TER General Board

Re: High heels, when worn properly, do NOT hurt her feet.regular_smile
1angelinajones See my TER Reviews 486 reads

I couldn't agree with you more @Jakefromstatefarm.
 Loubs are sooo salivating, especially as your great pic depicts!

My extensive stripper heel collection is strictly for the boudoir.  
{simply because some are 6~7 inches in height}.  

When going out a couple years back, I would indeed rock them strictly hidden
by long-flowing jeans, or trousers.   I felt for me, and me alone, it was a bit tacky
to wear them in public, with a dress or miniskirt.  

Yes gentlemen, there is indeed a difference between "Stripper Heels", and a Loub,
or just a very high sensual wedge.  
{All women know the difference, hence their verbal reactions when one sees a girl in public
   displaying them;  
   One girl may comment "She's a stripper slut"!
   Another may lament "But look how damn amazing they make her legs look adorning them!",  
   and yet another may insist  
   "Oh my God Becky, look at her big butt!"}  

The jealous girls espouse the negative comments, {unfortunately, there are too numerous  
   of those type of women in this world!}
   And the woman whom is confident in her own skin, and appreciates the beauty in every  
   woman, only thinks and feels positively towards one.  {my utmost favorite type of

But I digress as usual....
When flirting with a man on the dance floor, I would give them a  
flash of what was underneath the pant leg, and a "Pavlov's response" would
ensue....;)  It is an instant aphrodisiac to many men.

It wasn't long before we were ensconced in the ride, and off to the lair  to
further examine the extent of this enticing under thing.  

My girlfriends were envious because I could strut like a Runway Model in them, with
aplomb and grace.  Ask any Stripper;  it takes practice to not walk like a faltering

I'm horrified when I see a gorgeous girl in public flaunting a lovely ensemble, and  
in her high heels, she walks like a drunken truck-driver! {she's not even drunk yet!}
{didn't her Mother send her to Charm School to teach one to walk, and carry oneself like
a classy lady?!}

In turn, I don't care for the "ballet flats", nor any flat-footed attire, other than running
shoes, flip-flops{when appropriate}, and a cute sandal{with a heel, of course!}
as it is unsexy, and dumpy-looking on a vast majority of women.    
Unless you're a 6'1" Supermodel, or extremely petite and rail-thin, with a shapely ass,  
it just isn't as appealing visually.  

Birkenstocks, Boat shoes, and those Crocs are IMHO awful!  
{Around the house, maybe for personal comfort when one is alone, however, in front  
  of a man whom you're trying to be sexual with?  Nunca!  
  There's flip-flops for that..at least one sees the sexy arch of the foot, the pretty ankle and
  painted toes.
{Especially is the case where a woman wears flats with peddle-pushers...it's just really un-cute!}

I'm sure I'll get flack for my humble opinion, however fashion is my passion.
Especially any beautiful height-inducing foot attire.

Angelina Jones

love to see you in 'em, (I certainly don't.) but high heels are killing your feet as the linked article reveals.

I love to massage your achy feet, but I can't be everywhere at once doing so, so please, wear some sensible smart looking flat bottomed shoes instead of heels.

Guys:  Back me up here.  Do you really care if she is 4" taller than she really is

JakeFromStateFarm725 reads

As a friend of mine says, "Loubies are not meant for walking in.  They are meant to be worn in the air."

-- Modified on 9/26/2016 9:10:35 AM

FatVern642 reads

You always sounded like a person with a vagina, and women'should feet. Lol!

Unless I have the broad bent over a piece of furniture those damn shoes better be off.

JakeFromStateFarm550 reads

Oh, right, that's what you always do.  You also seem to have failed to noticed I was quoting a female friend, not "speaking for women" myself.  Good lord, vern, your ignorance really knows no bounds, doesn't it? You actually must enjoy looking like a fool, since you do it continually.

JakeFromStateFarm349 reads

Posted By: mrfisher
Just curious.  

i don't believe mr. fisher said anything about 'play.'

One of my favorite gifts eventually I started wearing them out and now my $1000 heals look like my dog ate them. Oops, but I'm not overly too attached to 'things' .

I couldn't agree with you more @Jakefromstatefarm.
 Loubs are sooo salivating, especially as your great pic depicts!

My extensive stripper heel collection is strictly for the boudoir.  
{simply because some are 6~7 inches in height}.  

When going out a couple years back, I would indeed rock them strictly hidden
by long-flowing jeans, or trousers.   I felt for me, and me alone, it was a bit tacky
to wear them in public, with a dress or miniskirt.  

Yes gentlemen, there is indeed a difference between "Stripper Heels", and a Loub,
or just a very high sensual wedge.  
{All women know the difference, hence their verbal reactions when one sees a girl in public
   displaying them;  
   One girl may comment "She's a stripper slut"!
   Another may lament "But look how damn amazing they make her legs look adorning them!",  
   and yet another may insist  
   "Oh my God Becky, look at her big butt!"}  

The jealous girls espouse the negative comments, {unfortunately, there are too numerous  
   of those type of women in this world!}
   And the woman whom is confident in her own skin, and appreciates the beauty in every  
   woman, only thinks and feels positively towards one.  {my utmost favorite type of

But I digress as usual....
When flirting with a man on the dance floor, I would give them a  
flash of what was underneath the pant leg, and a "Pavlov's response" would
ensue....;)  It is an instant aphrodisiac to many men.

