TER General Board

SinnncerelySHILO See my TER Reviews 1273 reads

I cancel appointments if the person calls me to discuss my location outside of his car.
I haven't always told the person over and over to call me for the apartment # because so many guys act like , "Of course , I'll do that" as if it is common sense.
 There are those who have no idea how to be discreet.
  I really do have to tell each and every guy to do this every time or I will have someone on his cell phone in the lobby of my building or out somewhere outside.
  When this happens I cancel the appointment as soon as I realize this person does not keep discretion a high priority.
  I feel bad and think maybe he is not able to think clearly in his condition.
  I know what happens to men when they are excited.
At the same time I cannot draw attention to myself.
 I have it on my website but I guess they aren't reading it.
I have so much on my Eros ad  and on my website.
How can I make my ad and website more specific so that important information would be more noticeable.
Actually I think I just thought of something... disable everything except the most important info so there isn't so much to read?

Sorry, but I don't see it clearly. I can understand your need and want of as much descretion as you can get, but how would a person talking on a cell phone anywhere (outside, inside, in car, in a store) these days call any undue attention? Everyone and their brother are always on a phone somewhere. People are talking on cell phones so much and anywhere they can that seeing someone on a phone is really just nothing.

I could understand if he was repeating everything back to you, like address-appt #-name-etc...but if all he is doing is listening and saying "yes...uh huh...ok" then that means absolutely nothing to anyone who might be around and see/hear him.


because the voice quality is usually pretty poor.

I can understand Shilloh wanting to be extra cautious.  I also see that you do cover this very well in your ettiquette section of  your site, so there should be no surprises, but you are also correct when you say that men can be jittery at times like those.

by the people think that there are no rules when it comes to prostitution. Sadly, many of the brethren are clueless and stumble, bumble, and fall face forward going after the nookie and get mad when they come in their pants shortly after she grabs his cock and says hello...

Especially if you booked with Shilo, have you seen her pics?

shudaknownbetter254 reads

I live in Rhode Island where case law holds that indoor conduct is private...  but that does not mean that building owners or hotel managers can overlook the community they live in.  Yes, even here it is necessary to be discrete.  
It is becoming more common for folks around here to pull over and talk on their phone, some areas require it if not hands free.  I use this to my advantage by sitting in the road just down from my incall, making the call.  
I have always put the phone away before entering, but it is a good tip & I'll be even more careful.  
I presume that the ladies are similarly discrete.  Not using the same incall every week, Monday is Hilton rm 320.  
I wonder if there's a problem with clients passng in the hall (on the hour) at popular hotels?  Imagine passing your boss or someone there.  I wonder if hotels somehow inform the providers when there's already someone working from that wing?

This is one of my biggest pet peeves too. My incall location is in a relatively upscale apartment building, so my discretion is also very important.

As Shiloh said, having men walk into the entryway of my building while on the phone with me is a huge problem. Because they DO repeat every number back to me 90% of the time. My neighbors do NOT need to hear that apartment #xyz has a visitor - again. After a while, they are going to start wondering what the heck is going on in apartment #xyz because an awful lot of men seem to be going there who have no idea where they are going til they get there.

I added a note on my website specifically about this too, and it does seem to have reduced the number of guys that walk into the building while still on the phone with me, but it still happens alot. I was thinking of moving my 'ettiquette' page to the very first page they come to so that men are more likely to read it.

*sigh* sadly ALOT of men when visiting a website head for the pics page and the rates page and don't even look at anything else.

shudaknownbetter1437 reads

I guess that Newbees might need to told.  And there are differences between locations.  My Fav currently has 3 locations that I know of.  Those who know what they're looking for, can easily spot guys sitting in their cars outside door "D".  
An in-call I went to recently, it was necessary to use the main entrance, the lobby elevator to the 4th floor and then find the room number in one wing.  Some explicit instructions would have been a help.  
At least on the first vist, I think the lady needs to specify which entrance and where be to call from.

I have had home-based providers bring me all the way in by phone.  The funny one gave me a bogus house number on the wrong side of the street, I got out of my car to view and she phoned me from her door & said "turn around".

I guess a I guy sitting in your building's parking lot in strange car and talking on his cell phone wouldn't call attention to himself. The key is to look like you belong where you happen to be. Often times, I'll take a folder with me so if anyone is curious, I can at least ask if so & so lives here. I'm sorry, I just think this is over the top here.

You'll just look like some garden variety nut talking to himself.

I always call from my car, discretion works both ways and I don't want to be seen in a hotel lobby any longer than necessary.

Can I call you?

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