TER General Board

Re: I don't believe I have ever met an escort that had another job.
Here_I_Go 1816 reads
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I have seen about 25 providers, which is a small sample size, but nevertheless am seeing a trend in when I have the best time.   Providers who have other jobs and careers, who apparently supplement their income with the hobby, consistently leave me with a better overall experience.   The experience feels less mechanical and rote somehow. Everything feels more natural on an interpersonal level, and in several cases these women are just more aggressive in getting what they want sexually in a meeting.  Which works as a virtuous circle it seems.  These providers have been the most expressive in the heat of the moment, and in some case afterwards in what they tell me.  Conversation, before and after is often interesting and fun.  My serial repeaters are almost all from this group.  They seem more motivated as a group to convince me to come back.

By "full time", I mean ladies whose only source of income is providing.  Usually, the sex is very solid, but at the end of the appointment, I come away feeling like "one and done" is good enough, and I don't bother repeating.  I have found only one exception to this so far, and I am not sure if she is an actual exception, because I just don't know if providing is all she does.  I just know that she is very active and busy, and often difficult to coordinate schedules with.  

Any of you more experienced hobbyists out there finding the same thing?  If there was a way to seek out providers who income supplement, I would probably do it if I could.  Or maybe my small sample size is just misleading

ottolbrock 757 reads
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You might be on to something but I think there are other factors involved. I know full time providers who charge more so they can see less clients and still pay their bills. In return for paying more you, in theroy, get a better more personal experience. If that is what you are looking for seek those type of providers. Remember: you get what you pay for. Holds true most the time if you do your research.

mr_mot 12 Reviews 593 reads
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Yes I have seen this same thing. Put it this way when you are making you living this way its a lot harder to always find joy in it ?? Old saying if you enjoy its a hobby. If you work at its a job !

SashaStolin See my TER Reviews 729 reads
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I'm a "full time" according to this cause this is my only job, but I don't do this 24 hours a day 365 days a year. That's crazy and I don't know anyone who can do it! I know to take my breaks and as a matter of fact I took all of August off and just got back to work so I'm feeling better and hornier than ever, if I may say so! :)
Balance is something you just gotta have in anything you do and some people haven't learned it yet so maybe that's why they seem more "one and done" material, like you said.
But it is possible to do this "full time" and love it!!:)

Here_I_Go 677 reads
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I stick to a price range no matter what, and I am on the higher end of the price scale. There is not always correlation on price vs results.  Some of my best experiences are at the bottom of my range.

Alan_Nimm 621 reads
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of part time/full time compared to quality of sessions.  I've had great sessions with both types of providers.  And I had my worst-ever session with a provider who had another job.  My atf has two other jobs - three if you count "mother" (which I do).

I think it boils down to not PT vs FT but the woman's approach to her work.  If she enjoys the work (whether it's the sex or making people happy or whatever the reason), it's reflected in her performance.  That holds true for any job.  I only have one job, have been in that profession for a long time, and I'm lucky that I enjoy what I do - most days, anyway.

sex700 30 Reviews 500 reads
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Sashi  you're one of the greats and maybe it is because the balance but I think it's just because of who you are what you do how you do it .all I can say is WOW
you are the best I ever had ever thank you again

ottolbrock 560 reads
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Yeah I have been there. When I say you get what you pay for I am comparing a $60 BP to a $500 provider on TER.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 539 reads
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I often do not know whether a provider has a day job or not until I get to know her quite well, and that only happens with those whom I like very much.  

There are also gals who go onto and off day jobs and those whose day jobs are their primary source of income and others where it is tertiary, and lots more in between.  

Most of my favorites do have day jobs but a few do not.  So I would hesitate to make a determination based on whether she is full time or not.

Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 627 reads
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Just a few posts down. If you hadn't used an alias I would have been able to PM you...

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 531 reads
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There is no envelope but just click on the alias and the PM window opens.
I know you were away from TER for a while and recently returned. A lot of things changed. We have been able to send and receive PMs to and from an alias since 2011.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 537 reads
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... are the ones who do it best.   I think the key is taking pride in what one does.  

Do I want a part time brain surgeon?  A part time dentist?  A part time lawyer?  While there are no doubt some good part timers and some awful full timers, I think the odds favor finding the full timers to be the best of the best, and my guess is that most of us if we had our choice would go in that direction with these professionals.  In fact I am having trouble thinking of a field where part timers are actually preferable to full timers, though I am sure someone will correct me.  

I have found too with providers,  that of those I've seen the most professional and those who take the most pride in what they do are full time.  I'm not even sure they have to love what they do, just take pride in it to the point where I think they love it.    

Now of course this is only my experience.

Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 489 reads
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Yeah I have been gone a while...

