TER General Board

Re: I don't even know what you're responding to, but...
Demcc3 27 Reviews 446 reads

Thank you!!  Nothing better than starting your day off (literally) with a good laugh.

LasVegan1706 reads

If you write a post asking providers for some input about their clientele (us, that means the person who posted the thread as well), this is what you will get;

1)  though directed at the ladies, the preponderance of replies will be from men.

2)  the majority of those male replies will communicate their disdain for anyone having the nerve to put up a post providing any information about hobbyists.......most likely discouraging providers from replying.

3)  many hobbyists will show you their best.........insults........directed at the thread itself, possibly fearing some provider input may closely resemble them and potentially shatter their ever so fragile egos.......although no one would know except them.

4)  some opinions may break through all the panic stricken hobbyist banter.......but those will be met swiftly and angrily by insulting old men, unknowingly revealing the very information sought, without even realizing it.

5)  one intelligent, articulate, poised, and gutsy heroine will emerge...........and stand her ground.........not only providing her honest reply to the post.........but swatting away the crass comments...........of those rude, insulting, grumpy old men who object to her honesty.........all the while showing them much more courtesy than they can manage for her or the poster's right to express his opinion.

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 10:15:14 PM

Imperatio440 reads

the fact that you'd open a thread just to vent...

Thank you!!  Nothing better than starting your day off (literally) with a good laugh.

LasVegan261 reads

maybe your input had a touch of relevance..........if you DID know what this post is referring to.

Ya think?

Most of us here use TER as a resource for... hobbying or providing.  Not for analyzing the psychology of of other members, be they hobbyists or providers, based on board posts.  You are reading way too much into this...

I'm pretty sure  what OP is mentioning in first paragraph is a touchy (no pun intended) situation.  We all need to be careful how we phrase or post such info as it may be releasing too much private stuff.  On the other hand that may not matter to SOME people as they will just fun with it anyways.

Bottom line is.....if you're doing this to see your name in print, become an author!  Just my 0.02


Epsilon_Eridani303 reads

... baseless and false information about a client and/or provider.  

there's far too many posts about rumors that are completely false, but yet many folks will consider it to be "gospel".

Posted By: Demcc3
Re: Clientele/provider info. I'm pretty sure  what OP is mentioning in first paragraph is a touchy (no pun intended) situation.  We all need to be careful how we phrase or post such info as it may be releasing too much private stuff.  On the other hand that may not matter to SOME people as they will just fun with it anyways.  
 Bottom line is.....if you're doing this to see your name in print, become an author!  Just my 0.02  

LasVegan216 reads

if all information provided by a lady is general.......non-specific........how could it hurt?  HOW?  As a matter of fact, it just may help.  Sure we pay for service........but if we are even remotely considerate hobbyists.........and there was a way for us to be just a bit more conscious of our service provider........wouldn't we want to know?

I would........I expect good service when I go in a restaurant.......yet I do care how considerate I am in that and any business transaction.........being intimate with a lady.........even more so.

But if you do not get it...........no problem.

LasVegan310 reads

Not sure I understand your point.  Have you read the original post?  If not, you may lack a valid frame of reference.  No SPECIFIC information was requested in the post..........none, nada.........nothing revealing about ANY specific hobbyist.

The very premise of asking.......is what was found to be so objectionable by many hobbyists.......and some obstructed provider input.........hmmmmmmmmm

Wow..a little too much coffee this morning, eh?

Yes, actually I ,like most of the others posting here, didn't quite understand what you were trying to say the first few times we read your post.  No where in any of my posts did I say personal information was being revealed.  I DID mention  that by mentioning too much private information about a provider or hobbyist it could very well draw the attention of admins.


LasVegan283 reads

Private information?

On a scale of 1 to 10
Attractiveness (beauty is in the eye of the beholder and ONLY your opinion counts):
Average age (not scale 1 to 10):
Plus any category/categories you would like to add/with a rating.  

What could possibly be private about any of that?  Could it be you who drank too much coffee and it affected your attention span?  Private information?  Is that what your point was?  Private information?

Senator.Blutarsky360 reads

...you remind me of my colleagues in the Senate. They like to bloviate and think too highly of themselves... Just sayin'

LasVegan261 reads

just like.........posting non-specific rhetoric, that is so vague, and incomprehensible?  Just sayin' what?

LasVegan269 reads

First of all..........did not realize a post like that would be so controversial...........may be more dense than I thought I was.

Secondly...........thought any input would have been so general..........non-attribution would reign..........all around..... and that would be enough to make any input..........merely generalization.......yup, dense again.......struck fear in the hearts of many.

