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Providers' Prospectives, Please?
shynt 3800 reads

This is an interesting article I found online.  It is from "an exotic escort's diary" website and covers the topic of "Client and Escort Dynamics."

In particular, I think Topic #4 of the article is interesting.  Obviously, this is one woman's point of view, but curious what others think.  So, here goes her point of view...

4. How to Please a Prostitute/ How to have Good Sex with an Escort?

Well, in a bitter way, I could say: don’t be demanding, and don’t annoy her. Many girls complain about clients who don’t follow our ‘rules’ (or limits), such as touching places without permission. Pleasure is a very subjective question. Giving pleasure to a ‘normal’ woman is very different than a woman who is paid for sex. And to complicate the situation even more, everyone’s desires are different. A woman who gets paid for sex may not want to be ‘pleased’ by her client. Some girls strictly just want money from their client, and refuse to get sexual pleasure (and the good ones fake it). However, a small minority of us might be more accepting. The best clients are men who do not expect and are respectful.

Many of my clients are very polite and respectful men, which makes me feel comfortable to explore with them. I favor certain clients who have genuinely kind hearts, and I allow them to please me in ways that I may forbid others. I favor certain clients only because they gained my trust. I must mention that almost all clients try to give me pleasure, but certain men fail to understand the essence of pleasure. For one, some men seem to think that one sexual technique can apply to all women. This is completely wrong. Any sexual experience is very unique and cannot be performed in a uniform act. Bare in mind that all people have their own unique ways of reaching orgasm. And, unfortunately, there are women who are not interested in achieving their own orgasm . Most importantly, good sex depends on emotional and physical chemistry between the participants — chemistry is something that cannot be bought or created…it’s a rare beauty that just happens between two people. It’s best to test areas, slowly (with a willing partner, of course), and then gradually proceed.

If I must advise a client on ‘how to have a better experience with an escort’ I would suggest the following techniques clients have done with me: start by giving her a relaxing massage. I recall clients who gave me a full body massage, without touching my erogenous regions right away. Not only will it relax a woman, but it can gain her trust of his touch. Let everything occur slowly, so that she can anticipated every progression of passion. The slow-pace seduction will drive her crazy, and thus (hopefully) have her wanting more. Some of my clients were totally selfless…not tending to their sexual needs, but instead focusing on making me feel relaxed (again, it’s important not to rush!). A good lover will explore what she likes, by gently trying to kiss various parts of her body. Let her guide you to what she likes. This worked with me with certain clients, but again, it was all based on chemistry. Be mindful that desires of an individual can also change depending on their mood.

Chemistry is key, but also the mood of the hired lady is a deal-breaker. I do let sweet clients give me pleasure when I’m in the ‘mood,’ yet sometimes I loathe the idea. Although most of my clients are kind, I am not genuinely attracted to all of them. Sometimes I avoid seeing certain clients, because I know they want to spend the entire appointment in a  “Girlfriend Experience” state. This consists a romantic ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ situation where the client wants to kiss, cuddle, give me pleasure, and have sex at the very end of the appointment. The men are very sweet, which seems ideal, but it can be exhausting acting like a ‘girlfriend’ to a man I don’t love/care about. Most of my regular clients are all pleasure giving men, which means I try to avoid seeing them when my mood is bad. It’s even more difficult to see clients when I’m in love with someone else. When I am single, I find it much easier to work and enjoy clients.

Those johns that want to please the hooker and those that are all about the sex for themselves.

So for those who hope and want to give the hooker a good time, they are the ones most receptive to her cues, her guidance etc.  

The only thing I have to say to those guys is go in gentle and let her tell you if she needs i ramped up, no matter what you're doing. Always polite to ask if certain things are okay

The other camp, this does not apply. They are in it for what the hooker can do for him, he is paying so it is all about him.  

Two styles, both right for those who subscribe.  