It wasn't long before we were ensconced in the ride, and off to the lair  to
further examine the extent of this enticing under thing.  

My girlfriends were envious because I could strut like a Runway Model in them, with
aplomb and grace.  Ask any Stripper;  it takes practice to not walk like a faltering

I'm horrified when I see a gorgeous girl in public flaunting a lovely ensemble, and  
in her high heels, she walks like a drunken truck-driver! {she's not even drunk yet!}
{didn't her Mother send her to Charm School to teach one to walk, and carry oneself like
a classy lady?!}

In turn, I don't care for the "ballet flats", nor any flat-footed attire, other than running
shoes, flip-flops{when appropriate}, and a cute sandal{with a heel, of course!}
as it is unsexy, and dumpy-looking on a vast majority of women.    
Unless you're a 6'1" Supermodel, or extremely petite and rail-thin, with a shapely ass,  
it just isn't as appealing visually.  

Birkenstocks, Boat shoes, and those Crocs are IMHO awful!  
{Around the house, maybe for personal comfort when one is alone, however, in front  
  of a man whom you're trying to be sexual with?  Nunca!  
  There's flip-flops for that..at least one sees the sexy arch of the foot, the pretty ankle and
  painted toes.
{Especially is the case where a woman wears flats with peddle-pushers...it's just really un-cute!}

I'm sure I'll get flack for my humble opinion, however fashion is my passion.
Especially any beautiful height-inducing foot attire.

Angelina Jones

to get out of her shoes quickly..

Senator.Blutarsky561 reads

There's just something about those CFM pumps that just gets my motor revving!

I am with you, Senator! My heart's pumping seeing those pumps :)

-- Modified on 9/26/2016 1:05:40 PM

I love that I am anywhere from 6'4 to 6'5 in my heels. Flats are boring. I don't even wear them inside the house! They hurt my feet to the point where I can't walk without pain. Thanks but I will keep my heels on. :

For me, it doesn't matter.  Impress me with a great attitude.  Besides, whatever she's wearing, it's only a momentary thing.

Than being out with a girl wearing Lesbian loafers.  (Except if I'm out being Lopaw's wing man at a strip club).

For me, it depends on the date and where we will be. If I'm just coming to her incall, then I like being greeted in Lingerie and heels. Same if we're going out fine dining. If we go zip-lining, she can wear tennis shoes.

-- Modified on 9/26/2016 6:44:00 AM

...even though I rarely wear them myself. I have a few girlfriends who wear their mega-heels so much that their feet hurt when they try and wear flats!

beauty is pain.

Waxing, plucking, hair pulling, thin pieces of string up our asses, and torture devices on our feet are all part of the pretty game. And you love us for it.

with the "string up our asses" reference.  But you're right, I love you for the high heels and waxing.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
with the "string up our asses" reference.  But you're right, I love you for the high heels and waxing.  

a foot massager would be better.  If you're really good at it, you still have a chance at some kind of a happy ending.

or maybe that's a chiropodist..in any case, I'll be doing the massage thing, and yes, a happy ending is my game plan...if they don't toss me in jail first

..at every single session I request bare feet.

Bare feet and heels both can be sexy if the woman wearing them is sexy enough. I don't care if she looks taller but am sure available to massage her feet and entire body if she feels sore :)

But, I rarely wear anything over a three inch heel unless it's a platform shoe. I also spend the vast majority of my life in very practical shoes or barefoot when I am home (where I often work from). When I go out though, I love the feeling that heels give me. I just feel sexier and feel like my outfits look more put together.  

Heels worn on a very regular basis can be disastrous for your musculoskeletal system, but once or twice a week it's fine. This is especially true if the person wearing them is active and works out to balance the bad habit.

Senator.Blutarsky384 reads

...and the rest of your body parts. 😎

And am a huge fan off her being bare footed during intimate time. Heels are a mild turn off for me, more than any other footwear besides flipflops, and clogs.

I prefer bare feet. I would not go so far as to say I have a FF, but feet can be sexy when well maintained.

that are under 4" in height but are sexy. I get complements on them often. Pssst they are so pretty and give the illusion of being higher than they actually are.

And the thing that I love about you and some others is ya'll think I look great barefooted BSD. I'll admit there are some kick ass shoes I wish I could wear but I just can't now with my foot problems. I can't wear spiked heels either now.  

I had on some 3.5 inch heels at the Philly M&G and I can tell you they looked higher. Smoke and mirrors baby! And OMG your foot massages...


Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 9/26/2016 8:36:46 AM

happy and comfortable. Those high heels are sexy, of course, but I would rather be s with someone who feels good

Wear this, and I'll check out mentally....

-- Modified on 9/27/2016 2:48:08 PM

Posted By: mrfisher
love to see you in 'em, (I certainly don't.) but high heels are killing your feet as the linked article reveals.  
 I love to massage your achy feet, but I can't be everywhere at once doing so, so please, wear some sensible smart looking flat bottomed shoes instead of heels.  
 Guys:  Back me up here.  Do you really care if she is 4" taller than she really is?  

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