TER General Board

Re: First of all, Conan says it's "disparaging," and it happens rarely.
ponyman49 15 Reviews 298 reads

Actually if you read it again, he says its ( disbaraging)

I have had this happen a few times now but the first time was when I tried to see a girl who was then in the top 10 of Ter 100 providers but has now retired. I contacted her thru P411 and at the time only had two oks from girls who I really liked and met thru another review board. So this girl gets back to me and says she would not see me because she did not like the girls who okd me and well basically called them "low rent Hookers". Now I understand that these girls were not at the same end of the donation scale as this girl but they were highly respected and liked in the area I saw them by both the guys there and other girls and were great to me so I took offense to this girls remarks and just moved on to seeing other girls.

 Awhile goes by and I guess this girl must have seen my client profile or reviews of the girls I was now seeing and deemed me fit to grace her presence and mails be about possibly seeing her. I mail her back and say sorry honey but that was back then but now you just do not meet my standards anymore but maybe after you get some better reviews. I would like to share with you her reply but her language would make a sailor blush so I will just leave it to your imagination lol.

 Anyway has this ever happened to you and how did you handle it?

'Competition' can definitely be nastier at the top. Can't be denied.

I don't go back after. It is one thing to say something if asked, but just to be a snob, no thanks. I wouldn't ever have responded to her request to see her.

Generally, I won't see her again if she gets petty like that.

I don't give them a chance because I am on to business at hand when I am with a provider.

Have heard the guys gossiping about other hobbyist and no not just the circle jerk comments they post about each other on the boards! LOL! When the gossip becomes unsavory and harming, I just get to fuckin and suckin, no sense in starting some rumored BS and ruin my day! Girls vent about other girls, guys vent about other guys. Real or fake, I have my own opinions and only base it by my truth and not someone else's. At the end of the day, I don't live and breathe the hobby, so say whatever I probably don't even want to hear it and when I do, I take it with a grain of salt.

Sorry...but it is what it is  ;)

Posted By: SexyJaye7
Have heard the guys gossiping about other hobbyist and no not just the circle jerk comments they post about each other on the boards! LOL! When the gossip becomes unsavory and harming, I just get to fuckin and suckin, no sense in starting some rumored BS and ruin my day! Girls vent about other girls, guys vent about other guys. Real or fake, I have my own opinions and only base it by my truth and not someone else's. At the end of the day, I don't live and breathe the hobby, so say whatever I probably don't even want to hear it and when I do, I take it with a grain of salt.

I may not be his type or way down on his list of "fuckables" and he just hasn't got to me yet! LOL!  

I would entertain an OTC coffee or drink with him though, he is an interesting guy to chat with, and would want to see why you guys pinata him all the time. Seriously, he must be that awesome!

Now I'm sure that Rods started his PM assault on you.  You should expect to find 20 or 30 an hour from him.  At least that's what some members have experienced with him.  I guess he doesn't know what "leave me alone" means.

There are many folks I have met here.  But members that have no self-esteem and just whine and whine here...not a chance I'd be caught dead meeting them.

Good luck to you...I suspect you'll need it.

Posted By: SexyJaye7
I may not be his type or way down on his list of "fuckables" and he just hasn't got to me yet! LOL!  
 I would entertain an OTC coffee or drink with him though, he is an interesting guy to chat with, and would want to see why you guys pinata him all the time. Seriously, he must be that awesome!

Dear Jaye:
I am just wondering when you talk to other providers, do you detect an attitude when discussing potential "friends"? Also do you notice that they would be reluctant to disclose certain information you might be in quest of for purposes of verification? Finally is there anyone who you don't look forward to interacting with because you know that he or she will have a certain slant in their behavior?

I can understand not trusting the gents references due to the references having a weak online presence (i.e. no website, lack of reviews, no paid ads, lack of screening protocol, typical things that take time to build up). However, I wouldn't feel a lack of trust due to pay range (unless its something like $50 quickies...which would indicate that she markets to a completely different group of clientele). Nor would a lack of top ranking status cause me to lack trust, because ranking doesn't correlate with safety.

Here are my honest thoughts. Playing devils advocate for lack of better words.

Sometimes guys want to try something new and end up being less satisfied than the guys that focus on one type of girl. Looking out for gents that are "experimenting" is usually a lady's intention when they are analyzing the type of girls you have met before. Not saying whether or not it is good practice because I'm only attempting to provide an analytical response and tap into her intentions.

That may have been the lady's goal, but she didn't communicate her conclusion professionally.  

Regarding her behavior, I will just say that lady's see so much in the business that they don't keep it professional consistently. Being in the top 10 of the country, a lady may even think that she doesn't have to. Not justifying it, again just analyzing. Due to many factors, we ladies sometimes prematurely sum guys up when being more patient would reveal that the guy isn't the type that we think he is

In Orlando I had set up a few dates for successive nights. The first one started ragging on her local competition. Turns out she was the lowlife, not the "sluts" she was ragging on.

often about either other girls (good and bad) or the fact that it is hard to find well reviewed girls in both the areas I go to.  

I simply say that yes there is limited number of well review gals compared to other cities, but the ones who are I have heard good things about, as I have about touring providers that stop in. I do not talk about specific girls or complain/join in the conversation. Works well to keep the time together with him going smoothly.

Had a guy one time have some not nice things to say about someone local I pm. I am not getting in the middle of it, nor am I going to go repeat it... but I did tell him that I do converse with her and my impression is that she is a very nice gal. That stopped his talking about the subject quick. lol

It os not about low or high sluts
 It is about  meeting like kind people  
 Sorry - gentlemen but yes it is MATCH even here( some asked before what it is MATCH .com ??)
 There on Match .com you do not spend such money on woman  and here you do spend  

 so  you have to match  her  
 I have match you too  before I accept your donation ( and it is why I am 10 always )
 But I am also will  learn about you whom you met
 Generally I would not see you if you have been with very mean person and gave her  nice review- may be she treated you well of course.. but you know well about us women here.. so you cam see who is mean who is  not.
Then - I would check  if he has pattern of seeing agencies and low budget girls ( more risks about STD s and  other bad habits, as usage of Urban dictionary, drugs, piimps .. why D I need such "date"
 How I can NOT to look at pattern  of your sex life ??!!  
Een if you have money when other girl tells me how bad you treated her- I will tell you  NO
 With no explanation  
 I said only once to  one man pointing to provider he saw before that iam not able meet him becuase he liked her - she was just very mean
 And gave her nice review- and he read all her outrageous posts .. that means - he is ok with mean people .
 I am not ok .
I just will feel strange be with him after all.
 ut myself I never will say him why  
Once I did - he was asking me a lot why and why and why and why you   are so resistant - then i said  WHY  
But  generally - i live by following saying  
- Tell me who are your freinds and I tell you who you ARE "
 then please note - we humans tend to absorb patterns of behavior from our social habbits.. so .. it is easy to  slide down ..
I love just one slide .. down and up :)
 Te rest has to be stable - morals and values and LOVE  .
Still believe in love  and know how to love just in 2 hours :) Not sting attached LOVE  as in porno movies.. make love to me ( not Fuck my brains off !!! ) how  NOT to look on pattern??
 You do read reviews gentlemen..  so we too use own judgment .
But meet man  and then complain and talk about OTHER girl badly ??
 it is low .
Do not respect whom he have had met? - then do not met him .

-- Modified on 4/23/2015 8:49:27 PM

girl 2 (a southern white protestant) was a cold fish, based on what other guy had said to her.  I told her though that 2 was remarnkbly  just didnt do greek,

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