TER General Board

Re: Hmmm Mine
PollieAmorous See my TER Reviews 441 reads

Lol I just received a PM telling me I'm vagina looks.nothing like thAt from someone who's head got closer to it than mine , hysterical . Pollie Amorous

So guys you get around. I am sure most of you have seen more than a few vaginas. Take a look at Jamie McCartney's sculptures. There must still be a few shapes and size that you have yet to experience.

Pink_Panties826 reads

That being said, I am #2 on the top

followme522 reads

How does a guy go about seeing you and your sweet and no doubt tasty lil .........

Thank you
2015 = 2

really starting to make more sense to me as a phrase now.  

Posted By: Papagayo
So guys you get around. I am sure most of you have seen more than a few vaginas. Take a look at Jamie McCartney's sculptures. There must still be a few shapes and size that you have yet to experience.

Those don't look like any I have fucked!
Thanking my lucky stars!!!! Lol  
Hugs and kisses

Posted By: Papagayo
So guys you get around. I am sure most of you have seen more than a few vaginas. Take a look at Jamie McCartney's sculptures. There must still be a few shapes and size that you have yet to experience.

I have 3 children n my pussy looks nothing like that.  That one looks like a bunch of piercings.  At first I thought it was warts lol but then I noticed.. may be a piercings?

some kind of plaster.

I'd love to see a video of how that was done.

There should be a companion piece of  various penises.  I volunteer as a model if any gal is interested.

you were posting pics of all the ladies I've seen over the years. Actually, there are quite a few that didn't make your list. But my favorite of all time is there, so thanks!

Just to be clear, I mean the town in northern Nicoya, Costa Rica, not the OP.  Since he's got 22 reviews, I assume he's a guy, or a lesbian.  So no.
Papagayo is quite a place, though I prefer Tamarindo.

Papa? LMAO.  


Sorry CPA lost that title since his vanishing. I do miss him so lol.

Not to mention talking about me in posts to others.  I do understand her obsession, of course.  I am that fascinating. It's just that we never know which Taylor we're going to get.
Tay Tay?
But, no, she doesn't need those meds.  Nope!
PS:  As attempts at humor go, this one was remarkably weak, even for you.  Time to put on your Depends and trundle off to the Land of Nod.

-- Modified on 4/2/2015 8:04:49 PM

I'm pretty sure that there's a few here who would buy it.

Come on Nick...you know you love her chasing you around  LOL

It's adorable  ;)

Posted By: inicky46
Not to mention talking about me in posts to others.  I do understand her obsession, of course.  I am that fascinating. It's just that we never know which Taylor we're going to get.  
 Tay Tay?  
 But, no, she doesn't need those meds.  Nope!  
 PS:  As attempts at humor go, this one was remarkably weak, even for you.  Time to put on your Depends and trundle off to the Land of Nod.

-- Modified on 4/2/2015 8:04:49 PM

GaGambler422 reads

Now THAT would be worth a fortune.

I bet you they would make a cute couple, probably the cutest couple in the old folks home, and who knows they might even last as long as Giselle and Cosmic suckup. BTW I've been checking my account and I don't see any recent deposits from you many "under" bettors. I am sure it was just a mix up by your accountant, right?

And he said that the investigation is under way.  Apparently there were some conflicting issues that were raised.

I'm sure that once the Senate is finished with their investigation...all will become crystal clear.

And my accountant just told me that I owe a shit load of money...but to a much more intimidating master than you.

I have arranged for the future rights on all videos of Nick and Taylor.  That should help out.

GaGambler345 reads

I will concentrate on software I can sell to those who want to block it, which one of us do you think will make more money?

Worked for Microsoft

Posted By: GaGambler
I will concentrate on software I can sell to those who want to block it, which one of us do you think will make more money?

BSCTsylor is right to call me "Pops," just not in the way she meant.  Because I'm getting lots of pops down here from girls half her age.  Old enough to be her daughter, actually.
But as for doing a video with her, sorry, I don't do granny porn.  And I wouldn't fuck her with JCA's dick.

-- Modified on 4/2/2015 11:18:07 PM

He's WAAAAAAY past my age cutoff. I think my own father could be his son :)

But could you please inform this individual for the last time...BIGGER does not mean better.In fact it means OUCH. He can kindly jerk himself off since he admires his own schlong with so much adoration lol.... I'll gladly pass. But thanks lol. He goes for those porn stars anyway. That's not my style whatsoever lol.

But JCA gets a hall pass. My gut says he's hot. And younger. ;)

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I'm pretty sure that there's a few here who would buy it.  
 Come on Nick...you know you love her chasing you around  LOL  
 It's adorable  ;)  
Posted By: inicky46
Not to mention talking about me in posts to others.  I do understand her obsession, of course.  I am that fascinating. It's just that we never know which Taylor we're going to get.  
  Tay Tay?  
  But, no, she doesn't need those meds.  Nope!  
  PS:  As attempts at humor go, this one was remarkably weak, even for you.  Time to put on your Depends and trundle off to the Land of Nod.  
 -- Modified on 4/2/2015 8:04:49 PM

So, yes, please, go fuck the SPOAT's dick.  You two deserve each other.
PS: Is your father in his 30s?  That's what it would take.
Poor lil Min-Min.  World's Best Hooker-Marketer. LMAO!

But keep deluding yourself to the contrary.  It's fun to watch.
OK, I lied.  Actually, it's boring.

Mine isn't up there! LOL! Closet to it may be last row second one in on the left. Are vulvas unique like snowflakes? Hmmmm. I think so. I am not a fan of my pussy print as is, I think it's always the prettiest post coitus... I luv the tingle left on my innie-outie clitorus and engorged labia; looking at the balance and beauty to it all with the moist pink fleshiness. I wipe her down gently in awe and thank her for the pleasure. Til next time!

-- Modified on 4/2/2015 6:43:21 PM

valman389 reads

But the 3rd row down 6th in from the left is in my wheelhouse, love the meaty lips could tongue and nibble that all night

Skyfyre365 reads

As a DATY connoisseur I prefer to have as much to munch and nibble on as possible. The more "junk" hanging out the better, yum... I feel sorry for those who are unfortunately given a "boring" pussy such as row 3 col 2.

OTH a monster clit drives me wild such as row 3 col 7, honorary mention for row 4 col 9 with a nice hood!

when he returned to work after recovering from a nasty flu and I asked how he felt.  

"Like a vagina, look terrible, feel great".

-- Modified on 4/3/2015 6:06:17 AM

Mine i think looks most like 3rd row down 6th column in when i butterfly her although i think my clit maybe slightly larger . For the record a baby has Never passed through my vagina and it has looked like this since i was 13 or 14 . Pollie Aorous

Petite girl - but her lips seemed like they were covering me from ear to ear.

Remember thinking ... "where the fuck am I at?"

Lol I just received a PM telling me I'm vagina looks.nothing like thAt from someone who's head got closer to it than mine , hysterical . Pollie Amorous

Gone2soon283 reads

Quite beautiful...in my humble opinion, of course.

I haven't met a vulva I didn't lick, er, like!

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