TER General Board

Re: getting blocked - twitter is notorious for being blocked just for favoriting something.
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 90 reads

I wouldn’t sweat it. Consider it a favor. Everybody gets blocked by a zillion people on there, even providers lol.  

I block people who seem to be trolling, post dick pics in threads, or are simply mean.

that now you don't have the time to do now that TER is back?

For me it was keeping up with this weird little rodent and his very sexy something-or-other:

I . Just use other sights I was I have other way to screen beside reviews on TER.  
2. If got a rodent get it taken care of.

my-0.02-cents73 reads

I was on twitter lurking and most of the time when I said anything the provider didn't agree with I would get blocked 90% of the time.

I wouldn’t sweat it. Consider it a favor. Everybody gets blocked by a zillion people on there, even providers lol.  

I block people who seem to be trolling, post dick pics in threads, or are simply mean.

He posts more dick pics in threads than the rest of TER combined. lol

Yeah nude opera... YOU BLOCKED ME ON TWITTER.

I don’t get offended .. people stay blocking on twitter.

To feel important I’m guessing? I don’t know.

I made myself busy on other erotic sites that allowed hobbyist to watch me and interact from ANYWHERE...love it when business owners watch my shows or videos on the job

TER is not a source for hookers for me. Just some way to kill time and maybe review a girl here and there to help her out. I am fortunate enough to be a very high Level member of the definitive source of commercial pussy in So Cal, and I have fucked about 65 hot young white chicks in the 2 years TER went on its sabbatical.

I'm a very low level member of the definitive source of commercial pussy in So Cal  
and I don't know how many I had in those two years. But it was less than 65 for sure.

subtle mockery.  I wonder if he got it.  LOL

-- Modified on 1/8/2020 5:38:34 PM

No worries. With only 4 published reviews here I have no reason to doubt your statement. And no amount of subtle  ad hominem attack by you and your erstwhile partner CDL will work on me. Dude, I am very fluent in sarcasm and horse manure LOL

Yeah Level 5 checking in here. So much So Cal  pussy, so little time.

fluency in horse manure from your posts.  You don't have to tell us.  

So you're one of the HX bottom feeders hobbying with amateurs?  I guess that makes YOU an expert in P4P.  Bwahahahaha   Dude, you need to get over yourself.  You're out of your league here when you are fucking teenagers for bubble gum money.  

140 hot young Asian girls, but that's because I'm getting older and slowing down a little.  I quit doing two a day about two years ago.  Now I only hobby three-four times a week, as others here who know me can tell you, but some of those are repeats, so I don't count them more than once even if I see them multiple times.  

Do you have a link to this "definitive source of commercial pussy in SoCal?"  This is the place to exchange information with your fellow mongers, and there are many SoCal guys here.

I don't think I have ever done that many different girls in a single month, I think my record was around 60 in one month, congratulations. Oh wait, you fucked 65 girls in TWO FUCKING YEARS??? Never mind, I could do that many civvies in two years if I put my mind to it, and I fucked way more than 65 different SB during the time that TER was down.

Sorry dude, but when you make boasts about being "high level" at anything you really need to read your audience better. I remember a friend of mine back in the 70's who used to brag his ass off about making $100,000 yr, which was pretty decent money back then, but he used to brag about it to millionaires some of whom made that much money every week who would just look at him like the petulant little child that he was. If you are going to impress US, you are going to need to do a LOT better than this. lol

Come back when you do 65 different women in a month, and I'll give you the credit that you are due.

65 girls a month?!? Christ, my dick would fall off. I love the ladies, but I don’t like them that much. I’d get irritated if I banged more than 10 in a month.

Athletic endeavor.  You have to start slow and work up to it.  When I started in P4P, I was doing two sessions a week, and much like our arrogant friend here, I thought that was a lot.  Then I met some retired guys on my local discussion board who were doing a session OR TWO, every day, much like GaG when I first joined TER.

and that I personally had never done that many, I am pretty sure my best month was maybe 60 different girls, and that was pretty rare for me even in my prime. At your age though, 10 wasn't even a particularly exceptional weekend for me. I would routinely see a 12-15 different girls over a typical drunken three day weekend at the Del Rey up until I was about in my mid fifties.

