TER General Board

Re: A topic near and dear....regular_smile
pleasureglans 17 Reviews 173 reads

Very well said.

Posted By: ReaganMoore
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Would you trust one of the Wall Street investment guys that had a record of stealing after he gets rehabilitated and out of jail?

That being said, why did she out him. Did she have a real reason? Did she out him from a safety perspective or because of something he did that was so egregious it warranted it? In my book outing someone has very few triggers. It would have to be a serious infringement on my personal safety or life before I would even think about it.I think that the thread needs to know why she outed him to answer the question.

I will say this. Your description of her lends me to individually believe she is somewhat of a loose cannon. If she is surrounded by drama all the time, if she is as nutty as pecan pie, then even if she never did "out" someone she is somewhat a risk. And while you may not have heard any reports of bad behavior, that does not mean they don't exist. We all know that half of what is reported on here is BS and a third more are just out right lies. Sometimes the truth and reality of a rumor never even see the light of day on the boards.

Perhaps you would ask a companion the following....if a client had an incident and was blacklisted 6 years ago but has not done anything bad since then, would you see them? The responses will be as varied as what your going to see here. Need more information but on first glance, nope. Need to know who blacklisted him, and why. For the most part, companions want to avoid as much Drama and risk as possible, just like you.


Big-Bad-John1999 reads

a grudge be held?

To give an example. A provider outs a hobbyist. He and I were good friends. Not only was he driven away from TER, he had to retire from the hobby.
It has been about 6 years and the provider is still active and in fact was allowed back on TER, (much to my dismay). She is still nutty, but I haven't heard any recent reports of bad behavior aside from her usual drama.

I will never see said provider, but to this day the hair stands up on the back of my neck every time I see her post.

Should she be forgiven?

Are you suggesting she outed his real info or just his handle? Did she contact his wife? What did he do to warrant such an outing? There are two sides to every story, so would be interesting to hear what both parties have to say.

His.  Her.  John's and the truth.

Batshit Hooker Crazy providers exist, although not too many last for that long without the word spreading like a wildfire.


for damn sure. What some woman feels is acceptable, another feels is alert worthy. Unless I have been flat out ripped off, assaulted, or a guy makes threats to call the cops, find out where I am staying to harm me, etc. I won't put an alert out. When I do post an alert, it is justified!

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Would you trust one of the Wall Street investment guys that had a record of stealing after he gets rehabilitated and out of jail?

That being said, why did she out him. Did she have a real reason? Did she out him from a safety perspective or because of something he did that was so egregious it warranted it? In my book outing someone has very few triggers. It would have to be a serious infringement on my personal safety or life before I would even think about it.I think that the thread needs to know why she outed him to answer the question.

I will say this. Your description of her lends me to individually believe she is somewhat of a loose cannon. If she is surrounded by drama all the time, if she is as nutty as pecan pie, then even if she never did "out" someone she is somewhat a risk. And while you may not have heard any reports of bad behavior, that does not mean they don't exist. We all know that half of what is reported on here is BS and a third more are just out right lies. Sometimes the truth and reality of a rumor never even see the light of day on the boards.

Perhaps you would ask a companion the following....if a client had an incident and was blacklisted 6 years ago but has not done anything bad since then, would you see them? The responses will be as varied as what your going to see here. Need more information but on first glance, nope. Need to know who blacklisted him, and why. For the most part, companions want to avoid as much Drama and risk as possible, just like you.

Very well said.

Posted By: ReaganMoore
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Would you trust one of the Wall Street investment guys that had a record of stealing after he gets rehabilitated and out of jail?

That being said, why did she out him. Did she have a real reason? Did she out him from a safety perspective or because of something he did that was so egregious it warranted it? In my book outing someone has very few triggers. It would have to be a serious infringement on my personal safety or life before I would even think about it.I think that the thread needs to know why she outed him to answer the question.

I will say this. Your description of her lends me to individually believe she is somewhat of a loose cannon. If she is surrounded by drama all the time, if she is as nutty as pecan pie, then even if she never did "out" someone she is somewhat a risk. And while you may not have heard any reports of bad behavior, that does not mean they don't exist. We all know that half of what is reported on here is BS and a third more are just out right lies. Sometimes the truth and reality of a rumor never even see the light of day on the boards.

Perhaps you would ask a companion the following....if a client had an incident and was blacklisted 6 years ago but has not done anything bad since then, would you see them? The responses will be as varied as what your going to see here. Need more information but on first glance, nope. Need to know who blacklisted him, and why. For the most part, companions want to avoid as much Drama and risk as possible, just like you.


arthur13261 reads

There is one provider here who posts constantly.She was banned from other sites for outing people but not on ter yet.These things can be hard to prove because anyone who knows their way around the internet can get away with it.Be careful about who you trust here.They behave themsevles because this is their bread and butter but what goes on behind the scenes wuld make your towes curl.

Posted By: Big-Bad-John
a grudge be held?

To give an example. A provider outs a hobbyist. He and I were good friends. Not only was he driven away from TER, he had to retire from the hobby.
It has been about 6 years and the provider is still active and in fact was allowed back on TER, (much to my dismay). She is still nutty, but I haven't heard any recent reports of bad behavior aside from her usual drama.

I will never see said provider, but to this day the hair stands up on the back of my neck every time I see her post.

Should she be forgiven?    

-(.)(.)219 reads

Who is the provider? You're using an alias.  Post her name.  If she in fact outted a hobbyist she should NEVER have been allowed back on this or any other site and should be publicly ostracized. I would say the same about any hobbyist outting a provider. There are no excuses and no exceptions to this.

