TER General Board

Re: Happy Ending
rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 468 reads

Moral of the story: Never say never.

Moral #2: never be the second appointment for AnonyMiss as we cannot guarantee the sheet quality.

AnonyMiss1702 reads

...what I really mean is I'll never speak to you again, have a nice life.*

*unless I know you/like you

I'd raise the penalty for folks I know/like.

Why waste the guys time in trying to rebook you if your not available? Is it a petty revenge thing?  

Posted By: AnonyMiss
...what I really mean is I'll never speak to you again, have a nice life.*  
 *unless I know you/like you

AnonyMiss806 reads

Why did he waste my money when I booked a hotel and he wanted to be there right after check-in?  (meaning no one before him, and booking a late evening appointment so there wouldn't be anyone after him either)

I'm not rebooking him at all. I responded politely to his cancellation, but having done that I will literally never speak to him again. There will be no potential rebooking and further wasting of my time and effort.

It sucks to dump both time and money into a business and never get the promised payday. Trust me I am not trying to change your mind on that. It is the lead on of saying you will rebook when you have zero intentions to do so that makes me wonder. All that does is encourage him to try to contact you and waste more of yours screening his efforts out and his time thinking you are still open to seeing him as you said you were. Seems a lose lose to me. A simple "OK, thanks for letting me know" would would have done the same thing minus the lead on.

Now I can't answer why he did what he did. Life happens and it could have been legit. Then again time wasting asshats happen too so I can not say. Not knowing him I would not dare venture a guess. And at any rate you are well within your rights never to book him again. I am not implying otherwise. I just don't get the lead on. That is all.

Hubris_Serendipity435 reads

Eternal damnation and the curse of blue balls?

AnonyMiss551 reads

Hmm, that would be a much better punishment. Edging and edging and then....walking away

I don't get the lead on but he cost her money and she has every right not to place herself at further risk of loss of revenue with a guy who may never follow though with a date. Time wasting asshats are real. Now I would be more forgiving but that is me. It is a legit reason not to waste more time on him. It isn't like she is banning him from the hobby but just from her. Please put this in prospective.

Skyfyre663 reads

do the guy a favor and never see him again. Let him save his money for somebody more worthwhile.

Afterall you sound like a vengeful and petty sour-puss in a service-oriented business. He might have cancelled for perfectly valid reasons which he just couldn't avoid.  

Good luck in your business because you're going to need a lot of it so easily turning down potential business

I have to ask myself....have I given him the perception that I have a revolving door and will still make some money? More than likely, the answer is that he doesn't know I only secured the location to meet him there and that I will go home with less money than I left with.  

I'm working on this so new friends know that unless I am touring, chances are very strong that I'm only meeting them at my incall. And I will not do so with bold, underlined and italicized font. I will do so with establishing some form of rapport with them prior to meeting. How else are they supposed to care and know that I'm genuine when I say I don't have a revolving door? How else am I supposed to know that they give a hoot about me paying for an empty room?

Question - Do you have a cancellation fee AnonyMiss? I have one and tell gents that the fee can be applied toward future bookings. Also, because things do happen, I don't book the room until the same day after they have confirmed the date is still on, so it rarely happens that I'm in the negative due to a cancellation. So if we are meeting at 8pm, I don't book until a couple of hours before and by that time I have talked with him.  

Most guys are sympathetic and will reimburse you for the room or pay your cancellation fee. The ones who don't fall into that category...your intuition will put you on to them when establishing rapport.

Just leave that out.  IF he calls to reschedule, you decline saying it won't work for you.  (Fool me once...  ;)  
I've only had to reschedule twice in my hobby career..

I agree. Just leave it out and then block the offender from that point on.

I have never had to reschedule or cancel at the last minute on any incall, tho I have dealt with some providers who have. I have given only one of them a second chance, because I felt it was a genuine reason and not ES (Escort Shit). The others, tho, I basically put on my own DNS list. There was no real reason for me to even follow up with them.

Aunt Flo visited 30 minutes before the scheduled time, eh. :)

Actually I did once.....but I kept the appt and told the provider about it and told her that perhaps we could forego the DATY part, which would be hugely disappointing for me but very understandable. She said "pfftt....I don't mind!" And we had a session that was amazing! To date she is someone that I always look forward to visiting with - rain or shine ;)

I have not had to cancel without fair warning in a very long time, but when I have had to, I arranged to pay the full boat. It is only fair.

Many people have unpredictable schedules. Unless they want to reimburse when they have to cancel last minute (this goes for the men AND the ladies) there are other options:

Available now on p411
Pre screening with ladies and crossing your fingers and sending out a last minute availability request

If a lady cancels last minute it is only fair to offer more time or a discounted rate.

