TER General Board

Providers who lift weights.
MrATM 3307 reads
1 / 8

I have been pretty lucky to be with providers who lift weights. I am amazed how strong they can squeeze for both regular f/s and greek. Now matter what your size is big, medium, or small take up some weight training. Nice to see how those strong legs and strong butt muscles come into play. THen of course there are the kagel muscles. I have also noticed how their breasts are very firm.

For those of you are are lossing weight make sure you do some weight training to stay firm. Customers will really enjoy you more with the new firmness.

Emperor Palpatine 3096 reads
2 / 8

...Brute Force comes in handy in all areas of life.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 1839 reads
3 / 8
pedal2the_metal 1 Reviews 2585 reads
4 / 8

"ROCHESTER, N.H. - As doctors warn more patients that they should lose weight, the advice has backfired on one doctor with a woman filing a complaint with the state saying he was hurtful, not helpful.

Dr. Terry Bennett says he tells obese patients their weight is bad for their health and their love lives, but the lecture drove one patient to complain to the state.

“I told a fat woman she was obese,” Bennett says. “I tried to get her attention. I told her, 'You need to get on a program, join a group of like-minded people and peel off the weight that is going to kill you.'"

He says he wrote a letter of apology to the woman when he found out she was offended.

Her complaint, filed about a year ago, was initially investigated by a panel of the New Hampshire Board of Medicine, which recommended that Bennett be sent a confidential letter of concern. The board rejected the suggestion in December and asked the attorney general’s office to investigate.

Bennett rejected that office’s proposal that he attend a medical education course and acknowledge that he made a mistake.

Bruce Friedman, chairman of the board of medicine, said he could not discuss specific complaints. Assistant Attorney General Catherine Bernhard, who conducted the investigation, also would not comment, citing state law that complaints are confidential until the board takes disciplinary action."

Bizzaro Superdude 2482 reads
5 / 8

is a serious failure to communicate.  Or more accurately, a failure to understand the role of the physician.  He was not providing a slur or comment on her as a personal attack - he was providing useful health care information.  duh.

Again, we have become a nation of imbeciles.  Guided by greed and avarice and led by megalomaniacs.  That the powers that be, in this instance, would not inform this woman that she is indeed overweight and she should consider the health care advice seriously just reinforces my perception.  I, too, carry around extra pounds - however, I know the risk - and should my physician comment - well, I would take the comment as a warning.

I realize that this is OT, but am puzzled by the failure of our educational systems to teach personal responsibility, social responsibility and the limitations of societal structures to protect everyone from everything all the time...

Sorry, just my rant, please resume your normal programing bzzzzzzzzzzz......z.z.z.zz.z..z.z.z.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2541 reads
7 / 8

...and that I should consider his "Ultimate Package"... which would have been fine, but I came in to have my back lasered.

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 1334 reads
8 / 8

You'll need all your strength to lift my fat ass off the bed once you've obliterated me with your squeezing & flexing.

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