TER General Board

ChiefRedbeard 18 Reviews 174 reads

When I take my car in to be serviced, if the hourly rate has risen, even though I am a steady customer, I pay the new rates.  The catch with providers is that once we know the fee, we tend to put it in the envelope each time without rechecking the rates.  This caught me once, and I abjectly apologized.  She said, never mind, I knew what happened, but I only want to stiff a lady in a fun way.  Several years ago, when many ladies lowered their fees, I heard not much griping.  

The short answer, is the lady can do darn well what she pleases about charging.  We just pay and lay.

(duhh)1478 reads

If a lady goes up in rate, do you think that she should:

1. Mention on her website that established clients can donate the previous rates? Or

2. Privately contact the gentlemen she plans to grandfather to tell them individually?

I could see a new client being unhappy to read that he just missed the lower rates or knowing that others pay less.  Then again, I don't want to come across as trying to solicit business from an "old" client when my intention is simply to inform him in case he decides to schedule again in the future.  

Also, I am a little hesitant to mention that "old" clients are grandfathered because someone from 1976 may contact me and espect the rate he paid back then.

Whats the best way to handle this?

When I raised my rates, what I did was put onto my website that the new rate did not affect current regulars. I left it up there for a couple of months & then took it down. Some of my regulars were never even aware that my rate changed, as they don't go past the picture page anymore, lol. And then, I had others, who were regulars, but 3-4 years ago, who wanted to know if that included them.

Posted By: (duhh)
If a lady goes up in rate, do you think that she should:

1. Mention on her website that established clients can donate the previous rates? Or

2. Privately contact the gentlemen she plans to grandfather to tell them individually?

I could see a new client being unhappy to read that he just missed the lower rates or knowing that others pay less.  Then again, I don't want to come across as trying to solicit business from an "old" client when my intention is simply to inform him in case he decides to schedule again in the future.  

Also, I am a little hesitant to mention that "old" clients are grandfathered because someone from 1976 may contact me and espect the rate he paid back then.

Whats the best way to handle this?

(duhh)176 reads

But Im not that nice lol!

That way I wouldn't have to remember my old rate(s), for example if I lady has a whole host of rates from one hour, four hour, 8 hour , 12, 24 etc, Then if her rates go up dramatically I wouldn't have to worry about her being disappointed to book with me because of my old rate. I'd also like to have a percentage discount, that way I could benefit from a longer more expensive date, a $100 off a $400 hour is cool, but if I got 25% off it would give me an incentive to book 12 or 24.

(duhh)118 reads

That is a good idea.

I wish I'd gone up in some regular increment.  Like $100 so I could just say, "Take $X or 20% off any posted rate."

That would've probably made it more simple than having to remind them what the entire list of rates used to be.

I will honor it.          for them.......... theres a few that had been persistant and it takes a while i book up my months worht of appts then generally ignore my email box for 30 days!!!!!!!!    I def honored my old rates for any . I f you wantedto just change the rates for good though. for every one. I think and have money saved where you can afford to take that plunge and see if the appts all still role in. I just wouldnt want to put myself in position where I d lose my old clients that can afford the old rate. I also have some minor neck issues and well stamina isnt what it used to be cause of it, so i wouldnt dare get brazen with asking for more from my dependable old regulars. When i know well they are pretty patient and already are nice enough to still see me. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I used toi be able to do a full hour oral, and it was my fav thing , now i can only do oral on guy while he is standing, not on bed, i get muscle spasm in certain position s from neck strain, so i personally have to take that into consideration and realize , i not capable of doin the pse and at that need to keep the regulars that are cool with this neck issue that well makes the appts interesting , at least. If you have no physical limitations and knopw you can go and do an unreal performance no limits or physical issues to hold u back, then by all means raise it for every one? why not if your workin your butt affa and giving it your all, it is physically draining after all why not have to work less? i d say change it for every one unless you maybe have something limiting your performance and stamina and maybe doint give a good energetic appt. then i dsay dont be mean and raise prices on the dependable regulars, ................

(duhh)141 reads

My issue is not whether to grandfather or not.  It is, should put it in writing or contact the clients I enjoyed and tell them privately.