I'm another one for not tolerating last minute cancelations.

I get that "things happen" but my time is just as valuable, neither more nor less, than yours.

Phiner343 reads

What is an appropriate amount of time to cancel?

-- Modified on 7/16/2015 10:08:48 PM

Let's forget about the I know you/like you scenario. Obviously, we've all had to cancel with favorites for a variety of different reasons. Those you do understand, and simply reschedule. That just happened to me. A lady friend recently told me she had started her period, so we had our session a couple of weeks later. No big deal. I once had to cancel on a friend on her doorstep. I walked in, placed her full donation on the mantle, gave her a kiss goodbye, and scurried home.  

But what about a first time session? When I last minute cancel on a first time session, for whatever reason, I completely understand that we are never to meet. Maybe there have been exceptions, but I've never experienced one personally. The same thing applies in reverse. I recently had a new lady cancel on me because she said she started her period. A seemingly legitimate reason, but I've never contacted her again, and am hoping she's having a nice life.  

This is a delicate hobby. It's also a very very expensive hobby. We, both ladies and gentlemen alike, for both those reasons, use all of our powers to try to determine whether or not the person on the other end is a good fit.  Unfortunately, and I apologize if you got a hotel room only for me, sometimes I catch a bad vibe late in the process. Just like you, I've learned to listen to my intuition. When I catch that bad vibe I am running the other way as fast as I can go. I will be a gentleman, although you won't think so, pause, and let you know. I do wish I could get a cancellation fee to you, but it would be impossible when I'm sprinting the other way. It happens on both sides of the equation, and it's unfortunate. Cancellations cost me money too. Wish it weren't so, but it's part of our wonderful hobby. When it happens to me, the best thing I can do is think of the positive aspects of the hobby, and call a favorite friend. A favorite friend solves many of life's problems, even here.

But it's so hard to not vent!  

Nonetheless, posting this might've turned off potential clients. Now, they are going to wonder what us providers think of them when they tick us off. Some people already think that providers are cold hearted, money grabbing bitches that depise men. Hah!  

As for the client who cancelled - Shit happens, life happens and people happen. When things happen like that, I make sure to take the time out to thank the gentlemen who always arrive on time. I also deeply appreciate and thank the gentlemen who have compensated for last minute cancellations as well. They are definitely the men who make the hobby worthwhile!  

Don't focus on the cancellation. :)

The one thing we all have to remember is that if we don't cover our own ass, no one else will. You made a lot of mistakes from the start that I bet you will not make again, and that does not excuse the bs cancelation; however, it's going to keep happening if you do not cover youra own ass. What do I mean by that? Do not rent a hotel room or travel for anyone period, without an upfront deposit. Will you lose buiness requiring this? Damn right, but you will not ever be stuck in the place you are in again by doing that.  

Another thing you can do is like someone else suggested regarding cancelation fees, but I think that is a wastre of time and there is really no way to guarantee you're going to get shit after the fact. They can simply say fk her and move on to the next provider. Blacklists? LMAO... yah, and they can change their handle then start over. Guys who generally only screen via TER handle or other board handles are not too worried about flaking. You have a guy's real name and where he works, you can bet your ass he is showing up or sending you some sort of concession.  

Never put all your eggs in one basket.. if this was a new guy, there is no way in hell I would have spent anything on him upfront assuming he would follow through. I would have planned a trip to where he was at and booked others. Hotels are a PITA which is why an incall might work better for you. If you can find a studio apartment maybe to start out until you have enough to get a nice place for calls only, that will decrease your costs and then you can allow other providers to use it for a fee if you so choose. I have a friend who always finds herself in the position where guys always want an appt. between 9 and 1 forcing her to basically pay for a room for TWO days because any moron should realize check in is not until after 2 in most places and sometimes it's 4. What did she do? She would not rent a room period, unless she could see a guy the night before allowing her to be there in the morning and then when the second guy confirmed, she would extend

London Rayne, you are so on point! Also, I don't believe in deposits/cancellation fees and all that extra stuff. My vagina is not listed on hotels.com. Heh.

And I don't bother with cancellation fees either...shit happens. Same as if I have to cancel, I don't discount or add more time. If I let a john skate and re-book, he can do the same for me....or simply not contact me again, either way I am fine with.

-- Modified on 7/15/2015 11:51:20 AM

Sure, you can be completely careful, only see "sure things," run away from anything that has the slightest whiff of risk, as are a provider or a client. But that is not a good way to build a business, or relationships with lovely providers. There are times when each of us takes a risk that is not a smart thing to do, starting at the point we decide to do this. But we also take risks on people, and most of the time they work out for those of us who stick around for any amount of time.