Fucking every several hours is not as big a deal as it might seem. I am sure most of us have met a new girl and have done nothing but fuck for an entire weekend before, Fucking 12 DIFFERENT women over a weekend is a lot easier to do than fucking the SAME woman a dozen different times as long as you have that many women available to fuck, in the hey day of the Del Rey there were literally hundreds of women available at all hours of the day and night so availability was hardly an issue.

Don't get me wrong, at age sixty I have no desire to fuck several different women in the same day, it's a rarity for me to even fuck two different women a day now, much less five or six. I just wanted to point out to our little braggart that 65 women over a TWO YEAR period is hardly anything to brag about here of all places. Yes, his married barroom buddies who haven't fucked 65 women in their lifetime might be impressed, but not here.

MikeUSA56 reads

Do tell, what is that definitive source?

Its Humaniplex (Hx), a SoCal ad board where you have to be member to login. If you're not a member, you can't even browse ad photos before committing and giving them your personal information.  They also skim personal info that members send in PM's to providers to get screened.  The only way to become a member is to pay fees on a graduated scale.  "Level 5", which this guy claims to be, just means he's one of the biggest suckers.  The owners have a history of extorting freebies from the ladies wanting to advertise there, they collect personal information from you if you want to become a member, and then they use that information to extort you if you say anything negative about the website.  The girls who advertise there are largely very young, homeless and runaways, druggies, etc., and their ads are managed by traditional pimps who control the girls.  A few agencies still advertise there, and these are really the only safe places to see girls from that site, but the site owners STILL have your personal information.  When this site first showed up, I was going to join, but when I saw the hoops I had to jump through, and how much personal info they wanted, I passed.   Shortly thereafter,  I started reading complaints on the internet from providers that said their ads were being blocked because they  wouldn't play ball with the owners demanding freebies.

This site is mostly used by mongers who have either been black-listed from everyplace else, or can't get screened to see anyone else.  With this site, you can buy your way on regardless of your past history.  It doesn't matter how much of a dick or an abuser you have been in the past or whether you're a rapist or child-molester.  A lot of the douche members extort these young girls for BBFS under threat that they will report them for STD or a ROB.  The pimped girls don't have a choice but to see these douches.  One girl advertising there was murdered several years ago.  They caught the guy because . . . . . . Hx has all that personal info about its members.  I wonder how many other members there that had seen this girl also had their personal info seized by LE while they narrowed their search for the guy.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, this is NOT a place I would ever be involved with.  Stick with TER.  What's puzzling to me is this guy coming here and BRAGGING about being a willing participant in all of this, and admitted in one post that he's doing BBFS with these teenage girls.   I wouldn't be surprised if someone suggested a place like this is a cover for HT.

I travel to SoCal regularly so I thought it might be useful to sign up for HX to make contact with local providers. The signup was a pain and the "mail privilege" requirements are so onerous that many of the providers explicitly say in their profile that they can't be contacted through the site. Rather than try to use the site in any substantive way, I just scanned the profile listings for info and did number/image searches to find non-HX ads and reviews. Of course, all of this was before TER returned to the US. As far as HX is concerned, I don't have specific info as to the location of their owners, servers, etc., but I would put them pretty high up on the list of potential LEO targets. If CA went after SFRedbook, why not also HX?

Because of the high number of girls there using street pimps, and the fact that a girl advertising there was murdered in the past, LE watches this website closely.

You sound jelly. Stick to your hooker source, and I'll stick to mine. Get off your high horse. What's his name? Sanctimonious? I heard he won the Kentucky Derby, won by a nose over the runner up named Holier-Than-Thou. LMAO

Posted By: coeur-de-lion

"Level 5", which this guy claims to be, just means he's one of the biggest suckers.  