Maybe I should ask this a different way.

If you saw a lady's website, and you were interested in meeting her for the first time, would you feel a little bummed out if there was a note that said "Established clients can pay the rate they are accustomed to." ?

Or would you be indifferent and just pay the new, posted rate with no problem?

I would email regulars and maybe post in a few ads, then move forward.  The idea being, prospective clients want to know you are valued at your rate without seeing clearly that it's new.  

The one exception I would make is if I changed my base rate to a 90 minute minimum as an "Introduction."  I would then add on my site that "once established and existing friends" are welcome to book an hour.

-- Modified on 3/6/2012 12:11:43 PM

shudaknownbetter131 reads

I started with a Fav when she was runing an Intro Special...  below market rate...  about 4 years ago.  After a year, I bumped it to her current prices.  Her rate went up...  I stayed at the old rate...  her rate returned to the old rate.  Recently, she dropped her price again.... half way to the Intro price.  
Our last session, I mentioned the gift.  She said I had always been grandfathered...  I said that I'd been paying the higher rate...  and that was in the gift even though I knew she'd dropped her rates!   And that I think she was worth it.   Her price point was typical for my area (new price now slightly less) but I'd pay the same to anyone else... How could I pay her any less?  

You know, there are a couple of ladies I've always intended to see again, just not had the chance.  I think it would be a nice touch to offer a one time "Reunion Rate"...   I could really get into that.

Dont mention anything on your website about guys who have seen you can pay the old rate.

Instead just let the ones you want to see and are in touch with that they are exempt from the rate increase.

If you mention anything about a discounted rate or old rate, you will get guys trying to haggle with you and its not worth it.  So don't even mention it  - just tell those individuals that you want to know about the deal.

If you want to grandfather regulars, do it verbally.  Otherwise, just raise the rate and be done with it.

Posted By: (duhh)
If a lady goes up in rate, do you think that she should:

1. Mention on her website that established clients can donate the previous rates? Or

2. Privately contact the gentlemen she plans to grandfather to tell them individually?

I could see a new client being unhappy to read that he just missed the lower rates or knowing that others pay less.  Then again, I don't want to come across as trying to solicit business from an "old" client when my intention is simply to inform him in case he decides to schedule again in the future.  

Also, I am a little hesitant to mention that "old" clients are grandfathered because someone from 1976 may contact me and espect the rate he paid back then.

Whats the best way to handle this?

This is how one of my favorites handled it with me. She told me about it while I was there. She informed me that she was going to raise her rates in a few weeks but I could continue the old rate.

I let most of my regulars know that they were grandfathered in. Then I put a note on my rate page. Since I've had two rate increases, I have two tiers of grandfathering. The gentlemen in the bottom tier have to see me at least every six months, or they get moved to the middle tier.

When I take my car in to be serviced, if the hourly rate has risen, even though I am a steady customer, I pay the new rates.  The catch with providers is that once we know the fee, we tend to put it in the envelope each time without rechecking the rates.  This caught me once, and I abjectly apologized.  She said, never mind, I knew what happened, but I only want to stiff a lady in a fun way.  Several years ago, when many ladies lowered their fees, I heard not much griping.  

The short answer, is the lady can do darn well what she pleases about charging.  We just pay and lay.

If a client is a regular of yours...chances are he does not go on your website everytime he wants to set up a date with you.

Providers I see on a regular...have grandfather me in with there older rates, and some even offer undisclosed discounts that stays between you and them.

I think it would be a bad move to mention old clients get your old rates, because you may get new regulars who'll start to request the older too.

I was seeing one lady once every couple of months, over time her rates went up. I always paid the new rate until it was just too much for me. I told her I could no longer afford it and she said don;t worry I get frequent pooner points.  I always felt strange because if that WAS the case why did she not say anything sooner? To this day I would not know how much to leave and sadly I have never seen her again.

So based on my experience.. I would prefer her to contact me individually. The whole discussion of donation is so taboo the last thing you want to do is to have a misunderstanding over donations.

(duhh)145 reads

and just keep that conversation under wraps.

Thanks for your input!!!!!!

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