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Queer who?regular_smile
Larissa_Sweets See my TER Reviews 1614 reads

Is it an act of homosexuality if a man enjoys having a dildo up his rear and in his mouth?  

I have clients that want me to entertain them by making them do these things but I feel they are held back because they believe I view them as gay.  

I personally love every sexuality and gender but why can't men/women just let loose?

Is there no stronger chain of bondage?

(I don't mean in the BDSM sense.)

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
I have clients that want me to entertain them by making them do these things but I feel they are held back because they believe I view them as gay.  
They're probably not concerned with your opinion; it's more of an internal struggle, where they're trying to reconcile their own feelings and desires with what they personally perceive as homosexuality or bisexuality.  

It's Friday and I'm in an over-sharing kind of mood so here's a tidbit from my personal life: I've dated 3 men who turned out to be gay or bi.  Well, 3 that I know of, as there could be more.  

One of them, we were together for a couple years, and during the long messy break-up, it came out in the wash that he'd been hooking up with both men and TS girls.  When I told my best friend (who'd been privy to the intimate details of our relationship) her reaction surprised me.  She'd expected it.  Why?

Well, as she said, "At what point, when you were fucking him in the ass with a strap-on, did you NOT realize he was gay?"    

But I disagree with that assessment.  Enjoying pegging does not make a man gay or bi, in my opinion.  Now, the fact that he lost his erection every time he tried to fuck me maybe could have been a clue.... but denial can be so cozy and comforting lol.  ;-)

What really convinced me that he's bisexual or gay?  That he admitted he's physically attracted to men.  

That's where I place the lines: at physical attraction.  I've had sex with multiple women who, even though they went down on me and vice versa, are not bisexual IMO. (And no, they weren't all pros.)  Why this is my opinion: because they are NOT attracted to women and do not actually desire that activity.  In other words, the action does not necessarily equate to the associated sexual orientation.  

To put it more simply: Just because a person engages in same-sex relations (or goes through the motions) does not mean he/she IS bisexual or homosexual.  

Why can't people just let loose?  Stigma.  Fear of rejection, labels, condemnation.... you know, all the fun parts of our hypocritical society.  


"society" hobbles so many people with shame and stigma. Maybe there was a time when we needed to keep everyone in a strict one-on-one breeder track in order to build up the world population, but we don't seem to be running low on mouths to feed in the 21st century.

One of the things that I admire greatly about many escorts is that either through practice or predisposition they are comfortable with raw sexuality. Much more comfortable apparently than many comformist civvies. "Society" of course labels them as 'sluts' but to me they are much more real human beings, much more in touch with themselves, and much more capable of communicating with others on a truly essential level and therefore enabling others to open up.

-- Modified on 11/6/2015 8:13:04 AM

GaGambler416 reads

Personally I see a lot of sexual activities as a bit gay, getting fucked in the ass seems almost by definition gay, sucking on a dildo almost certainly so. but here's the rub. I don't really give a fuck if someone is gay or not, nor should anyone really care if the world thinks he's gay because he enjoys getting pegged now and again.  

I have always maintained I am 1,000% hetero, but if I were gay, I'd be the best little cocksucker on the block and proud of it. Who really gives a fuck if someone's behavior is gay? As long as they keep their dick to themselves where I am concerned, I don't really give a fuck who is gay, straight or one of those many shades of gray in between.

and for the record, "slut" is a compliment in my book. I like sluts and I think if anything the world needs more sluts, especially hot ones who like older guys.

GaGambler454 reads

Honestly, does it really matter if a guy (or girl) has gay tendencies?  

I actually think the gay 'lifestyle" has a lot of positives, It's just that even the thought of sex with a man makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. When two men kiss on TV I actually have to turn my head not to watch, but the gay "lifestyle"??? Gays dress better, eat better, seem to have loads of fun, What's not to like? Expect for that whole dick in the ass part of the equation of course. lol

"Loads of fun"?! That's was pretty funny! I almost said, "You said a mouthful" but I thought first.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Honestly, does it really matter if a guy (or girl) has gay tendencies?  
 I actually think the gay 'lifestyle" has a lot of positives, It's just that even the thought of sex with a man makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. When two men kiss on TV I actually have to turn my head not to watch, but the gay "lifestyle"??? Gays dress better, eat better, seem to have loads of fun, What's not to like? Expect for that whole dick in the ass part of the equation of course. lol

When I see two bearded macho guys kissing romantically my gut reaction like yours is strong repulsion (not condemnation), but cocksucking & assfucking do not repel me. So am I straight enough, semi-gay, or just a human on the spectrum? Cum to think of it, why bully ourselves with categories?

