TER General Board

Question about Elite providers (Elite = ultra-expensive)
MysteryAdmin 69 Reviews 6863 reads

Ok, Every now and then I'll come across a provider's website where her rates range from ultra-expensive (like $1000+ for a couple of hours for the first meeting at the very least) to uber-expensive (like $10k / day or something).  Of course, I can't afford anything even close to that so I just admire their pictures and move on.  :)

However, I often wonder how guys who DO see ladies in this eschelon (if that's the right word) find them and I sometimes wonder if they get many appts, etc.

If you are someone who does see "Elite" providers (meaning purely from a rate perspective for the context of this dicussion) or know of someone who does, how do they go about finding these ladies?  Do you/they scan TER reviews?  Utilize the "standard" listing sites?

Also, are those "Millionaire's Club" sites bogus or legit?  There is at least one (I forget the URL or site name) where there's a $5k or $10k membership fee *just* to be able to access the site to see who they list.  I can't even fathom what the rates would be for the ladies they do list, if these sites are legit.

"Danke for the smokes..."  :)


I normally prefer to see women who are in the $300/hr and up range.  I screen very carefully to insure that I am getting good value for what I pay, TER has been a big tool since I joined the site.  The key thing concerning price is that if you have done the right kind of research, you are more likely to be satisfied.  I have seen very good providers at $300/hr and some not so good ones at prices higher, at least before I became a member here.  
   I do not ask the providers who I see about how many appointments they get, so I cannot add any iformation on that issue.  
   I have found the providers who I have engaged to be fun.  They are intelligent and have other things going on careerwise.    
   I would stay away from services that charge an upfront fee just to allow you access.  You send them money or give your credit card number.  How can you be sure that they are legit without knowing someone who has used the service and is satisfied with it.  I go no further than doing deposits that are a fraction of the upcoming session fee with providers, and since becoming a member here, I only do that with ones that I have researched well.

GLisHJ6201 reads

appeal of saying that they have seen a lady who charges an extremely high rate.  They probably get very few clients, because there aren't THAT many guys who are that screwed up and/or stupid.  But then, they may only need to score one every two or three months to make it worthwhile.

The irony, of course, is that she is usually seeing other guys for much less, using a different name.

It's a funny thing about prices - they don't correlate very well with the quality of the experience. Generally, I've found that a $$$-$$$$ per hour lady gives better experiences than those who charge more.

to be sure you weren't me posting under the alias.

I guess the guys who see these ladies find them the either through referrals or the same way you did.  I've had my world rocked in $$-$$$1/2 range so it's hard to imagine what could be worth 3-5 times that.

It's the right word, but it's spelled 'echelon'.

As for those ludicrous membership sites you mention, here are just a few words of wisdom from various sources:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public."
H. L. Mencken

"A fool and his money are soon parted".

"There's a sucker born every minute".
NOT P.T. Barnum.  See link for a fun bit of history.

Live long and prosper.

EliteEbony2603 reads

n. 1. the part that is best, most talented, etc. or is thought to be so.

According to the dictionary. I have "Elite" on my site and I am nowhere near ultra expensive, as I realize that hobbyists have lives, bills, etc.
However, I am aware of ladies that consider themselves elite and charge ridiculous rates and most of them do not get alot of clients.

-- Modified on 5/9/2004 2:36:16 PM

On the other hand, if a lady's website describes her as "Elite companion" or some such thing I expect sticker shock when I get to the rates page.  Occassionaly I'm pleasantly surprised, you sound like one of the exceptions.

Let's break up your definition into it's components
1) the best
2) most talented
3) thought to be so

So all ultra-expensive providers are "elite" by virtue of item (3), at least to those whose definition includes 'so expesive that I can afford her and other guys can't".  In fact what these ladies are marketing has nothing to do with THEM being elite.  They're selling prospective clients the notion 'you can prove that YOU are elite by paying my ridiculous fee'.

In fact, by items (1) and (2), there are plenty of elite courtesans with fees ranging from extremely reasonable to still within sanity limits.

