TER General Board

Re: Dude I have no idea what CPA is like IRL.
DamienScott 945 reads

Quite original yourself. Drip drip drip

Posted By: macdaddy1944
he whacks off on a regular basis..he has to clean the jizz off his keyboard regularly..CPA..WHO..means fucked up..  
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You could be a rapist for all I know.    
  Two faced because I disagree today with this shit? Hey I will call you a prick one day if I feel you act like one and the next day I might say hi, just like real life.    
  I was not happy with what I have been reading. So what, that could change tomorrow. Christ you two are so freaking sensitive. You think women are hormonal, geez are you both manstrating?  
-- Modified on 10/23/2014 5:23:31 PM

!_!3194 reads

How do you typically use your alias, in most cases? Do you have a tendency, to turn into Mr.Hyde when you use your alias? There's the good Mr.Hyde, the griping & bitching fuckin Mr.Hyde, and the evil fuckin Mr.Hyde whose only purpose is to troll. Which one are you, playboy? As for me, and probably many others, I get more honest about what I *really* want to say, regarding all the pet peeves, gripes, bat shit crazies, and NCNS bitches I've ran into in the hobby. Ya hear? Some people might perceive what I say as a form of trolling but considering it's directed at, a *general  fuckin crowd* as opposed to a *specific person*, I honestly feel it's different from your garden variety trolling. Under my actual fuckinhandle, I'm a bit like Dr.Jeckle and the good side of me shows. It seems, I only use my god damn alias to gripe about some of the evil fuckin things that , some evil providers and hobbyists do in the fuckin hobby. There's also the reason to stay reasonably protected from BSC girls who are blacklist trigger happy, while being able to tell them exactly what they need to hear. I feel I'm a good Mr.Hyde because I'm a very warm hearted person, but I'm sure others may disagree. Some people think that using alias is cowardly but these dumb ass brain dead morons forget that their TER handle isn't their god damn real name either. Lulz  Your goddamn thoughts, if any?

!_!887 reads

They know exactly who I am, although I don't have any idea if that factors in to my posts being denied or approved. I'm guessing that it factors in more to me being moderated.... Lulz.  

All I know is that I am moderated, so all my posts have gone through TER moderation process. If you felt that my posts were troll posts, hey, they were ALL approved by TER admins so I was NOT breaking any rules. I take no responsibility, since, after all, I'm moderated.  

Ain't that convenient? Your thoughts, if any? :D

i think you are a fucking sweetheart..anything is better than Dr. Who's hate filled and demeaning shit..how tis fucker is not banned is beyond me..guess he sucks the right cocks..

Posted By: !_!
They know exactly who I am, although I don't have any idea if that factors in to my posts being denied or approved. I'm guessing that it factors in more to me being moderated.... Lulz.  
 All I know is that I am moderated, so all my posts have gone through TER moderation process. If you felt that my posts were troll posts, hey, they were ALL approved by TER admins so I was NOT breaking any rules. I take no responsibility, since, after all, I'm moderated.  
 Ain't that convenient? Your thoughts, if any? :D

DamienScott940 reads

Drip drip drip

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i think you are a fucking sweetheart..anything is better than Dr. Who's hate filled and demeaning shit..how tis fucker is not banned is beyond me..guess he sucks the right cocks..  
Posted By: !_!
They know exactly who I am, although I don't have any idea if that factors in to my posts being denied or approved. I'm guessing that it factors in more to me being moderated.... Lulz.    
  All I know is that I am moderated, so all my posts have gone through TER moderation process. If you felt that my posts were troll posts, hey, they were ALL approved by TER admins so I was NOT breaking any rules. I take no responsibility, since, after all, I'm moderated.    
  Ain't that convenient? Your thoughts, if any? :D

JackDunphy699 reads

Damien needs a plumber. Mac needs a diaper. And SYW needs a travel agent.  

You catch that epic meltdown last night? Maybe a week for her in downtown PaddedRoomsVille then a week...or year...on the beach in Hawaii. lol

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 11:49:27 AM

I read it and some of it I agree with. While she did mention that she might discount for longer dates with established clients her refusal to haggle with first timers or on a shorter appointment makes sense. So all the while you say she contradicted herself, I think it reads deeper and once you extract the main point it is clear she does not haggle with new unknown guys and she is the one who offers a discount for clients she likes, not the same as having a trick pester you for a discount.