GaGambler448 reads

I haven't watched any gay cocksucking or assfucking, but I would most likely just lol. but two guys kissing is completely repulsive and even on PG Network TV shows where they show gay PDA's, I actually have to turn my head rather than watch it. Go figure.

I don't know where that puts us on the spectrum, but like you said, "why bully ourselves with categories"

I guess if I had to, I would put myself in the category that it doesn't bother me, or make me feel gay if I see "waist up" picture of a tranny and find myself attracted, but I am still in the category where any attraction I had disappears immediately upon seeing a full frontal nude pic of the same TS, replace with a huge "YECCCH!!!"

It is funny that while two women kissing certainly does not repulse me, it doesn't particularly turn me on either, not unless I am picturing them both kissing me instead. I guess I am too selfish as a "lesbian show" does nothing for me unless I am an active participant.

It's because when we watch two people in an affectionate romantic exchange we subconsciously place ourselves in their shoes. So maybe that is one way of defining "gay" or whatever, as not your sexual orientation so much as your romantic orientation. It seems to be the case that many people can experiment with same-sex *sex* but simply cannot handle same-sex *romance* unless they are wired to do so. But again, who needs the category. Plus, these overly simplistic categories run into train wrecks when we bring transgender into the equation. In conclusion, I think that Sasha is a hotty hot hotty.  :-)

"It's just that even the thought of sex with a man makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth . "

Me too!
Sure you're not a lesbian, GG?


-- Modified on 11/6/2015 12:34:40 PM

GaGambler378 reads

I have gone on the record numerous times stating that I AM indeed a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

Being a fellow lesbian I also get the absurdity when someone tells you that you only like women "because you haven't met a REAL man" I wonder if the knuckle dragger types have any idea how ridiculous a statement that is, even after you turn the question around on them?

Yes I do recall you stating that.
You even know the secret handshake! ;)

I have (thankfully) never encountered the "real man" comment. In this day and age it would be insane for anyone to actually believe that ridiculous idea. But I do have a snarky reply in reserve should anyone be stupid enough to actually say it to me in person

Isn't one of the reasons some people hobby is to have experiences they are not getting in their personal life?  Or to try different things?

There are supposed to be a number of porn stars that are gay for pay.  However have no attraction to the same sex when not working.

I think Debbie is spot on.

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
I have clients that want me to entertain them by making them do these things but I feel they are held back because they believe I view them as gay.    
 They're probably not concerned with your opinion; it's more of an internal struggle, where they're trying to reconcile their own feelings and desires with what they personally perceive as homosexuality or bisexuality.    
 It's Friday and I'm in an over-sharing kind of mood so here's a tidbit from my personal life: I've dated 3 men who turned out to be gay or bi.  Well, 3 that I know of, as there could be more.    
 One of them, we were together for a couple years, and during the long messy break-up, it came out in the wash that he'd been hooking up with both men and TS girls.  When I told my best friend (who'd been privy to the intimate details of our relationship) her reaction surprised me.  She'd expected it.  Why?  
 Well, as she said, "At what point, when you were fucking him in the ass with a strap-on, did you NOT realize he was gay?"    
 But I disagree with that assessment.  Enjoying pegging does not make a man gay or bi, in my opinion.  Now, the fact that he lost his erection every time he tried to fuck me maybe could have been a clue.... but denial can be so cozy and comforting lol.  ;-)  
 What really convinced me that he's bisexual or gay?  That he admitted he's physically attracted to men.    
 That's where I place the lines: at physical attraction.  I've had sex with multiple women who, even though they went down on me and vice versa, are not bisexual IMO. (And no, they weren't all pros.)  Why this is my opinion: because they are NOT attracted to women and do not actually desire that activity.  In other words, the action does not necessarily equate to the associated sexual orientation.    
 To put it more simply: Just because a person engages in same-sex relations (or goes through the motions) does not mean he/she IS bisexual or homosexual.    
 Why can't people just let loose?  Stigma.  Fear of rejection, labels, condemnation.... you know, all the fun parts of our hypocritical society.    

There's the sex act and then there's physical attraction....plenty of hookers are gay for pay but not remotely attracted to women, yet they can go through the motions, possibly orgasm...friction sometimes works if they can go to their happy place. Does not mean they are attracted one iota.

