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Question for hobbyists who are married.
AnyOneNormalAnymore 5251 reads

When you wife is not on her her period, what is the average number of times you have sex with your wife per week ?

Surely you jest? Are you a newlywed? Lol.

I recently asked a friend who just celebrated his twentieth wedding anniversary if married sex was still good after that long.

His Reply, "Oh Yeah", especially the one in the fall!

AnyOneNormalAnymore4379 reads

No I have been married for a long time. During the week of my anniversary my wife's period was on. I felt guilty but hobbied anyway, I saw 3 different providers during the week. The next I had made sure I enjoyed my wife. She was asking what has gotton into you !!

I think I can confidently answer for everyone here.

Q: How often do you have sex with your wife?

A: Whenever she'll let me.  Not enough.

AnyOneNormalAnymore1948 reads

My wife gives me as much sex as I want. That was not always true. She sensed that I am a player and decided to be more responsive to my requests. I will be honest and say that I like she won't do greek, that is why I hobby sometimes. She is heavy so I have to find someone who is in shape that can do different positions.

Well, I'm 61 & the SO is 56 and we manage to get it on 2, and on good weeks, 3 times.

When we first got married it was daily, sometimes twice. Now after 24 years we are down to 3 or 4 times a week. I must say she is very accomodating.

AnyOneNormalAnymore2573 reads

Just give her a hint about the hobby on the internet and you will be back to 2 times a day and sometimes 3 times a day.

I turned to this over 5 years ago as a result of spending the prior 10-12 years in a celibate marriage.  It was obvious that sex had no meaning for my wife.  It took me a while to realize that.

Almost identical situation here plus a stint in the hospital about 2 years ago opened my eyes. I've been hobbying the past 1.5 years and enjoying life again.

SmellySmegma2549 reads

I get laid about as often as Presidential elections.

Teller of the Truth2223 reads

Do you really think if our wives were "giving it up" with any regularity we would do this?

Probably not.  I'd gander to say that most of us get it very few times a year ("per week"? LOL) and are looking to have our primal urges satisfied.  Thank goodness for our lovely providers.

AnyOneNormalAnymore2224 reads

When I first started in the hobby it was because my wife would not give it up. Recently she has become more aware of my healthy sexual appetite. Now she is trying to mark me with hicky every few days. Amazing what women will do when they feel they could loose you, lol.

I hope you're right about that, AONA.

The funniest (or most stupid) thing about wives is that, more often than not, they don't want you having sex with other women, but they also don't want you having sex with them.

Once a month if I'm lucky. That's why I'm a hobbyist.

Due to health reasons mine can't for the last 3 or 4 years. When she could it was couple times average a month.

Vermonster2015 reads

I hobby not because I can't get any at home.  I'm sure if I requested she would accomodate.  The problem is I don't even like her anymore.  She annoys me, and I can't get a hard on when i'm annoyed.  The constant nagging and mean comments just make me dislike her more.  The only reason why I'm staying is because I want to raise my daughter.  I haven't touched my wife for well over a year.  We sleep seperately, and I'm cool with that.  I just need to get a release once in a while.  Thank goodness for nice providers.

TuDangSloe3945 reads

My situation was very similar. She got more abusive and fatter till I could no longer get it up with her. Divorce was the only answere. I still have a great relationship with my daughter. I wonder how many guys here have the same situation at home?

Sounds like all our wives are related, or most of them.  If only I could locate the salesperson who sold her super glue I would KILL THEM.  

Her legs have been glued tight for so many years I doubt she knows she still has a pussy there.

Divorce would be the best thing for any of us that are in this type of situation, nagging wive, no sex etc.  I stay with her because I have hidden disabilities and she can still work.

Our wonderful Providers offer me what I lack at home, TLC.

Like someone mentioned we sleep seperately and what a relief as I get the king size bed all to myself.

Up until my semi-recent illness, and my wife's declining health, we had sex at least twice a week. The factor was not one of dislike, but of weather we could arrange time together, since we worked opposite shifts.
After my recovery (6 years) My wife's health has declined to a point that it is physically uncomfortable for her to engage in sexual activities, which is why I have begun to participate in the "hobby" once more. I do not want a relationship that might come between my wife and myself, and I don't want to force myself upon my wife, so I persue my "hobby".
I feel sorry for those couples who do not have good relationships between partners, I always found that if one was considerate of the other's needs, your own needs would generally be met if not exceeded.

WTF-NC3131 reads

LOL - After 16 years of marriage, I still think I had more sex in high school and college (pre-meeting wife) than in marriage.

After many years of decreasing frequency (and lots of effort and couple counselling to no avail) I found the hobby - more than eighteen months ago.  I've regained zeal, enthusiasm, sexual appetite, lost ten years in age ;D, am far less grumpy.  My wife can be a great lover when she wants to be, but it is so rare and infrequent it has become an unhealthy dynamic.  I don't know why some women become that way, and I am grateful for all the wonderful sensual horny providers who've let me enjoy their company.

6-10 times a week. We are both 59. Frequency increased after menopause. Why would anyone live with a woman wasn't interested in sex?

3 to 4 times per week and her period doesn't slow us down. She uses these little purple things that stop the flow. What ever happened to the red badge of courage?  lol...

This is an interesting question due to the fact that you included our wives monthly visitor. That is only a few days and if you don't have your "wings" you are sadly missing out. With a willing participant and being gentle during these few days sex can be unbelievably tender or beyond hot and intense depending on your partner. The days following her cycle are the best due to her sensitivity and if you follow her desires ( as gentlemen should) there is no better sex around. Sorry about side tracking but her period if she is up for it shouldn't interfere with sexual activity and cleaning each other afterwards is all part of the fun. How many times per week you ask: On average it's about 4 times in 7 days and after over 20 years of marriage that's pretty damn good ! You have to admit though - Hobbying is the spice of life and I've met several truly beautiful ladies both physically and mentally doing this and become friends with some great individuals.

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