A john pleases me the minute he puts down that envelop. Don't need anything else to make me smile....just let me do my job.

client_number_91459 reads

Well, there's a third camp, and that's please everyone if possible. If not, get one nut and cut.

For paycheck players I sometimes leave the best tip of all and leave early If she's done me a solid.

Im in the other camp. Im always polite and respectful to a woman, but Im paying for the time, so its about me. I do tell them to speak up if they are going to O and I'll hang in there for them, but thats about it.  

These women are not your girlfriend. They are paid companions and I dont live in a fantacy that its more than that.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Those johns that want to please the hooker and those that are all about the sex for themselves.  
 So for those who hope and want to give the hooker a good time, they are the ones most receptive to her cues, her guidance etc.  
 The only thing I have to say to those guys is go in gentle and let her tell you if she needs i ramped up, no matter what you're doing. Always polite to ask if certain things are okay  
 The other camp, this does not apply. They are in it for what the hooker can do for him, he is paying so it is all about him.  
 Two styles, both right for those who subscribe.  
 A john pleases me the minute he puts down that envelop. Don't need anything else to make me smile....just let me do my job.

cashorcredit1196 reads

you keep it 100. And you're getting better you called us johns instead of tricks this time lol.
A john pleases me the minute he puts down that envelop. Don't need anything else to make me smile....just let me do my job. I think you speak for most with that comment.

edited for typos.
-- Modified on 10/9/2014 8:40:39 AM

-- Modified on 10/9/2014 8:45:24 AM

Sort of like the guys who use provider, escort, ho, whore etc.

I go from the best to the worst;
drick (disgusting trick

GaGambler1238 reads

How about "paying friend" as the best term? I do like "drick" though, maybe it will catch on.

As for me, I can live with either client, john, or trick. I don't have issues with any of them.

paying friend, client, john, trick and drick

I think of frat boys.  

Posted By: GaGambler
How about "paying friend" as the best term? I do like "drick" though, maybe it will catch on.

As for me, I can live with either client, john, or trick. I don't have issues with any of them.

Frat boys are the bane of my existence. They're the ones who can always be counted on to stumble up to me in a bar and say "heyyyyy I like yer tats. Can I have your number??"

Posted By: GaGambler
I may be many things, but I was never a fucking frat boy. lol

I wouldn't stumble up to you.  Instead of tats I'd say I like your tits.  And I wouldn't ask for your number, I'd ask how many Benjamins would it take.

I embodied many of the worst qualities of the stereotypical frat boy. I'm not a big fan of getting older (though I guess it beats the alternative), but I'm sure glad I outgrew that shit. I know more than one guy my age that hasn't.

No way were you ever a douchebag. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you are a class act.  

Posted By: thehumanist
I embodied many of the worst qualities of the stereotypical frat boy. I'm not a big fan of getting older (though I guess it beats the alternative), but I'm sure glad I outgrew that shit. I know more than one guy my age that hasn't.

Remind me to show you my frat tat next time ;-)

89Springer934 reads

My perception is that GaG would be more likely to say, "Hey, I like your tits. Wanna fuck?" ;)

Zangari990 reads

understand GaGambler's phrase 'Paying Friend'--anyone who's had an ATF/SB will understand it.   Miss ATF/SB will sweetly initiate hookups with you, spend lots of OTC time with you, act like a possessive girlfriend, and get angry when you don't see her.  Translation:  she prefers getting paid/fucked by you than rolling the dice with someone new.  

 Example: I had a furious texting duel today with Miss College SB, because I canceled our date for tomorrow. She's a dangerous one--smart & waspish.   It was quite dramatic and exhausting.  