To Rox's OP...and to Debbie's great post...I do think pegging activities are a fairly strong indication of gay tendencies. Your friend was right Debbie! Of course that desire is perfectly fine...but if a guy isn't completely comfortable that those desires are acceptable,  then he's going resist, struggle, and hide.  

There is still a ways to go on this front, and that is a bummer

Resist, struggle and hide sounds like role play ... When do the restraints and ball gag come out?

Posted By: ptfun61
To Rox's OP...and to Debbie's great post...I do think pegging activities are a fairly strong indication of gay tendencies. Your friend was right Debbie! Of course that desire is perfectly fine...but if a guy isn't completely comfortable that those desires are acceptable,  then he's going resist, struggle, and hide.  
 There is still a ways to go on this front, and that is a bummer.  

I have always enjoyed ass play. For me a strap on experience has nothing to do with homosexual desires. Its a woman with breasts and a vagina, not a guy. She has curves and softness. I find the visual of an attractive woman with a strap on to be quite stimulating.  

The better half uses a vibrating butt plug on me, when I ask. She laughs about the strap on but one of our female swinger friends is more than happy to service me in that manner.

The wife and I have been involved in a number of group experiences. In several cases guys with erections, some pretty massive, have been nearby. Just doesn't do anything for me.  My interest was to make sure I didn't get an eye put out by one those things. ;)

My wife has an interesting perspective. She like to sex with other women. Going south of the border, the whole enchilada. She was once involved in a five lady orgy(they were kind enough to invite the guys to join afterwards)yet she says she isn't bi much less gay. She just likes to enjoy another woman softness, but would never consider living with another woman in a physical  relationship.

Human sexuality is complex.  



Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Is it an act of homosexuality if a man enjoys having a dildo up his rear and in his mouth?  
 I have clients that want me to entertain them by making them do these things but I feel they are held back because they believe I view them as gay.  
 I personally love every sexuality and gender but why can't men/women just let loose?
-- Modified on 11/6/2015 9:01:34 AM

Who would enjoy a bad pegging?

Posted By: Tornacl
I have always enjoyed ass play. For me a strap on experience has nothing to do with homosexual desires. Its a woman with breasts and a vagina, not a guy. She has curves and softness. I find the visual of an attractive woman with a strap on to be quite stimulating.  
 The better half uses a vibrating butt plug on me, when I ask. She laughs about the strap on but one of our female swinger friends is more than happy to service me in that manner.  
 The wife and I have been involved in a number of group experiences. In several cases guys with erections, some pretty massive, have been nearby. Just doesn't do anything for me.  My interest was to make sure I didn't get an eye put out by one those things. ;)  
 My wife has an interesting perspective. She like to sex with other women. Going south of the border, the whole enchilada. She was once involved in a five lady orgy(they were kind enough to invite the guys to join afterwards)yet she says she isn't bi much less gay. She just likes to enjoy another woman softness, but would never consider living with another woman in a physical  relationship.  
 Human sexuality is complex.  
Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Is it an act of homosexuality if a man enjoys having a dildo up his rear and in his mouth?    
  I have clients that want me to entertain them by making them do these things but I feel they are held back because they believe I view them as gay.    
  I personally love every sexuality and gender but why can't men/women just let loose?
-- Modified on 11/6/2015 9:01:34 AM

By a woman or a man? I'm kidding of course, but sexuality is far to complex to have a black or white answer.  

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Is it an act of homosexuality if a man enjoys having a dildo up his rear and in his mouth?  
 I have clients that want me to entertain them by making them do these things but I feel they are held back because they believe I view them as gay.  
 I personally love every sexuality and gender but why can't men/women just let loose?

Since I advertise that I entertain all types of fetishes (no brown, roman, or red showers or play) and I offer sessions with a guy, guys seem to feel comfortable asking me for this.  Plus, I often introduce all kinds of kinky ideas in a session to see if any of them draw an interest from the client.  I love when I can help a client discover something new that turns him on that he never thought he'd get into!

At first I thought, yeah, they are probably suppressing homosexual tendancies.  

As I've gained more experience, I believe that many men can be curious about sucking a cock, having a dildo in the ass, or even having cum in their mouths or doing "clean up" (licking a guy's cum off of my body) without being gay at all.

I believe this because I've seen it a lot and I know some of the guys pretty well.

