TER General Board

Re: Here's why I don't.
deadeye65 8 Reviews 519 reads

I think you hit the nail on the head. My ATF, who I have seen several times, Has been very generous of her time to point of where I feel like I am taking advantage at times.

offer a Frequent Fucker card for regulars? I know I'm going to get beat up pretty good here by the ladies LOL but then my eternal search to improve the hobby for guys. Just willing to TOFTF.

bonordonor1004 reads

to book a flight when you are paying for it, but almost impossible when trying to use your miles? Same problem.

VOO-doo901 reads

regulars get treated differently, especially in regards to time... there are definitely perks to having an ongoing relationship.

However, I agree with bonordonor... if I'm supposed to give a discount, I'll grumble every time I have to drive all the way to XXX to see you, when I have other clients paying more.

Also, hotel costs can be very pricey. I'll book a 1-hour incall for regulars, and that generally eats up over half of my rate. Am I seriously supposed to make, like, $50? When to drive to NYC, book hotel, get ready, see client, and go home takes up my whole day? I'd probably opt to stay home instead...

Some regulars expect more and more each time. They begin to have emotional demands, as well. That can get exhausting. Sometimes it's easier to see a new client.  

Generally, there are enough clients paying full rate, that it becomes a pain in the a** to offer a discount or time incentive of any type, unless I *really* feel motivated to do so. If things were slow, that might be different...

I want this arrangement to be a profitable venture for her, I'd rather her be excited to come spend time with me rather than it be a dreaded session (and yes I'm confident the excitement is due to my buddy Ben being part of the session). What I want most is an enthusiastic little slut, I keep letting Ben go, and he keeps coming back so I'm not as concerned about that part of the equation.

So a question, if this is a regular, why doesn't he book and secure the room and you don't charge extra for an outcall? It seems like that may be a win/win for you. If I had any inclination that my lady was going to book a room just to see me, I'd offer to book the room myself, I have a gazillion hotel points, and I always get upgraded to suites so we have more room to romp.

That's often why we secure the rooms. For instance, I have a regular who only likes to stay at a hotel that is $500 + a night. I book the hotel for us, but he pads the envelope, to make sure I don't incur the extra expense. I do have a couple of regulars that book the room for us, but most guys don't want any tracks that can be traced back to this activity.

VOO-doo496 reads

I'll book the room to make it easier for the guy. Some guys insist upon paying extra, but most don't.  

If the hotel is too expensive to make an incall date feasible, then I'll just tell him that I can't offer a location for that day, or am not available that day.

If I didn't book hotels, I wouldn't have as many dates... so I just view it as a cost of doing business, not something a guy really needs to pay extra for.

VOO-doo397 reads

I've had two clients this year go stalker-ish on me... I just had to let the second one go. I'm sure he'd be at my door in a heartbeat if he knew where to find me.

I used to have a static incall, and that went fine... but, it only takes one person to cause havoc.

I would love to meet Voo-doo. These are my thoughts. I'm not talking about anyone but everyone.  

If not for these perks why should we want to be returning clients? Once the perks are I am not grandfathering you in but I have seen you six times. I am not giving you any extra time what entices us to want to come back?  Provider is no longer offering xy or z service. Driving 15 minutes out of your way to do an out call vs not coming at all shouldn't be a big deal. Providers make it harder for us to come back. I don't give emotional demands but I can only speak for me in this regard. You want to replace me that is perfectly fine it's easier for hobbyist to find another girl than it is for you to find another client. The ones with the cash makes the rules. Extra points if you know what movie that line is from. It takes more time to get a new client than to keep a good one who expects a perk every once in a while. It's just good business.

Why do girls contact us after losing us asking to come back at a discounted rate. I thought it was because they can't get that new client.  

Grass isn't always greener everywhere else. Give the discount smiling or don't and risk losing the client.

Once again I love Voo-doo but this is how I see things.
Open for discussion.

Posted By: VOO-doo
regulars get treated differently, especially in regards to time... there are definitely perks to having an ongoing relationship.  
 However, I agree with bonordonor... if I'm supposed to give a discount, I'll grumble every time I have to drive all the way to XXX to see you, when I have other clients paying more.  
 Also, hotel costs can be very pricey. I'll book a 1-hour incall for regulars, and that generally eats up over half of my rate. Am I seriously supposed to make, like, $50? When to drive to NYC, book hotel, get ready, see client, and go home takes up my whole day? I'd probably opt to stay home instead...  
 Some regulars expect more and more each time. They begin to have emotional demands, as well. That can get exhausting. Sometimes it's easier to see a new client.  
 Generally, there are enough clients paying full rate, that it becomes a pain in the a** to offer a discount or time incentive of any type, unless I *really* feel motivated to do so. If things were slow, that might be different...

VOO-doo666 reads

Not all clients expect or require discounts or special treatment. In fact, most of mine don't.