 But let's say I lose my job & can't afford to pay her allowance anymore.  I hope I'll still have friends around, but Miss College SB won't be one of them.  She will have graduated to the next 'Paying Friend.' Lol, --z

GaGambler1236 reads

she just won't fuck you anymore, or answer your calls, or your emails, or have anything else to do with you except to periodically ask if you are back on your feet again so she can renew your "friendship" lol

cashorcredit799 reads

she's not much of a friend if she won't fuck him anymore lol

-- Modified on 10/9/2014 3:14:47 PM

Or at least that is not how I took it. I took it as he is a decent enough guy to be called "friend" in the scope of P$P. He leaves, friendship  over.  Now GaG might have another version of that but that's what it means to me.

A paying friend is one that you actually like seeing(a decent personality, things to talk about) and can spend OTC with.

Zangari961 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I took it as he is a decent enough guy to be called "friend" in the scope of P$P...one that you actually like seeing(a decent personality, things to talk about) and can spend OTC with.
 We may have some agreement here, since you're limiting the scope of 'friend' (and I think Gambler would agree as well).   I'm sure some providers have genuine affection for a few client(s)--someone who is kind, someone she can trust.  I think of customers I work with in the IT field.  Some customers are friendly & fun & we'll have lunch together.  Some customers are difficult,  a few are assholes & I put up with them because I'm a professional.  I'm sure you do the same.  --z

Is really no different than many others where one has to deal with a vast amount of different people. Some you like, some you tolerate till the job is done and then some are just plain assholes. I am professional but do not need to deal with assholes, I guess the perks of this job is that we can either fire them or just not see them.

GaGambler869 reads

not that I don't have hooker friends, some of whom I also pay for sex, but most of the who I don't ever sleep with.

To me, it's easy to tell the difference between the hookers that are really my friends, and the other variety to whom I am simply business.

My actual friends in this business are at least as likely to contact me  to shoot the shit, go out to eat, have a drink, etc as I am to initiate contact with them. My true hooker friends aren't simply chatting me up in the hopes that I will book a session with them. Truth be told  I don't even have sex with most of my hooker friends, nor do I pay them for their company, that's how I know that they are "friends" as opposed to women who give good/great customer service.

cashorcredit649 reads

You given the gals a new word to play with now, when you refer to a guy as a trick or drick I'll understand why you've pulled that term from your repertoire lol.  

With me I stick with, broad, provider, or escort leaving ho only to those deserving of being called such.  

I'm with client or john, but I'll remember if a gal calls me a drick I must've pissed her off

Skyfyre1128 reads

"... A john pleases me the minute he puts down that envelop." Bravo! now that's the way it should be...

Frankly I think it's futile for those dudes who try so hard but fail to realize the reality: unless you're less than 10 yrs her senior AND looks like George Clooney fuggettaboutit... if she's not impressed by your physical appearance it's not likely she will be into enjoying whatever you're trying so hard to do anyway. Why even bother?

But then again from another perspective since you already paid for her time perhaps you can simply use her as "practicing dummy" so you can do it well next time you're with a civilian and trying to impress her (for real).

So maybe there are two sub-camps among those in the camp that try to please: the ones who do it for real and the ones who just want to PRACTICE or FANTASIZE (i.e. pretending making love to Jessica Alba or Rihanna, lol)

I'm surprised some people (of both sexes) takes this shyt so seriously sheesh

Not every woman is the same. And, I'm glad not all gents feel like this because this hobby would get really boring really fast if all of you felt that we only care about the envelope. H+T makes no secret of this for herself, but not every gal feels that way.  

We can't see you that well when your face is between our legs anyway.

Posted By: Skyfyre

 Frankly I think it's futile for those dudes who try so hard but fail to realize the reality: unless you're less than 10 yrs her senior AND looks like George Clooney fuggettaboutit... if she's not impressed by your physical appearance it's not likely she will be into enjoying whatever you're trying so hard to do anyway. Why even bother?

It's about trying to please her not simply because I like women but because I know a happy hooker who likes that I'm actually trying my best to please her is much more likely to do her best to please me.
It's called "enlightened self interest."