If they were truly gay, it would not hard for them to get laid at all or to hire a guy.

It's true that I might be a stepping stone, that they may end up discovering they are gay later on and I would never know about that part, but I really think that for the most part it's a fetish or a curiosity that does not make them gay at all.

Why can't guys be curious without being gay when we women can be bisexual all we want and it's just sexy?

GaGambler440 reads

with men it's "Once a cocksucker, always a cocksucker"  

A man can use a hammer all his life and never be called a carpenter, but suck one little dick and you are branded a cocksucker for life. lol

Please don't shoot the messenger, I don't make the rules, I just poke fun at them.

Dear GG Gambler:  Please accept a "Pithy question."  Of course you are correct in your post where you state, "suck one little dick and you are branded a cocksucker for life."  (Back in the mid 1990s this happened to a guy who worked on the Desk at "Mor...St*n...." who told his boss, who then immediately fired the guy...it's true....{these same bosses are significant manly users of GG Providers in NYC with huge $$$$$ to spend, who will always say that they "hate gays, because you can not trust them"}  but back in their own days in the Corps or Special Forces they themselves would use guys if they could not get off base for hookers, as an aside..lol.).

But suppose that some "Regular in Appearance and Lifestyle Guy ({Perhaps like your character, here, on the Boards} tough, smart, savvy about money and business, and expert in the "arts of pleasure with GG Providers," a good-form Type A character....  

One who would know how to ride out a storm off Bimini in his Cigarette, who knows how to handle a shotgun or a Glock, when needed, etc, etc, a Hemingway Man's man, as they used to say....) a guy who never sucked Dick in the Marines, nor after a Hollywood Writers meeting, and who never left "Woody's" in Philly with a guy, to suck that guy's dick back at the Hotel, but who only sucked Tranny Dick a lot, via providers, but who would never tell any GG Providers about it ....Would that individual be gay, in your estimation??  

Don't answer "Bi," but give us the direct answer to the Pity Question:  Would that individual, as outlined above, who only sucked Tranny dick, be Gay, in you view...perhaps repressed, hidden, etc...but really, deeply and fundamentally really gay??

I think that most of the GG Providers would answer "yes, of course," but what do you think???

regards to you, "The Street"   There is, btw, no "Right or Wrong," only "Smart and Dumb," on the Street.

-- Modified on 11/6/2015 12:31:04 PM

GaGambler378 reads

By most metrics "sucking a dick" makes you gay, and my kneejerk reaction is YES, but there are a lot of guys who will suck a dick attached to an otherwise female body, guys who would never look at another man in a sexual manner, so if it is indeed still gay, I would suggest it's a "different kind" of gay.

Yes, I know that's not much of an answer, but the world is just not that black and white a place to most of us. I would say that the cocksucker in your example was not 100% straight, not how I define straight at least, but calling him "gay" might not be the right label for him either.

So how is that for not just one, but two separate and distinct "non answers"

Dear GG Gambler...For sure, you are a real master!  "The Street" is in virtual complete agreement with your answer...carefully bifurcated, but totally on point...two singularities that somehow partially overlap.

Your great gift is to provide Accurate "First Impressions."  The "Tranny only" group of Johns is not gay, unless they meet Trannies to hurt them via violent penetration,, the risk taken by the Trans Providers, for this group is composed of violent gays.  We here enter the "Shadowlands" for sure, but regular Tranny chasser Johns are not gay...If they would never never seek out another "gay male," then they are not gay, for real Trans Girls are "not guys."  The really are girls, not born as girls, but they really are girls, and wayyyy beyond the GGs.  Vastly Higher Levels above GGs.

You have acquitted yourself admirably... If I owned a Half Billion dollar company, I would very much insist that you serve on the Board, whatever money you wanted would be fine...because you can think fast...

The day you joined the Board, you and me and the President of the company would meet in the President's office.  "The Street" would tell the President, Directly, that if he did not know what to do, in a business matter, he would have to call GG Gambler, and take his advice....The only reason we hired the President was to be a smooth liar with an attractive Wife, with good social graces and a disposition "to work"...this type always has Big Egos, of course.  But we never want him to decide on Ego alone...don't know what to do, Mr. President???  Just call GG Gambler....That is why he is on the fucking Board, got that????

Ahead:  The Shadowlands, the Venn Diagram overlays, The Trans questions....evolving matters...changes to manifest.....Pithy questions....pithy answers...

Link to "Blurred Lines" below......are some of those babes really Trans???? lol!

