TER General Board

Providers with menstration
wannarideher See my TER Reviews 4131 reads

I have been informed by clients when I cancel a session due to mother nature that some providers still require a client to go through a session even when she has PMS.  Some of them don't even warn a client.

Now I know men know about this but isn't it gross for a woman to waltz around with that problem or allow a man to perform DATY. Isn't there a health issue involved?

If a man had sores down there, I would cancel a session for health reasons. I would think an escort would do the same

Tig Ole Bitties2466 reads

I don't work because I am not in the mood to do anything around that time. I relax and soak my feet, watch my favorite shows and chill out. It isn't a health issue for me. I think that all providers should not work non stop. I have seen that it gets them jaded, tired and hard. We all need time for ourselves and my menstral cycle is that time. I don't even think about seeing my friends. I do well enough to not have to fret over missing a few days. I have had one time where during the session I had some spotting due to the onset of my period. I immediately informed my friend and we did other things except the main course. I rescheduled him and threw in an extra hour of time together for his inconvenience because he had wanted to see me for a long time and when he had the chance nature interrupted us. I do mention to my friend that I take time off during that time and I won't offer french or greek. I just want that time for me and only me. :)

Some providers don't tell their clients 'Aunt Flow' came to visit and just try to get through the session.  Other providers inform their clients and give them the option of cancelling (or of acception services other than FS), and still other providers tell their clients about the situation before they cancel (without giving the option of other services such as a BJ).  If I were a man I certainly would not want that in my face.  I have to admit, though, I've had one or two occasions where 'Aunt Flow' showed up unexpectedly a couple of days early (an once a full two weeks early... boy was that a shocker!).  Most embarrassing, for both of us. I do, however, make it a practice not to work during 'that time of the month'.  I just hope that my clients understand when I have to cancel.

I am at that point as we chat and have had to cancel 7 meeting over the last 24 hrs. I have had many guys say that I can do other things but it is just a sanitary thing with me.

Wannaride or Mary, I was wondering if either of you or anyone have heard of the practice of "Menstruation elimination"  I heard Dr. Drew mention this a few months ago on the radio show loveline and I though it would serve some women this community very well.  Basically you take actual birth controll pills every day instead of the placebos.  And you do not have your period.  And excuse my ignorance but I assume that most providers do take birth controll pills?  Or do most do shots?

Anyway I found one article on it that seemd to explain it, I will attatch.  Although I suppose your period every month could be seen as a well needed break from work.

-- Modified on 9/21/2005 10:37:51 AM

DevilsMistress2132 reads

and no, I am not making an excuse. That is why there are different types of birth control. I know of one lady who tried many other types, and now her only alternative is morning after pills and use of the rubber (for him), when it's time for sex. So yes, she still gets her period.

I know that most women do take the time off. I also know some women who still have sex with her period, by using the sponge. I do wish that more women would be upfront about when they have their period, for then we ladies would not get a bad rap. But, I guess they got bills to pay.

my period would stop if I ran every day for an hour but my gym is always full.

I hate treadmills and need to buy that one running machine (the spokesperson is now doing geico commercials) where you run but your feet glide

what is that machine called

"I hate treadmills and need to buy that one running machine where you run but your feet glide

what is that machine called"

Are you thinking of an eliptical trainer?
Or like a cross country skying motion?

The body does what it does for a reason.  Menstruation is a natural process and I'm not at all convinced that stopping that natural process is healthy.  While taking birth-control pills, the lining of the uterus is still building up.  It needs to get cleaned out at some point.  This business is physically demanding enough on a womans body without introducing one more way of abusing the reproductive system and skrewing around with hormones.  Truth is, nobody knows what the long-term effects of artifically stopping the menstrual cycle for long periods of time are.  Sterility?  Worse... unterine or ovarian cancer?  My guess would be that it wouldn't be good.  Everytime you mess around with the body's natural cycles you skrew other things up.  To quote an old phrase... if it ain't broke, why fix it?  

There are women who take Depo shots (birth control shots) and gain enormous amounts of weight, and then can't take it off because the weight is in response to hormonal shifts that can't be corrected (except by stopping the shots).  Thanks... but no thanks.  And yes, I'm one of the few individuals who can't take birth control pills.  My body is simply too sensitive and I have a lot of break-through bleeding and end up having my period several times a month (and yes, I've tried many different brands... all have some ugly side effects... and I still have break-through bleeding).  Again.... thanks, but no thanks.

And since enquiring minds usually want to know.....I've chosen another method of birth-control which ensures there will be no junior hobbyists running around out there...lol.

