TER General Board

Re: Easy solution.
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 1276 reads
1 / 24

Ever notice that a provider with only a few reviews suddenly gets great reviews immediately following a negative review? Coincidence? I think not. We really are our own worst enemy.

some-guy 6 Reviews 704 reads
2 / 24

Not all, mind you, but some do.

I was with a provider a few weeks ago, and she flat-out told me that she gets telemarketer calls from people who write fake positive reviews for providers -- offering to do so for a fee.

She obviously turns them down or just hangs up, because she's legit and doesn't need it. But obviously someone is taking them up on the offer, or they wouldn't be in business.

Alan_Nimm 628 reads
3 / 24

gets a review with a low score, later reviews should have lower scores also?  I don't see the logic there. It doesn't seem odd to me that a provider with good reviews before the one low score will continue to get good reviews after that lower score.

People have bad days. Happened to me once with a provider who had a strong review history, both before and after my review. I chalked it up to her having a bad day. But I didn't see any reason to see her again.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 569 reads
4 / 24

No you missed the point so I'll make it clearer, hopefully.  
I'm saying that if a provider gets an immediate good review that suspiciously has positive counterpoints for each and every negative comment made in the negative review that it's obviously manipulation. i.e if the negative review states she was late. The positive review says she's on time, or early. It's blatent review manipulation and only a fool think it doesn't exist. But I'm just saying they could make an attempt to make it a little less obvious. It really hurts the credibility of the review process when it's that obvious. After all we are not children,  despite some attitudes  

-- Modified on 10/2/2015 12:45:11 AM

jjweiskopf 1 Reviews 593 reads
5 / 24

Hobbyists are going to pay attention to the negative review - in fact it would really stand out among all the other positive reviews.

And if the negative review highlights the providers inconsistency then I, for one, would seriously take that into consideration.

I don't see that anything is broken in the review process.  I'm pretty new to this so you can slam me for not knowing what I'm talking about, but to me it's the same story as consumer reviews in any arena:  You look for quality and consistency (as well as value for the price, features, availability, convenience, yada yada yada) and then you make a buy/no-buy decision

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 614 reads
6 / 24

I wonder if the providers have to leave an unmarked envelope in an abandoned phone booth in the dead of night for these phantom reviewers?

thotlover 399 reads
7 / 24

I have seen examples of what the OP is referring to. Some well reviewed providers, after getting a bad review (bad is relative in this era of "review inflation"), will reach out to former clients for a repeat visit and ask for a good review to off set it. Most often the bad review is an outlier that could be result of the provider (or client) having a bad day or simply bad chemistry which means it is accurate. Some times the bad review is simply vindictive and mean spirited. I certainly take the bad review into consideration along with all of the others. I also will look at the reviewer's other reviews to see whether his score is comparable to what he has given other providers.

 Given the impact that reviews have on a provider's "brand" and business opportunities, I am not surprised that they would attempt to manage or manipulate their reviews. Some providers, in advance of the appointment, will request that you agree not to write a review and if they conclude that the session went well will change their minds. The number one provider in the country has 39 10/10 reviews since December 2014. How does that happen? The number two ranked provider has an almost perfect score of 9.9/9.9 with 152 reviews. Are all of these clients manipulated or are the providers just that good? I have seen number two and she really is!

I read all of the reviews of providers that I am considering especially the ones that are fairly detailed to look for patterns and consistencies.

Alan_Nimm 419 reads
8 / 24

as it's obvious what you're talking about.  

I don't doubt some providers overcompensate for one bad review by being at the top of their game next time, and even going so far as to ask the next reviewer to "please mention that I was on time" etc.  Maybe you could offer to coach those reviewers to make their counterpoints less obvious. :)

This kind of thing happens in other service oriented businesses.  For example, had your car in for service lately?  

And some people are more sensitive than others, and maybe think that because they had a bad time with a provider, everyone else should have the same kind of experience.  