The good Doc is on one of his hate hooker rants ...not sure why he melts down on hookers every once in a while. So while a hooker gets a label of a meltdown and a trick can just have an opinion...strong ones at that, I will respect the day when this labeling crap stops, however I will not hold my breath, I do know where I am playing.

We have another stupid trick labeling a woman a hater for being sarcastic..pitiful when that is the only defense a sad assed trick can come up with.

Anyway, I like SYW and Voo-Doo

JackDunphy984 reads

as I think she clearly contradicted herself all over the place but you disagree...we move on.  

I was referring to the part where she said she thinks we need to kill ourselves.

And the part she feels like she would need a gun to protect her from the likes of the Doctor.  

Can I assume those were the parts you disagreed with, at a minimum?  

Sorry HT but that is psycho talk. Its one thing to bust balls here...you do it...I do it...Doc does it.

Quite another road to go down with the things I mention above. If a john talked like that to a gal here, I would beat his ass down in a hurry, and you know that. So would Doc.  


-- Modified on 10/23/2014 2:13:13 PM

Yep...that gal had a major meltdown...and I did suggest she take an anger management course (or three).

You and I (as well as many here) know that some posters have a difficult time expressing themselves in writing.  And when a poster melts down using the "FU" as their only retort they've lost any credible argument that they were trying to inject.

You did observe that she had been edging toward that abyss over the past several days...and yesterday successfully managed to make the leap.

Posted By: JackDunphy
as I think she clearly contradicted herself all over the place but you disagree...we move on.  
 I was referring to the part where she said she thinks we need to kill ourselves.  
 And the part she feels like she would need a gun to protect her from the likes of the Doctor.  
 Can I assume those were the parts you disagreed with, at a minimum?  
 Sorry HT but that is psycho talk. Its one thing to bust balls here...you do it...I do it...Doc does it.  
 Quite another road to go down with the things I mention above. If a john talked like that to a gal here, I would beat his ass down in a hurry, and you know that. So would Doc.  

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 2:13:13 PM

JackDunphy792 reads

HT wont condone that nonsense. Like I said, if it was a dude, she would have been all over that "trick." But for some reason she thinks a meltdown is a meltdown is a meltdown.

Engaging in witty, ball busting banter is NOT a meltdown. Many girls do this. HT, Tobi, etc. They don't have meltdowns, as far as I have read.

Losing reality and perspective, like SYW did last night, is something totally different.

There have been plenty of those meltdowns over the years...and it isn't just a gal.  

I did send SYW a shovel to assist her....but I don't think she's woken from her stupor just yet.

Posted By: JackDunphy
HT wont condone that nonsense. Like I said, if it was a dude, she would have been all over that "trick." But for some reason she thinks a meltdown is a meltdown is a meltdown.  
 Engaging in witty, ball busting banter is NOT a meltdown. Many girls do this. HT, Tobi, etc. They don't have meltdowns, as far as I have read.  
 Losing reality and perspective, like SYW did last night, is something totally different.

JackDunphy917 reads

Except for a hooker or two on the NB! lol. The meltdowns over there are almost 100% estrogen based. roflmao!

You need anger management too. In fact so does every person who succumbs to anger in that case. Do we need humor management as well? I mean God forbid anyone laugh at something. Last I looked, anger is a real emotion.  

You do not get off scott free as you were part of this. You had your little pick fest at me about this negotiating stuff telling me you know how hookers run things just because you chat with a few. They are not me. They are NOT representative of ALL hookers.  

And as for your comment on the FU, you can talk...when you get backed into a corner or pissed at a hooker and have nothing better to say, what do you trot out, yes the old hooker, the fat hooker, the stupid hooker. Yeah you are part of the problem

I certainly have no problem(s) with posts...why would you remotely suggest that?

I'm also quite a happy camper...but pulling out the ever trusty "you're angry" is an all too typical retort on these boards.

You know how I tend to reply...and analyze a posters comments.  I have no interest in picking how they prefer to reply...but I will (and generally have always) hold someone accountable for their comments.

I also believe you have me confused with others who trot out the "old, fat and ugly" retorts.  Some are...some aren't.  Don't you know any who are stupid as well?  Sure you do...or you can deny that I don't understand your circle.