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 547 reads
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is when a part timer has a full time career or has a family. It sometimes can be a challenge to schedule. However, as far as BCD activities I have not noticed a difference and I've seen quite a few providers

eva.keene See my TER Reviews 563 reads
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I have always been a "moonlighter," so I can only speak from that perspective. I know full-time providers who are very, very good at what they do, and I am in awe of the ladies who can do so while keeping a good head on their shoulders. While I know I COULD be a full-time provider if I HAD to, I think it would come at the expense of my own enjoyment and sanity. I put a lot of time and effort into preparing for each date because I want it to feel special. If I had to do so more than once a week, I'd feel totally run down and depleted. I surmise that for the full-time ladies who are great at what they do, they simply take breaks in their schedule when it gets to that point. A moonlighter like me doesn't have that flexibility, because the responsibilities in other areas of my life continue regardless. Instead, my rates are a little higher and my selection process a little more picky, because that's what allows me the greatest probability of really enjoying the few dates I schedule.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 476 reads
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ragnar27 482 reads
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Because a hooker told you they do?

Seems most of the hookers only hook.  The ones that claim to have other jobs tend to say so for guys to think they're not really hookers, full time that is.  

So many of you guys are so gullible.

Here_I_Go 452 reads
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noagenosage 485 reads
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I would tend to agree with Sasha, i.e. that balance is everything, but I happen to have a good friend who is assuredly full time and for me a delight to be with.  So I end up tending to agree with Alyson, i. e. that you can work full time and still get it right.  I know my full time friend well enough by now to ask her, "How can you manage the full time life style so well, day after day?  I don't see how you do it," but she just smiles and says "I really do like my work and I have good customers."  So I have to believe her, because she's always fresh, involved, funny, and wonderfully interactive.  My bottom line is that I'm very thankful for diversity.  If you don't have what suits you, it's easy enough to move on.

ragnar27 722 reads
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You have no clue if a hooker is FT/PT.  

Let alone having seen a whole 25 of them your sample is so narrow as to be useless (I'm sure you get a lot of useful intel in that hour with them).

I'm sure they all tell you that they have 8 huge O's with you too.  And all graduated from prestigious Ivy League schools.  And are planning on leaving this business very soon.

When did mom tell you that Santa isn't real...or did I just let the cat out of the bag?

Here_I_Go 551 reads
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In this case, I was meaning that if I do as I'm told (requested), then when it is their turn to give, I find that their performance and passion increases.  Things just get hotter and hotter as the session unfolds.   Like a positive feedback loop.  But I need to feel like they are really into it, for this feedback loop to work.   When that happens I come back.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 537 reads
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I have read on these boards about escorts that have other IRL jobs, but yet to see one. All the ones I have seen were either full time escorts, or part time escorts and students. Perhaps it is an age thing. I do see the younger ones.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 703 reads
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Doesn't matter full time or income supplementing escorts.All escorts gotta eat.

Replicunt 524 reads
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Sole vs. Partial income may affect the sessions but also the living expenses and debt would do so.  "Eviction Notice" Full-time may likely yield a different sexual energy than "Building a Nest Egg" Full-time.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 474 reads
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ottolbrock 482 reads
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Might be the age thing. A lot of the providers I see say the have jobs IRL. Not sure how many do/don't for real. I know at least two I seen do for sure. One was a dance instructor. She accidentally left her coat in my room. I admit I looked in the pockets after multiple attempts to call her right away. I found her business cards and googled it, confirmed it. She finally called me back, got her coat and I went on with life like I didn't know.

EmmaBlairDC See my TER Reviews 473 reads
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I'm not sure full-time versus part-time is the deciding factor. It could be volume, it could be amount of time in the biz, chemistry, a bad day. Who knows.  

I know for me when I'm tired I take a break, and when I'm lusty and ready for fun I make dates. I'm busy and have other things that I do, but this is more than supplemental income for me. So, I think it's just a matter of finding the right women although it is hard using the search function. Maybe search for high perfotmance scores?  But then you miss awesome girls with more limited menus.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 489 reads
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It should be good, I would think.  I know how many hours a week that is for myself and I won't go over it (even though I'm full time).  That could be part of the difference

GiaBellini See my TER Reviews 521 reads
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This is a very personal topic for me.  I notice a difference in myself.  Eight years ago, I was a full time provider.  My only income came from sensual massage and being a provider.  I was paying for two separate locations, my home in one city, my incall in another city.  I was paying for all the gas, all the advertisement, all the bills, all the oils, sheets, cleaning supplies, refreshments, taxes.. etc.. from my business... plus, as a single parent I was the only income for a home, for growing teens, for sports, school clothes, phones, cable, fun, food,  
OMG... etc and etc..  

Did I feel desperate at times?  yes.  Did I feel afraid alot of the time?  yes.  Was I busy all of the time?  yes.  

But, my joy in the industry and my sexual appetite and my financial smarts and my maturity.. kept me passionately available for my clients with flexible, soccer mom, organisation for my family.  I don't think that any of my suitors would say that I lacked in seductive, professional, sensuality that kept them coming back again and again.  