 When this site first showed up, I was going to join, but when I saw the hoops I had to jump through, and how much personal info they wanted, I passed.    
 This site is mostly used by mongers who have either been black-listed from everyplace else, or can't get screened to see anyone else.  With this site, you can buy your way on regardless of your past history.  
 In case you haven't figured it out yet, this is NOT a place I would ever be involved with.  Stick with TER.  What's puzzling to me is this guy coming here and BRAGGING about being a willing participant in all of this, and admitted in one post that he's doing BBFS with these teenage girls.  

not to try to dispute my facts, or I would have to start providing links.   I'm approved with every booker in SoCal  I've seen over 700 different Asian agency girls and over 100 indies in 11 years.  Between TER and the now-defunct AF, I have reviewed 706 providers.  Do you really think I'd be jealous of YOU fucking pimped teenagers.   Bwahahahahahahaha

Sorry you can't get into other places and are stuck with HX, but frankly, it seems like you and they were made for each other.   The one thing we can agree on is that you will continue to use HX  to fuck low-end pimped girls bareback, . . . . and I will not.        Got Bloodtest?

-- Modified on 1/11/2020 10:26:13 AM

Blah, blah, blah. All that says is you HAVE to pay to get laid. You're so fucking grotesque in every sense of the word, that no woman would EVER have anything to do with you unless there was cash involved...!

He's a gym rat. He's in great shape. At least that's what he claims over and over and over. You believe him don't you?


Sharpei-man.  Not a very convincing disguise.  Are you still sucking dicks rather than eating pussy?

You're a little rusty, because you fucked up your first link, but you haven't changed your style.  Still the coward, though, this time lobbing your spitballs from behind an alias.  

And yes, I do still hit the gym this often.  You should try it.  You might lose another hundred pounds. Did you ever crack 300, or did you give up?  I will never understand why fat guys try to denigrate those of us that stay in great shape.  Its more respectful to the ladies when you're NOT huffing and puffing and sweating all over them, but, of course, you wouldn't know that.

I spent today with one of my ex-girlfriends.  She's a Kgirl, off today, and I haven't paid her for sex in four years.  I pay a lot of women for sex because I don't like the drama that comes with most girlfriends.  Having girlfriends that are current or retired working girls is different.  They understand a man like me better than a civvie, and they don't give me all the drama.  They are great relationships if you know how to get into one.   Most mongers don't.  They only get "thank you" dates if they are spending enough money with her.    I do alright with civvie women, too.  

So slow, I had nothing to do but watch Nick knit little sweaters for his dick.  He said it was cold on the East Coast.  Lol

have a website where you sell these?  I suppose, like me, you would need two different sizes . . . . Large for normal wear, and XL for when you're aroused?

...stop talking about your dicks and any clothing you may put over them???

(This post approved by "The Heterosexual Community")

I can't speak for Nick, but my own dick has visited more exotic locations in the "orient" in the last eleven years than most dicks do in a lifetime.  It has many more to visit in the next eleven years.   Stop your dick-bashing.  You should thank you own dick.  Without one, you probably wouldn't be here.  

"Dicks should be heard but not seen."

No need to see the latest fashion trends to wrap around your and Nick's schlong. You boys cant take that shit private.  

And your 60 something now, right? Judging from the old fucks on the "60 and Over Bored" you have about a year or two before things go south....and soft. LOL

Use your remaining time wisely. :)

I have a hobby friend in SD who is 84 and still sees two Kgirls a month, only because that's all he can afford on his pension.  His TER handle is Rockynutz.  Plenty of reviews, but not sure if he knows TER is back yet.  He only posted in the past on the SD regional board.  Admittedly, he uses pharmaceutical help, but so what.  Compared to Rocky, at 61, I'm just coming into my prime.  Ask GaG, he's the same age as me.  I admitted on a thread yesterday, that I have "slowed down" to three-four girls a week, but that's still more than a lot of guys half my age.  Lol

What do you mean by dicks should be "heard?"  Does your dick have a hole in it so that it "whistles" on the upstrokes, or what?

I have never seen ANYONE so anxious to keep asserting how much dick upsets him.
He's a fag for sure.