Thank you GG Gambler, you can really Thimk!
Regards to you, "The Street

...is "GaGambler."  He has never been known as "GG Gambler."  Are you implying that he is really a "GG," a "genetic girl?"  If so, "her" persona has fooled a helluva lot of people on TER over the past 11 years, not to mention a couple of thousand of chicas in person in CR.

Dear BigPapasan re GaGambler...OK, if GaGambler might be afraid of being Renamed, "The Street" says "I am sorry, Mr. Gambler! Hope you will forgive...and forget."  

But, "The Street" always Renames.  For instance, MSFT is "Mr. Softie."  DuPont is "Double Dog."
Facebook is "Farcebook."  And so on.  It is an honour, never an Insult, to be renamed by "The Street."  

but then,
As to the name GaGambler...hard to say.. Georgia??? (Ga??).  "GG Gambler" is easier to say, and, if a player has been with zillionz of (GG) Genetic Girls, well, then, to "The Street" that is a "Gambler," versus being a "committed kind of guy."  So, to "The Street":  GG Gambler is a Natural, if you see the point!  If you would think that "The Street" would even remotely suggest that GaGambler might be a GG  (Genetic Girl) no way!  Why? He is too genuine, behind that facade of bluster, which shows from time to time.  A real genetic girl would be more....subtle.

So Relax, GaGambler does not have to prove anything...just tell him to keep on Rockin!


Be Smart and Stay Lucky!  These be my constant wishes for all!!
"The Street"

...people who constantly refer to themselves in the third person?

Dear BigPapasan, perhaps your perspectives are being "maniped" by "The Street?"  (consider this please: maybe it is just another form of marketing...)....of course, sometimes I digress.

If Julius Caesar posted here, he might say "I saw, I conquered, I came."  To re-arrange changes the meaning from cosmic to mundane.
Best regards, "The Street!


Posted By: BigPapasan
...people who constantly refer to themselves in the third person?

Dear DURHAMDREW63:  I get it!!!  I get it!  I get it!    

all's well that ends well!

Regards to you, "The Street!"

"when it comes down to the nitty gritty, he can shove in his knife"  :-)

Escorts need to be alright with a requests from hobbyists

and he insists that ass play is all about pleasure, and has nothing to do with being gay.  I believe him, a gay guy would know the difference.

Curiosity is a part of human nature.  I would think that every straight woman, at some point, has wondered what it feels like to have a dick and penetrate someone.  I wouldn't be surprised if most straight men wonder what it feels like to be penetrated.  This is probably why, as psychologists and sociologists have found, transsexual women primarily attract straight men.  The transsexual creates a loophole for a straight man to satisfy those kinds of curiosities.  I've been through that experience; as most of you know, I like transsexuals, but I once was with one who brought another guy to the party, and that was not comfortable for me at all.

But I do not enjoy any form of anal play, giving or receiving.

So can we assume you tried it and don't like it or have you just decided that it will make you gay if you tried it?

Posted By: scoed
But I do not enjoy any form of anal play, giving or receiving.

I have had more than one lady rim me. I don't care for it. I have tried to anal fuck my wife, can't keep it hard enough to penitrate. I under doctors orders have gotten prostrate massage, it is uncomfortable and not pleasurable. Yes I got them from a variety of experienced providers. Even watching porn with anal or DATO turns me off. Even reading about anal takes me out of the mood. I have had other experience with anal sex I don't care to go into at this time. I am not worried about if people think an act is gay or not. Attraction determine sexuallity not acts.

Who knows. Maybe it just feels good. Personally, I don't really try to figure out what it means when a client makes requests that aren't standard fare. I only try to figure out how I can make their experience with me the best it can be. As far as how their time with me carries over to their personal life, I consider it none of my business. I think the more experience you get, the more shades of grey you start to see on the spectrum of straight and gay.

I wish more people would understand that! It doesn't make you gay or anything if you enjoy a sexual act. It just means you enjoy a sexual act!

Although "pan" implies "all encompassing" the "all" has not yet included me. I am not pansexual but I would definitely like a sexual romp with Miley.  

And like GaG and others posting above, I can't overcome my uncontrollable aversion to certain things. I'm fine with "consenting adults behind closed doors" but I don't want to see a couple of men kissing in front of me.  Gay porn makes me queasy.  OTOH, lesbian activity is a turn-on: kissing+ in public, lesbian porn, etc. I can't explain it. I don't recall it mentioned above, but I've previously posted another one similar to the waist-up TS (OK) vs the full view (head exploding) posted above.  

