TER General Board

Re: Are you aware that your "professional and well laid out site" requires a password
Jessicalyn See my TER Reviews 506 reads

Yes, I am indeed aware. Unfortunately I had to do that because a close "friend" that I confided in decided it was a good idea to show my site to as many people as possible. I am a professional ballet dancer and having some of my more recognizable pictures out there was too much of a risk... As a result I was forced to put passwords on the site but provide the passwords on my ad sites so only people who know about places like this could see my pictures... it is by no means my preference.

Over the past year I've met many really great people but one of the constant refrains I hear despite my very positive reviews is that I'm "too young". I've written great ads, got good reviews, have a very professional and well laid out site, etc... But I still hear this at least once a week. Just wondering, what makes guys predisposed against young providers. I've looked around and there are certainly a lot of women older than me who aren't half as good or have any of the presentation...  

P.S. I'm 20

its nothing personal.  Its just that being 20 you do not yet know what you don't know.

Personally, I do not mind a young body.

Some men don't like young girls because it reminds them of their daughters and others if the girl looks too young they are just afraid, I think it's a legal thing. But everyone is different.

Many men tell me they prefer providers who are at least 30 because they don't want to see women who are the same age as their daughters.

bank2351 reads

That's what my wife says to me when I masterbate, "That's someone daughter" uh yea and so are you I am thinking.

But I feel like it's such a generalization because theres a lot of really bad providers out there who are way older... Most of my clients are shocked by the depth of conversation and how I approach dates. Still doesn't stop me from booking a lot but it is quite a hassle to convince some of these guys lol.

its really not something to worry about, it just is.  Be yourself and be happy that you can bring some joy into an older dudes life.  In due time you will still be you and older too.  Don't let a landslide bring it down.

.... and without talking to you like you're one of my children.  Because you're the same age group as my kids, that's gonna be really difficult for this "way older" provider.  LOL.  

I was in this business at your age.  Younger, even.   I've been in-and-out of the biz many times over the years and no matter what you are or aren't, there are going to be men who will tell you that you're not for them.  Too young, too thin, too beautiful, too blonde, too tall, too whatever-the-heck-you-can-think-up.    


Well, some of them are very self-conscious, have low self-esteem, etc and therefore need you to reassure them that you're not whatever stereotype it is they have about your type.  Or they've had bad experiences with women your age and want you to prove to them that you're different.   Then there's those who want to make you "sell" yourself to them, by getting you to sweet-talk 'em, trying to convince them to give you a chance.  

The latter types are not worth my time, but that may just be me.  

Some men, even though they were probably looking for someone your age, will still tell you you're too young even after having enjoyed an amazing time in your company.  Some are just condescending jackasses.  Others cannot help taking on a paternal role; telling you that you're too young is their way of doling out fatherly advice.  

The daddies always made me throw up in my mouth... just a little.  ;-)

Some younger ladies lie about their age (aging themselves UP!) due to theses types.   You'll figure out what works for you, as we're all different and we all have our own specific target demographics..... yes, even an old, lower-tier broad like me.  :-P


GaGambler576 reads

I was just going to say that it's not that "she" is too young, it's that "they" are too old, or at least think that way.

A lot of the old guys here (yes, my age range) are intimidated by being with a younger woman and many of them are terrified of being seen out in public with a girl young enough to be their granddaughter. Jessica let me assure you, it's their hangup, not yours. I'd do you in a heartbeat if you were a thousand miles closer and I am 56, but i make up for my age by being quite immature. lol

and to add to it...

I'm sure some of it is the protective instinct inspired by your youth... and yes, some will be uncomfortable with someone they see as their daughter or grand-daughter.  I don't know how you look in person, but at 20, I looked 15 at most, so if you have a young face, that will exacerbate the age difference (and if that is part of the problem, celebrate!).  

As for the life experience part, even the most mature and intelligent 20 year old will not have as much experience as she will have when she's older. What you can do is stand out among your peer group, and yes, even among some older ladies who never seem to learn from life.  

There will be many who enjoy your youthful beauty, so savor those and don't stress about the ones who are less attracted by it.  Everyone has their preferences, and you will be the exact preference of some.

Thank you SO MUCH for the words of advice Debbie. I do hope I didn't come off as condescending in any way towards older providers. Actually my posting this was a statement AGAINST that mentality. My point was that age is no indicator of quality young or old. As a woman who has been with women and men who were twice my age in my private life I guess I have a different view of things. Honestly, the issue doesn't bother me all that much, however I figured it would be a great topic to post here to see what peoples different and unique viewpoints are. I believe I've accomplished that goal!