You raise a great point.  :)

I guess it was presumptious to associate "eliteness" with rates but based on other very expensive things out there, people tend to associate high price with "eliteness" or maybe more accurately "exclusiveness".

In any event, one thing I wanted to say is I didn't start this thread as a place to "bash" the providers who do charge high rates but mainly to try to find out how those who can afford those kinds of rates locate the ladies.  I guess I'm wondering if there's some other "underground" world out there I don't know about where this kind of info passes through word of mouth or something. :)

Thanks for the replies!  :)


Most in that range that I've seen don't allow reviews, and say so explicitly.  I saw one in recent days that declared that she had recently disallowed reviews, and actually lashed out at the whole notion of it.  That's marketing savvy for you.  That fills me with desire to put $1k down. It's so arrogant that it is a real turn off.

Anothe one consisted of a single nude photograph from behind, and a couple of unimpressive blurbs, with the pricelist and contact information.  Another one I saw was written in the third person, like it was a newspaper article.  It was so boring, I couldn't get through it.

Maybe people spending that kind of money have different channels of information, and the website is only to attract the stray business?  But if you're "stray" with over $1,000, your in trouble.


Hi all,

I guess I am what you'd call and 'elite' provider in Australia - though probably cheap once you do the currency conversion :)

I a) have a good website (well, I think so anyway) and b) provide services above and beyond the norm (well, so I've been told).  And no, I don't operate under another name at cheaper rates and no, I don't see only 1 client a month.  In general I would have 4-6 regular clients that I see once a fortnight on average and usually 2 other bookings each week.  I probably spend around 75% of each assignment on talking, counselling and just listening, the sex is minor, in terms of time, but major in terms of impact.


-- Modified on 5/9/2004 2:42:17 PM

Great!  Thanks for the feedback!  Please forgive me for not being familiar with you but do you feel the need to advertise on any sites that cater to your part of the world or do you get exposure mainly through avenues, like message boards (TER, BigDoggie) or banner exchanges with other providers, etc.?

I can understand if you don't feel comfortable answering this on the open forum.  :)


Any provider who does not allow reviews do not get my business since I learned of and used the TER database.
 I have found the providers who I have seen post joining TER to be what was advertised, educated, intelligent and multi-faceted in their management of their lives and careers.

is $700.  

The one time I indulged in a date that expensive was underwhelming.  She was a good provider, but on the way home I ran out of fingers and toes counting the ladies in the more realistic price range that were far and away better.

none of the responses in this thread seem to be from hobbyists who've actually spent much time in that rarified air of the $1k to $10k provider.  Could it be that those hobbyists have no time for the ramblings of the mere peasants such as us?  Or could it be that with the exception of some sheik out of dubai or some idiot looking to part with his dotcom millions that no one actually pays those rates?  As I've said on this site, I just can't imagine any provider being worth 5X to 10X what I have donated for an hour with a Shayla, a Darlene or even with a Mia and Rikki combination.  For 10 grand I could get a new engine for my sports car and still have enough for a visit to Tory and Sarah in the same week-end.  That's just me I guess.

MitchRapp4116 reads

Adjust this if you're not from NY/Boston/Wash./
SanFran where rates run higher. Where I am,
rates for very good, but not top top shelf,
indys have surged beyond 3 per hour.
Aside from that, as good an experience as you'd
want can still be found in the 3 to 4 range.
So when have I dropped a K on a one-on-one
experience?  Sometimes the really good looking
ones, the true 9.4, 9.5, 9.8 level w/o
exaggeration, if not yet "28 years old" [code
for 33 in my experience] do command 5 an
hour, even up to 8 through an agency.
 And a lot of good indys at that level are
imposing a 2-hour minimum to recover their
travel time, a %age of cancellations,etc.
 So it can cost a K for a traveling real
young real looker.
  For intown talent, I either shop the indys
hard ... or save time and see agency talent
at 5-8 hourly. Some agency types at upper range
are maybe a bit more flexible too, but difference
may not be "statistically significant."
  So, those who stick to 3 or 4 ... u r seeing
the same level of talent, it's just maybe a bit
more hit or miss, can't call the 2 or 3 best
agencies at 1 pm and see a winner at 3 pm and
so on. It works to go for 3 ... and 8 doesn't
leap you to some mountaintop.
  As to the 5k or 10k per day, or the pay
5k to be a member, I assume it's a scam but don't
truly know.