As I have posted several times now...you have no clue as to how many here are open (with me).  Let alone how many of them have been and/or will be with me going forward.  But I know that troubles you...so best to continue to bury your head in the sand and believe what you need to believe.  Most seem to like to take that approach.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You need anger management too. In fact so does every person who succumbs to anger in that case. Do we need humor management as well? I mean God forbid anyone laugh at something. Last I looked, anger is a real emotion.  
 You do not get off scott free as you were part of this. You had your little pick fest at me about this negotiating stuff telling me you know how hookers run things just because you chat with a few. They are not me. They are NOT representative of ALL hookers.  
 And as for your comment on the FU, you can talk...when you get backed into a corner or pissed at a hooker and have nothing better to say, what do you trot out, yes the old hooker, the fat hooker, the stupid hooker. Yeah you are part of the problem.  

Are but a few in the grand scheme of things and even if they are truthful with you, that does not make you an authority on hookers in general. It really matter not how many are open, they are not representative of everyone. You are getting their viewpoint from their experiences, not mine or some other hooker you have never met. So pop your head back on the sand if you think you really know that much about ALL hookers.

So carry on thinking you know all about the hooker side of this business, there are many tricks like you who live in oblivion thinking you know oh so much. When you hook and suck cock, then come and tell me about this business from a real perspective, until then please just shut up and stick to being the best trick you can be.

Tricks chat to me so does that make me an authority on ALL tricks, blech no, perish the thought.

From your posts here you have no real interest in understanding the how's or why's of johndom.  That's fine...I expect you wouldn't.

OTOH I do have a vested interest in understanding the hooking side...perhaps you know why...perhaps not.  But you continue to parade this nonsense that no "guy" can get this gig...and again you speak in absolutes.  You are becoming this boards JLS I'm afraid.  And the further you delve into that regime....the less credible your posts become to me.  Not that you care...but it seems that you have some aversion to realizing that there are guys here who get it.  

So continue to live in your fantasy world.  There's an apparent reason that you need to bloviate here day in and day out...perhaps that exemplary business model of yours needs some attention.  

And of course you can toss out that some of "us" are angry...ill informed...delusional.  It's a safe retort.

Perhaps one day you'll get it...but I suspect it will only occur after the Cubs win a World Series.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Are but a few in the grand scheme of things and even if they are truthful with you, that does not make you an authority on hookers in general. It really matter not how many are open, they are not representative of everyone. You are getting their viewpoint from their experiences, not mine or some other hooker you have never met. So pop your head back on the sand if you think you really know that much about ALL hookers.  
 So carry on thinking you know all about the hooker side of this business, there are many tricks like you who live in oblivion thinking you know oh so much. When you hook and suck cock, then come and tell me about this business from a real perspective, until then please just shut up and stick to being the best trick you can be.  
 Tricks chat to me so does that make me an authority on ALL tricks, blech no, perish the thought.

I said you don't know MY business. You have been told what a few, okay say 50 hookers think/feel/run their business. That does not make you an authority on mine. I am not unique but I do have very strict guidelines that your hooker friends might bend so therefore you think we all bend. This one does not. And for you to dispute that make you a fool.

My bloviation is matched only by yours. You are here too, so what does that make you, an unemployed loser or someone who has access to a computer while he works his job?  

One day you will get it, you will get that you are a small man in a giant industry and the more you try and make your self big and know it all, the more I pity you.  

At the end of the day CPA, you son't matter to me. You don;t contribute to my life in any meaningful way, you do not know me.

You are convinced (from your repeated posts on the topic) that NO dude can possibly understand this business unless HE is IN the business.

That's a circular argument and you know it.  I don't own a furniture business (or replace that with other type of business) yet have consulted in that field for years.  Odd how people come to me for my expertise in business valuation, strategy, forecasting, retirement and so on...even though I've never sold that particular widget.

It's a gal like you that frightens (and inaccurately depicts) others into thinking that this hooking business is something out of the ordinary...and mysterious beyond reproach.

As well, you can hide behind the you're unique...and not like the hundreds...thousands...tens of thousands of other gals struggling to make good in this world.  Of course you're unique...you keep on saying so since only YOU have some morals that no one else in this world has.

Yet here you are posting over and over trying your damndest to convince me (and arguably anyone else following this thread) that no ONE outside of a hooker can possibly understand this.  OK...you must be right  LOL

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I said you don't know MY business. You have been told what a few, okay say 50 hookers think/feel/run their business. That does not make you an authority on mine. I am not unique but I do have very strict guidelines that your hooker friends might bend so therefore you think we all bend. This one does not. And for you to dispute that make you a fool.  
 My bloviation is matched only by yours. You are here too, so what does that make you, an unemployed loser or someone who has access to a computer while he works his job?  
 One day you will get it, you will get that you are a small man in a giant industry and the more you try and make your self big and know it all, the more I pity you.  
 At the end of the day CPA, you son't matter to me. You don;t contribute to my life in any meaningful way, you do not know me.