But, as I said in my opening sentence... I DO give regulars preferential treatment. What preferential treatment entails varies case by case, but it's not usually a discount or even OTC (it's more like taking time to get to know a guy, remember his preferences, and do things that will make him really happy). But that's something that develops over many dates due to trust/friendship, it is NOT something to which a guy is entitled just because he's seen me a few times.  

So why do they keep coming back (FYI most of my clients are repeat)? Well, because they like me and the service I provide. And part of what helps me provide service with a smile... is that I am content with what I am being paid...

No matter how much I like a client, if I'm taking time out of my day and life to make less money than I feel is adequate, I won't be too happy. Unless, as I said, I have some pressing reason to want to be REALLY nice to the guy (which happens sometimes).  

But seriously... if a client has an attitude like, 'The ones with the cash makes the rules' then he can and should go elsewhere.  

It's hard to replace a regular, but it's better to replace a regular if he becomes a burden (emotional, or timewise, or otherwise), even if it's a financial loss (been there, done that). Seriously. And also, I don't EVER send out requests for people to see me at a discount. I don't take on as many new clients as some do, but I do manage to keep enough repeat business AND new clientele that I don't have to send out 'I miss you and your big hard cock. Want to see me?' emails.  

I don't remember the last discount I've given out. (I've been lax/lenient about time but would NEVER offer OTC outright).  

I'm glad you like me... as I person I don't know you, but your posts REALLY piss me off sometimes

GaGambler461 reads

but I do agree about either giving the discount with a smile or not giving it at all, just not in the ham handed way he said it.

I think if you are giving a discount begrudgingly perhaps the regular isn't worth keeping in the first place. You are in business for yourself partly I would hope so you can make your own rules, the person that it's most important to be happy from your POV "should" be you, as long as your dance card stays full of course. lo

VOO-doo411 reads

But HIS point was to give a discount grinning, or risk losing a client (implying that you need to offer discounts to keep regulars). Which really isn't the way it works. You keep regulars by offering great service... and if a guy is happy with the service, he should be happy to pay commensurately (thus ensuring that I am always happy to see him). If he feels like it's too much money, he can move along to someone cheaper. Or rent porn

GaGambler422 reads

Both hookers and johns can be very entitled in their attitudes, Droopy Jr did exactly that and if I were a hooker most likely I would have been much harsher than you. but that is kind of my style, isn't it?lol

Well said!!

Posted By: VOO-doo

 But seriously... if a client has an attitude like, 'The ones with the cash makes the rules' then he can and should go elsewhere.  

BellaBinx517 reads

Posted By: elainaamhurst
 Well said!!  
Posted By: VOO-doo
  But seriously... if a client has an attitude like, 'The ones with the cash makes the rules' then he can and should go elsewhere.    

seriously, that's like saying, if the olive garden didn't start giving discounts to their regular customers, why should the customers keep coming back?

they come back because they like the service, the atmosphere, the product served, and how they are treated.  ladies get regulars because the first and second (and thereafter) experiences are so good.

no service provider (of any service) should have to outdo him/herself with every purchase to keep customers.  they should only have to maintain a high level of quality from the first time.

i return to specific ladies because they each make me feel as if they are enjoying my company every time.  the second it feels like rote, mechanical, by the number or just a job to me, i stop coming back.

i see a lot of ladies, but i see a lot of ladies because i'm looking for people that make me want to return.  most do after one session, but few do after two. those that do have won a loyal customer (i've seen one friend of mine for over 4 years now).  but any perks given to me by these ladies are on a moment to moment basis... that is, maybe one girl will give me some extra time one session, but that doesn't mean i can expect it the next session.  nor should i

I have been with several providers on an exclusive basis I never experienced in over 30 years in the hobby  the same problems mentioned in this thred, I have always paid the full price & I've always gotten the perks on the sensual side, far more valuable to me than saving a few bucks & the chance spoiling a good provider relationship.

I rather have a sure thing than roll the dice. If I am coming back it is because I enjoyed myself a great deal and not because of a deal. And a good provider can get new clients. Her rep speaks and guys will come and cum.

"it's easier for hobbyist to find another girl than it is for you to find another client."

What planet are you living on? PM me, I want to show you the sheer number of clients I have knocking at my metaphorical door.  

I'm not saying you're aren't a special ray of sunshine, just that you're not *that* much of a special ray of sunshine.

VOO-doo399 reads

I mainly book hotels in NYC. On a good week, $3xx/night for a room (with hefty taxes added) is 'reasonable'.  

Also, a lot of hotels are cutting back on maids, which means that check-in time is pushed back. Booking directly through the hotel increases my chances of getting into the room before, like, 10PM. With that site (yea, my post was rejected), they're just giving you the minimum available.

P.S. Why the f** do they keep thinking my post is an ad??? This got rejected TWICE.