Something tells me this Jack off Dunfy guy is someone that, how do I say, needs a schooling?

Am I wrong?

you can't shine shit
The subject of conversation, is in such dire condition that any attempt to fix it is futile. A variation of the expression you can't polish a turd.
delusional mayor: The Chamber of Commerce and I will revitalize downtown Hazleton.

honest person: You can't shine shit, Mr. Mayor!
#you can't polish a turd#useless#exercise in futility#fool's errand#futile

Nice to see the regular jokers are back in business.  
 You boys may think TER was for you, but I love reading your comments and wondering about you guys as well. Im quite the lurker and TER was my deviant escape into the mischievous minds of men.

but that doesn't mean we don't LOVE having you ladies around.

Especially ladies that don't secretly, or not so secretly hate what they do and hate their clients as well like you find in the Twattersphere.  

Nice to see you found your way back here.

For an older broad.

It is nice to see you back AND that you have a sense of humor. Laughing and sex is really all we have in life. Well that, and the bread sticks at Olive Garden. LOL

to our attention.  I have bookmarked the website for potential future use.  I'm in Vegas once a month.  

You, Erica, are crazy hot! What do I have to do to meet you?  

Please forgive my shenanigans. I wasn't aware of you till just now.  

I would, well, you get the point...

How far you want me to make an ass of myself?.... ;)

I have been told that her service menu MAY be limited compared to other providers here.  Now that she knows you’re a long-time monger on TER, perhaps a PM would tell you exactly what’s on the table.

It was nice to saw a few girls that I hadn’t seen in years. Saw a few others whose reviews I remembered. And I relied on a bunch of other sites. I found the twitter whores quite amusing when they said having an active twitter profile was way better for vetting providers than reviews because hamster logic. It was funny watching them gripe when ter came back. If a business owner endlessly complained about yelp, that would tell me plenty about their business.

Were more than enough to keep me happy during the storm.  

I remember you. How you doing brother!...

Saw some new ones too..but the new ones were a gamble with no reviews.  Kind if like... uhhh... shooting in the dark...got burned on a deposit...learned a lesson there.. it was only $100..  
The 1st woman I saw.. that was new.... shocked me cause she was a lot older than I expected.. so life went on..but different...

Posted By: mrfisher

that now you don't have the time to do now that TER is back?  
 For me it was keeping up with this weird little rodent and his very sexy something-or-other:
I was not familiar with Foamy so I clicked some more. His very sexy friend talks about TER related issues in this episode:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q65fly5HXQw

stick to the ones with Germaine.   She is a hot ticket, works as an escort from time to time, and often has a lot of interesting things to say, unlike her fuzzy friend who just likes to rant a lot, and is often unintelligible.    

There are a number of long term story arcs, one of which led to one of my favorite lines:

In it, Germaine gets rid of a pimply-faced pizza delivery boy/stalker but gets away with it after she is committed to a mental hospital for about a year.

"To get away with murder, you have to be committed."

Words to live (or die) by.

This site was down?  Two years.  What a long strange trip it’s been!

A lot of the loudmouth ladies from the discussion boards have a Twitter presence, as well as a few of my favorite mongers. I did kind of miss GaG, though.

As for my personal mongering, I lost my ATF to retirement, but gained a few new lady friends. I currently have 4 in rotation, including a couple from the TER/BP era.

and that I will let you call me "cisgendered" again. lol

Nice to see you back.

Missed it a lot and am so glad that I can get back in here...especially since TER kept sending me emails asking why I haven't been on lately.  Duh!

Had to stick to bookers that I had built solid business relationships with. Focused on porn industry girls cause at least I had some reference based on their work.

No much, it sucked.  Went through a dry period.  

Hadn't been on in a week. Not that anyone gives a fuck. I don't know. The last week was a waste of fucking time as far as I was concerned. I'm just glad what I tried, in a previous deal, didn't get any further. Didn't have the time. Call it 'women's intuition' on her part or the fact I fucked it up in the first place. She was right and it would've led to a worse deal which I shouldn't afford considering I'm trying to get in the good graces of the community again....

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