What you were told from their perspectives but you will NEVER know what it is like to BE a hooker.  

I can be told about furniture making but that does not make me a cabinet maker.  

I can be told all about a heart transplant but it does not make me a cardiac transplant surgeon.

I am now frightening other hookers? That's a new twist.

Never mentioned morals, please open your eyes when you read it really does help, I mentioned rules and boundaries. You used the word unique in another post directed at me, that was not my choice of word.  

Yes people come to you about your business expertise when it comes to money. Do they also come to you for tips on how to suck cock? Didn't know you swung that way. Maybe I have been wrong, maybe you should hold cock sucking seminars for all the hookers who need lessons.

Excuse me...I guess I've misread all your prior posts about how no guys can "understand" this business you are in.  

I don't recall ever expressing an expertise in sucking cock or taking it up the poop chute...or anything else in between.  I was (and always have been) addressing your premise that no one other than a hooker could understand this business.

So forgive me for not understanding that you are suggesting that the only people who can possibly understand what a cabinet maker need do to be a better cabinet maker...or that heart surgeon need have only someone who has performed open heart surgery can possibly understand that profession.

I'll keep all that in mind when I pick up my fees for consulting.  And I'll remind all that seek out my talents that I'm eminently unqualified to understand the issues and concerns they want to express to me.

Money is only the end result of understanding how to be successful.

Where'd you go to school?  Just curious....maybe you attended a lecture or two of mine?  Just in case you care....I've been in many institutions...both coasts as well as here locally.  Sorry...I don't do the community college circuit.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
What you were told from their perspectives but you will NEVER know what it is like to BE a hooker.  
 I can be told about furniture making but that does not make me a cabinet maker.  
 I can be told all about a heart transplant but it does not make me a cardiac transplant surgeon.  
 I am now frightening other hookers? That's a new twist.  
 Never mentioned morals, please open your eyes when you read it really does help, I mentioned rules and boundaries. You used the word unique in another post directed at me, that was not my choice of word.  
 Yes people come to you about your business expertise when it comes to money. Do they also come to you for tips on how to suck cock? Didn't know you swung that way. Maybe I have been wrong, maybe you should hold cock sucking seminars for all the hookers who need lessons.

When for years tricks have said some fucked up things about hookers, the Doc is one of them and you are not far behind.  

You get all up in arms when a hooker gets pissed and lashes out. You then laugh and point out her "meltdown" but when she has  had enough and lashes out her way, you get offended? So she told a trick to go off himself....so we found your limit. You now know hers.

I know plenty of ladies that carry weapons when working.  

Your prerogative to "beat her ass down" like you would a john who says hookers need to off themselves, that's  where you can have your voice.  

It's funny, you tricks can poke the hookers and when one has had enough and really comes out swinging you cry because you don't like what she says...well don't be assholes to begin with. And you do not get to choose her words

That's all Jack was/is pointing out.

For her to suggest murder is so ironic...in that she made it a point that heaux's were at a high risk of this.

I also know plenty of people (not just heaux's or johns  LOL) that carry weapons.  So what!

As I posted earlier...meltdowns aren't strictly on the heaux's....one of the board pinata's had the 2014 meltdown of the year earlier.  He is/was a john.

Maybe if some of the gals would stick with the online babble...they could learn how to play and actually engage.

Nah...that's not going to happen  ;)

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
When for years tricks have said some fucked up things about hookers, the Doc is one of them and you are not far behind.  
 You get all up in arms when a hooker gets pissed and lashes out. You then laugh and point out her "meltdown" but when she has  had enough and lashes out her way, you get offended? So she told a trick to go off himself....so we found your limit. You now know hers.  
 I know plenty of ladies that carry weapons when working.  
 Your prerogative to "beat her ass down" like you would a john who says hookers need to off themselves, that's  where you can have your voice.  
 It's funny, you tricks can poke the hookers and when one has had enough and really comes out swinging you cry because you don't like what she says...well don't be assholes to begin with. And you do not get to choose her words.  

Or would you prefer that I respectfully suggest you go hang yourself? LOL

Sooo...YouWanna959 reads

And bring them back to reality, where "I like tomatoes, how bout you" doesn't make a girl BSC.  

