TER General Board

Re: A good retort:....
cecilia of dc See my TER Reviews 804 reads

that would be a great letter, mr fisher, please do send it in!! LOL

Ruth Marcus, a member of the Washington Post editorial board, had a column July 18 that was so self-rieghteosly off base that I emailed her a rebuttal under my real name.  Her column "private sin, public matter" was on the Senator Vitter incident.  The Senator called Clinton "morally unfit to govern" but was outed by the "DC Madam."
The Marcus column said being a customer of the escort service was not just a moral transgression and a private matter between him and his wife, but probably a crime in violation of anti-prostitution laws.  Marcus says "there is a huge difference...between having extramarital sex and paying for it..I would sooner vote for a politician who cheated on his spouse than for one who went to a prostitute.  One is demeaning to a particular woman, the second to all women...Paying for sex, in whatever form, is both illegal and repulsive.  It reveals a view of women as commodities that is relevant to lawmakers' public responsibilities."
I assume that most readers here will disagree with Marcus as much as I do, and not just on grounds of self-interest. I wonder, what gives Marcus the idea that she can speak for all women?  I wonder what she would say to the many providers on these boards who express themselves eloquently and honestly about their work and do not feel demeaned by it?
I'd be interested in any reactions, but especially from LG and providers -- how can these ideas be combatted in the "public marketplace of ideas?"  Anyone who disputes this nonsense is immediately consigned to a rung on the lowest level of humanity.

As with all columnists, Ruth Marcus speaks only for herself, not for all women. These folks get paid to express a point of view, not report the facts. Obviously I don't agree with her stance. What bothers me about idiots like her is that she has an audience at all.
The bigger issue here is another hypocritical politician who beat up on a US President seven years ago for getting a BJ in a back hallway now being found-out to be just as guilty of simply wanting some strange pussy. I would much rather see attention focused on the idiocy of partisan politics than on what consenting adults do behind closed doors....Oh well, ultimately it all sells papers and thats what a column like hers is all about.

If paying for sex is repulsive, why does this site have so many thousands of members, both providers and hobbyists.  Obviously, it is not repulsive to a great many people, myself included.

If I weren't paying for sex, I am forced to admit, I would not be getting much of it, other than self-pleasurement.

Thanks to all the wonderful providers for being there for us guys who need them.


-- Modified on 8/7/2007 11:53:38 AM

When things like this get brought up I always stress that each person muct make up her own mind with regard to personal morality and that is 'my neighbor' chooses to pay for sex, it has nothing to do with how I live my life. Same approach for any number of behaviors that are illegal.

Dear Ms. Marcus:

Getting paid for sex is not as repulsive as you getting paid for writing this drivel.

that would be a great letter, mr fisher, please do send it in!! LOL

It's strange that people make a case about prostitution being offensive to all women, making women out to be a commodity... hmmm
I always think that it's men who should really be offended b/c we as providers are exploiting thier natural urge for sex.  We get you guys excited by talking, writing, or depicting sexual acts or poses, and let you know it's available..
Then we make you pay for it!!!  Ha Ha Ha!!  
Then to top it off, we look like the victims!
You poor guys and your predictable penises.. "I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."
As for the article, I always find that those who are the most repulsed by something are the ones who are hiding the exact same thing in their closet.
" Judge not, lest ye be judged.  For with what measure you judge another, the same will be measured onto you."  can't remember who said that... but .. it seems like it was ..someone kind of important...

and I think you might be on to something there about her motives.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged."

Matthew 7:1

Lincoln paraphrased it in his second inaugural address:

"...but let us judge not, that we be not judged."

Wow, what an awesome and profound post!

You are so right, and that is so honest, coming from a woman and sharing with the men.

I often think the same thing, because as I've been delving deeper into my own psyche, just started counseling, and trying to sort out my issues regarding a serious relationship, I have been learning and understanding more and more about people, and our inter-personal relationships and communication.

Many of us, instead of working towards something serious, and dealing with our issues, choose to go after satisfying our immediate needs.

I TOTALLY see the enticements made in ads by the ladies...    I mean, I realized it when I had seen a certain provider or two, and then their ads bragged about this or that, and I was thinking to myself "gee, they weren't that enthusiastic or naughty when I was there".

