TER General Board

Re: Agree
tec870 13 Reviews 200 reads

Part of the fun of the fantasy is taking off the clothes.  Plus, you can tell the really great GFEs (and, it enhances your experience) by the time and care she takes putting on something that is seductive and sexy, and that puts your imagination in overdrive.  I really appreciate the seduction, and I think only appropriate to compliment her when she's out done herself.

I rarely find in reviews incidences of providers greeting their incalls naked.  But when I do, I really take notice.  Pretty hot, I think.  Sometimes flat footed and sometimes in high heels, bit either way its all good if they are nude from the ankle straps up.

I like answering my incalls nude, but I find some ladies run screaming.  Maybe its the high heels.  Though when I do it flat footed, I still get rolled eyes at the very least.  

So what's the big deal about meeting someone for the first time with no clothes on?  Its not like we are arranging a prayer meeting together.  I'm pretty sure we are going to end up bare assed, why not start out swingin'.

For visual reference only, I'm typing this naked in a pair of slingbacks.      

Well, if the lady is doing incalls out of a hotel, discretion is a must, and anything could happen... hotel staff doing a walk-through seeing you answer the door naked, would probably raise some eyebrows to say the least. Yea.. the guys never supposed to knock unless the coast is clear... but it happens more than you think.

By my watch, this thread has been up for nearly 12 hours. There must be an after holidays Bruno Magli sale going on. When they get back, boy are you in trouble. I can almost hear those aliases being freshly create.

I am replying in tennis shoes, but my pumps are in my handbag until I get to work.

Posted By: Fair_Use
I rarely find in reviews incidences of providers greeting their incalls naked.  But when I do, I really take notice.  Pretty hot, I think.  Sometimes flat footed and sometimes in high heels, bit either way its all good if they are nude from the ankle straps up.

I like answering my incalls nude, but I find some ladies run screaming.  Maybe its the high heels.  Though when I do it flat footed, I still get rolled eyes at the very least.  

So what's the big deal about meeting someone for the first time with no clothes on?  Its not like we are arranging a prayer meeting together.  I'm pretty sure we are going to end up bare assed, why not start out swingin'.

For visual reference only, I'm typing this naked in a pair of slingbacks.      

-- Modified on 1/6/2011 5:01:02 AM

If you're meeting for the first time, the lady doesn't know you, except for the screening info you've provided her, which is either coming from a basically anonymous source or second-hand from another lady. This would be a high-level safety and security risk for the lady. Save this for your ATF.

It is only erotic if we are meeting for the first time.  If we already know each other, than coming to the door is no big deal, IMHO.

octovert331 reads

It is a rare woman who actually looks hotter with absolutely nothing on. Hottest of all is the lady who wears something on each "part of interest", so you can imagine her putting each piece on, and playing with the part of herself where it goes. Maybe it's that I am more tactile and less visual, but I like to see her in clothes that suggest how soft or firm is the flesh underneath.

Posted By: Fair_Use
I rarely find in reviews incidences of providers greeting their incalls naked.  But when I do, I really take notice.  Pretty hot, I think.  Sometimes flat footed and sometimes in high heels, bit either way its all good if they are nude from the ankle straps up.

I like answering my incalls nude, but I find some ladies run screaming.  Maybe its the high heels.  Though when I do it flat footed, I still get rolled eyes at the very least.  

So what's the big deal about meeting someone for the first time with no clothes on?  Its not like we are arranging a prayer meeting together.  I'm pretty sure we are going to end up bare assed, why not start out swingin'.

For visual reference only, I'm typing this naked in a pair of slingbacks.      

I prefer a slow, erotic GFE experience, and such experiences don't start with either party naked.  Hands and kisses starting outside clothes and proceeding underneath really turn me on. A provider should be sure of her client's taste before starting naked, and in my opinion a gentleman doesn't do it.

