TER General Board

Re: Dude! I know what it is
Damnthisisfun! 2433 reads
1 / 44

In the end it's not who has the most money or things but " He or She that has had the most fun in life wins".  With all the shit that's gone on sin the last 13 years about 4 years ago I discovered this amazing world where I could meet some really cool woman and have sex with them to boot!

It's been a lot of fun. Have met both ladies and have had some contacts with other hobbyists that have mad e a rather boring life much more entertaining.

I hope it doesn't come back to bite me but I must say. When I'm on my death bed next wek or 30 years from now (fuck, I hope not) there will be a moment when I think of this stretch in my life as the most fun I'd had in a long time. Thank you ladies. And a few humorous hobbyists

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 837 reads
2 / 44

And notes of how thankful they are, and how much they appreciate the men/women in this world.. I mean I am all for that, but what's in the air/water that is causing this sudden outbursts of emotions?  

Is there a mass suicide that is planned at some monger event, and I never got the memo?  Are we being attacked by aliens?  

What the fuck is going on.. Can someone clue me in...? :D

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 859 reads
3 / 44

Sucks don't it?

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
And notes of how thankful they are, and how much they appreciate the men/women in this world.. I mean I am all for that, but what's in the air/water that is causing this sudden outbursts of emotions?  
 Is there a mass suicide that is planned at some monger event, and I never got the memo?  Are we being attacked by aliens?  
 What the fuck is going on.. Can someone clue me in...? :D

JohnyComeAlready 691 reads
5 / 44

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
And notes of how thankful they are, and how much they appreciate the men/women in this world.. I mean I am all for that, but what's in the air/water that is causing this sudden outbursts of emotions?  
 Is there a mass suicide that is planned at some monger event, and I never got the memo?  Are we being attacked by aliens?  
 What the fuck is going on.. Can someone clue me in...? :D

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 714 reads
6 / 44

Maybe it’s a sign from God to raise our rates. If guys are truly appreciative rather than just begrudgingly grateful, it means we’re not charging enough.

Damnthisisfun! 845 reads
7 / 44

Maybe you have that backwards......your'e clients may be getting older and seeing theeir hobby days coming to a close. Less buyers....lower prices.....

Posted By: rrasha88
Maybe it’s a sign from God to raise our rates. If guys are truly appreciative rather than just begrudgingly grateful, it means we’re not charging enough.

russbbj 89 Reviews 667 reads
8 / 44

someone said the other day that Hillary is a lock.

Go Rand Paul!

And, go Tribe!

russbbj 89 Reviews 559 reads
9 / 44

I mean really, it's fucking perfect.

That's better ain't it?

And I'm not kidding about your ass, you should have it sculpted.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 642 reads
10 / 44

I seldom question whether or not I'm happy, so either I must be or it doesn't matter. Money is points. If it's a game, you need points and some rules. Money supplies that. And games are fun, but I don't often question whether or not I'm having fun. So either I am or it's irrelevant.

OTOH, true emotional bliss and the comfort of serenity feels important. I feel secure. I feel loved. Blah, blah, lots of feelings. I don't know if I'm secure or loved or anything, never can KNOW, but I FEEL that way. So it's all about feelings. Money makes me feel good.

Skyfyre 548 reads
12 / 44

Will be glad to clue you in. The simple reason for their outburst of happiness/emotionals: their favorite NFL team just won its opening-day game! LOL...

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 588 reads
13 / 44

I think Queeny is sending people to beat me up! :D

That's the gift that keeps on giving

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 706 reads
14 / 44

If those seeking 1600 Penn could outline a succinct foreign policy, then I could see myself getting behind him. Otherwise, I am getting behind Chris Christy.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 845 reads
17 / 44
inicky46 61 Reviews 656 reads
20 / 44

In fact, she looks better.  Those were shot a few years ago when she was a bit heavier.  Now she's got washboard abs and a butt you could bounce quarters off of.  And, of course, they don't show her face, which features pouty, pillow lips, huge dark almond eyes and high cheekbones.  She's perhaps the most exotic beauty I've ever set eyes on.  Friends who have met her agree.

Dr Who revived 628 reads
21 / 44

New dudes show up every day...and some dudes leave here every day.

As well never a shortage of young women entering this gig...and those leaving here.