-- Modified on 6/23/2016 7:21:35 PM

In theory it's not a bad idea, if a little tacky, given that we are actually human beings last time I checked and not cups of coffee or whatever, but honestly in practice it's probably just one more thing for us to keep track and records of and the less paperwork the better!!

got little interest from the ladies.  My suggestion was to do an eight or ten session special where the last one is free (except for the tip, of course), but to make it worthwhile for the provider, it would have a time-limit, say three or four months.  This would assure the provider of a steady income and regular visits from all the guys that want to take advantage of the special.  It presumes her customers have the financial depth to see her that often, but I think most of the guys here would be able to work it out if they knew the deal going in.  Just don't see her instead of paying the electric bill or you'll end up some night watching TV in the dark.  

-- Modified on 6/23/2016 8:20:16 AM

all kinds of crazy fun things will happen, including frequent flyer mileage. But I've spent tens of thousands of dollars in this secret world. When can I cash in my Visa like rewards, and get a freebie with Zayla or Rasha? Yeah, I like exotic women. I think it's interesting how we sometimes compare this business to other more normal business models, like airlines or credit cards. This business is like no other. Normal business rules do not apply.

The more i think about it, the idea of buy however many get one free will just not work in this business. No one, no matter how great of a client you are, wants to give freebies. There may be exceptions, but I don't know of any yet.

I was just teasing Zayla and Rasha about 'Visa' like hobby rewards. Of course I would never expect anything above and beyond. However, just when you least expect something. I've experienced freebies several times, all from different ladies. I also took five sessions for the price of 2.5 sessions. Technically that was 2.5 freebies. A glorified two for one. She followed through on all five, two different occasions. The key word to my point of view is 'really'. I've had experiences where the ladies wanted an outside relationship. Thus the free overtures. When I couldn't reciprocate, believe me, the freebies stopped. Another lady liked sex so much, she sometimes invited me at no charge. Once when we were chatting in the middle of the night, she said get your ass over here, and leave your wallet at home. I did. Let's just say I had a hard time staying awake at work the next day. The 2 for 1 lady simply needed rent money in advance. Had she blown me off, after she blew me off, she knew she would have lost an extremely dependable, clean, good natured, regular client.  

You know the opposite is also true. It's not all freebies, and overtime. I've had my fair share of ladies really dislike me. They've kicked me out early, no showed, answered emails with a blank email, strung me along, tell me their boyfriend was better in bed, not shower, session with their children present (found out later), and fallen asleep. One lady was going to rob me, but luckily I sniffed it out. Like I said, this business is like no other. Anything and everything can happen. I know ladies who have married a client. A lifetime full of freebies.

I may have found a real gem....possibly.....I won't report back because I don't want to blow a good thing ;)

If I gave regulars discount (I do however grandfather them). I would most certainly stop seeing them so I could see new clients who would pay me the higher rate. Simple.  

Often you hear hobbyists see their ATF but also if there's someone out of town visiting who charges 200$ or more, higher than my rate, they will go see them. So why would I give discounted rates? So they have more money to go band it to the competition? It's just not good business. Guys become regulars because they not only create a bond with their ATFs but also because of the quality of the service they get.  

Just my 2 pennies lol.

I think you hit the nail on the head. My ATF, who I have seen several times, Has been very generous of her time to point of where I feel like I am taking advantage at times.

the first (or more) time I have seen them. As has been stated above, it is about the quality of service, meaning how she treats the guy (or gal) regarding a GFE, PSE, or maybe a massage experience. If the experience is mechanical, or maybe she can't put her phone down, or keeps calling me Hon or Baby, then there will not be a repeat encounter. One of the reasons first time dates are usually only one hour.

souls_harbor327 reads

If the time slots are full, discounts aren't warranted.  Why throw money away.  On the other hand, a discounted fare is often better than an unused time slot.  

You'll notice that even in the real world, regulars customers seldom get discounts, but discounts are often offered to first time buyers.  

They know the regulars will keep coming back.  So they reserve discounts to bring in new customers.

Nobody really resents that too much in regular commerce, but it probably is not such a good policy in a more intimate and personal service world such as providing.  I would suggest avoiding discounts by who you are.  Discounts during slack times would be better, open to all.

To clients I genuinely like and make me feel awesome. Shit, there's someone I occasionally see for free. If you're not getting a discount, I'd look at what you're doing more than what she's doing.

Posted By: nothrofboston
offer a Frequent Fucker card for regulars? I know I'm going to get beat up pretty good here by the ladies LOL but then my eternal search to improve the hobby for guys. Just willing to TOFTF.
Several AMPs in NYC used to give you a card to be signed by your hostess every time you visited. Even some NON-AMPs used to have those cards (I'm thinking Corporate Treasures but it wasn't Corp Treas, but someplace like that).  

The AMP cards used to vary. My oldest card was 5 visits, 100 off on visit #6. But most became "10th visit, 100 off" or "6th visit, 50 off."  

Those are MPs. The HOUSE is taking the hit on the discount, not the hostess herself. The HOUSE wants to keep you coming back, no matter who is working that day

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