At age 20, was I having a lot of sex?? Yes!  I've always been more sexual than the average person. However, it was purely civvie stuff.... hookups after going out dancing (I had a fake ID ;) , dinner dates, etc.  

I had to counsel a younger provider last year (she was 25 and having a hard time navigating the emotional aspects of the job). She was upset and a wreck! I know I can only speak for myself, but the experience aspect of life between 20 and 35 is exponential (be it dealing with people; business experience; sex... ).  

I can honestly say I did not have the skills to navigate this profession at age 20, compared to what  I have learned, experienced, and developed in my life at this point.

Best of success, there are people that like different things... It's nice we're not all the same, and have something to offer at every age!!


In a couple years you are gonna be too old for me.

Seriously , I doubt if is anything you are doing. It's probably guys feeling a little guilt about your age. Might be you remind them of their daughters.

I once experienced a great albeit good natured put down  by a young provider.
We were in the upscale hotel's lounge sharing an appetizer and a couple glasses of wine. Like you, she was drop dead gorgeous so we were getting our fair share of glances.

I told her not to worry about it. People were probably just thinking we were a gent and his beautiful daughter sharing a drink and bite to eat.

Her response was " Oh no , they probably think you are with your granddaughter "!   Big smile on her part. Har de har har !!


-- Modified on 11/4/2015 10:21:54 AM

YoMaMaDo501 reads

And I am sure your service level is fantastic. But for me.......JUST ME....you are too young. I am in my mid fifties and I have a hard and fast rule. If a provider is younger than my children I simply can not do anything with her. To me, again, JUST ME, it is out of the question. Like GGA said "It is their hang-up" Also as Debbie and GGA indicated there are many reasons as to why but just know that just as there are many who may find you "Too whatever" , like Debbie pointed out, there will be those who find you "just right".

On the other hand I would not set a date with you and try to be "Daddy Big Dick hurts Me"  or "Uncle Fucknuts" after the fact. I would simply admire your photos and wish for a day long ago, however back then I did not have the capital and I still believed in Love.

Good Luck and Just keep strokin....

Don't Let the bastards get you down.

She is a "lovelydancer"

Posted By: dani987x
to view the galleries? That might be eating into your market share.

Yes, I am indeed aware. Unfortunately I had to do that because a close "friend" that I confided in decided it was a good idea to show my site to as many people as possible. I am a professional ballet dancer and having some of my more recognizable pictures out there was too much of a risk... As a result I was forced to put passwords on the site but provide the passwords on my ad sites so only people who know about places like this could see my pictures... it is by no means my preference.

you are even too young for me. I don't play in that age range.

For me, girls in that 18-20 bracket are too close to being U/A and that is something I just don't want any part of.

Hit me up in a few years. If the discount is reasonable, and your approach is right, I'd consider nailing the shit out of you.

You're definitely not too young for me.
I think Debbie had the best answer in this thread.  
I also agree withdabi. Unlock your photos!

Posted By: Jessicalyn
Over the past year I've met many really great people but one of the constant refrains I hear despite my very positive reviews is that I'm "too young". I've written great ads, got good reviews, have a very professional and well laid out site, etc... But I still hear this at least once a week. Just wondering, what makes guys predisposed against young providers. I've looked around and there are certainly a lot of women older than me who aren't half as good or have any of the presentation...  
 P.S. I'm 20

The simple answer is yes....you're just too young for some older hobbyists. Speaking for myself, in the last few years I looked exclusively for 35+. Generally, not always, but generally the best connections, the hottest chemistry, the most engaging dates I found were older.  I think there are a few reasons for that.....in my mind it was more likely a mature provider was in the business because she enjoyed as opposed to needed it...I was always uncomfortable with the idea I was helping someone "get by" financially. There is also something about a sensual woman who has grown comfortable with herself...that  is a huge turn on to me. The biggest reason for me is that mature providers are able to sense a connection, and embrace the experience.....it didn't  "seem" to be a transaction, and there was no feeling on my part that someone was performing for me.  

Nothing is absolute, there are young companions who mature early...but it's a perception that you just can't change. So keep enjoying your time, and keep putting great reviews on the board and your business will grow. One piece of advice though...there's absolutely no reason to compare yourself to others in terms of "how good you are" vs. anyone else. You have no idea how anyone else is, and it's a comment that might call attention to your maturity.

-- Modified on 11/4/2015 10:55:15 AM

Wondering_minds475 reads

Fuck no you are not too young.  I checked out your website and you are very hot.  If you were local I would be booking you ASAP.  My only concern with someone young would be their skill level.  However the tight body and beauty of youth have very much positive going for them.

