TER General Board

Re: Dick 'n' Dash
An Anonymous Provider 6130 reads
1 / 21

He finally sent a paypal for little more than half the rate due, after 2+ weeks.  Have been in the biz for three years and have never had this happen, except, yes, silly me, for the time I previously met him, when he also short-changed me -- he only had a portion of the agreed-upon cash on hand and said he'd paypal the difference, which never happened, and I was ridiculously busy with my day job to follow up....

Call me a fool, but gave him a second chance, and was again a fab session, gave him so much that he begged me to stop after 3-4 rounds while still hard.

Am a 9-10/9-10.  Always spectacular times.  Arrived there, and he said he'd paypal me the funds right away.  2-1/2 weeks later, I got a small portion.

From now on, cash only, and must be visible when arrive....  hate to be so up-front with the money issue, but terrible feeling to be taken advantage of -- twice!  Also, will require references at all times.

RedheadedTigress See my TER Reviews 3971 reads
2 / 21

Karma, baby. Karma's going whup his stealing ass good one of these days.

It sucks that a few bad ones can really spoil it for the vast majority who are stand up gents.

luvsgirls 13 Reviews 2550 reads
3 / 21

Being a Hobbyist and not a Provider if I were you I would simple always be BUSY whenever he wants to visit you.

I am sure you have heard the following:

"Screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me."

SweetSexyClassy See my TER Reviews 2022 reads
4 / 21

So sorry this happened to you hun.....you did not get references on him?  Lisa of Boston

buckoch 15 Reviews 3010 reads
5 / 21

honey, what city are you located? I'd love to be your regular if I get 3-4 rounds on every session. BTW, cash only is my style and religion as well.

Smarty1101 61 Reviews 2253 reads
6 / 21

Just tell the asshole that you ain't touching this fine ass again, after stiffing me twice. You pay cash or I don't see you. Simple as that.

showmekid 1 Reviews 1923 reads
7 / 21
MrBedRoomEyes 1754 reads
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Pls don't judge us all by this one bad apple.  I prefer to gift afterwards and it makes me nervous to do so up front because that's when LE wants it.  There was a thread not too long ago about this very topic; some guys may not see you as a result and I might be one of them.  You never have to worry about a true gentleman as their reputation is paramount.  Just my opinion!

Tabu See my TER Reviews 2304 reads
9 / 21

He stiffs you once, you have to chase him to get what's rightfully yours and never do... yet you "give him a second chance?"

Girl, that guy would be history with me. Not only does he show himself to be a cheap, cheating bastard, but he insults you with the act, as well. ("I got what I wanted, why pay the b----?")

No, no, no, no, no, no. Get some backbone and quit apologizing for being so "upfront" about money.  It's your business, treat it like one. If you don't, scum like him never will.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 3054 reads
10 / 21

no credit cards- charge backs are simple enought to do

checks- well, those are fun.. cause you have up to a year to take them to the bank and get them cashed,eventually tothe check writers dismay.They get cashed

no money orders or paypal- we arent auctioned off on ebay.. LOL... (sign of the times. never know in the future LOL

The old saying

No money, no honey

little phil 37 Reviews 2239 reads
11 / 21

I hate to disagree with you, but I wouldn't be nearly that nice.  And please, don't call me Shirley.

little phil 37 Reviews 2396 reads
12 / 21

Ciara, think of the marketing outlet there!!  I'm afraid to see how high that auction could get.  It could open an entirely new set of doors.

Marce1 2697 reads
13 / 21

but this hidden-behind-an-alias message sounds like a troll to me.

"...begged me to stop after 3-4 rounds"  which was it 3? or 4?  Puhleeze!

"...am a 9-10/9-10.  Always spectacular times." Uh-huh. And yet, not smart enough to get the cash? Puhleeze!

Could even a rookie be that naive?

Sorry, bud, I ain't buyin' it.

sicnarf 3321 reads
14 / 21

You agreed to meet with a client (john doe).  He shows up with a protion of your fee.  You accept because he says that he will Pay-Pal you for the rest - and doesn't.  At a later point in time, John Doe calls for another appointment and you now agree to see him?  That is where you lost me.

While I am not a provider - I am a businessman.  And this is a business.  Had I been you, when he called for the second appointment, I would have simply said, fine - but you need to pay for the last session, BEFORE I will agree to meet with you.  Period - end of story.

I show up, with cash - in envelop.  I place the envelop in plain sight.  If I forget - I expect, and would not mind if the lady asks about it.  Lets face it, I am probably not her prince charming, and she did not set the meeting as a mercy date for the meeting.  So, she has a right to expect and I have a duty to provide... hee hee - notice the play on words.

Don't let this happen again - pay-pal in advance or cash in hand.....   only way to go.


-- Modified on 8/19/2005 11:41:49 AM

luv_women 28 Reviews 1577 reads
15 / 21

Paypal will immediately impound your money if they even suspect that you are running any sort of adult business.  You will have to wait a very long time to get your money, and perhaps might never see it.

Use another service to send the money.

Greatchipunter 3701 reads
16 / 21

You werent expecting to hear anything from us, were you??
I have nothing to say apart from "duh....".

RedheadedTigress See my TER Reviews 2176 reads
17 / 21

Ok, this is what I do. Cash only, in an envelope, presented before the session. Here in Canada I discreetly put the envelope in my purse, then excuse myself to go into the bathroom. Open the envelope, count the money, if it's not correct, bring it up right away. Keep it in your closed purse, keep your purse where you can see it, take it with you if you live the room.

I do this every time, because consistency keeps things simple. I believe in being discreet, but I also believe in getting paid. Always. It's nothing personal; it's business at that point in the session. Once that's out of the way, then the fun - and much more personal stuff gets going ;)

Is how I do it not ok legally in the US? I'm confused about this.

-- Modified on 8/19/2005 6:33:21 PM

Anonymous Bald Man 3075 reads
18 / 21

...the money? Seems like that would take a long time.

An Anonymous Provider 3661 reads
19 / 21

Yes, I'm absolutely blind-sided at times....  Simply felt he deserved a second chance (paid me 75% of the fee last time, which was two years ago, and we had a fab time; was just too busy at the time to pester him for the remainder).

Never again..... he might think he is Hot in the entertainment industry; met his friends on the first encounter and met him at his home in SoHo last time.....  Might have to share this with my g/f's who have kindly shared their lists of such 'guys to avoid' with me.  We only share info on guys who rip girls off, or who are not clean, abusive, etc, btw.....  If you're not in your best shape, are older, but kind, honorable, etc, you have nothing to worry about!

RedheadedTigress See my TER Reviews 2905 reads
20 / 21

Not with the Pooncopter it won't. You'll hardly notice I'm gone. Well, at least not until the roofies wear off...

BOONECAUDILL 9 Reviews 4903 reads
21 / 21

It's a small community. It'll come back to haunt him.
What's wrong with being upfront about the money?  As a client I like that.

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