Just that sometimes a gal wears out her welcome and sticks around way too long.  However you have sites like this to point that out...and hopefully save some newer dudes from seeing that 37 advertised age and meeting up with a 55 y/o that has old Aldo pics.

As far as rates...sheesh...you've got options like Kitty.  Where else are you going to get $ 35 for that additional hour?
Posted By: Damnthisisfun!
Maybe you have that backwards......your'e clients may be getting older and seeing theeir hobby days coming to a close. Less buyers....lower prices.....  
Posted By: rrasha88
Maybe it’s a sign from God to raise our rates. If guys are truly appreciative rather than just begrudgingly grateful, it means we’re not charging enough.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 751 reads
24 / 44
StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 598 reads
25 / 44
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 562 reads
27 / 44
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 657 reads
28 / 44
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 797 reads
29 / 44

Whoever has the most fun and sex win!

Posted By: Damnthisisfun!
In the end it's not who has the most money or things but " He or She that has had the most fun in life wins".  With all the shit that's gone on sin the last 13 years about 4 years ago I discovered this amazing world where I could meet some really cool woman and have sex with them to boot!  
 It's been a lot of fun. Have met both ladies and have had some contacts with other hobbyists that have mad e a rather boring life much more entertaining.  
 I hope it doesn't come back to bite me but I must say. When I'm on my death bed next wek or 30 years from now (fuck, I hope not) there will be a moment when I think of this stretch in my life as the most fun I'd had in a long time. Thank you ladies. And a few humorous hobbyists.  

inicky46 61 Reviews 720 reads
30 / 44

Fungus actually made a post that is not sour and angry. Hell has frozen over for sure.

inicky46 61 Reviews 590 reads
31 / 44

I have seen her devour a steak.  She is quite the little carnivore.

russbbj 89 Reviews 802 reads
32 / 44

Tobi speaks her mind, and I like that, until playtime.

And she's really, really, very sexy. Yummy, with a capital Y. And I like that too.

Her choice of Presidential hopefuls, well I won't hold that against her. I can think of a much better woman to run for President, Conoleezza Rice. She was an excellent Secretary of State, she's brilliant, strong, poised and she actually had control over the people she managed, what a concept. And let's face it, she's much easier on the eyes, not that looks are important Presidential criteria.

inicky46 61 Reviews 547 reads
33 / 44
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 565 reads
34 / 44

That's the combination Liberal lunatics don't like....

It gives them seizures.  :D

89Springer 541 reads
36 / 44
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 828 reads
37 / 44

I said. And sadly I think it's true. Hope I'm wrong. She's a total toad.  

Posted By: russbbj
someone said the other day that Hillary is a lock.  
 Go Rand Paul!  
 And, go Tribe!

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 597 reads
38 / 44

Agreed with you 100% until your last comment. Christys done zip economically in NJ. Just got downgraded. He's a blowhard moderate bullshit artist.  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
If those seeking 1600 Penn could outline a succinct foreign policy, then I could see myself getting behind him. Otherwise, I am getting behind Chris Christy.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 873 reads
39 / 44

Black, female and conservative. The trifecta.  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
That's the combination Liberal lunatics don't like....  
 It gives them seizures.  :D

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 687 reads
40 / 44

Log Cabin Republicans. 'Nuff said.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 587 reads
41 / 44
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 722 reads
42 / 44

so I can't comment on what he has or has not done for NJ.  

But I will say this... If there is any guy who can bring two parties together its him. Paul and Cruz sound great on paper, and they may be able to rile up their base, but as we have all seen in last 8 yrs, campaigning is one thing and governing is another.  

We will see. The circus comes to town next summer...

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 690 reads
43 / 44

Last night was the full harvest moon...

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
And notes of how thankful they are, and how much they appreciate the men/women in this world.. I mean I am all for that, but what's in the air/water that is causing this sudden outbursts of emotions?  
 Is there a mass suicide that is planned at some monger event, and I never got the memo?  Are we being attacked by aliens?  
 What the fuck is going on.. Can someone clue me in...? :D

89Springer 960 reads
44 / 44

Rice likes guys, especially football players. Here's one article from HuffPo.  

I'd vote for Rice in a nanosecond, regardless of her sexual preferences.

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