They love to clutch their pearls when a girl treats them the way they (Who, Jack, and Johnny) treat the other men and women on this board. I give them a week before they stop wringing their hands over this one and get back to the normal "anyone will do for a bashing" routine, lol

Did you finally sign up for that free class at your local community college?  I hope so...you really seemed quite down in the dumps.

Also consider taking a public speaking class or two.  It'll help you find words that have some value when trying to express your thoughts.

Swearing is generally reserved for when one has no other words to express their thoughts (as well it seems that when all you can do is toss the F bomb it shows your lack of education...sorry about that).  

As for wringing "our" hands...I won't speak for anyone but myself here....you know better than to throw that lame excuse out for YOUR meltdown yesterday.  Take some responsibility for your lot in life...or just continue to wallow in your self-pity and continue to blame others for your decisions.  Yeah...that's working out real well so far  LOL

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
And bring them back to reality, where "I like tomatoes, how bout you" doesn't make a girl BSC.  
 They love to clutch their pearls when a girl treats them the way they (Who, Jack, and Johnny) treat the other men and women on this board. I give them a week before they stop wringing their hands over this one and get back to the normal "anyone will do for a bashing" routine, lol

Sooo...YouWanna931 reads

It's always the same old thing. Copy, paste, rinse and repeat cause that's all you've got. A couple stereotypes that you think you can look down your nose about. I probably have more money shoved in my sock drawer than you make in a year.  

Throwing the F bomb has nothing to do with my education, and everything to do with what I would like you to do to yourself.

JackDunphy834 reads

And much calmer. All good signs.  

Gone is that BSC girl from last night, I hope. Sheesh...ugly sight.  

Now that you are back to your PC ways with the use of "F bomb" instead of fuck fuck fuck last night, I assume you got a very good nights sleep and you weren't too proud of that hooker in the mirror this morning.

Lets see how long this will last.

Can you get through a full day and remain calm?

Baby steps SYW, baby steps.  

P.S.- sock drawers don't pay interest and aren't fire proof either.

Of course you have your retirement plan stuffed in a sock.  You wouldn't lie  LOL

And I still maintain that gals like you have this entitlement issue.  Try and spend some of that "sock" money on something other than frivolous shit and you won't need to bloviate on a fuck board demonstrating your lack of skills.

Since you have such an aversion to the topics posted on this board...why not try and find a board better suited to your skill set?  You do have another skill set...right?

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
It's always the same old thing. Copy, paste, rinse and repeat cause that's all you've got. A couple stereotypes that you think you can look down your nose about. I probably have more money shoved in my sock drawer than you make in a year.  
 Throwing the F bomb has nothing to do with my education, and everything to do with what I would like you to do to yourself.

You now think you know what she spends her money on...another trick meltdown in isle 4!!!!!! And if you think she is bloviating, you are right there behind her with your replies.

Wow you are losing it today, you are pulling out all your go to's in one thread. You need some new insults, we all know your favorites and they are old and tired. Can't do any better?

I thought I said "frivolous"....that's a pretty general description.

Perhaps you are projecting that you spend what money you might have had on something other than frivolity?

Or is this a new trend...cash in a sock drawer?  It was a fairly common method before FDIC insurance...and many who lived during the Great Depression subscribed to that method.  Are you or SYW that old?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You now think you know what she spends her money on...another trick meltdown in isle 4!!!!!! And if you think she is bloviating, you are right there behind her with your replies.  
 Wow you are losing it today, you are pulling out all your go to's in one thread. You need some new insults, we all know your favorites and they are old and tired. Can't do any better?

Unless you are there watching what she buys, you know diddly squat about her finances.  
And we have the old hooker reference. You are so boringly predictable today. What we wore your old saggy ass out? Come on lift your game.

Sooo...YouWanna856 reads

Remember when you so stupidly bloviated that most girls net 35k a year? Bitch, please. I do that in a month. That's why I can sit here and talk shit back to you. You might be able to belittle other girls into thinking they don't deserve respect, but I know I've got mine.  

Don't go putting this situation on the board when you very well know it's you specifically.  

Edit: I'll cut out the next few replies where you try and figure the math out and just go ahead and remind you that no, not all of us are stupid, not all of us lack money handling skills, and not all of us are begging for handouts. Some of us have our money so under control you'd shit your pants if you saw the portfolio.  

I have stuff to do. You boys have fun and make sure you at least spit in your palm before giving each other a hand next time.

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 3:10:13 PM

I know that you sit on these boards and hang on every word I post.  You just can't help yourself.