Given the opportunity I would schedule extended time with you.  Ignore the haters.  They are just intimidated by you.

wait 2-3 years and it won't be a problem...

I started just after turning 21 and I am seriously baby-faced unless very made up and pretty slender which makes me look even more like a kid...I've heard the gamut of comments and I've been rounding my age up for quite some time.  

For every one person who won't see you because you're "too young" there's 5 looking for you because of your age. So take advantage of it. It's kinda of a moot point to complain about. Don't convince anyone to see you, attract those who want what you're offering.

Good luck!

That this post inspired some really interesting discussion and positive discourse. That's the whole purpose of the forums and it's really cool to see everyone's perspective on these things. I would like to say that some of my comments came off as being flippant or condescending. That was TOTALLY not my intention. The point of my starting this thread was to highlight something that I think is rather important for people to understand. Age, like beauty and a variety of other superficial criteria, is not always an indication of experience. There are people who only choose to see young providers based on preconceived notions about how much better they may be and conversely there are those who believe that only a woman of a certain age has the kind of experience necessary to do this. The truth is we are just products of the sum totals of our experiences. Some women find themselves sexually at 30, 20, 60, etc... It really varies.  

In my personal life I have experienced an extremely wide variety of wonderful sexual experiences with men and women of all ages.. which is why I think I look at things a little differently. I have as much fun walking down the street with a man three times my age as I do with one who is the same age as me. I have absolutely no problem with each and every person choosing to see the type of woman that turns them on, or excites them and ignites their inner fantasies. We all have preferences! I'm just saying that if you are enthralled and excited about every single thing about a woman from her words, to her mentality and her approach to life but her age is the only thing holding you back; maybe you should think twice. After all, the best experiences are the ones we don't always expect to be great but turn out amazing in the end.

Thanks guys once again for all the interesting responses (especially Debbie you're awesome!) and I'm really sorry my post came off sounding rude as hell! lol

GaGambler384 reads

OTHFB club members bash their younger and more attractive competition all the time. Why, I honestly don't know because it's plain that there are PLENTY of guys who prefer an older woman over a woman they deem to be "too young"

I choose to see younger providers for one reason and one reason only and that's because I personally find younger women MUCH more attractive to me than I do a woman much past 30. Age doesn't matter so much to me as "hotness" but after a certain age I find very few such women sexually attractive to me, and just like you I don't have a bit of problem walking down the street with a woman a third of my age as I do with a woman who is "age appropriate" for me. Even in my non P4P life, I would never dream of dating 99% of the women I have ever met over 40. That may and probably will change someday, but for right now that's the way I feel.

So although you are a PYT looks wise, your comment, "I've looked around and there are certainly a lot of women older than me who aren't half as good or have  any of the presentation."  

You didn't mean to be rude, really? You are a newbie and obviously have some things to learn here. Being a gracious person will get you far here. Sure you are young, blond and pretty. Lean how to be a gracious young lady and not make statements like you did in your OP that I quoted.

For me it negates everything you said in the one I'm replying to. How do you know who is good and who isn't? Enjoy the guys who think you are the cat's meow.  I enjoy the ones that think I am and I certainly don't hate on the youngins.  And my "presentation" is just fine thank you very much! ;-)



-- Modified on 11/4/2015 12:25:41 PM

As I said before it really wasn't my intention to say that I'm really sorry honestly. This is the kind of ageism I was trying to defeat and as a result I ended up making it sound worse. If you can get past what I said (sometimes we say things the wrong way.. it happens) and take my clarification for what it really meant you'd understand what I mean. I don't understand why so many people think I was talking about them! There are AMAZING providers of all ages and some women who don't give a crap at ALL ages. Age is irrelevant to my point. I said what I said because honestly many men prefer women who are older (which is awesome btw.. sometimes I do too!) and discount young providers or regard us with less esteem because of our age alone. Btw I DO have experience seeing providers as I have actually had sessions with some women outside of the profession just for fun! I've seen some AMAZING women and some women who left me truly disappointed with uninspired sessions! I'm upset because all the women who are offended by my post are REALLY REALLY great providers and thats disappointing because I was NOT aiming what I said at them. Hope this clears things up...

I've heard other guys say that many providers will give them shit for seeing "young" providers it's done with a half jest type of comment that the sayer can always back peddle out of it, but it's still there. Also, clients are worried about young looking providers because no one wants a visit from LE only to find out that hot 20 year old was actually 16. That's damage no one walks away from. I've heard of one young looking provider showing her ID, but that's not going to be a get out of jail free card if it turns out to be fake ID.  
Lastly, some guys are worried about experience and maturity. And that's it.