No, we're not children

GaGambler 476 reads
9 / 24

The proper reaction would be for the provider to "step up her game" but all too often her reaction is to call her BSU buddies to write glowing reviews for her, accentuating as positives everything that was brought up as a negative in her bad review.  

I am sure you got his point, you just seem to be choosing to deny that this type of thing happens. I happen to disagree, I know for a fact this type of thing happens a lot more than any of us would like

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 466 reads
10 / 24
GaGambler 405 reads
11 / 24

Or on TER, the scores of the obvious BSU's which sometimes constitute 90% of a lady's reviews.

Once upon a time when seeing a solid string of 10-10 reviews my first thought would be "damn she must be great" now after seeing so many rather average women and below getting those kind of scores my first thought is "I wonder if she is manipulating the reviews or if she is simply offering BBFS in exchange for all those tens?"

It's completely unfair to the gorgeous and hard working women who EARN their high scores, but review manipulation and outright fraud happens way too often to ignore.

January See my TER Reviews 462 reads
12 / 24

This Industry has become more and more Political. I have heard that a few ladies do pay to get 10/10s.  
 Over my yrs in Vegas I have come across maybe 3 providers that would do certain things to ensure they get 10/10.
 Over longer dates with no extra fee's. I seen a lady write her review send it to the gentleman and say ok now post this for me.
 As a provider its tough being judged on looks and performance, But that is the nature of the beast.
If I don't get a great review its usually from a guy that in all of his reviews he will point out every flaw you can imagine,

  I have never asked a gentlemen to give me a 10/10 unless I deserve it. If there new to TER I do explain to them that there has to be enough juicy details with certain things mentioned in order to keep the rating they give you,
 But I help them and then they write what they feel.
 My rating are 7-10's  With a few 5's.
  But there are some reviewers that will never be satisfied even if your perfect. There reviews are always picking the girl apart and some can be nasty.
 I try and be my best all the time. but that isnt realistic,
 We have bad days.
 I want the gentleman's review to  be honest and have my rating reflex that.
 but I feel if I show up and im not what you pictured in your head then ask me nicely to leave,
 and not put in the review well she wasn't exactly what I wanted but what  hell I will take one for the team.
 So now he has already established his time is not what his exceptions were gonna be and he already has it in his mind that i will get a not so glowing review,
  And all the while im thinking were clicking and chatting and its fun.
 I would rather be sent away than have someone pick me apart,
 That part is not fair to us providers.
 10/10s are great.  
 But That,s a lot of pressure to always be 120%.

It isnt fair to some of us who have been around forever like myself, But You gotta do what you gotta do.
 But the review section has changed a lot over yrs,
  Maybe one day TER will will recognize the ladies who have been around longer than 10 yrs. and have a different kind of Review ratings
 Now if Im cruel or a bitch and rush you or up sale you . then you have every right to give me a bad review
 But Don't be so cruel if her pics are accurate and she is nice. Then be nice back.
 It all comes down to how you treat people.
 this is a wonderful career and I love what I do.
 But with anything you have to kiss a few frogs before you find some princes or even a King Or Two

 Guys if shes not exactly what you wanted but her pics are real and shes nice and she does everything she can to make your date nice. but You just dont like it that she is a little voluptuous.  
But you new that because her pics are right on.
 don't call her flabby and gross and tits hanging, This is our Lively Hood and if we deserve a bad so be it
 But why say things that are so hurtful.  
 WE choose to treat others good. and its so much easier than being negative all the time.
 Just think if you were being rated.
 Its hard. But we know this coming in.
 So we all just do our best. be kind to one another and have the times of our lives.
 Thanks for listening.
 I got on one there.  
 i apologize for being so long winded.
 and I probably diidnt even give a response to the original thread.
 But It was on my mind and what better way to vent than here,
 Kisses and Hugs to all
 January Class

Alan_Nimm 415 reads
13 / 24

I said this happens here and in other service industries. I think everyone who's been around here for any length of time realizes the problems with the review system. There's manipulation on both sides.  