And you're back to using those four letter words to punctuate how truthful and accurate your statement(s) are.

Just like your pal h+t using her circular logic...you also fail to understand that there are quite a few here who know the realities of this game we all play.

So take out your sock...add up the dollars and get that rent money put together so you don't have to get evicted again.  It's a bitch to keep on moving...I understand.  But if you finally take some accountability for your poor decisions in life at least you'll finally be able to make some headway in life.

There are some gals who do have their finances under control...however you are not one of them.  Those gals are few and far between...and none are wasting their breath on boards such as this arguing with a nameless faceless poster trying to convince themselves of their financial independence.

Hopefully things will get better for you in the future.  But if you haven't spent any time on an exit strategy...I fear that you'll be like the tens of thousands before you (and after you) that will still be stealing from Peter to pay Paul for the rest of your life.

Respect is earned....give it a whirl.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
Remember when you so stupidly bloviated that most girls net 35k a year? Bitch, please. I do that in a month. That's why I can sit here and talk shit back to you. You might be able to belittle other girls into thinking they don't deserve respect, but I know I've got mine.  
 Don't go putting this situation on the board when you very well know it's you specifically.  
 Edit: I'll cut out the next few replies where you try and figure the math out and just go ahead and remind you that no, not all of us are stupid, not all of us lack money handling skills, and not all of us are begging for handouts. Some of us have our money so under control you'd shit your pants if you saw the portfolio.  
 I have stuff to do. You boys have fun and make sure you at least spit in your palm before giving each other a hand next time.  

-- Modified on 10/23/2014 3:10:13 PM

The insinuation SYW is not smart enough attend a real college, oh no, you demoted her to a community college. Yep down that road you went so in reality you are having one of your trick meltdowns where you have nothing better to say other than to insult her intelligence and you yourself have used curse words you giant hypocrite, by your very words you are lacking in education or at the very least manners since you can't seem to rise above those which you point your finger at.

And you might have gone to a real college but your behavior on here belies that of an uneducated dolt who, uses name calling and insults to make your points.  

IN my mind that actually makes you look stupid because you should no better, right oh educated one?

same old tired bullshit..

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Did you finally sign up for that free class at your local community college?  I hope so...you really seemed quite down in the dumps.  
 Also consider taking a public speaking class or two.  It'll help you find words that have some value when trying to express your thoughts.  
 Swearing is generally reserved for when one has no other words to express their thoughts (as well it seems that when all you can do is toss the F bomb it shows your lack of education...sorry about that).    
 As for wringing "our" hands...I won't speak for anyone but myself here....you know better than to throw that lame excuse out for YOUR meltdown yesterday.  Take some responsibility for your lot in life...or just continue to wallow in your self-pity and continue to blame others for your decisions.  Yeah...that's working out real well so far  LOL  
Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
And bring them back to reality, where "I like tomatoes, how bout you" doesn't make a girl BSC.    
  They love to clutch their pearls when a girl treats them the way they (Who, Jack, and Johnny) treat the other men and women on this board. I give them a week before they stop wringing their hands over this one and get back to the normal "anyone will do for a bashing" routine, lol

Remember...no farting.  

Sorry...LR said that you have a serious problem with that.  And guess what...a few of the other gals have confirmed that.  Ick...that's just gross.

Are you finally going to tell those others about your problem from last summer?  I'll bet I can dig that up for you to remind you of your own words...shall I send it to you?

It's not just a drooling and farting issue...this is a very serious problem.  And can't be taken lightly.

And I'll bet that circle will now become a dot!

Posted By: macdaddy1944
same old tired bullshit..  
Posted By: Dr Who revived
Did you finally sign up for that free class at your local community college?  I hope so...you really seemed quite down in the dumps.  
  Also consider taking a public speaking class or two.  It'll help you find words that have some value when trying to express your thoughts.  
  Swearing is generally reserved for when one has no other words to express their thoughts (as well it seems that when all you can do is toss the F bomb it shows your lack of education...sorry about that).    
  As for wringing "our" hands...I won't speak for anyone but myself here....you know better than to throw that lame excuse out for YOUR meltdown yesterday.  Take some responsibility for your lot in life...or just continue to wallow in your self-pity and continue to blame others for your decisions.  Yeah...that's working out real well so far  LOL  
Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
And bring them back to reality, where "I like tomatoes, how bout you" doesn't make a girl BSC.    
   They love to clutch their pearls when a girl treats them the way they (Who, Jack, and Johnny) treat the other men and women on this board. I give them a week before they stop wringing their hands over this one and get back to the normal "anyone will do for a bashing" routine, lol

JackDunphy998 reads

I guess I need to ramp things up a bit.

