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Does time start when having drinks?
Stee 2 Reviews 2734 reads

I met a girl at the bar of a Vegas casino.  We had a few drinks and talked for almost an hour.  When we made it to the room, she was in a hurry saying that we had already spent all that time together.  

I'm new to the hobby so is this normal?  I did enjoy talking to her but not if it costs me that much.  


John_Laroche42 reads

I've never picked up a casino girl, but from what I've read and heard,there are no rules. It's very buyer beware in many respects. She apparently picked up on your lack of experience in pay for play and took advantage.  
In my OPINION, the clock starts when you agree to the transaction.

Golden_hampster45 reads

Next time book a longer date if you want to have drinks first.

Doesn't sound like he booked a date but met at the bar. Unless they discussed rates and times I think the other poster hit the nail on the head -- she noticed his lack of experience and naivete and took advantage of it.

He reviewed the date in detail. It’s his first and only review. It was a planned date and he met her in the hotel/casino and they started with drinks. By the time they got to his room he was tipsy and after trying a hj/bj she said time’s up. I don’t get the impression that she hustled him, but she did enforce the time limit pretty strictly. It’s back to the age-old question: whose responsibility is it to monitor the time.

I completely forgot I reviewed this encounter.  Me getting wasted was a separate and unbelievably stupid issue lol.  

I made another review but she took down her website and TER won’t approve the review. I wish they’d accept it since she has a TER number and other reviews.  

Because casino girls usually don't have ter profiles...  
Avery Rayne didn't sound like a casino girl to me.

Op you probably shouldnt call indie escorts casino girls to avoid confusion.  

I retract my statement about the op being hustled. Sounds like he hustled himself with drinking and wasting time.

If you are referring to me as the OP, I never referred to her as a 'casino girl'.  I didn't even know what a casino girl was until now.    

I wish I had explained more in my first post.  Would have prevented a lot of confusion.

Sorry, that was another brainfart by me. Someone else said it and I thought you have. My apologies.

John_Laroche48 reads

So my bad for not asking OP for clarification on what he meant by meeting at a casino bar.
That said, yes, he made a rookie mistake by not understanding the rules of engagement.  
My only question now is who's idea was it to meet for drinks.

A lot of providers, especially casino girls who are more opportunistic than day traders, can smell an unexperienced man from a mile away.

If you exchanged any money before you entered your room, that was a rookie mistake.

I ask because her saying that "we had already spent all that time together" sound to me like maybe this was a planned meet and she grew frustrated.
If it was a CG, then I don't recall, or I have never met a CG tell me "that we had already spent all that time together" once we got settled up. Usually a CG will give you a bum rush job and be outta there in 20 minutes and not tell you as to the why. It's be to get you off as fast as possible and then "Get The Fuck Out Of There"
Plus a CG will know within the first 5-10 minutes if you're serious.
That's the way I see it, but I could be wrong.

Just meeting someone randomly at the bar ... unless deal was struck right at the start, no, that's on her.
But if you booked her and then squandered your time with her at the bar, then that's on you.

I should have been more clear, this was NOT some random girl I met at a bar (I would never EVER do that!).  This was a girl with a few reviews I had been texting with before my trip.  

She was the one that wanted to keep drinking.

I did not give her any money until the envelope in the bathroom.    

It really sounds like time DOES start as soon as you meet.  Is it okay to ask that in text or is that discussing money which is a definitely no-no?

Because you failed to clarify. This is why I generally have gotten down to the fun stuff BEFORE getting social. And I always make sure she understands the social part is "just friends," not paid-for time. I haven't been turned down yet.

I don't think clarifying when the clock starts is "discussing money."  
But just in general, if you are with them anywhere, probability is that the clock in their head is running.  
The idea that they like social time with clients is mostly PR bullshit.  It's all about the Benjamins.

Time starts when you meet. If you ask her if time starts later than initial meetup, she’ll assume you’re trying to get “free” time with her and she may decide not to see you.

Here's the deal. Seeing that this happened in Vegas maybe I can lend a hand here.
Most hotels have security by the elevators, and by those elevators there's usually a bar. It's ok to meet at the bar, most ladies do. You can order a drink, spend 5-10 talking and most times the clock won't start till you're in the room. I saying most times. It depends on the girl..
But you need to be aware of the time and don't spend alot on time at the bar telling her your life's story.
She was playing off of you, after all it's your dime and I have a feeling that you had the "opening night" jitters and wanted to talk, and talk. So next time be more assertive, you call the shots.  
I very rarely spend time at the bar, we'll meet I'll say the "hellos, thanks for seeing me, you look great", blah, blah and it's off to our room.
I'll have her preferred drink in the room...so no need for the bar.
So, Live and Learn

That's all good advice.  She was the one that wanted to keep ordering drinks so I was a bit surprised in the room when she mentioned how much time had already gone by.  

