TER General Board

Ratings, not reviews. Possible scale could be:
numpty88 14 Reviews 507 reads

1 star = do not see! Didn't pay; hurt me; calling cops to report assault
2 star = shorted the fee; unclean; abusive; drunk
3 star = paid upon reminder; took bath when asked; kept having to remind to stay within rules
4 star = paid as agreed; clean; on time; stayed within rules
Note: should be most common rating
5 star = all of 4 plus you both enjoyed time together; prefer to see him again over others

Opening up a review board of clients would scare the bejeezus out of too many people, and I can't imagine how fast that ship would sink.

If you get a low rating as an Uber passenger, you may not get a ride when you want or from a nicer driver who can pick & choose clients.  The parallels can extend into the hobby.

Maybe that's what Lux was trying to do, but its value is limited as it's open to anyone giving ratings instead of just providers.  Perhaps a similar system, call it a CER rating (client erotic review) to add a little more distinction between just a whitelist/okay and a client who is really worth seeing again.

Bah, who am I kidding.  The moment a bad CER went up the client could retaliate with a bad review or vice versa and it all goes to hell quickly.

Anyone who can solve those issues will have a money-making idea to sell.

GaGambler617 reads

What a clusterfuck they have created. I like the whole idea behind Uber, but if they think I am going to make conversation with the driver when I have more important things to do with the time, simply to keep a customer "rating" they can kindly Go Fuck Themselves!!! I can always pay for a cab, it's not that big a deal.

As for hookers, I can see the BSU's falling right into line with this kind of approach, but although there might be plenty of BSU's on the boards, I am willing to bet that there aren't enough to keep the hookers in business and that this idea won't last through the first month.

I'll end up with a bad rating because I had the temerity to ask for CG!

And why their parents hate them.

I'm sure that'll garner some pity points.  Although most gals would run like hell from that pathetic story  LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
What a clusterfuck they have created. I like the whole idea behind Uber, but if they think I am going to make conversation with the driver when I have more important things to do with the time, simply to keep a customer "rating" they can kindly Go Fuck Themselves!!! I can always pay for a cab, it's not that big a deal.

As for hookers, I can see the BSU's falling right into line with this kind of approach, but although there might be plenty of BSU's on the boards, I am willing to bet that there aren't enough to keep the hookers in business and that this idea won't last through the first month.

What is a BSU?

Posted By: GaGambler
What a clusterfuck they have created. I like the whole idea behind Uber, but if they think I am going to make conversation with the driver when I have more important things to do with the time, simply to keep a customer "rating" they can kindly Go Fuck Themselves!!! I can always pay for a cab, it's not that big a deal.

As for hookers, I can see the BSU's falling right into line with this kind of approach, but although there might be plenty of BSU's on the boards, I am willing to bet that there aren't enough to keep the hookers in business and that this idea won't last through the first month.

The last thing we need is more drama. Client reviews are just asking for trouble.

GaGambler467 reads

OTOH, it would be a good way of ferreting out the truly BSC hookers, and just like hookers avoid "low graders" johns would start doing the same.

Personally I already avoid drama queens who come on the boards and bash any guy with the guts to give them a 7-7 review. All this would do is add even more drama to the mix, and while I sort of like drama on the discussion boards, as it can be quite entertaining, I refuse to put up with even the least bit of drama from the ladies I actually see.

-- Modified on 3/3/2015 9:08:59 AM

1 star = do not see! Didn't pay; hurt me; calling cops to report assault
2 star = shorted the fee; unclean; abusive; drunk
3 star = paid upon reminder; took bath when asked; kept having to remind to stay within rules
4 star = paid as agreed; clean; on time; stayed within rules
Note: should be most common rating
5 star = all of 4 plus you both enjoyed time together; prefer to see him again over others

Opening up a review board of clients would scare the bejeezus out of too many people, and I can't imagine how fast that ship would sink.

That doesn't really seem necessary. The reference system kind of already takes care of that. Besides, if I give a dude a bad reference (or rating), I do not want that to be public and therefore capable of biting me in the ass.

Oh wait, just got distracted thinking about biting your ass.  Carry on...  ;)

I'm 4 star at something

On TER, we use items to compare providers such as "breast size", "Come in mouth" and "lick pussy".  Wondering mostly from providers what items they would like to search about clients if there were such a database?

...would be if pros were to solicit clients, and that would not be in their business interest simply because it would be time-intensive, riskier, and yield few results compared to responding to emails.  

I'm not saying your idea is dumb, as it might be valuable in marketing some other type of service, but here...no.

OKs, whitelist, personal references-- I have a feeling the providers can get a pretty accurate idea of who wants to see them. And, if what some on the board claim is true, they spend an inordinate amount of time yakking about us in an ongoing back channel gabfest anyway.

Have you ever tried thinking INSIDE the box just for the hell of it?

Posted By: WickedBrut
...Have you ever tried thinking INSIDE the box just for the hell of it?
Love to challenge myself about why I think something a certain way, and look for others to help with the discussion.  You ought to try sitting around a campfire sharing a bottle of whisky with someone like me - now THAT'S an experience!

I'm usually up to sharing a bottle of whiskey (Wild Turkey or Makers Mark) with anyone anywhere anytime!

But, yeah, I have the same problem of throwing ideas in from left field.

Posted By: numpty88
Posted By: WickedBrut
...Have you ever tried thinking INSIDE the box just for the hell of it?
 Love to challenge myself about why I think something a certain way, and look for others to help with the discussion.  You ought to try sitting around a campfire sharing a bottle of whisky with someone like me - now THAT'S an experience!

(1) Requests TV be turned off during RCG.   (-10)

(2) Drools excessively prior to the unveiling.  (-2)

(3) Leaves skid marks on the sheets.            (-1,325)

(4) Cup runneth over.                                 ( ? )

(5) Brushes teeth at least twice per week.     (+5)

(6) Asks three or more times if O's are really real.   (+/- 1)

(7) Hard to coax down from the ceiling light fixture.   (-8)

(8) Brings perfume or wine, gift wrapped.                (+5)

(9) Calls from the lobby to ask if the hotel maid is really a PI.    (0)

(10) Volunteers to leave wife and marry you after the first date.   (-500

If you don't think there is a behind the scenes thing going on with most escorts in the know?
You are stupid my friend. No offense, or challenge. Just plain old logic.

Escorts you want to see? Have their ways of knowing.
They don't need to fix something that isn't broken.

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