From a John's perspective they just get off on feeling superior. Stereo-typically men get aroused dominating and women get aroused being submissive. During cuddling I always like to give the provider advice, I like helping people but I get how sometimes it comes off as arrogant or condescending.  

In general people feel comfortable with others who are similar to them therefore we see thugs hang out with thugs, girls hang with girls, boys hang with boys, old guys hang out with old guys. Our minds are constantly pointing out differences and changes in the environment and sometimes this makes it out of our mouths.  

Don't let this put you down, you are in your physical prime.

I'm sure the providers don't need advice on how to give good head or prep for Greek ... just saying that it may NOT be welcome

Posted By: ronkini1234
From a John's perspective they just get off on feeling superior. Stereo-typically men get aroused dominating and women get aroused being submissive. During cuddling I always like to give the provider advice, I like helping people but I get how sometimes it comes off as arrogant or condescending.  
 In general people feel comfortable with others who are similar to them therefore we see thugs hang out with thugs, girls hang with girls, boys hang with boys, old guys hang out with old guys. Our minds are constantly pointing out differences and changes in the environment and sometimes this makes it out of our mouths.  
 Don't let this put you down, you are in your physical prime.

for now...because that's the age of the youngest provider I've been excited to see (and she was AMAZING).

30+ ladies.  
However, for someone who is young...  you have got to get it together.  
You need to keep your head on straight...  maybe devolupe a separate work personna...  that you put asside when on your own time.  
You may need to blur your pictures so you can properly advertize.  Watermake them if they are not yet.  
I would urge you to act professionally.  Manage your business.  Set some goals.  Is it to pay school expenses or save for the future.  Too often we see providers who spend the money friviously...  & are no better for the efforts.  I know a few who really did work their way through college & grad school...  graduated debt free...  and retired to their chosen profession.   One gal I know...  only works occasionally, to supplememt her day job...  she just doesn't make enough to pay everything other wise.    

Since you are young, you need to learn to come accross as a bit older, in look & actions.  The think you can not fake is the advanced skills of a somewhat more mature woman.  I recall a date when without actually doing anything she could tell I was experienced...  and she was uncomfortable so we called it a night.  

I have no hobbiest experience with providers so young, but in the civie world...  the gals pretty much let me run the activity.  I think an experienced provider will take control.  She'll have a sequence of activities or maybe a couple of activities "programs".    

You should not have to "beg" people to give you a try but your confident demeanor should give you a sense of legitimacy.      

Best wishes...

My age preferences depend on the type of appointment. If its 3 hours or less, then I am fine as long as she is over 21. I will not sleep with someone I cannot at least enjoy a drink with.

Anything longer than that (dinner dates, overnights, weekends, trips) and my limit is that is no more than 10 years younger than me. Because most providers lie about their age (one of my favorites has been 29 for 5 years), I may consider seeing someone with an advertised age up to 12-15 years younger than me. For longer dates, I would at least like someone with some minimum level of shared interest/maturity.

I feel like I have to work so much harder to "prove" myself to potential clients... to prove that I'm mature enough to spend time with. That's why I invest a lot of energy into social media and blogging, because it's my writing that most clients told me "sealed the deal" for them.  

I've had some older escorts tell me I should fib up 3 years or so, because potential clients would be afraid I'm underage (what? really? with my extensive online presence and everything?), and some tell me I should be honest about my age (20) and play up the "innocent, virginal, come corrupt me!" look. There seems to be no solid consensus.  

What I can say is that I plan to be doing sex work for many years to come. Perhaps for the rest of my healthy life. It may not always be my primary source of income, as it's not right now, but I truly enjoy this work and don't see myself leaving it behind any time soon. So I tell myself that I can still look forward to my "prime" escorting years, and my sexual prime. I'm only just beginning, and if I'm doing well now, then I have even better things ahead of me, yeah?!

I actually prefer my " date" to be younger than myself (being 53 most of them are lol).  Although I've seen very few if any in the 18-20 range, most of my previous dates have been in the 26-30 range.

I have had good and not so good experiences with all age groups that I have spent time with.
So, no, I don't think there should be a stereotype of a provider being too young


Hmm... I am 27 myself. I do look younger though, and I'm aware of it.
I have never experienced anyone telling me I'm too young to do anything (except for buying cigarettes few years ago). I consider young age being a pro of that profession, whenever older gentlemen desire young lady. Of course I know some of them prefer mature ladies, and that is understandable as well, but even if you're 20, I still can't see a problem. I have a friend who's 22 and she looks almost underage, but her business goes on pretty well. Isn't there always demand for younger girls?

