TER General Board

A poem for you all!!! LOL
Queen of Hearts 3695 reads

Why oh Why do some of the guys do the craziest things, I mean things simply beyond obsecene?

They call you up in the wee morning hours.

They get you out of bed make you rush to take a shower,
after that surely, you will have more power...

To make the trek half way cross town,
in hopes of changing into a cute lil evening gown...

Now you are pulling up in their drive,
you already called to confirm the "bribe"...

You hop out your car as fresh as a daisy,

Just to find out this guy is an asshole, crazy, or lazy

Now he won't answer his phone, now he won't open the door, now you are pissed of so you honk on the horn.

You don't give a damn if his neighbors know,
he called over a hot ass chick to blow blow blow!!!

He calls you, you come over it is as simple as that.

He pays you, he lays you... a fact is a fact.

So why would he call you if he didn't know that?

Why couldn't he just follow the rules,
He's a rat.

Why won't he answer the phone or the door?

Is he ashamed, ugly, or a bore?

Well I was horny as fuck as I made that drive,
and he just missed out on the best fucking lay of his life.

Dedicated to all the morons, assholes, peeping toms, bug a boos, jingle an jacks, and the rude disrespectful jerks who occasionally participate in the industry.

let's see another poem, one about either what would make you "the best fucking lay of his life", or one dedicated to the "good" guys you have known in the hobby.

That way we can all agree with you about how much that client missed out.

Unfortunately, there are bad people in all aspects of life, and the news, the tabloids, and country music document all of that well. :)  I like seeing things that document the good people, though, so show me what you've got, Queenie!

Queen of Hearts2012 reads

this one is about all the good times
about the laughter shared
during an evening he could spare
he could usually only sneak away
during the day
I didn't mind
as long as he was almost on time
I brought wine
and he let it pour
there were no disturbing knocks on the door
the candles were lit
and in a little bit
we slipped to the bed
and lay on the red silk spread
he tenderly kissed my lips
and we quietly reminissed
my hands roamed to his crotch
what I found was as hard as a rock
I whispered in his ear
what I said was only for him to hear
sweet nothings
sweet everythings
as we were undressing
I found my lips pressing
all over his body
damn I feel naughty
I suck and I lick
I tease and torment
I know he can't last and I lament
please don't stop now I am not spent
I slow things down
then I go to town
the room is aroar
I don't stop I want more
the explosion hits
in our stomach pits
and I sweetly say
this is your  lucky day
are you ready for number two my dear
believe me you have nothing to fear
exstacy is very near
we touch and caress
I move his hands to my breasts
supple and full
I begin to gently pull
I feel the firmness begin to rise
with that I go down and close my eyes
I feel him watching me as I suck
I open my eyes and I know he is ready to fuck
I gently brush my body to his
and we begin at it like we were kids
tender and nervous the plesaure regains
momentum as the the blood soars through our veins
My body pulsates and moves
God if I kill him will I get sued?
faster and faster till we both explode
and I continue to move like nobody knows
nothing will stop me I am on a mission
some though have told me I have to much ambition
I look in his eyes as they soften
this smile on his face I have seen often
not a regular I must admit
now please don't have a fit
the faces are many and change all the time
on thing is sure the smile
lasts them miles
so if my prose aroused any questions
surely ask and I will reply my suggestions

Your response passed what my imagination could have wished for.


Queen of Hearts1544 reads

Truly sorry about all the spelling mistakes. It seems I don't take the time to spell check the rhymes. LOL

Isn't the very fact that he would call in the wee hours of the morning, expecting someone to just hop on over a clear indication of the kind of guy he IS?
Then why would you expect to find anything differently?

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