My God, you have jumped the shark lately. From being a wuss on the NB to defending idiotic statements from hookers to now saying girls carry weapons when working. No shit.

The point wasn't should gals protect themselves from real threats. That's a given. But to defend them for words on a fk board? From a guy you are very well acquainted with? You REALLY think CPA is a threat to ANYONE here?

You are really becoming two faced. Every other week I see you ask CPA how he is doing. And now he is the devil incarnate?

So you loved him a few weeks ago and now he's trash? You think he has really changed in the last few weeks? lol.

Ok, fine by me. Apparently you think less of both of us lately. Whatevs. Seems like the only person changing is you HT.

We'll see how it all plays out. I'll be board buddies with you if you want. We can be enemies. Its up to you

You could be a rapist for all I know.  

Two faced because I disagree today with this shit? Hey I will call you a prick one day if I feel you act like one and the next day I might say hi, just like real life.  

I was not happy with what I have been reading. So what, that could change tomorrow. Christ you two are so freaking sensitive. You think women are hormonal, geez are you both manstrating

he whacks off on a regular basis..he has to clean the jizz off his keyboard regularly..CPA..WHO..means fucked up..

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You could be a rapist for all I know.  
 Two faced because I disagree today with this shit? Hey I will call you a prick one day if I feel you act like one and the next day I might say hi, just like real life.  
 I was not happy with what I have been reading. So what, that could change tomorrow. Christ you two are so freaking sensitive. You think women are hormonal, geez are you both manstrating?  

So now your schtick is voyeurism?  Peeking in windows?  

It seems like you are just projecting your own issues...and often.

How's that circle thing going.  

Better get that ass wiped tonight...woudn't want the last couple in your "group" to be overcome with the stench.

Oh...did you share with them your problems from last summer?  I'll bet you haven't....I could send them your own words if you'd like a reminder.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
he whacks off on a regular basis..he has to clean the jizz off his keyboard regularly..CPA..WHO..means fucked up..  
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You could be a rapist for all I know.    
  Two faced because I disagree today with this shit? Hey I will call you a prick one day if I feel you act like one and the next day I might say hi, just like real life.    
  I was not happy with what I have been reading. So what, that could change tomorrow. Christ you two are so freaking sensitive. You think women are hormonal, geez are you both manstrating?  

DamienScott946 reads

Quite original yourself. Drip drip drip

Posted By: macdaddy1944
he whacks off on a regular basis..he has to clean the jizz off his keyboard regularly..CPA..WHO..means fucked up..  
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
You could be a rapist for all I know.    
  Two faced because I disagree today with this shit? Hey I will call you a prick one day if I feel you act like one and the next day I might say hi, just like real life.    
  I was not happy with what I have been reading. So what, that could change tomorrow. Christ you two are so freaking sensitive. You think women are hormonal, geez are you both manstrating?  
-- Modified on 10/23/2014 5:23:31 PM


Posted By: DamienScott
Drip drip drip  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i think you are a fucking sweetheart..anything is better than Dr. Who's hate filled and demeaning shit..how tis fucker is not banned is beyond me..guess he sucks the right cocks..  
Posted By: !_!
They know exactly who I am, although I don't have any idea if that factors in to my posts being denied or approved. I'm guessing that it factors in more to me being moderated.... Lulz.    
   All I know is that I am moderated, so all my posts have gone through TER moderation process. If you felt that my posts were troll posts, hey, they were ALL approved by TER admins so I was NOT breaking any rules. I take no responsibility, since, after all, I'm moderated.    
   Ain't that convenient? Your thoughts, if any? :D

You were warned be others to STFU but you figured no one would figure out tha YOU are the mole.


Posted By: macdaddy1944
i think you are a fucking sweetheart..anything is better than Dr. Who's hate filled and demeaning shit..how tis fucker is not banned is beyond me..guess he sucks the right cocks..  
Posted By: !_!
They know exactly who I am, although I don't have any idea if that factors in to my posts being denied or approved. I'm guessing that it factors in more to me being moderated.... Lulz.    
  All I know is that I am moderated, so all my posts have gone through TER moderation process. If you felt that my posts were troll posts, hey, they were ALL approved by TER admins so I was NOT breaking any rules. I take no responsibility, since, after all, I'm moderated.    
  Ain't that convenient? Your thoughts, if any? :D

JackDunphy831 reads

him putting "you" and "cock sucking" in the same sentence.  