AnotherPerspective194 reads

Once a snitch always a snitch .

Posted By: Big-Bad-John
a grudge be held?

To give an example. A provider outs a hobbyist. He and I were good friends. Not only was he driven away from TER, he had to retire from the hobby.
It has been about 6 years and the provider is still active and in fact was allowed back on TER, (much to my dismay). She is still nutty, but I haven't heard any recent reports of bad behavior aside from her usual drama.

I will never see said provider, but to this day the hair stands up on the back of my neck every time I see her post.

Should she be forgiven?    

Man, from the collection of your posts I’ve read recently you come across as one angry individual—with a bit too much of that anger directed at women it seems.

You did not mention the lady by name so I assume this is a more general question for the board—since we cannot very well judge a specific unnamed lady.  But if it is a general question about a person outing another, why focus on a provider outing a client and not just one member of the community outing another?  Should the situation be any different if a guy outed a lady?  I cannot see any reason it should be.

For EITHER gender, the other person’s part of the story is missing from your question.  I have seen a person outed because someone was jealous, someone was trying to get rid of competition, or because they were just bad people.

But I have also seen a person outed because they were stalking someone, because they had beaten and robbed a lady, and in one case because the lady had planted drugs in a guy’s hotel room and then called the police.

Sometimes killing a person is murder, sometimes it’s self defense.

Big-Bad-John231 reads

And that was my focus. Is that so difficult for you to understand? Try rereading my post a few times and do it after your afternoon nap.

Posted By: Big-Bad-John
And that was my focus. Is that so difficult for you to understand? Try rereading my post a few times and do it after your afternoon nap.
Actually I did read it a few times.  Three I believe, two before making my responce, once after but before hitting "Send".

I guess I'm terribly naive.  However, when I read a lot of this thread, particularly starting with Julia's initial comments and the posts that followed, I felt I was taken to another world.

No, I never was allowed to watch The Twilight Zone; it's just that this is kinda what I might envision it to be like.

And it doesn't allay my anxiety that even in this thread so many are using an alias.   Ironically, even the person who appeared to invoke criticism of someone else using an alias was himself using an alias.

So my question is how does someone who is completely unsuspecting to all this drama protect
himself from such an entanglement.   From what I can see, there could be difficulty in identifying the risk even if you tried to do your homework, that is, reading reviews, avoiding Back Page, etc.

Now I feel really vulnerable, but before today, I had no idea that I should feel that way.   And even worse, I still don't really understand.

Feel free to PM me if you have comments or responses you might not wish to make public.   But in the two months I have followed this Board, I haven't seen anyone appear too bashful.

Feel free

there are a few choice phrases he will use to try and discredit her, and the never change lol. "She has a stinky kitty, she upsells, she outed someone, her pics are fake, she has an std." Not saying this is the case here of course, but you will see a pattern develop when a provider is known for telling whiney men to go fk themselves. Some grown men are nothing more than little boys trapped inside an old body, and when you bruise their ego this is how they retaliate bwahahaha. It's rather amusing to watch which is why I never use the ignore button.

serpius244 reads

Big Bad John,

A big question with no simple answer.

The best way I can answer the question is remind every hobbyist what most, if not all providers say in their ads and/or website.

They are supposed to provide DISCRETION at all times.

Having said that, when a provider breaks that "industry" rule, that makes the provider the guilty party. There may be an extreme case if the hobbyist was a stalker or a woman-hater, then that's the only exception to the rule that I can think of.

If the hobbyist has not done anything wrong to the provider, then nothing should ever be said about the hobbyist. Period.

Just recently on TER, a provider threatened to "out" me on TER and other websites. She had her own agenda against me. I NEVER saw this provider in person. I did respond to an ad that she had posted in Backpage and she pretty much freaked out to me. Throughout the whole episode with her, I maintained civility towards her, but she ranted on like a drunken sailor.

I did report her to TER and TER did take care of her postings against me.

Having said that, I'll never plan to see this provider at all. There are plenty of others out there.

The fact that you are still focused on this ONE provider makes me wonder if you are a bit obsessed with this provider. I'd say to you... let HER GO! Forget about her and move on. There are plenty of great ladies that will treat you much better than the provider that you mentioned.

Oh about that forgiven part? I have not and will not forgive that provider threatening to out me. I don't need her drama. Oh yea, I did put this provider in my Ignore bin so that I don't have to see her postings at all and it has worked wonders for me. You may want to try that method.


Posted By: Big-Bad-John
a grudge be held?

To give an example. A provider outs a hobbyist. He and I were good friends. Not only was he driven away from TER, he had to retire from the hobby.
It has been about 6 years and the provider is still active and in fact was allowed back on TER, (much to my dismay). She is still nutty, but I haven't heard any recent reports of bad behavior aside from her usual drama.

I will never see said provider, but to this day the hair stands up on the back of my neck every time I see her post.

Should she be forgiven?    

Big-Bad-John218 reads

So I should "let her go" but you said you will never forgive a provider for threatening you? Contradictory lies within your statements.

BTW, the ignore button is for pussies and idiots. This is a fuck board, not Disney.

I forgive everyone after a few days at most. Especially people I don't even really know. Why waste the energy on somebody you don't even care about?

I had a friend I let borrow 2k who never paid me back. He's still one of my best friends today. I forgave him, but I didn't forget. If he ever asks me to borrow money again, I'll laugh in his face.

an impact on my life lol. All these morons mean nothing in the real world and they don't affect a single thing including my business. I love it when some tard thinks the things he does/says can hurt me when the reviews just keep coming and so does the money. Karma.

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