HandleWithCare933 reads

(If not, please press the Back to Forum button now)

IMO this author nailed it, at least from the microcosm of my experience with providers. That experience tells me that a polite, respectful, kind-hearted guy (let's add clean in there too) will find most providers very receptive to being pleasured by them, unless they are the type who just want money from their clients. But I have almost no experience with providers like that. I try my best to leave them to the guys who are looking to be pleasured, not for mutual pleasuring.  

As for starting with a relaxing massage... bingo! I love being massaged, and I love giving massage to a woman. I try to incorporate massage of the provider into sessions whenever I can, assuming the provider is receptive to it. I find most are--actually, I find most LOVE it. Not only does the massage relax her, it also relaxes me (well, to a point anyway...). And it's a good way to demonstrate that I'm respectful of her boundaries, as I move to her erogenous zones only when she signals in some way that she's ready for me to go there. I always ask what she'd like me to focus on, if anything, and what kind of pressure she likes. Sometimes she just wants a full-body massage, nothing specific. Other times I hear, "I'd love a good butt massage!" (I hear that a LOT; of course I am more than happy to comply) or a request for a foot massage or hands or arms or shoulders or back or thighs or face/scalp.  I try to get to all those if there's time.  I often see guys talk about wanting to have some "connection" to a provider, especially for GFE. I think massage is a great way to establish a connection, one of trust and respect and consideration.

In case you get the wrong idea, this is not totally selfless. A relaxing full-body massage, which includes kisses all over her body, is a great prelude to what comes next.  :)

because providers are not attracted to most (95%) clients. I don't think just being a nice, polite, respectful guy will change that. I don't like GFE at all.(particularly the platitudes and obvious fake O's)  It just makes it worse.  

I certanly wouldnt want to do anything she doesnt want to do but it's up to her to speak up if it's not something she wants.






Posted By: HandleWithCare
(If not, please press the Back to Forum button now)  
 IMO this author nailed it, at least from the microcosm of my experience with providers. That experience tells me that a polite, respectful, kind-hearted guy (let's add clean in there too) will find most providers very receptive to being pleasured by them, unless they are the type who just want money from their clients. But I have almost no experience with providers like that. I try my best to leave them to the guys who are looking to be pleasured, not for mutual pleasuring.  
 As for starting with a relaxing massage... bingo! I love being massaged, and I love giving massage to a woman. I try to incorporate massage of the provider into sessions whenever I can, assuming the provider is receptive to it. I find most are--actually, I find most LOVE it. Not only does the massage relax her, it also relaxes me (well, to a point anyway...). And it's a good way to demonstrate that I'm respectful of her boundaries, as I move to her erogenous zones only when she signals in some way that she's ready for me to go there. I always ask what she'd like me to focus on, if anything, and what kind of pressure she likes. Sometimes she just wants a full-body massage, nothing specific. Other times I hear, "I'd love a good butt massage!" (I hear that a LOT; of course I am more than happy to comply) or a request for a foot massage or hands or arms or shoulders or back or thighs or face/scalp.  I try to get to all those if there's time.  I often see guys talk about wanting to have some "connection" to a provider, especially for GFE. I think massage is a great way to establish a connection, one of trust and respect and consideration.  
 In case you get the wrong idea, this is not totally selfless. A relaxing full-body massage, which includes kisses all over her body, is a great prelude to what comes next.  :)

I cop to it being mostly bullshit. You seem to be one of the guys who is not in denial. I like that type.

earthshined1117 reads

if they actually had sex with 10-20 ladies they're not attracted to( come to think of it many say that's how they feel about their wife! lol) they'd see the futility. I suppose it could get easier with some escort/ client encounters but even then it'd never be the same as it would be with her real life partner. I truly believe that type of hobbyist thinks HE is the one that gets her to enjoy it and it's only those OTHER guys she fakes it with.