I am sure you got my post, you just seem to be choosing to accept only one explanation for why a single negative review after all positive reviews is followed by another positive review. Of course it could be a case of manipulation. Unlike you and the OPer, I am open to considering that there's other ways that could have happened.

-- Modified on 10/2/2015 10:05:39 AM

Oldtimemonger 390 reads
14 / 24

Sorry Alyson but the "balance of power" has shifted towards the girls. Ever since girls required references guys have soft balled it to avoid losing a reference. Some girls ask for real names. Who would write a less than stellar review knowing the girl could out you? Other girls will only see guys who give them a review handle with 10 or more reviews. If they see you never give more than an 8 or mention that some girls are older and heavier than their pictures, they won't see you.

Other girls cut deals by offering discounts, freebies and "special services" in exchange for perfect reviews.

 We are the customers. The vendors should have no say in the matter.

For every "fake" bad review, there must be 10 that are written by BSUs trying to impress the girls.

BlondeRoots 342 reads
15 / 24

Unfortunately, there are guys who become angry if a provider won't see them, or annoys him on the boards, or he wants free VIP days, or he wants to have "reviews" so that girls think he is a legit client (for any nefarious reason), and he will write a totally fictitious review of a provider he hasn't met.  

The review could be either positive or negative.  

If she notices a fake and reports it, sometimes it becomes a he said/she said and since a girl can't necessarily PROVE she hasn't met someone, these reviews sometimes remain posted.  Not saying this is always the case, but I've heard about this happening way too many times to count.  I once had a fake review.  It was actually good!  But I never met the guy.  We know who we saw.  We aren't banging 8000 guys a month.  If we saw 12 guys in the past 3 months, 8 of them are regulars, and 4 already reviewed us... And some mysterious "review" pops up with vague, innaccurate details of ourselves, or our location... Hmm...

Long story short, don't always believe what you read on the Internet.  Think for yourself, read between the lines, read ALL the reviews.  

-- Modified on 10/2/2015 11:13:09 AM

Oldtimemonger 387 reads
16 / 24

Posted By: AlysonParker
I'm usually willing to concede some sort of middle ground but men absolutely have the power and plenty of them abuse it.  
 If a woman won't see someone because of their reviews, why would a guy want to see her anyway? And if someone writes a review that is negative but truthful, he should not expect a reference from that person. Reviews and references aren't mandatory. If a guy chooses to write a bad one, true or not, he shouldn't be expecting that lady to take time out of her day to help him. That's just common sense.  
 Most consumer review boards provide a way for vendors to respond or have reviews removed if they have proof it's false. We have literally no recourse here when men use this site to manipulate us and it makes us reliant on other men to advocate on our behalf. We don't have any other option.
Just because the guy gives hard grades is no reason to put him on a de facto blacklist. Guys just figure out ways around it anyway if we want to see the girl.

I strongly disagree that you should be able to withhold a reference because you don't like a review. The reference system was set up to avoid dangerous clients or LE. That's why P411 is so popular.

Using references as a review control system makes it a revenge system.

If you challenge a review the guy has to show correspondence (text or E mail) that you agreed to meet. If he can't prove you met, the review can be removed.

hbyist+truth=;( 429 reads
17 / 24

Don't accept reviews. The misinformation that a hooker needs reviews to do well is bunk. In having no reviews is a great screening tool...as in I screen out the tools I don't want to see. I have inadvertently seen a couple of reviewers and they, IN MY EXPERIENCE, ALL had a very similar approach and demeanor. Those were my worst sessions. SO I am not sorry I have missed out on reviewers.  For the minority that might be nice, I have missed out on a bunch of jerks who do use reviews to hurt and manipulate a hooker.

skarphedin 336 reads
18 / 24
abacus17 43 Reviews 302 reads
19 / 24

as usual, I agree with Alyson. Men do have the power. There is the physical imbalance, as her Margaret Atwood quote aptly captures. and there is also the fact that this is a fun hobby for us guys, and a livelihood for the ladies. We need to remember that and try to be decent human beings.

skarphedin 343 reads
20 / 24

This has nothing to do with murder motivated by misogyny. That is pure drama llama bullshit. Her argument is MEN KILL WOMYN BECAUSE MEN = REVIEWS BAD = CHECKMATE!  