So I call BS on the standard advice on this board that when something goes wrong it is the fault of the person who got jerked around. Easy enough to say she should not have taken that risk since it blew up, but I assume there were reasons why she thought it was a good risk to take. The safe option, treating every client or provider like an untrustworthy dick is sensible enough, but only if your goal is not to hobby, or provide.

You pays your money, you takes your chance, and sometimes you lose, a wise sage once said.

When they lose, people like to vent here. All perfectly understandable.


Then, don't bitch about the same shit happening to you over and over if you're not smart enough to minimize the risks... really simple. You don't have to treat people badly to ensure you're not in the welfare line, either. If a guy is offended at the notion of a deposit/cancelation fee he is basically saying "I don't know for sure if I can make it" in which case, don't book! Neither side is obligated to do shit. If I flake on you, you do not have to book me again and the reverse is also true. Would I book again with someone who put me through all this woman went through? Sure, my fee in full would be paid UPFRONT though. No way I would take that loss again.  

And, no one said it was her fault but as you can see guys ARE jumping down her fkin throat for posting this thread. It's the typical response, and yes some things providers CAN eliminate from their business model to reduce the risks. She trusted this fk would show up or at the very least give her something to make up the loss... he did not, and now look. Nuff said. Not every provider has 7 days a week or even 3 to make money here... some are truly part time and can't afford to put out money for nothing.  

Posted By: ziggy440
Sure, you can be completely careful, only see "sure things," run away from anything that has the slightest whiff of risk, as are a provider or a client. But that is not a good way to build a business, or relationships with lovely providers. There are times when each of us takes a risk that is not a smart thing to do, starting at the point we decide to do this. But we also take risks on people, and most of the time they work out for those of us who stick around for any amount of time.  
 So I call BS on the standard advice on this board that when something goes wrong it is the fault of the person who got jerked around. Easy enough to say she should not have taken that risk since it blew up, but I assume there were reasons why she thought it was a good risk to take. The safe option, treating every client or provider like an untrustworthy dick is sensible enough, but only if your goal is not to hobby, or provide.  
 You pays your money, you takes your chance, and sometimes you lose, a wise sage once said.  
 When they lose, people like to vent here. All perfectly understandable.  
-- Modified on 7/15/2015 12:59:22 PM

I do see a few ladies though that somehow blame her no5 kno wing how she rus her business. Now you do see guys wonder why she is leading him on thinking he can reschedule when that isn't an option, but most of us (all who posted except two) get why she isn't willing to do so. Other than guys not liking to be mislead most of us are siding with her. It sucks being left holding the bag and expence of a failed transaction.

-- Modified on 7/15/2015 12:36:36 PM

Skyfyre626 reads

I agree in general with your post. It's really up to the provider to cover her own ass. Suggestion of a deposit is a good one -and fair to both sides.

OTH if a provider goes out on a limb renting out a fancy-schmancy room for one sole client it's either because: 1) she's new and naive exposing herself to financial risk or, 2) she's betting/gambling that this big score will show up and the payoff is huge. Think of 2) as putting down a big bet at the crap table hoping to clean up! and when you lose there's no point crying about it.

And if she's 1) then it's just another lesson in life/business. All of us going through life sometimes pay dearly for learning the lessons of life. C'est la vie! that's French for "That's life!"  

Just IMHO a wise businesswomen would make sure to get a committment from at least 3 clients before going out on a limb renting a fancy schmancy room. OTH that's what Motel 6 or Extended Stay are for...

My policy is generally that if you cancel last minute like 30 minutes or less AND I'm traveling, I'm probably not going to reschedule. Unless you are coming to my city... Otherwise there might be an actual opportunity to reschedule 1 more time.

...who cancels on us after we cleared a day of appointments and drove through traffic to see her only to have her not answer her texts and then get in touch with us an hour or so later to say she was so sorry to have missed the appointment and she can see me at 9 am tomorrow knowing full well that will not be convenient?

I guess '9 won't work tomorrow but we can reschedule' might just work there too?


Posted By: AnonyMiss
...what I really mean is I'll never speak to you again, have a nice life.*  
 *unless I know you/like you

How much did you drop on that hotel room you'd booked to see just her

$300 give or take.  

-- Modified on 7/15/2015 3:39:13 PM

AnonyMiss307 reads

As it turned out, I wrote him telling him how I felt. He replied and a few hours later we were lying spent on completely soaked sheets, kissing and holding each other. It was absolutely one of the best experiences I've had by far, civ and hobby. And I almost missed it!

Moral of the story: Never say never.

Moral #2: never be the second appointment for AnonyMiss as we cannot guarantee the sheet quality.

Glad things worked out.

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