Maybe he is tired of being hetero? Or do you have another stalker john you need to tell us about? lol

His obsession with you continues...

He's trying his hardest to be a "tough guy".  But like many of the lame souls that permeate the boards from time to time, he's just another that has no real game.

At least Mac hasn't appeared on my doorstep thus far.  Who knows...maybe his nurses will take him out and get him some ice cream?

He's telling the other patients that he's so excited about tonight's M&G....and his costume is this...

CubaGoodingJRsMama860 reads

Poor things can't see worth a shit either! That might explain some things...Dude needs a pedicure BADLY too!

looks like your fucking Mama alias pig..

Posted By: CubaGoodingJRsMama
Poor things can't see worth a shit either! That might explain some things...Dude needs a pedicure BADLY too!

oh i am fucking scared now you wimpy cocksucker..

Posted By: Dr Who revived
You were warned be others to STFU but you figured no one would figure out tha YOU are the mole.  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i think you are a fucking sweetheart..anything is better than Dr. Who's hate filled and demeaning shit..how tis fucker is not banned is beyond me..guess he sucks the right cocks..  
Posted By: !_!
They know exactly who I am, although I don't have any idea if that factors in to my posts being denied or approved. I'm guessing that it factors in more to me being moderated.... Lulz.    
   All I know is that I am moderated, so all my posts have gone through TER moderation process. If you felt that my posts were troll posts, hey, they were ALL approved by TER admins so I was NOT breaking any rules. I take no responsibility, since, after all, I'm moderated.    
   Ain't that convenient? Your thoughts, if any? :D

I'm not totally surprised...too many of the gals said you're not the brightest bulb on the tree.

But still....for the number of gals that you thought were your friends to not reply to anything from you should have been a wake up call.

Have you gotten the all clear from your doctor yet?

You're right...nothing more for you to be afraid of.  But to those who aren't seeing a doctor (who)...they have plenty to be afraid of from you.  

So...can you now add 2+2?

Posted By: macdaddy1944
oh i am fucking scared now you wimpy cocksucker..  
Posted By: Dr Who revived
You were warned be others to STFU but you figured no one would figure out tha YOU are the mole.  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i think you are a fucking sweetheart..anything is better than Dr. Who's hate filled and demeaning shit..how tis fucker is not banned is beyond me..guess he sucks the right cocks..    
Posted By: !_!
They know exactly who I am, although I don't have any idea if that factors in to my posts being denied or approved. I'm guessing that it factors in more to me being moderated.... Lulz.      
    All I know is that I am moderated, so all my posts have gone through TER moderation process. If you felt that my posts were troll posts, hey, they were ALL approved by TER admins so I was NOT breaking any rules. I take no responsibility, since, after all, I'm moderated.      
    Ain't that convenient? Your thoughts, if any? :D

That's a rhetorical question not a rectal statement.

use one.  As you have seen right here on this board, I take the heat for what I believe and fire back without abandon.  I have the right to say what I want and feel how I want and sometimes people agree and sometimes they dont.  Either way I stand tall, with others or alone.  I will post as Leon every time.  Im not afraid to take a little flame from others, we're not all the same.  My question would be if you're too afraid to ask a question using your real/fake name then that says to me you know its going to spark HUGE controversy and you're too afraid to face it.  So what?  Be different, be yourself thats what makes you you why be ashamed of it?

I've got a split personality and can be either Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde at the drop of a hat.  Sometimes I even confuse myself.

A dude with tits and what's more is he should NOT be shirtless. He needs a bra and a freaking girdle.

What would you call the area that needs to be restrained by the girdle?

... a dick tit

Moderation  as  in  limit  yourself  to  the  amount  of  time  you  spend  with  providers.  Along  with  limiting  the amount  of  providers  you  spend  time  with...  Less  is  more

HandleWithCare515 reads

I use an alias mainly so I feel free to talk about my experiences with providers without someone thinking, "I wonder who he's talking about?" and digging into my reviews to try to guess who it is.

Otherwise my persona with my alias is exactly like my everyday persona. I don't believe in hiding behind an alias just so I can act like someone I'm not. I don't have much of a Mr. Hyde side. I do get riled up when I see online behavior that pegs the meter on idiocy or, especially, cruelty, but I try to stay true to myself when I react to that kind of stuff. Fanning the flames with more idiocy and cruelty doesn't help much, IMO.

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