Women totally try to pull us around by the dick, and most of us are so stupid because of our dick taking over the thinking, that they can manipulate the hell out of us.

Well, I'll just share what my counselor told me about porn (not escorting in particular, but I'm sure it's the same) -  

it gears us up for "instant gratification", instead of us working towards something meaningful or more fulfilling.

I DID enjoy escorting very much though, for fulfilling a fantasy or two...    but for a long term thing, I don't think it's the answer for me.

Thanks again though for that honesty.  That was awesome.

We really do exploit the nature of men rather than the other way around! Before I entered this business I never really thought of it that way but when I decided to provide I realized, yes, you men are completely at our mercy, LOL!

It is better to donate money and let things happen naturally.  Two charitable people need not engage in impropriety.

Anyone who believes differently is delusional.

Heather Mills-McCartney slobbed Pauls knob for two years and got one hundred million dollars for doing so.
That is one hell of a job of “hook’n”.  

Come on now, that's just a TINY bit cynical isn't it?

I mean, I agree for the MOST part, but there IS love out there....

Monogamy and the institution of marriage were created for reasons of bloodline inheritance of property and wealth. later came the legal inventions of alimony, palimony, community property, and the pre-nup.

"But square-cut or pear-shaped,
These rocks don't loose their shape.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend."

Yes but you are implicitly denying that there was also emotional commitment, not JUST sex.

Sex can be paid for, but genuine emotion can't.

Love is free, but the sex still cost you.

It assumes that men put out all the effort while women reap the benefits with little investment.  With a genuine emotional commitment, the reality there is that if you're paying, so is she.

Very true!  Genuine emotion, like interests, mutual respect & trust are priceless intangibles that directly influence the tenure of "love" long after 'lust' has dissipated.

IMO the very popular "variety" aspect of the hobby is indicative of the polygamous nature of homo sapiens while the aforementioned dogmas of "family law" are merely societally accepted euphemisms designed to obscure a historic and uncomfortable truth.

Whatever happens during that time is purely consensual.

Does not sound repulsive to me.

I didn't find that repulsive, although it cost more than I'd hoped.  In much the same way, if there is a willing buyer and a willing seller, both acting without duress, it sounds like free market capitalism working as it was intended.  The fact that the product is companionship that may include sexual acts should be irrelevant.

if a female politician got caught using a male escort service.

It'll happen one day.

Couldn't she see another female?  That could make for interesting headlines too.

I know I feel empowered that men think enough of me and my special talents to pay me for my companionship.

Maybe it's time a hooker runs for President!

TS Jamie  :-)

Who wouldn't rather be able to have sex based on their charm and intelligence, rather than the ability to pay?

If society wasn't so weighed down by fucked up beauty standards and a repressive morality there would be a lot more healthy and pleasurable consensual sex in a variety of forms, rather than all the games that go on in civvie life.  Not to mention the safety concerns women have to deal with from potential rapists and other violent misogynists, who were raised to degrade women.

We live in a fucked up society that makes hobbying almost a necessity if someone wants to have fun in a relatively safe environment without too much hassle.  Many hobbyists are nice guys and very good in bed [maybe?], but because we are not hotties, would never be able to get laid without an incredible amount of effort, and then with a low chance of payoff.  Let's face it - even an unattractive woman can easily get laid if she offers it.  An unattractive guy?  No way.  Many women who might want to casually get laid have to worry about ending up in a hospital, or in little pieces in some psychotic's basement.  They would have no way of telling until it was too late.

And let's not forget the money.  Many women provide because it's a lot of money in a short amount of time.  Only in a sexually repressed society can sex as a commodity command such a high price.

all the people who go out and get hammered every weekend and give it up freely to anyone who will take it. Isn't more disgusting to have such little respect for yourself that it has zero meaning and is just something that happens. I have known too many sweet young ladies who will just give themselves to any @sshole at the local clubs. At least our paid relationships have meaning to all parties in one way or another. I genuinely appreciate all the ladies I have ever met. At least these ladies care about us guys enough to brighten our lives and not just get drunk and throw themselves in the bed of the best guy available. And they are also smart for using their sexuality to create and income. It's quite entreprenuerial (I think I butchered that) of them to make a living with their sexuality rather than waste it on the aforementioned @sshole who couldn't care less what happens to her. That's just my view.

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