I close my eyes and enjoy the experience of the best BBBJ ever; if I open my eyes and see a guy or TS down there I would lose it - head exploding, running for the showers, eccch.  (It hasn't happened but I'm afraid of it happening so that's why I make sure of certain things before relaxing and taking the plunge, so to speak.)

It's the way I'm wired

...if I want to be fucked by a super hot provider sporting a strap on does that make me (secretly) straight?

Of course not.

As someone else has already mentioned- it is a GIRL behind that strap-on in all her beauty and femininity (well as feminine as one can be thrusting away with a strap-on!).  

-- Modified on 11/7/2015 7:35:22 AM

GaGambler389 reads

I still don't get what kind of gratification a straight guy gets from being fucked in the ass, even by a "super hot" provider, but I don't need to get it as it really doesn't matter what I think. If some guys like it and they insist they have ZERO attraction to other men then I simply have to take them at their word that they are straight. and if I don't believe them I hardly think they are going to lose any sleep over it.

lopaw exhibiting "straight tendencies" now that is a hoot. lmao

There is a logical fallacy at play here.  

Just like "poodles are dogs" doesn't mean "all dogs are poodles", "gay men enjoy anal stimulation" doesn't men "all men who enjoy anal stimulation are gay".

Gay males don't engage in anal sex because they have special anal cavities that give them pleasure that straight are unable to experience. They engage in it because that's what's available to them, and I'd bet that a healthy % of gay men done actually enjoy being on the receiving end there, just like a healthy % of straight women don't enjoy anal sex.  

Why you enjoy receiving or giving does not nearly fit in with whom you enjoy those sex acts.  

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Is it an act of homosexuality if a man enjoys having a dildo up his rear and in his mouth?  
 I have clients that want me to entertain them by making them do these things but I feel they are held back because they believe I view them as gay.  
 I personally love every sexuality and gender but why can't men/women just let loose?

The fact is that we're all essentially bi or pan sexual.  Social stigma fucks up the natural expression of our diverse sexuality.  Is anyone really stupid enough to agree with Ben Carson that men go into prison straight and come out gay?  What total bullshit.  The only thing that happens in prison is that men and women are required by circumstance to access and embrace the desire for same sex activity that they had all along.  And most of the time, their response is "Shit, why didn't I enjoy this bigger menu before?"

I feel sorry for those who limit themselves to strict homosexuality.  It's like eating at McDonalds your whole life and never going to Bob's Steak House.  Sad

GaGambler395 reads

While of course there are many outright homosexuals in prison, most homosexuality in prison is about domination, not sexual attraction.

You are every bit as full of shit as Ben Carson. The only thing we seem to agree on is that he too is full of shit. His conclusions, like yours are based on a faulty foundation that people go into prison disdaining gay sex and come out desiring it. Guys who are ass raped in prison don't come out of prison desiring more of the same, what total, utter bullshit. I suppose you believe that women who are brutally sodomized by rape decide afterwards that they too enjoy being fucked in the ass, and secretly thank their attacker for "broadening their horizons" GFY!!!

Way to strike out completely.  Never said shit about prison rape.  And guess what?  Most sex in prison is not rape.  It is consensual because.....wait for it.... guys will take any kind of sex they can get.  I'm sorry you were too eager to post before actually knowing WTF you're talking about.  But thanx for playing.  lol.

GaGambler301 reads

Just because it's something you seem to like, it doesn't mean that guys go into prison and find themselves so fucking horny that even the hairy ass of a man starts looking good.  

Prison sex is based on a hierarchy of alpha males dominating more submissive types, and while there are some actual homosexuals who happen to enjoy gay sex there are quite the minority, just like they are is society at large.

I have over 30 years in human sexuality education and research.  Please present your credentials as an expert on human sexuality and I will certainly consider them.  Otherwise, stfu.  You sound like a moron.  Watching Oz over and over does not give you any credibility.

Some prison sex is based on domination, just like in the heterosexual environment.  (Yes, there are ignorant Cro-Magnon tools in all walks of society).  Most long term prison sex, however, is based on a decision to embrace an expanded sexual menu as a matter of necessity.  And the reason it is usually not a difficult decision is because our natural tendency - divested of Puritan repression - is to have as much sex of any kind that we can possibly find.  That's biology 101.  Crack a book.

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