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Question for the greek clients.
AQuestionAboutGreek 3901 reads

Have you ever had anal sex with a provider who never had anal before ? If so what was it like ? Was it worth the effort to convince her ?

I feel it as my duty to introduce anal sex providers who have never performed it. It is like the tradition should be passed down, lol.

I have meet a few providers where I had no intention of doing anal and they have bring the topic up. The tell me about all the clients who request it and how they are scared to death to try it out. I think deep down inside they want to find the right guy to introduce them to the art of greek.

Are peoples interests peaking because of all the anal sex films out there ? I remember in the 1980's they were a few films. Now there are many to view and watch.

-- Modified on 10/27/2005 9:14:16 PM

I'll no doubt be flamed into the Stone Age for this, but I just need to say this; anal sex is this cliche dude pornfest thing that so oversold it's retarded.

It's not the act itself, it's the idea that it's the holy fucking grail of sex, like a heavenly choir will start belting it out and the clouds part to illuminate you with a celestial shaft of sunlight because you finally managed to get your dick in some girl's ass.



OMG...it gives me the unstoppable giggles :)

AQuestionAboutGreek2245 reads

Would you let a client lick your asshole covered ? I have never had a provider refuse this. Gets me hard thinking about the moaning noises they made. Some have told me "You nasty", lol.

While I have enjoyed anal in the past quite a lot, it isn't something I would do with regularity.  It is for a change of pace, and, IMO, it is mostly the "taboo" aspect of it (and many womens' fears of it) that make it such a sought after thing by many men.

I think Tigress was saying that when it comes down to it, if it wasn't for that sort of stuff, it wouldn't be anywhere the big deal it is made out to be, so I completely agree with that.

Oh, and BTW, such a charming handle you have.  Sigh.

myeviltwin2382 reads

Porn is not reality.  Porn is not reality.  Porn is not reality.  Got it?  

Thanks to pornography, there's an entire lost generation of men who don't know how to f*ck properly, and even end up physically hurting their partners because they think what they see on screen is some kind of a turn-on.  I've got news for you - it ain't.

With a partner that respects your limits, anal can be a lot of fun.  Unfortunately, "respecting limits" eliminates the vast majority of self-defined hobbyists, who don't understand basic things like (1) a finger or penis that's been in a rectum CANNOT go in any other orifice until it's been washed or the barrier (condom, glove, whatever) has been changed (2) it takes warming up; you can't just stick it in and start pounding away.

Miki wrote a great "Greek cheat sheet" a while back (can you post it again, Miki?) - do us all a favor and actually READ IT...you might learn something.

MSD, I often agree with you but in this instance I believe the cart may be well ahead of the horse.  Many of us have been fans of greek waaaaaay before the explosion of greek porn films.  Sure I like the taboo, but I actually enjoyed the act immeasurably on nearly every occasion. It was a completely different kind of sex for me. (We can all name the sensations etc...) Additionally I believe the demand for greek porn and greek hobby experiences is directly related to the lack of greek availability (same for asian IMHO) in the civilian world. Its available it's just not consistently available. For me and I suppose quite a few others, greek will always be a big deal because it's special, and it's difficult to find. This is econ in all it's glory man.  Supply relates to demand and causes pressure to find new entrants into the market. So unless Tigresses clients are specifically trying to enact psycho porn style greek I think she is wrong about that correlation.

Sure...but I'm not going to treat my butt like it's a portal to another freaking dimension and will not, in fact blow out your eardrums with my delirious and entirely authentic screams of passion.

BTW...this covered client; what is he covered in? Is it topsoil? Can I plant flowers on him?

AQuestionAboutGreek2108 reads

You are really funny. Time to see if I can go north of the border, lol.

RedheadedTigress both of your posts in this thread are marvelously written and hilaiously entertaining. I can't imagine not enjoying them even if I had an oposite view. You must be an absolute delight to be with. Too bad you are so far away. One more to add to my travel fantasy!

You want some sage advice from a tired old man? Few things in life are really worth any effort at all. If something is going to take a little extra time, a little extra thought, or a little extra effort, my advice to you is to just blow it off. Life is too short.

Convince her to have anal sex? LOL! I have trouble enough as it is convincing them to open the door.

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