Now, as a college graduate who has a full time job, I can tell you some of the differences I feel.

First of all, I feel a huge weight at work because there is a definite cap on my ability to increase income.  I hate authority, I despise the schedule, I'm grumpy a lot of the time, I'm tired a lot of the time.  My income today, as a college grad with a Bachelor's degree only affords me a small cottage & I'm pinching pennies all the time.  

BUT!  It's steady.  The desperation has gone.  The fear has gone.  (except for the fear that I'm becoming too normal)  
So now when I get the chance to "play" as in... live the life of a provider, write about the life of a provider... for even just one or two weekends a month...

I'm overcome with joy.  I'm relaxed.  I'm in love with the variety, the freedom, the tiny sips of experience that my gentleman callers afford me.  I'm not hung up on the time, or the envelope, or reviews, or "staying on top" of the game.  I play safe.  I play with gusto.  I've even started feeling so relaxed that my body has been responding by squirting, which has never been a thing I've been able to do.  I am now a squirter.  

I feel in love with life, in love with every guest who wants to meet me, in love with extra income, the extra vacation time, the extra little things that a few more hundreds can afford me.  

I also feel much less desperate in my day job.  While my co-workers shit bricks when the boss shows up, I feel relaxed and jovial.  While they do their work because it's what they've been told to do, I do my work because I enjoy it, take ownership in it... and for the most part... don't do what makes me feel ick.  And so far, I've been applauded and given a raise and higher position just recently.  

I made way more money when I was providing full time.  WAY more!!!!!  And met many more people and felt much more flexible and free.  But I was stressed out and wracked with guilt if I ever saw a man ONLY because of the money.  And I was too much of a "man pleaser".  Now... guys take me or leave me.  I'm low volume and I mainly put my ads up when I'm HORNY.  My provider business is ruled by hormones rather than survival needs.  

Anyway, just my story to add to the discussion.  : )

Here_I_Go 654 reads
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Wow.  Thanks for this post.  Really interesting.  Your story resonates, because certain aspects of it mirror what I am seeing.  One of my favourites (she is not full time) will only accept references from friends, and only if that reference vouches for daty enthusiasm and compatibility.  So she is definitely putting hormones into the equation of who she sees and doesn't see.  

She has no web site, and never advertises.  When we meet, I always get the sense that she really wants to be there, and that I am being used in the best possible sense of the word.  Sounds like you are the same, at least on the wanting-to-be-there part.  Thanks again.

GaGambler 582 reads
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but I do see quite a few younger providers that have "day jobs" besides hooking.

I think a lot of them treat their day jobs like a hobby because they make more in a hour being a hooker than they do in a week at most day jobs.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 593 reads
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.....maybe even better because slow periods with escort worth don't bother anywhere near as much.

@ the OP: I'm pretty up front in ads and my website etc that I have a 'civvie job'. I find that a lot of other who don't solely rely on escort work as their income are usually upfront about it as well.

hollydavis See my TER Reviews 499 reads
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I do this not only to add to my income occasionally, but I do it for the fun, and thrill of it! I don't have to have the money like others (and I am not knocking anyone who does this full time), but I find this to be exciting and adventurous! I do turn down appointments (because I can if I feel uncomfortable at any point), and I have never had a bad experience. I do not have a million reviews and I actually don't ask for them either. Therefor I also think that I don't get as many inquiries as others (and that is okay!) I do feel like there is a difference between those who do it full time and those who don't, because I don't have as much to lose if I don't get a ton of appointments a month, and can still pay my bills. I use my extra money for fun things like eating out, vacations, and I put a lot into my car (I am a gearhead at heart!) That is just me though....

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 483 reads
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With the exception of when I was in school full time, I always had at least a part time job whilst providing. There is no way I could survive on provider income alone. Back in the day, sure but not now. I have no desire to work that much.  

Posted By: perfectstorm
I have read on these boards about escorts that have other IRL jobs, but yet to see one. All the ones I have seen were either full time escorts, or part time escorts and students. Perhaps it is an age thing. I do see the younger ones.

Oldtimemonger 462 reads
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Great Post!

On the Sugar daddy boards there is no shortage of hookers/professional sugar babies who lie about their schooling and/or jobs.

If you have one or two degrees , it means you have a career not just a job. The idea that a girl with a real career could travel once or twice a month, see 8-10 guys a month, do overnights etc. is preposterous. A few might work a part time job one or two days a week. That is not the same thing as having a career. Until or unless you own a business as a semi-absentee owner/partner there is no way you could have a career and do any serious amount of hooking.

ray8510 16 Reviews 443 reads
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I once saw a provider who had a regular job as a legal secretary. She was divorced and had a really high sex drive. She realized she could have fun and make money. We both had a good time.

-- Modified on 9/15/2015 9:26:59 PM

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