Not for its intrinsic value.  They buy it for no other reason than the fact that most people cannot afford it.  The biggest risk of buying IKEA furniture is that your living room will look identical to your friends' and neighbors'.

I would find it very difficult to pony up $1K/hour for someone, no matter how hot they may be.  There are escorting porn stars that charge that kind of cabbage, but of course that's because of who they are and what they do.  Many guys are willing to pay that for the PSE with a porn star.  High price isn't a guarantee of quality, though, as has already been mentioned.  It might be a unique experience, but I'm not sure it would be worth the cost for me personally.  In fact, I saw a retired porn star not quite 2 years ago, and had a very pleasant time for only $$ for the hour.

The only way I would even consider spending $1K at all for an escort is for a multi-hour session (3-4 hour minimum), but given the fact I enjoyed a 4 hour get-together once for $$$$$$$, it's likely I would be expecting more than 4 hours of fun for my grand.


Thanks again to all of you for the great feedback.  :)

I understand that a number of you can't really justify the extreme (in some cases) difference in rates between providers and the "ultra-expensive" providers.  Does the relatively exhorbitant increase in rate translate to expectations of exhorbitant increase of quality of session or experience?

From some of the feedback I've read above, it sounds like some of these more expensive providers do provide something of value to some and that would be more of an overall experience vs mainly a sexually oriented one.

Let's use me as an example.  I've seen some websites where the ladies charge some multiple of $1k at the minimum.  I check out their picture galleries and my jaw hits the keyboard and I fantasize about what it would be like to be able to touch them, etc.

Then I begin to wonder what it would actually be like to spend time with one of these ladies.  Do the dynamics of the session work differently?  If I spend $2000 to spend an hour with a *very* attractive, I mean totally Drop Dead Gorgeous (capital D's and G too) woman would it be unrealistic for me to want to have as much intimate contact with her as possible?  Would she be open to that?  Or would she expect more of an "experience" where we would talk over wine or something first.  Maybe she wouldn't even have an hourly rate since one hour just wouldn't be enough time.  

Honestly, I wouldn't know what to do if I were in a situation like that, which is partly why I was curious as to how those who CAN afford these kinds of rates find the ladies like this they see.

I dunno... maybe I just need to get more sleep.  :)

Thanks again...


alexmathis2918 reads

I agree.  I tend to believe that these girls are going for one hit and then done.  I find it best to stay with the $300-$500 range.  There are plenty of sites with beautiful girls in this range.  I prefer escortselect.com and cityvibe.com.

I don't think men who use "elite" providers would answer these questions on a forum like this...privacy...so how would we get a true opinion or find out the facts.... these are "all" men who prefer 3-500 hour girls because thats all they can afford. I don't want to sound cold but we "already know" the average cost for a quality provider... we are talking about men who have so much money that they can afford paying whatever they want....so this doesn't give us much to go on....

Also what I do know is that "elite" providers demand no reviews because of the risk factor. My attorney suggested I have no reviews aswell as it could hurt me in a court of law. She said if the review boards used a scale of one thru ten then that would be more professional but being they get so descriptive it can harm the provider. I have battled with taking off my site and not using the review boards but I just have made a choice to screen each client and this seems to work for me...so just know you guys the reviews can hurt a lady aswell as help her. In my case I do little if almost no advertising and all my work comes from the review boards so I do appreciate all you men who do reviews :)
It just sucks that we are in a world where love is a felony.



prov2233217 reads

I live in New York City and I see about 4 clients per week at this rate or higher.  I've been doing it 2 years so there is business out there at this level.

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