That's the beauty of this hobby, being with people you normally are not going to ever give you the time of day.   You could dominate me any day:)  

Posted By: Jessicalyn
Over the past year I've met many really great people but one of the constant refrains I hear despite my very positive reviews is that I'm "too young". I've written great ads, got good reviews, have a very professional and well laid out site, etc... But I still hear this at least once a week. Just wondering, what makes guys predisposed against young providers. I've looked around and there are certainly a lot of women older than me who aren't half as good or have any of the presentation...  
 P.S. I'm 20

based on their own experiences. When a bad experience happens, you adjust your rules accordingly. Not exactly fair, but since this is sooooo expensive, one must set their parameters to gain the optimum experience. We get to be exacting in that regard, as do you ladies with your own varied set of boundaries. Of course, no parameters/boundaries are foolproof, but for the most part, they keep you happy and comfortable.  

I’m most comfortable with mature ladies, but several years ago, I kept seeing a lady’s ad, and saw her forum posts from time to time. She was beautiful, witty, highly intelligent, sexy, and most telling of all was that she had perfect reviews. She was also very young, so I hesitated. But then one day I decided what the hell. I sent her an inquiry with stellar references, and she accepted. The closer it got to the date, I started feeling more uncomfortable. Not wanting to cancel, I decided to be honest with her. I told her of my discomfort at seeing someone so young, and asked how it was that she could make someone so much older feel comfortable. I was shocked when her reply went off on me. How could I, someone unknown to her, dare ask such a personal question. She spent two paragraphs blasting my hobby integrity, and cancelled the session. I apologized, and said I was simply trying to seek reassurance in a new, scary situation. Her next reply surprised me even more. She sweetly said that the reason I would feel comfortable with her is that she had a secret fetish for older gentlemen. She also wondered if I would still like to come see her. I was tempted, but the polarity of her two responses made me say no thank you. I also wondered why she didn’t say that on her first response. I really didn’t think my question was a breach of etiquette.  

What that also did, fair or unfair, was solidify my hobby parameters. The under 30 group definitely stayed off my list after that. In essence, that lady screwed you over. Nevertheless, you’re not too young. There are an array of gentlemen, some older than me, who love you exactly the way you are. In fact, their rules are so exacting, they won’t see anyone above 25 years old, nor above a size 1 dress. That my dear is the hobby, fair or unfair.  

GaGambler355 reads

Many, actually most of us do this for variety, I certainly do. Now I will freely admit I much prefer the younger ladies, but that doesn't mean a woman has to be under 25 before I will see her. I will say that a woman pretty needs to be able to at least pass for thirty before I will see her, but that's a matter of appearance, not a hard and fast rule of chronological age.

After reading your post I am willing to bet that you did say something that didn't set right with her. You start getting cold feet AFTER setting an appointment with her and then you send her an email waffling about seeing her and you expect her to coddle you and make her "pitch" why she is deserving to have you as a client. I can't blame her for going off on you a bit. and what's this crap about a "new, scary situation"??? Just how old are you anyhow? I too am questioning your "Hobby integrity" after this. You are starting to sound like the one too immature for the hobby. Just because you didn't think your question/s were a breach of etiquette, but I bet you she would disagree with that statement.

And I don't remember. When did we get married? But nah, if she was so pissed by my so called breach of etiquette, she wouldn't have bothered with a follow up explanation invitation. It would have been delete delete. Even after I said no thank you, she followed up yet again with a, 'if you ever feel like it in the future' response. Two things. She did ruin it for all younger girls, and while some guys find bipolar wildly hot, I do not.  

You're right about one thing though. It's getting closer and closer to Snagglepuss time.

you'd enjoy spending time with an 18 yr old guy and his friends.

yes imo, you're too young fora 60,70 yr old man but not for one in his 30's maybe 40.

Really don't think age will be a problem for you in the long run. Many guys prefer young ladies.

I must admit that there have been times when I've avoided meeting a few younger escorts because they were near the age of a daughter -- perhaps in part because I had a fear of opening the door and meeting one of her friends.  LOL

(Though, I must also admit that there have been a few times when I've been out to dinner with a daughter and asked myself if someone at the next table was wondering if I was out with an escort.  CREEPY!)

Don't let it bother you.  You are clearly doing well and your clients are having fun!

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