Part of the fun of the fantasy is taking off the clothes.  Plus, you can tell the really great GFEs (and, it enhances your experience) by the time and care she takes putting on something that is seductive and sexy, and that puts your imagination in overdrive.  I really appreciate the seduction, and I think only appropriate to compliment her when she's out done herself.

and i've answered the door nekkid before. The damn girl didn't say a word for twenty minutes. Thats how long it took to bbbjtccim

if a lady answers the door naked, enter! If a man answers the door naked, run!

Nice on several counts!

EasyBreezy234 reads

I'd rather she open the door in something sexy. Get my attention and build from there. Besides, I love watching a lady undress. Especially if she does so slowly and seductively.

A few years ago I contacted a well reviewed  provider in Reston with my references by email.Her looks and performance were among the best with a couple mentions of her sometimes uppity demeanor, though the reviewers who mentioned  she is sometimes uppity gave her all high marks. No problem with me as I desire  women with confidence in themselves. After two or three email  attempts in a six month period she replied with her number, asked that I call her the next morning . When I called the first thing she says, she isn't seeing any new hobbysists. I replied OK, thanks for letting me know. I soon forgot about her.

 About six months after not contacting her again, I receive a email and she asks if I am still interested. I replied  yes, she replied to call her. When I called on Monday  she said she wasn't sure of her schedule for the  week, call back on Wednesday. I called on Wednesday. We set up 1:30 on Saturday after her gym work out. She asked  me  to call  Thursday and remind her because she was shopping and didn't have a pen with her.I called on Thursday got a full mail box , emailed a confirm for Saturday and received no reply..
 I called again Friday morning ,mailbox was full and the same Friday afternoon.
  I sent another email and no response.
 I called late Friday night, she answered and   said she was going to gym early,lets change time to 1:00 Saturday. She gave me her address since I live over two hours away. I asked for some intersection directions since I was not a Reston regular.She said she didn't know directions to her place,look it up.
I left at 9 am to be sure I would be on time. I arrived at the location via Map Quest. It was not there.
 I started asking people at a variety of stores with  no luck.. Around noon  I went to a Real Estate Office figuring they would surely know. All the Realtors had left for lunch. The extremely pretty and sweet receptionist, tried her best to help, pulling out maps, but the  providers street was nowhere to be found . The receptionist said there is a street in her town by that name but its 30 miles away.Visons of me at lunch  with the Real Estate receptionist entered my mind but I was on a mission.
By now I am panicking and I figure it must be a new street. I start driving around wherever I saw new construction.

Finally, I ask the right person, he tells me  a mile down the road in the new development. I still couldn't find the place..Around 12:30 I called the provider, voice mail answered and left a message,"I realize I am early but I am having hard time finding your place". She didn't call back.. I finally found her  location at 12:55 .The guy had pointed me in the right direction but I was not expecting her place to be in a brand new luxury  high rise that looked like a office building.

 As soon as I stepped out of my car my phone rings, with her rudely blasting me like I was her punk and yelling at me for being early. She says our appt was at 1:30...  Fine, I didn't argue after all my difficulty and let her vent to her hearts content. She said to  call her from the intercom at the front steps of her building at 1:30..
I called from the intercom at 1:30. She doesn't answer...It was about twenty degrees with the wind howling.Her location had a lot of  traffic coming in and out.
Occasionally someone  asks "Do you want to come in"?  I must decline since I do not know what room,and I am awaiting my intercom invitation . Even though it  was  cold , my blood was starting to boil . After about ten or fifteen minutes of standing at the building entrance, looking like a  fool, she comes on the intercom and says call back in five minutes.. I call back in five and she doesn't answer.. Another five ,no answer. I try again,she answers, tells me to call back in five .  I try again in five,she doesn't answer. Finally  she answers,tells me her room number and rings me in.