Definitely a 'live and learn' experience.  I do like getting a drink or two beforehand but will handle things very differently from now on.

IMO it's your job to move things along and close out the bar tab. If she wants to keep drinking, ask her to get one to take upstairs.  

Sounds like she maybe/probably hustled you a little bit, but on a booked date, the clock absolutely begins when you meet, whether that's in the bar or at the doorway of your hotel.

If you had just met here there randomly, then the best plan would be to ask her when the clock starts as soon as you agree on a price. If she say's "15 minutes ago when I sat down", wish her a good evening and extricate yourself from the hustle.

LV has its own set of rules. Her Daddy was counting her time as soon as y’all started talking at the bar

I prefer a condom for everything but I’d hate to pay a grand and only get a bj

Obviously that wasn't the original plan.  I screwed up big time by getting drunk.

FunGuy70239 reads

To keep things on this side of legal, all escort websites state that the compensation is for their time. If they charged you for the content (ie per orgasms, handjob, FS, etc.) that would be considered prostitution and therefore is illegal other than certain licensed places in Pahrump, NV. So yes, time starts when you lay eyes on each other, or if you are running late and she was on time when the appointment was supposed to start.

the only place with a legal brothel.  There are ten counties in Nevada that allow prostitution, but only 6 currently have legal brothels.  Within those six counties, there are currently 19 legal brothels, down from 21 in 2018.  

Paying for sex in prostitution. You don't have to get an itemized list of services in order for it to be illegal.

FunGuy70242 reads

Then by that standard, every employee that has ever slept with the person who signs their paychecks has committed prostitution and half the country needs to be brought up on charges.

From reading your other posts on this I guess my first question would be as to how much time you booked with her. You said that you had been texting her so was there a predetermined amount of time?  So yes, if per your texts you wanted to meet at the bar first for drinks and you booked for 90 min and you ask her to meet you at 8 pm your time with her is from 8 pm to 9:30 pm, even if your first hour was spent belly up to the bar. You are paying a companion for her time.

TheOldMuffDiver36 reads

Brother, I have to agree on the naivete thing.

In the future, simply ask "When does the clock start?"


Many times we will meet a client down at the bar first. Either to have a drink to get to know one another.
Or to catch up with a repeat client. Another reason to meet there as there could be security at the elevators checking for room key so bar is a convenient meeting place. Just like others have said time counts when you meet at the bar not the time when you finally get into room.
I have had this happen where I was the one looking at the time telling the gent perhaps he should grab the check and we finish our drinks in his room. In a few instances gent ordered more drinks looked at the time and made the choice to extend our date. On other occasions we both lost track of time and was already over the hour before even getting in the room.

The few times this happened the gent compensated for the additional time and I started  our meeting time when we got in room and not bar. But these are exceptions and not the norm to allow for free time for drinks.
I have a 3hr cocktail date that is very popular for this reason it is discounted rate 1hr for drinks and 2hrs private time it allows public time comfortably without the rush while getting to know one another.

Both parties should watch their alcohol intake nothing worse than a drunk provider or client what a shitshow that turns into.

Like any hobby or activity you may engage in there will be rules and things to learn. I have made a LOT of mistakes seeing  providers over the years, just never make the same one twice.  None of them compared ( $$$$ cost wise )  to the mistakes I have made in business. Any mistakes you have and will make seeing providers. Will be small in scale to the benefit you get from the best ones    

Posted By: looking4918
Re: Everyone learns these things, ....
Like any hobby or activity you may engage in there will be rules and things to learn. ...
"Never hit the reset button on the bowling alley before your opponent has rolled his last ball."

"You had me at 'Hello' " = When the clock started.

TheOldMuffDiver35 reads

I would never allow this!  

It's simple enough to draw the line with respect to when a session starts. If the provider disagrees, walk.

Bottom line: You need to agree on when the session starts as early as possible, not an hour later!

Related to this: A friend of mine went for a drink in a former Soviet country. As he sat there, a woman sat down next to him and engaged him in conversation. He finished his drink and tried to leave whereupon the bouncers told him he had to pay for the interaction. As I recall, it wasn't cheap.  

Caveat emptor.

Even if time does start with a drink......That does not mean that's all its about. It sounds like all

Zendz6 reads

Most likely time starts with drinks. That however is not going to be the case with all ladies. Recently I posted about an outcall arrangement I made with a provider. Granted she’s very new to the biz, but I’ve seen her twice and both times our time to talk/share drinks was not factored into our session time. It’s a nice gesture on the providers part, and in my case probably as equated to about an hour of socializing time between us.

One local lady I see hosts in her apartment and we always start off sitting and having a nice conversation which goes on for quite a while. We have a drink as well. Apparently she doesn't count this time since I am usually with her about 2 hours on an hour appointment.

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