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Re: Stroke me, Stroke me! (was that 70's music?)ha ha LOL EOM
redheadedbbw See my TER Reviews 6499 reads
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For my birthday I got 3 cd's of 70's music that I love. I was listening to them in the car today. Do you realize how much sex was talked about back then!!! I was shocked and laughed my self silly when I realized what the song the Telephone man meant. Anyone else has a favorite from then?

LoveTap 2731 reads
2 / 39

Ya ..."get down on it" ...lol...your right there's a shitload of them

Ricky Desi 17 Reviews 3068 reads
3 / 39
Bizzaro Superdude 5577 reads
4 / 39

surprised to find out that they did not invent sex... as disgusting as it is, I have concluded that my own parents actually had to have had sex at least once in their lives!

My generation - "baby boomers" were the hippies and love children... and were amazed to discover sex... and even weed - but guess what?  Both were staples in the '20s!!  so go figure- we were so smug in our arrogance...

So, yup - sex was a topic back then - as it was at least a couple of generations before that.... and before that - asexual reproduction carried on by paramecium...

luv_women 28 Reviews 2267 reads
5 / 39

"Pull up to the Bumper Baby (In your long black limosine)" by Grace Jones!

"Get down, make love"  by Queen

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2065 reads
6 / 39

...and the music was FOUL. It's still FOUL. Pop in a BeeGees record and Little Lex will shrivel up and die.

-- Modified on 8/26/2005 9:36:18 PM

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 4895 reads
7 / 39

-- Modified on 8/26/2005 9:35:15 PM

KCMOSHYGUY 11 Reviews 3094 reads
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"Stayin' Alive" - BEE GEES

I've found YOUR Kryptonite, Lex.  You've just hobbied for the last time.

"Well you can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man.  No time to talk...

2strokeme 13 Reviews 2825 reads
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Smarty1101 61 Reviews 3579 reads
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Diamond in the Back
Sunroof top
Diggin the scene, with a gangsta lean who weeeeeee

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 2016 reads
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I bought a few of those myself..they are awesome, lots of hits to take you back...and sex WAS Rock and Roll!!!

wtf2do2nite 2968 reads
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"Took a big chance at the highschool dance with a Missy who was ready to play.
Singin' Hey diddle diddle with your kitty in the middle and your feet flying up in the air"

I lost my innoncence while listening to "My Big Ten Inch".

skisandboots 4109 reads
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...Before Chuck Berry, Elvis, Bill Haley, Buddy Holly or anyone else ever strummed a chord of an electric guitar in the name of rock 'n' roll, the words "rock 'n' roll" were literally used to refer to sex!  Furthermore, most people in the 50's called the music, "rock 'n' roll MUSIC" instead of just "rock 'n' roll" to specify that they were talking about the music instead of sex.  So,...really from day one all good rock 'n' roll came from the crotch not the cranium.

1woody 18 Reviews 3162 reads
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That and "White Rabbit"  "Sex and drugs "  they are both still arround...bv

SweetSexyClassy See my TER Reviews 2832 reads
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Well then...It looks like the 80's had alot sex in their music also.   LOL    Lisa of Boston :)

-- Modified on 8/27/2005 4:53:44 PM

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 3010 reads
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thank god.  78-80 was also the launch of punk, the debut of Ian Dury (Who can forget "New Boots and Panties"), Elvis Costello, Joe Jackson, Radio Birdman, Midnight Oil, Cold Chisel, Marianne Faithful's "Broken English" (never been a chick lament as vicious or explicitly sexual as "Why'd you do what you did?"), Bob Seeger and Dire Straits etc etc

And who can forget the great bands of the entire era - Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple etc

wtf2do2nite 2698 reads
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The Stroke is more about Couch Casting/sexual harassment/manipulating favors than straight sex though...

"Stoke me. Stroke me. Could be a winner, boy; You move quite well. Stroke me, stroke me. Stroke.
First you try to bed me, and make my backbone slide. And when you find you've bled me; skip on by. keep on..."

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 4477 reads
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bikebryan 18 Reviews 1924 reads
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Let's not forget Kiss, and if you are into Progressive Rock, bands like Kansas brought Progressive into American culture.

skisandboots 2072 reads
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...no matter what you were really into.  Even bad 70's music puts most other music to shame.  Virtually no one will be inspired by the crap coming out today.  Check back in 20 to 25 years and tell me I'm wrong.  I'll still be rocking and looking forward to the next Stones' tour!

finger food 2443 reads
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by the looks of you you weren't alive in the 70's! what would you know?

Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla 3017 reads
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If you listen really carefully to this Led Zeppelin song, you can pick up on the subtle, sexual innuendo.

Smarty1101 61 Reviews 2548 reads
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whenever I sang it I just interchanged five for the ten, it still sounded good though.

Ace1965 8 Reviews 1859 reads
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Songs like "Strutter" "She" "Love Gun" and others were loaded with sexual referrences. The best one has to be "You've Got Nothin' To Lose" with it's Greek referrences.

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 1836 reads
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Since you are responding to his comment about the 70's being crap.   So, tell me.  You've met him?  What does he look like?  I was thinking mid 50's bald and slightly pudgy...

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 1404 reads
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"50's bald and slightly pudgy..."

Very close, Emma. Very close. Simply change "slightly" to "disgustingly" and you're dead on.

When are you going to come see for yourself?

P.S. This is how bad the 70s were: we didn't have high school "dances"; we had high school "discos"! I wanna throw-up just remembering that awful, horrid, nauseatingly repetitive "music"...

-- Modified on 8/28/2005 5:08:07 PM

bikebryan 18 Reviews 3605 reads
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Not to mention "Let's Put the X in Sex" and "Doctor Love?"

Bee Gees 2090 reads
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Emma, Lex is 32-33.  Short hair?  Yes.  But no paunch.  She is not like that.  And, no, she has no clue about the 70s, except by her watching "Pretty Woman" and taking the moniker 'Vivian.'

But you are too naive to accept that, too bad.  Just read "Lex's" reviews.  All Bi ladies, aren't they?  Lex did not meet you in DC when you were there, did she?  hmmm.

Bizzaro Superdude 2374 reads
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But I must say - it was also the time of the oblivious newton Blond.....   that great Aussie....  Ms... John.... (Olivia that is!)  

Bond, you didn't think that the rest of the world would EVER forget that - did you!?

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2707 reads
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I've been to two hobby "get-togethers". I would doubt if any of the attendees would say I could be mistaken for a female, but who knows.

-- Modified on 8/28/2005 8:42:51 PM

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3021 reads
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[Lex drops dead with a pistol in his mouth at the thought of anyone considering Elton John as the musician of the century]

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 2923 reads
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I can match that and raise you.

REO Speedwagon.  So there!

skisandboots 2960 reads
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...someone in their 50's would've graduated H.S. no later than '73.  Disco hadn't hit its stride yet, so it wouldn't have been likely to have had H.S. "discos" instead of "dances".  Lex, are you still in your 40's?  Certainly, disco was the worst the decade had to offer and I sympathise with anyone who had to put up with that as their H.S.'s primary choice of music.  Still, 70's disco (which I contend is quite bad) and syrupy pop don't suck nearly as much as rap or hip hop or whatever the hell today's crap dujour is called.

Bizzaro Superdude 3954 reads
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Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 1688 reads
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2strokeme 13 Reviews 2484 reads
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skyrockets in flight, afternoon delight, aaaaafternoon deelight.  sounds like an orgasm to me after a secret get together. the bands name escapes me at the moment.

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