 As soon as I walk in the lobby the security guard picks me out of the crowd and motions me to his desk. I walk over and he asks  who I am going to see. With a thoroughly irritated look I eyeball him with  scorn, while telling him "I am visiting my  GF, soon to be my EX. Are you intererested in her"? He backs off,asks me to sign in. I sign in, and enter the elevator.
The guard questioning me was the last straw in my adventure looking like a vagrant, waiting for Miss Congeniality.
 When she opened the door she was hiding behind it until I wondered, is she coming out or is this another part of her game. Finally she  came out naked and looked plenty good however I had gone way past my limit for something I was paying for.
I entered the room , gave her a 50 and told her "this is for answering the door" "I am not spending anytime with you since you have treated me more than rude , I am no longer  in the mood".
She stepped in front of me .I had to actually walk around her as I was leaving and she was barking repeatedly "Well I sure don't want anyone to be somewhere they don't want to be" I didn't say a word and walked out the door.I was  about five  or ten  steps down the hall,she walks out in the hallway buff naked and starts loudly, and I mean really loudly,screaming  my name, and asking if I am alright.
 I turned around , gave her my biggest smile and said " I am fine,  Thank you". Then a male voice from across the hall or in her kitchen cabinets yells loudly "Go to Hell" and in the elevator, I went..
 The sight of a naked woman in a high dollar complex yelling in the hallway, asking "ME" if I am OK was worth the trip.
I have been pussy whipped before but never when I am paying.
If anyone wonders who she is, it doesn't matter. She retired,not long after our adventure.
I am sure some of you will wonder why I didn't walk when I was jerked around at the entrance or at least when security asked me to sign in.
I don't believe a no show is the right thing to do.

No, that's not the kind of naked greeting I'm looking for.  In fact, that sounds unpleasant in any state of dress.  I guess I should have said I wanted a NICE, naked girl at the door.  Great story though.  Thanks!

I can't believe you put up with as much as you did before walking out.  I never would have even made the trip to being with, and would have bailed after the second non-answered call.  To each his own, I guess.

"I can't believe you put up with as much as you did before walking out."

I am normally  patient with the the ladies as long as I don't feel like I am  getting jerked around. I usually won't call back if I leave a message and my call is not returned.  
If I hadn't heard she did cartwheels and other acrobatic tricks while having sex, I probably would not have expressed any interest when she emailed 6 months later, and asked if I was still interested.
Granted I was jerked around with her  to the extreme, but the memory of her naked in the hallway loudly screaming my name,having just met me two minutes before, was well worth my time and 50 bucks. ROFL I thought that only happened to Rock Stars.
If I had given up before I entered her room I would have missed the grand finale. Its one of those you would have to be there to feel the humor and the hidden irony.
The fact I didn't lose my cool and smiled my brightest , might have caused her to lose control.
Time can never be bought back, but crazy memories are forever.
I can only  hope the security guy kept a eye on me ,saw her naked in the hall on his video and asked her out.
I can imagine him scratching his head, wondering why I would break up with her.

...for the first time it's just plain ol' weird. 3rd or 4th etc maybe

I personally would not begin to do that for a new friend. A request has to be made....and it has been requested...and happily obliged, but that was after the first initial meeting.

I do believe that meeting someone for the first time should be done in a sultry, or sexy or whatever you may have on type of way. As a previous person has stated, you do not know who is passing by. Also, I want to make sure, though I have done my screening which is subjective points of views from providers (and hopefully as honest as possible) that I have a connection with the person. And having my clothes off immediately to me sends a signal of lets hurry up and get it over with, which I am definitely not that type of companion.

Just my thoughts.....

Posted By: Fair_Use
I rarely find in reviews incidences of providers greeting their incalls naked.  But when I do, I really take notice.  Pretty hot, I think.  Sometimes flat footed and sometimes in high heels, bit either way its all good if they are nude from the ankle straps up.

I like answering my incalls nude, but I find some ladies run screaming.  Maybe its the high heels.  Though when I do it flat footed, I still get rolled eyes at the very least.  

So what's the big deal about meeting someone for the first time with no clothes on?  Its not like we are arranging a prayer meeting together.  I'm pretty sure we are going to end up bare assed, why not start out swingin'.

For visual reference only, I'm typing this naked in a pair of slingbacks.      

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