DevilsMistress2802 reads

and I do want to add: I wish that more men would educate themselves on a woman's body, than to assume that one method fits all.

-- Modified on 9/21/2005 9:19:49 PM

Yes very good information there.  I am of course not advocating this method just was wondering if it was an option for anyone.  By all means I am all for doing what ever is the most healthy.

And to Devils Mistress, I am trying to learn a but more about the subject but that is to say there is so much going on down there in women it's a hard subject to tackle.  To use a car analogy a womans genitalia is like trying to keep in tune a 12 cylinder Lamborghini, where as a guy's is more like a lawn mower engine, give it a pull and off it goes.

That is to say I do not envy women in this reguard.

"Truth is, nobody knows what the long-term effects of artifically stopping the menstrual cycle for long periods of time are."

Actually, just to be Devil's Advocate here, taking the Pill and having a break for menstruation every month is scientifically bizarre. The whole point of the Pill is to convince the body it's already pregnant so it won't allow conception.

But pregnant women don't menstruate. The only reason the scientists who developed the Pill put a break in there for a period every month is because  they believed women would feel 'less womanly' if they didn't have a period. That's not science; that's a remnant of the social beliefs at the time.

For most of history women, once they were able to menstruate were then either pregnant or breast-feeding most of the time. Their life expectancy was much much shorter than ours. The upshot of all this was that women hardly had a chance to even have periods, and only had a fraction as many as the average woman does today in her life time.

There is a correlation between how many periods you have in a life time and cancers like endometrial cancer for example;

"If you started menstruating at an early age — before age 12 — and continue to have monthly periods into your 50s, you're at greater risk of endometrial cancer than is a woman who menstruated for fewer years. The more years you have had a monthly period, the more exposure your endometrium has had to estrogen"


So...essentially less is more, as far as periods are concerned, so taking the Pill continuously is thought to be safer than taking the Pill as it's usually prescribed; it's been something women doctors have been doing for ages. Of course, not adding any chemicals to the mix would be even better, but...

The link below explains it in way more detail :)

-- Modified on 9/22/2005 1:13:41 AM

-- Modified on 9/22/2005 1:15:08 AM

not menstration.  Secondly, PMS is not the "time of the month", it is just before "the visit"  That is why it is called Pre-Menstrual-Syndrome.

Some women have PMS for 23 days a month, and that is why the wonderful women we visit are great.

I say PMS instead of period when talking to clients so they don't get grossed out

some guys turn green quickly

If a man really has a problem with something that is such a natural part of life, it is a sad statement.

-- Modified on 9/21/2005 12:34:50 PM

...But if a woman said she was PMSing to me, I would think that she was before that time of the month, was in a bad mood, and wanted chocolate bon-bon's to nibble on to make her feel better. :)

OTOH I guess many men just do not want to even think that the women that they see professionally are anything but "perfect women", who never fart, have a period, get sick, etc.  Too bad for them.  One of the most fun sessions I have had was a few years ago when one of my favorite women who was seriously not feeling well.  I brought her some ginger ale, and rubbed her whole body with oil.  By the end of the session, she was feeling much better.

I'd love somebody to rub my achy body down with oil for a change!  Good for you for treating your lady with compassion!

I don't think you'd find many guys who wouldn't rub your aching bones and some will pay you for the pleasure, but I think that's what you had in mind.

-- Modified on 9/21/2005 11:08:27 PM

Was her belch as good for you too?

only human...and kindness goes a very long way.


Just her stomach was upset, and she was not feeling too well.  I did the same thing I would have done with a lover or friend if she was sick, that is try to make her feel better.  It is just that with this wonderful woman, things were much more fun than with a friend.

Bizzaro Superdude3144 reads

-- Modified on 9/29/2005 8:12:41 PM

Thanks Luv, did an edit, not a word I spell everyday ;-)

Menstruation is not a problem nor is it a wound or to be associated with sores or a disease. It is what it is.  

In any case, personally, there are clients I would cancel and clients I would tell beforehand and give them the choice.  It depends on the person.

I do not think a provider should just go through with the date and not mention it until she had to.  That is somewhat decieving if the client is not into that.



gunghohoho2735 reads

I had this happen once, finished with a very nice lady and when I rolled off of the bed I noticed a very light stain on the sheet. Turned out she had finished a day or two prior but the activity caused a little more bleeding. She was embarrassed and covered it with a towel but I assured her it didn't bother me.

I have heard from other providers that a product called "Instead" is a solution.  See link below.  Lisa of Boston :)

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