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Re: At the local supermarket
AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 550 reads

There was always that slight possibility of running into her again, not just at the grocery store.    She's since transferred to another college, so its not something I have to worry about anymore.   She was not a traditional provider and I was the only one she saw during that college year.

Any "interesting" stories you'd care to share about "meeting" client/provider outside of business. Obviously the correct protocol would be to ignore and look the other way, but sometimes that just may not not happen

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He was from Australia, and only occasionally traveled to NYC. I saw him once. Then, months later, I saw him again as I was getting out of a cab. I don't think he recognized me, and I didn't say anything. Just so random to run into him again, on the streets of Manhattan.

There is a man from my current town who keeps contacting me for a date. I keep turning him down, fearing that we've run into each other before. Two other men who've contacted me have been 'friends of friends' on Facebook. Eep!!

Happened a few times and I just responded on the Atlanta/king of train wrecks board on this exact same topic.

 I ran into a guy I had just seen a few hours before at the Brewers game. My season tickets were two rows and a few seats behind his. We both saw each other but did not say anything as he was on a business outing.
I also ran into a few guys at this restaurant I use to go to everyday. They were always nice and respectful, except for one who tried stalking me. He is no longer allowed there.
I had a guy scare the crap out of me. I was at the Casino and had met him a few days before. He texts me by my real first name, so obviously I am going to freak. Apparently he had seen my name flash on the player card screen. I was still very upset but we did meet later that day and everything worked out. Sometimes guys just don't think. I didn't even notice him as I was busy rooting each other on with this fun loving older lady who was sitting next to me lol.

There I was early one AM doing my shopping.  Just as a turn the corner of the aisle, ran into her. We both were surprised, didn't help she was with who I believe was a parental unit (the downfall of seeing college aged women). Thankfully nothing came of this.

I now shop at a different place to lessen the odds of another chance encounter. Once was one to many times

Wouldn't it be funny if she changed grocrery stores for the same reason..

There was always that slight possibility of running into her again, not just at the grocery store.    She's since transferred to another college, so its not something I have to worry about anymore.   She was not a traditional provider and I was the only one she saw during that college year.

In the first, I was on Nantucket Island* with a long term favorite for a multi-night date.  As we are strolling along the beach at sunset whom do we find strolling the opposite direction but a gal we both knew.  She was a provider that the first one had introduced me to and we did a lot of three-somes together, but then I started seeing her independently of the first one and that created a bit of jealousy (And by bit, I mean a lot.)  We all said an icy "hello" and let it go at that.  What odds!

In the second, I was invited over to the home of a K-gal I knew very well and while there I saw some of her family including a sister of hers that I recognized as someone I had seen several times at an AMP I would frequent.  She recognized me too by the big smile she gave me.  I thought about asking to do a three-some but thought better of it.

*And no, I'm not the man from Nantucket.

I was at Costco in the (very cold) produce room.  Picked up some blueberries and brussel sprouts to put in my cart and found that a young woman had mistakenly taken my cart instead of hers.  Caught up to her and politely pointed this out to her.  We both recognized each other, had a nervous laugh

couple years back had a wonderful session on a Saturday with a legendary and delightful Minneapolis lady. the next day I was at the Vikings game .. and guess who was sitting a couple rows behind me! I actually didn't see her so we didn't get a chance to talk but she saw me and sent me a playful email right after the game.

She just used me to hide behind when the crew was greeting us during the boarding process.

at a funeral parlor. I couldn't be certain it was her, it could have been my imagination. The the worst part... My mother sat down next to her, who ever she was.

And did not stay the fuck away but kept coming up and wanting to chat and just standing there and staring. Creepy idiot. Needless to say I refused to see this creeper again.

Just the other day, I saw a young gal, that I may have had spend some time with, at my gym. I don't think I was staring, but i think we did make eye contact a few times. Maybe she just liked the cut of my jib...  (old man dreams)  She was probably creeped out that a guy old enough to be her daddy was checking her out...

Even if I was sure it was her, and I'm not, nothing positive could ever come of it.  

I know a few local ladies that I've seen live in my hometown and basically where one of them lives. I don't shop on that side of town..

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And did not stay the fuck away but kept coming up and wanting to chat and just standing there and staring. Creepy idiot. Needless to say I refused to see this creeper again.

She had a big smile and was forthright by leaning ever so slightly towards me as she spoke. This same sexy, tall, dark-hair, young woman (not young any more as it was some years ago), I got an unforgettable lap dance where I tasted her wears; sucking on both perkies that were pretty hard as she pressed my head close to her. After that lap dance, I gave her a Jackson, and she was all giggly. So now over a year later, attending this one-day computer desktop publishing workshop, she told me she was taking it for her real estate office position. (It had led me to think that what she did as a stripper was short term; since I never saw her again at the same stripper bar.) Yet, I'm certain she remembered me, and I remembered her, but without saying anything about it to each other. But I did not think in any way it was a big deal getting a one-time lap dance, even with the extras from her.

Later during break, I was sitting at one of the tables in the cafeteria and she walked to the vending machine, then turned around and looked at me. I looked at her, but not on purpose as she was just in the line of my vision. I remember she was wearing a dark blazer that covered everything. This time she smiled embarrassingly, then looked down at her chest and walked out. I still didn’t get it, except then I thought she may have been self-conscious to being found out? And, maybe during the beginning of class role call, I had also heard her name? Anyway, I remained low-key and respectful, as I was also there for the class, just like her. Although, afterwards when I left, I couldn't take my mind off of her. I only wished she was an escort I had seen and I fantasized that she would most likely would have fulfilled my dreams. But then again, it was before escort internet. It’s so different now

The thought did cross my mind, but she was around others and it would have felt awkward to approach her about it. Besides, the incident happened over 10 years ago, so it’s one for the memory banks.

Has anyone here (provider or client) ran into someone for a date that you already knew before the date?

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