathroom & inject myself & hope that it would go away ( again sometimes it work, at least when I first use this med, later on - no effect ). Finally the only solution that I found would work is that if I was having an attack or about to, I need to get in a taxi and get home right away and sleep - I mean deep sleep - rem sleep . I was given some very strong prescription sedatives that once I was safe at home, I would take them & it would literally knock me out in about 10 to 20mins ( but they were some of the longest 20mins of my life ). I would wake up hours later a little dazed but 90% of the time, I avoided a full blown attack. Sometimes I would wake up with some tension headaches but I did not have to suffer through a full blown attack. So this was my go to plan: if I feel that a migraine is coming - get home quickly and sleep. Now here is the interesting part:

During those years, there was this girl that I was dating. She had seen first hand my struggle with migraines and my solution. One Saturday night, we were out having dinner, and I said I am not feeling so good. So we rush back to her apt right away because it was closer. She closed all the blinds and let me sleep in the bedroom. She came into the room like 2minutes later really quite and whisper in my ear: " Just relax, I am going to suck your cock and fuck you. I read that with a hard-on, blood would rush out of your head and it would go down to your penis thus reliving the blood pressure build-up in your head." I was literally speechless, like what?. She took my pants off, wipe junior and the boys with a baby wipe then a wash cloth and started blowing me. Now, this took a long time because I really was not feeling well. After - I don't know how long she was sucking and licking, the flag pole was finally up and she mounted me CG and I was soon done after. I felt really bad for her because she literally did all the work totally one sided. This actually happen quite a few times when I was dating her. Sometimes I would fall asleep right after the sex. Sometimes not. There are also times that the pole just would not come up no-matter what. Then there were times that I actually got up off the bed felt much better and did different positions-like I was enjoying regular sex and the migraine attack was averted and I did not have to fall asleep. I have never told my doctor about this. The reason is a big part of my family are all physicians & they all know each other and are all really good friends. At the time I thought that if I tell my doctor, the word would get out that I was a sex freak or something (which I probably am LOL) or at the very least it might be " I cured his migraines by B/J & fucking! " Anyway, I am now in my mid 40s and I have not had really bad migraines in a long time. I am a very good rain-forecaster thought. I would get tension headaches, sometimes bad ones before it rains ( the doctors think that it is possible because of the changes in atmosphere pressure when it is about to rain ). So I am back to the plan of rem sleep asap. I think someone should do a study about averting migraine headaches with B/J and CG sex seriously.

BTW, any provider interested in setting up a retainer service for emergency migraine/tension headache relieve? You just have to get here quickly when I call, you will be done very quick maybe 20mins max and be on your way LOL PS I am in NYC . All kidding aside, I really think there could be some real science behind this theory.

-- Modified on 8/5/2015 5:57:36 PM

you think maybe she had a side career she didn't tell you about? LMAO!

Did not get your joke? does your girl friend blow you when you are all sweaty and funky? Maybe she likes BO...

Superstar!609 reads

Mothers of infants, and high volume providers.  Sorry.

THAT is what you took from that?  lol...   It is obvious you aren't a migraine- sufferer...  lol

Posted By: Arovet
you think maybe she had a side career she didn't tell you about? LMAO!

so I commented on the part for which I have a frame of reference, as opposed to blathering on about something about which I know nothing. Odd behavior for a discussion board, I'll grant you. :-)

Posted By: osumi427
THAT is what you took from that?  lol...   It is obvious you aren't a migraine- sufferer...  lo

GaGambler467 reads

but reading the OP gave me the onset to one. Your post made me laugh and forget about the headache I was starting to get.

As a migraine sufferer the last thing i want is a hard on....sleep in a dark cold rm is all i want.

Yes, I am the same way toolman. Go to sleep in a dark rm, preferably a little cooler, no noise, no lights etc and take sleeping pills /sedatives. But you might want to try this if you ever get a chance ( of course you need a partner who is willing to give it ). The really bad attacks literally stops everything that you are doing. And all you want is for the pounding migraine to stop-I have been there. I am not trying to be funny or anything, just sharing my experience with you guys.

Superstar!496 reads

Even though the smell and taste of it is nauseating during a migraine, hold your nose and take as many sips as you can bear, then shut everything down and sleep.  The caffeine opens the blood vessels and relieves the misery quickly.

Posted By: Superstar!
The caffeine opens the blood vessels and relieves the misery quickly.
Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor that raises blood pressure.  

-- Modified on 8/5/2015 8:06:48 PM

Superstar!374 reads

All I know is, coffee alleviates migraines, and that is all I know

buckeyeman480 reads

Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor and it is a vasodilation in the brain that IS the cause for a migraine... so yea... caffeine works...

Wake up people, the actual effective ingredient in Excedrin Migraine is the caffeine

also. I wonder is the vasodilation of getting a boner might actually cause some vasoconstriction . ( you know, Blood pressure goes up with excitement= more vasoconstriction= easing migraine)

Fand increasing blood flow to the area. That's what I was told by a little booklet when I was doing a detox program, at least!

There was a cranberry mixture that helped with the withdrawal.  

But - there are headache pills that contain caffeine. It does help alleviate the pain. How? No idea.

... an evening of heavy wine drinking followed by a midnight dose of Vitamin V. Even if the sex had been outstanding, it would still not have been worth the horrible feeling all the next day.

Hope you're not taking that particular vitamin.

Too bad you are not local to Chicago since I have developed a pretty extensive Migrane / head ache specialty in my professional field and no it's not by BJ's : )  
I wount bore the thread with Med chat but a skilled licensed acupuncturist / trigger point therapy and some self care you can with time relieve the issue.  
If you have questions PM me I can chat chronic pain and bodywork forever : )

It was reported as many as 30 years ago that sex alleviated migraine symptoms for some people.

Migraines are a odd devil.  Many things can trigger them and many people have different triggers.  I got my first migraine at the age of eleven.  Of course back then I did not know it was a migraine.  I just thought it was a bad headache.  But when parts of your body start to go numb (my arm that first time), it gets your attention.  I get the classic kind.  I see the aura then I know the migraine is coming.  I have learned how to deal with them since then.

But I know what you're talking about. Every so often I get pain in my legs while falling asleep. Masturbating to orgasm gets rid of all pain, and works better than advil! :D

Is a miracle worker!

There was a few years where I would get crippling migraines a few times a month. Nothing worked, none of the pain meds, sleep meds, migraine meds, nothing. I would end up in bed in the fetal position, shaking, seeing spots, rolling around to different strange positions because it seemed to move the blood and give a slight relief.  

I started looking for alternative cures, tried magnesium, a large dose as soon as I felt it coming, that worked at first but didn't last long. Then I tried teatree oil, it doesn't work all the time but did work 85% of the time. It works with any kind of headache. Just put it on your head where it hurts, I alwyas do my temples and forehead also. You don't need a whole lot, just put it on your finger and do a light coating. You'll feel a little tingle when you have enough. It doesn't smell great and makes your hair a greasy mess, but its worth it. I keep a bottle in my bag to this day, anytime I feel a headache coming on I use it.  

The bj thing is interesting, I can see there maybe some logic in it, but if i was a man I doubt I would be able to get hard feeling like that

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