For god sake get up off your knees.

Oldtimemonger 328 reads
21 / 24

It's easy to avoid TER reviews. If you only advertise on a "rival board" TER will not allow the review. Unfortunately, TER considers lots of ad boards rivals. That does not mean you can avoid reviews from regional boards. If every girl went to a no review policy, it would only be a matter of time before the millions of guys who see hookers ignored it.

My experience with "no review" girls was very negative. They usually had a bunch of "NO GFE" rules and/or were older and fatter than their pictures.  IN MY EXPERIENCE, girls with a no review policy had a similar approach and demeanor. Rip off the tricks! Terrible sessions!

Getting the 100s of 1000,s of hookers to agree to have a no review policy is a pipe dream of yours. Some make money off reviews and are happy with the system.

hbyist+truth=;( 329 reads
22 / 24

I really do not want to see guys who review. The few I have, were the worst clients. I do pretty much everything I can to deter reviewers. I know what reviewers want and need and do not provide it (reviews, acronyms on my website and ads, along with not seeing reviewers there is not that good of a chance of any back channeling) .  

As I said I have seen some and they were assholes. And I am sure I met a couple of reviewers who were quite pleasant, but not enough to spur me to lay it all out there for the gen pop to see.

I highly doubt if I were in that demographic you saw that had no ethics or treated the guys badly, I would have been out of this business a long time ago. I might be an asshole on here but IRL, quite the opposite and do actually treat the guys I see as I would want to be treated should I be the client...I know hard to believe from the persona on here.  

And I am happy for the ladies that can stomach the reviews. It works for them. I have no campaign to do anything but mind my own business ...literally. The rest can mind theirs .

-- Modified on 10/3/2015 6:20:36 PM

Oldtimemonger 320 reads
23 / 24

I have no way of knowing what area you are in. Most regional areas do have review boards. Most regional areas have "Men's only" private forums. If you have advertised for a year or more it's safe to say that somebody out there has info on you. Maybe if you are in Alaska you are safe from reviews or back channels.

Regional review boards can be way more crooked and cut throat than TER.  

It does not matter what type of personality you have or what you look like or how "nice" you are to the tricks. Men have a right to know what type of SERVICE they can get for their hard earned money. If you are giving covered blow jobs and other non-gfe services at gfe prices, your no -review policy is an attempt to mislead the public.  

Just because a guy does not review does not mean he is going to be satisfied with any type of service. It was not a matter of getting treated badly. It was the lack of GFE services. Like it or not the vast majority of men won't see girls without reviews.

 I'm glad it works for you but it won't work for every girl.

hbyist+truth=;( 280 reads
24 / 24

Like I said, and I know I have been discussed openly on the general discussion section as well as BC.  

AS for the right to know...I adhere to industry standards and do not portray myself as one thing and then provide another. As I said, I have ethics and will not mislead...that would be back channeled BDQ. I have a RIGHT to discretion that keeps a target off my forehead.

And I agree, board guys and reviewers are in the "like it or not, men won't see girls without reviews"...the guys I tend to see are not those types and are more than happy to see me and repeat. I have no idea why this concept is so hard for some of you guys to grasp. This is a very small pool in the grand scheme of P4P. Not all guys need reviews or even like seeing hookers who parade their sucking and fucking for everyone to see. The discretion is part of why they see me.

And my local board got the same correspondence as TER did and I check frequently...no reviews.  

Now, seeing as this seems to bother you, a solution would be to completely ignore any hooker that does not get reviewed and stick to those that do and leave the likes of me to other guys who are not review centric.

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