Finally.............after previously, reading so many frank, honest, tactful, helpful hobbyist posts..........I felt most would welcome some general information as well.........even if as mere reflection..........the trifecta.........was rather presumptuous on my part.

Well........live and learn..........and that post provided more insight than originally intended.......just from the manner of the replies which were submitted

If providers, even under an alias, report that they view clients generally as rude, ugly, smelly assholes, that detracts from part of the fantasy that sells the business.  

This is separate from the fact that we all implicitly know that a portion of clients meet that description, and that a portion of providers view clients generally that way. On the other hand, there are decent clients and there are providers who draw on their inner resources to make some sort of temporary human contact with clients who meet an acceptable degree of courtesy and hygiene.  We are all human and we all know that and are aware of the conflicting perspectives, motives, and emotions that entails.

Some of the information that you seek does come out in postings regarding particularly outrageous encounters. There has been plenty of discussion on the boards to inform clients of what they need to do in order to be good clients. When I read a post about shit trails left on the sheets, I make a mental note to go potty and scrub well prior to a meeting.  :-)

However, the extremes are the obvious and I would think rare. There is a grey area that also covers most of the men I would think.  

Some are just not that attractive but not hideous, some have very little technique skills and I DO NOT mean to get us off, but the heavy handed touching and poking, along with the inability to recognize body language (hooker pulling away from john sucking too hard on her clit and he just follows), all manner of things that make this sometimes a chore. And note I will repeat, this has nothing to do with hooker satisfaction.

So outrageous it does not have to be.  

Generally with some instruction and guidance given with kindness and compassion, these things can be remedied.  

And when you have a situation as intimate as this, there will be all matter of things that sometimes just don't gel with two people. Because we are being paid, most hookers will overlook a lot of what does not work for them. The honesty portion is telling the guys how it sometimes can be which clearly does not sit well at all. But that is reality and this is fantasy

LasVegan386 reads

Please stop being so logical........articulate.........open.........precise........and insightful (being sarcastic of course).

I just may have to divorce my wife..........sell my villa on the French riviera, move to the U.K. and give you all the passwords to my bank and investment accounts (maybe a touch less sarcastic here).

You are TRULY one of the special ones (NOT sarcastic at all)...........

Johns use them all the time to post rubbish about hookers and then get seen.

I don;t have an alias. I do not have a provider profile on here and nor do I advertise here. Here is just for shits and giggles.

but HT was not found.  Since it is a lovefest with you, I should tell you that you are one of my favorites too.  Like the honesty and the perspective.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I don;t have an alias. I do not have a provider profile on here and nor do I advertise here. Here is just for shits and giggles.

Like on the thread about new TER there was a sub branch about hobbyist being reviewed. I was respectful in my opposition to them acknowledging the ladies points. Many ladies even agreed with me on them. Not one but two ladies personally insulted me calling me pathetic one said I should leave the hobby because I dared disagree with them. It goes both ways.  

Posted By: LasVegan
If you write a post asking providers for some input about their clientele (us, that means the person who posted the thread as well), this is what you will get;  
 1)  though directed at the ladies, the preponderance of replies will be from men.  
 2)  the majority of those male replies will communicate their disdain for anyone having the nerve to put up a post providing any information about hobbyists.......most likely discouraging providers from replying.  
 3)  many hobbyists will show you their best.........insults........directed at the thread itself, possibly fearing some provider input may closely resemble them and potentially shatter their ever so fragile egos.......although no one would know except them.  
 4)  some opinions may break through all the panic stricken hobbyist banter.......but those will be met swiftly and angrily by insulting old men, unknowingly revealing the very information sought, without even realizing it.  
 5)  one intelligent, articulate, poised, and gutsy heroine will emerge...........and stand her ground.........not only providing her honest reply to the post.........but swatting away the crass comments...........of those rude, insulting, grumpy old men who object to her honesty.........all the while showing them much more courtesy than they can manage for her or the poster's right to express his opinion.  

-- Modified on 6/15/2015 10:15:14 PM

LasVegan347 reads

Good point.........thank you.........guess BOTH hobbyists AND providers are human.  Appreciate your input.

GaGambler339 reads

Most of these topics that you are bringing up have been discussed MANY MANY times before. So while the conversation might be a new one to you, they are old and tired subjects to a lot of people who have been here for many years.

LasVegan423 reads

Thank you..........realize am new here...........guess if I was not.........and someone new posted a "rerun" would probably try to find the most helpful way to respond.  Just as you did.

That's just me......and you, I guess.

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