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Re: Here's what your survey would look like for men:
Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 669 reads

A living Wood

others aren't bad either, but those are my top 4.

if you could spend one steamy evening with one and only one of the following, who would you choose?

Derek Jeter
Tom Brady
Aaron Rodgers
Lebron James
Michael Jordan
Tiger Woods
Rory McIlroy
Jimmy Fallon

Fallon has no competition, he stands alone. The 'hypothesis,' for posting a comedian is that some may place a sense of humor over bulging muscles, flat abs and rugged good looks. It's just for fun....not to be taken seriously

Posted By: cocktail-party
And who's Fallon's competition?

Here's what your survey would look like for men:

Victoria's Secret model #1
Victoria's Secret model #2
Sports Illustrated swimsuit model #1
Sports Illustrated swimsuit model #2
Maxim model #1
Maxim model #2
Sarah Silverman

Silverman might be fun to hang out with but she isn't a sex object.

Victoria Secret models are sex objects. That's a models job, they are actively being objectified sexually.

Given he portrays a versatile persona

You have to pick one from the list you'd do once, one you have to marry, and one you'd kill.

Posted By: randyram
if you could spend one steamy evening with one and only one of the following, who would you choose?  
 Derek Jeter  
 Tom Brady  
 Aaron Rodgers  
 Lebron James  
 Michael Jordan  
 Tiger Woods  
 Rory McIlroy  
 Jimmy Fallon

cashorcredit663 reads

It's no secret how much he loves escorts.  

Where's the poll for us guys??

Contact a lady or two somewhere, that is the poll!

God (lol relax i'm kidding

How about:

Jessica Alba
Marion Cotillard
Emma Stone
Marisa Tomei
Zoe Saldana
Rosario Dawson
Penelope Cruz
Amy Adams
Natalie Wood

Are you sure men would be familiar with all of these personalities?

I like sexy women, that's because they are sexy not because they have personality.

They are either attractive or they are not, after that the only difference is ethnicity.  

Personality only matters if it's a real relationship.  

I'm not interested in having a real relationship with an attractive actress...

That's a fools errand

I'll take Marisa Tomei, please.  

Posted By: randyram
How about:  
 Jessica Alba  
 Marion Cotillard  
 Emma Stone  
 Marisa Tomei  
 Zoe Saldana  
 Rosario Dawson  
 Penelope Cruz  
 Amy Adams  
 Natalie Wood

Jessica Alba  - the 14-year old in me is losing it!
Marion Cotillard - something about her moves me in a deep way
Emma Stone  - she's cool
Marisa Tomei  - sexier now than she's ever been
Zoe Saldana - too skinny
Rosario Dawson - obviously Y.E.S.
Penelope Cruz - obviously Y.E.S. II
Amy Adams - I really wanted to jerk off in the theatre during American Hustle
Natalie Wood - not a necrophiliac (but as a bone for the old guys, I get it, she had something something)

cashorcredit571 reads

Come on need some better choices, where's DA

-- Modified on 10/3/2014 10:56:54 AM

A living Wood

others aren't bad either, but those are my top 4.

so I guess it would be Jimmy. But my true celebrity crush is Jon Stewart.

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