TER General Board

Re: Have a Coke and chill down, people.
century2ride 17 Reviews 1052 reads

Good conversation but not to be bummer! As a man - I need to ask the question do we want to put ourselves into the same situation as those who visit the clubs or maybe who is on sex search look for free stuff or whatever that will get you off! Have to say - STAY FOCUSED! Why does TER exist or for that matter the ladies! Not to take away from the conversation - but the question was what to ladies look for! Discussion about 300lb men I think distract from the original peice! I read that women can turn you down if you don't meet their standards - I don't think it is about the money but the experience! So a question for the ladies - have you turned people down?

obviously, everyone would love to be with someone who is good looking as opposed to someone who is not good looking.

but, when it is a business/hobby, do you perform differently depending on the person you are with?  ideally the answer would be no but i would like to know how much it varies.

do you prefer a taller/shorter person?  do you care about your client's age?  do you care for the ethnicity/race of the client?

each person is unique .. Id rather all men be different... if it effects our performance, IWouldnt say in a bad way.. If Im with a gent that just fell off the Cover of GQ, I'm tense, I think "what Can i do to amuse him..."

If I'm with the all american gent, I have FUN.. I can try out new and interesting things...I do not feel Like I am on a pedastal waiting to be judged..

I can't explain what I mean..
I hope someone else knows what I mean.. hahah

It's fun when I get a GQ guy, but I'm more nervous because I'm afraid if he were to see me without the makeup, the hairdo, etc., he'd realize I'm just another older woman. But hey, that's okay. I'm not a 24-year old surf girl anymore with hair down to my butt. Hopefully, experience and age lines gives us some hope and character. :)

I sent you a PM. Did you get it?


That's a very diplomatic answer, Ciara.  I bet most providers would want a guy who has decent hygiene, a NORMAL appearance, and a dong that isn't too small for doggy-style.  Missing teeth are probably a no-no, as are 800-pound fat-asses, and open sores.  But I imagine the typical hobbyist is accepted with open arms -- or at least, an outstretched hand to collect the moolah!  

Many hobbyists are probably, you know, typical American men:  a 300-lb tubby, with a wide, pimply ass, foul breath, a miniscule pecker, and sweaty palms, all wrapped into a smelly, stained NASCAR t-shirt.  Seriously, if Mr. Middle America, as I've described him, can prowl the internet looking for lovin', then we probably don't have much to worry about in the looks department.  Besides, if I were something to brag about, I wouldn't need to pay for sex, and I'm sure the ladies are aware of this.  That's why the business exists in the first place.

Besides, if I were something to brag about, I wouldn't need to pay for sex, and I'm sure the ladies are aware of this.  That's why the business exists in the first place.
well no, that isnt what this business is all about.

I dont know one man that sees escorts because he feels this way..

men see escorts for variety.. we are safe ( well some are )

men see escorts, cause they dont want any strings attached.. They dont pay us to stay, they pay us to leave

men see escorts cause they are traveling and can play away from hom

Men see escorts, cause their wives died, or they are divorced.. they need something to fill the void...

Stay on track.
No one was talking about Missing Teeth or any nonsense that you were.

Have a great day, and smile a little..
Perhaps someone will give you a freebie if you do,

Ciara, the "man" on the line above is Aug...Aug, this is Ciara.  Sure, he has no teeth, but he's got money.  Boink away, my dear, boink away.

I know from my own personal experiences that I can get hott looking women, but at this point in my life, I am trying to focus on serious things with a clear mind and conscience, and being in the dating scene with sex on the agenda, always clouds things....

so if I really can't resist and need some, then I go to a provider, instead of putting myself and someone else through a bunch of false pretenses, wasting both our time and money, and both being phony when we really just want some casual sex.

Many women just want casual sex, when I have been the one who wanted something serious...  it's not always just the guys who are after sex.

Sex isn't really good for building your esteem or self image, so if you have an issue there, then it's better to address that, then to escape into sex, thinking that's gonna change things.

I was just kidding around.  Actually, men see escorts for a variety of reasons, some for the reasons you've enumerated, and others because...well, they just don't have their shit together and they need to pay to get laid.  I didn't think I was delivering any groundbreaking news here.  Actually, I was just trying to respond to Chum666's question by saying that, I bet, most escorts don't care as long as you pay and look clean and normal.  That's all.  Just my opinion.  And I do have teeth.  Nice ones. LOL

Good conversation but not to be bummer! As a man - I need to ask the question do we want to put ourselves into the same situation as those who visit the clubs or maybe who is on sex search look for free stuff or whatever that will get you off! Have to say - STAY FOCUSED! Why does TER exist or for that matter the ladies! Not to take away from the conversation - but the question was what to ladies look for! Discussion about 300lb men I think distract from the original peice! I read that women can turn you down if you don't meet their standards - I don't think it is about the money but the experience! So a question for the ladies - have you turned people down?

I care about a clients age.

If they're not over 30 years old, I won't answer them.

I've always had a strong preference for Caucasian men. 98% of my clientèle are.

I've turned men down because they didn't fit the age criteria. For me, 18-25 years old is WAAAAY too young to be hobbying.

zn_garden864 reads

For me it's not about looks or performance, or height or weight, it's all about respect and attitude.

