TER General Board

Re: Hobby vs pornoteeth_smile
rockmeat 1 Reviews 596 reads

Since I've been hobbying, about 2 years, my porn viewing has gone down in a direct inverse relationship to the amount of hobbying.  Basically, when I hobby, I feel like I'm in my own porn movie - who needs the ersatz?  Although, it is sometimes fun to have it on with my ATF and her friend and try to match the action!

Does the hobby affect the amount of time you spend watching internet porn?  Would you say that it is same, lower, or more since your pre hobby days?

I find that in the past 4 months since I have been (hobby) active my porno viewing has reduced by around 80%.  My SO believes that I have finally boken my porno habit (if she only new) – lol.

right after I got on line.  I guess I burned out on it.  I take a peek at it every now and then, but it just does not hold the fascination with me that it once had.

I hobbied about the same amount before, during  and after.

VladimirPascal506 reads

Personally, porno use – and accompanying auto-release – has gone way down since hobbying started.

I'm fascinated by an article I read recently that porno DVD sales are significantly off. I'm wondering whether the whole new porn movement has the ability to burn itself out and tank a bit. It's become so accessible. Is it like the Hummer – everybody who wants it has already bought it and there's not much new to consume?

I've been hobbying since before the internet existed and the best you could get was the spice channel. I don't think I view porn any less now.  If anything I view it more as it's more readily available.  I don't spank the monkey for about two days before an appointment nowadays so I guess you could say that my viewing is less during the days leading up to an appointment....

Of course, I sometimes watch porn with my ATF during the session...

-- Modified on 1/23/2008 7:02:47 AM

it comes down to a simple fact of disposable cash. When cash flow is good then I hobby more & watch porn less. When cash is tight, I'm forced to get to know myself a little better.

I focus more on the release than how it happens. lol

Since I've been hobbying, about 2 years, my porn viewing has gone down in a direct inverse relationship to the amount of hobbying.  Basically, when I hobby, I feel like I'm in my own porn movie - who needs the ersatz?  Although, it is sometimes fun to have it on with my ATF and her friend and try to match the action!

and sites like it have interfered with my viewing internet porn.  I've been in the hobby since I was 17 (42 now), but I was never willing or able to talk about it with anyone, or interact in any way with other hobbyists.  I certainly was never able to see what the providers thought and felt other than during my time with them. This site is like an Epiphany and whole new realm for me regarding this hobby.  

Consequently, I have spent an inordinate amount of time on this site (and linking to the providers, of course) so that EVERYTHING in my life has been affected.  Not just porn, but the time I put into work (self-employed)and other activities.  So far, thank God, I've been able to keep from letting it interfere with the time I'm with the family, but that's it.  I haven't been to a porn site in months, but the number of providers I've seen has risen drastically, so it's a fantastic trade :-).

I took a look at my billable hours for the past two months the other day, and started wondering if there was a 12 step program for this site, because I am definitely hooked.

I find my interest varies... look at most frequent poster lists... they vary.... with time.  Half life of posters?  about 12-18 months... at a shot - witness the great flirtation between me and Ciara!!  or the obnoxious exchanges between me and "she, whose name we shan't be able to mention!"

Seriously, it does come and go.  That said - look to the P&R board - that seems to have a consistancy that is a bit scary... there are a few very durable posters there (Dr. Gonzo, Zinaval and some others led by the irascible Jack0).  For the most part - these are hobbiests who enjoy the banter of things politic.  I too have been a frequent poster there on occasion - but usually limit my comments to education, global climate change and to some extent illegal immigration.

My comment - this board is a form of entertainment and just as I love certain movies... I usually can see them only so many times before they bore me!  I glance at TER more now... as I am done with the 100000000058767783717th discussion of should a man shave his private parts!

wishingmadeitbigger1075 reads

I haven't looked at porn once since starting hobbying.  Nothing can replace or come close to the real thing, especially the intimacy!

lol- unless you consider occasionally looking at OFF's posts!

Yes, the time I spend on TER directly correlates with the less time I spend on porno sites as well.  I would say my time on the hobby is spent 3/4 on TER (including boards, research & emails to providers) 1/4 actually going out into the field.

sassy12345350 reads

"if she only knew, lol"

You seem to like getting deep personal opinions of others'......does it make you feel more manly to put your SO down like that?

I hope she does know soon, so that you can get your *lol*.

Sassy, a week ago I would have like responded to your post with hostility and anger.  However, I have learned that nothing positive ever comes from that.  My statement was not intended to put anyone down.  However, your point is well taken.

I will say I am sorry about your situation (being married 20 years and finding out as you did).  Please do not assume that all situations are the same as yours.  I accept responsibility for my choice to hobby. In a way, it has actually improved my home life.  

However, we all must make a personal decision about whether or not to share this part of our lives.  I believe many choose not to share their decisions to hobby with their SO’s and being a part of the TER community I believe that decision should be respected (even though many others will disagree).  No two situations are same.  It is probable that there is responsibility on both sides of most SO relationships for sex occurring outside.  I am not going to justify my reasoning here. The reason why the hobby exists or why men cheat has been fully examined in other threads.

We must all do what we believe is best in our own situations.

sassy12345568 reads

Problem is, your choice affects her.  She sleeps with everyone that you do, covered or not.

I do not see it very often here, the flippant way someone talks of their SO, but I saw it today, and it is disgusting and piggish.

I am all for men getting variety, or whatever else they seek.  I am all for the women here, working in a profession that is constantly being put down.  No problems, to each their own.

All I ask, is clean up your lives first, otherwise you rob others of their decisions.  And that theft hurts.  Adding salt to the wounds is casually dismissing someone's feelings who you love, or once loved.

Merely food for thought.

get a grip sassy. the question was about porno
viewing and hobbying. i'm sure he doesn't need
your two bit advice about relationships.

wow. sweet negativity of the gods!

I agree with you by the way. Doing this when your married, then sort of taunting in a post is a bit much. But hey, I'm not the morality police.

On the subject matter at hand, only time I really look at an excessive amount of porn is if I'm seeing a girl in movies. Want to see her video resume ;)


I spend less time watching porn, even tho I have a huge library of tapes and dvd's.  The reason being that I want to be sure that I will get at least one good pop with the lady of my choosing.  I refrain from self-pleasure for several days before an upcoming visit.

However, I don't buy downloads off the net, as I have a pretty good selection already, not to mention the free mini's I have downloaded.  I don't really watch that much on the net, especially if it's a pay site.


The only one that I did not film that I wish I had was with Stevie...  but in that instance - we would have had to film the entire night.  Had it all - sex - strip clubs - lap dances- and now I go the the strip club.... well... it is just different! lol!

I spend most of the time I used to spend on surfing porn, looking for providers to see. LOL, I broke my porno habit too!

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