Come in arrogant and rude and I'll make sure the door hits you in the ass on the way out...and it doesn't matter what you look like.

Come in friendly, respecting me and my time and boundaries and clean...Oh let's not forget hygiene, and you will be treated as well as I would want to be treated in the same position.

Those are the things that will effect performance. As far as performance is concerned it is a well known fact that the acronym YMMV comes into play if the gent is unclean or unhealthy. The number one reason performance levels can drop is due to hygiene issues, not looks or much else. A very close second for the same reason is attitude and/or demenor and by that I mean rough and scary.

There was a thread some time ago about fat guys. Personally I love them. They are very sweet, gentle and considerate. Any problems I have ever had were with good looking dudes who thought their poop didn't stink and treated me like I was less than an equal. Needless to say in all cases the appointment came to a screeching halt and these "men" were asked to leave.

As far as race goes, some ladies have their preferences and some don't. I don't have a problem with skin color at all. I do, however have issues with cultural differences, especially if it concerns my treatment as a female and my well being.

All in all we are providing a service and we should be striving to give the best we can to all our clients. Hope this helps.

...if you had to post pics for providers. Probably be more fair I guess. Providers pretty much have to have pics to be in the hobby from what I have seen.

Side note- my fav sci-fi show "Firefly" by Joss Whedon (of "Buffy" fame) had a charater who was a compainon and the clients had to send pictures/videos to request time with one. Think about it...

I have found no distinct correlation between sexual satisfaction and degree of "beauty" (used in the fashion model sense.)

A great attitude and sexual prowess is what lights my fire every time.

Body shape, size or facial style notwithstanding.

RyanSeacrest905 reads

The question was for the providers.  This isn't The Erotic Highway where you can jump in ...  I mean, really!

I think what a lot of people (especially men sometimes) forget is that "good looking" is not one specific set of physical characteristics.

What's considered physically attractive varies by person, it varies by mood, it varies by age and experience.  There isn't just one type.  I find a wide variety of types physically attractive.

I perform differently depending on the person I am with, yes.  It isn't because of the way they look though.  It depends on their likes, their personality, their eroticism.  It also depends on what kind of mood I am in.  These variables change but we always have a good time.

I enjoy a great personality more than anything.  I enjoy a sexy attitude and an adventurous spirit.  Sex happens in the brain first.  At least good sex does.

I don't really have a physical look preference.  I love pretty men and eye candy just as much as the next person.  But when it comes to any sex partner, that's the least important feature.

Turkana829 reads

the question, I think, was whether the provider's performance depends on how good looking the guy is, and Mr F turned it around...

For me, appearance has never made a difference in my performance.  A more interesting question is whether really gorgeous providers perform better/worse than less attractive ones.  And as to that, I can't say I've seen a difference either.

that fat girls have the best sex. Although, not exactly politically correct, these were the words of  my fav cousin.  He told me that they try harder to please.

I don't know if it is the same for men (whether they aim to please more based on looks).  But, I do find myself excited by an older man that takes his time verses most young men that are all about how many different ways they can pop on you.

I don't prefer anything other than good old fashion basics.  I like for a big man to take me in his arms and hold me close, and then I like skinny fellas to put me in interesting positions.

Besides, if I am in the middle of some of best sex ever, I'm not thinking, "Damn, I wish he had a little more hair on his head"

For me, chemistry is far more important.  A guy who can kiss is a HUGE turn on for me.  I LOVE passion, weather it be soft sensual kisses or the fire feeding off each other and him pounding the shit out of me.  

My biggest turn on's/off's have been personality related or hygeine related, not physical traits.


All i care about is that the guy is nice to me, respectful, not an ass..and he likes to have fun..I really get along great with guys that have a sense of humour..seriously...and he has to be clean!!!!! Smell nice...then I am a happy camper!

 Otherwise I dont care if you are short.or tall, skinny or overweight..etc.etc..if the guy is alive and comes in smelling nice, with a smile on his face and a good attitude..then we are gonna have ourselves a grrrreat time!

This is something I wonder about too....

To give MY feedback (even though I'm a fellow hobbyist, not a provider), I am a pretty decent looking guy.  I am tall, in shape, VERY well groomed and dressed, always come smelling very good, and know how to be cordial and have really good people skills......

however sometimes the chemistry isn't always as hott with some as with others.

I used to wonder if me having a nicer appearance was going to get me EXTRA attention, but for the most part, I think that the ladies react to the chemistry they feel with each client, and it's different with all of us.

I've had a provider tell me this herself, and I didn't even ask her about it.

lotusling763 reads

Between good looking and nice, I would take nice anyday. Looks are over-rated. Somebody good looking may not be a considerate person or lover. My best clients aren't necessarily good-looking or at tip-top body shape, but are just plain nice people.

Whether it is a business/ hobby, of course you perform differently depending on the person you are with. It has all to do with the sexual chemistry, physical attraction, the interaction, preferences of the other person.

taller/shorter - don't care

client's age - I used to think the older the better because the older they are, the better conversationalist and more gentlemanly they are. However it also means I have to work harder for them to achieve orgasm. I would now say the best ages are from late 30s onwards.

ethnicity/race of the client - I prefer caucasians . I have had more bad experiences with Asians than caucasians.

-- Modified on 8/30/2007 3:47:11 AM

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