HandleWithCare1326 reads

Just because someone has a different approach than you do, their experiences are bullshit?

i know not everyone likes GFE. Those who don't do it or seek it may think it's bullshit, or even impossible. It's possible. It's not easy to pull off though. I've met only two providers who're exceptional at it, and a few more who're pretty good.  It's a lot easier to take the other path.  

Not for you?  Fine.  But it seems to me you're the one in denial

earthshined1406 reads

so just because an escort calls herself a GFE provider means she really wants to spend time with you fucking? She REALLY cant wait to see you? She REALLY has a huge orgasm within minutes of getting on top of you?

It is still an act if you like that experience good for you but try to tell me it's more real because it's GFE and you lost me.

HandleWithCare769 reads

You don't have any idea what I'm talking about. Maybe because you don't seek GFE so you don't have experience or a frame of reference.

I know many "GFE" providers put on an act. For them, it's really all about the money, but they know many guys like GFE so that's what they advertise; it's good for business. And maybe they've found guys looking for GFE treat them better than those who don't. Some are really good actors, and it can be hard to tell they're acting until you've seen them more than once or twice.

Then there's the providers who are genuine with GFE. In my experience, these kinds of providers are rare.  They're rare because what they do is tough to do, day in and day out, and takes a certain kind of personality. Being genuine doesn't mean they want to be the client's girlfriend. It means they strive make their sessions like a date with a girlfriend. And I don't mean just the sex part.

Think: what's different about a date with a girlfriend and a session you have with a typical provider (other than the envelope)? You and your girlfriend aren't just there to have sex, and nothing else (I'm talking generally here--some dates might be only about sex). You care about each other's comfort, and feelings. You don't just have sex, but you talk with each other, joke around with each other. It's not just about satisfying your desires, but both of you having a good time. So, for example, you'd never think on a date with a girlfriend, "We're gonna do whatever I want to do, and if she doesn't like it she can let me know."

About attraction... GFE isn't about the provider being attracted to the client. At least not a physical attraction (that can happen, but not often IMO). Ever see a couple where there's a big difference in physical attractiveness and wonder, "How did THEY end up together??" There's other ways to be attracted to someone.

Suppose there's two clients. One is respectful, considerate, kind, clean. The other makes it clear he's paid his money and wants satisfaction--period. Which client is the GFE provider more likely to have some attraction to? Not physical attraction, but the thought of "This seems like a nice guy, a gentleman, and if he wants to help me O I can get into that."  And the client picks up on those thoughts/feelings from the provider. So he enjoys himself more because she's enjoying herself.

Can she wait to see this kind of client? Probably. But when he makes an appointment, she may look forward to it a little more than with some other clients. I've heard this kind of thing from GFE providers, ala "I had a great day today, sessions with two of my favorite clients."

Does she have a huge orgasm within minutes? Well, sometimes she does. But a lot of times she doesn't. But that's where the GFE thing comes into play again. Does a girlfriend always have a huge orgasm within minutes? No. It can take time, and a caring touch. (And yes, those massages help there) And sometimes the O isn't huge, or doesn't even happen (e.g. maybe she's the kind of woman who takes time to O, and the session wasn't long enough). But when that happens she doesn't fake it, and it's ok because she appreciated the attempt.

You want to understand what GFE is all about? Then you need to find a provider who's great at it (reviews are your friend) and give it an honest try. Treat her like you would a girlfriend, not someone you're paying for sex. See what happens.

that I have not tried what you are describing as true GFE.

"Then there's the providers who are genuine with GFE. In my experience, these kinds of providers are rare."

Rare indeed. So much so that it's statistically irrelevant and almost impossible when you take ALL escorts, the 1.1M+ reviews on this board, and additional un-reviewed (2M ???) encounters in to account. Hence, my first response.



Posted By: HandleWithCare[/usernam.e]You don't have any idea what I'm talking about. Maybe because you don't seek GFE so you don't have experience or a frame of reference.  
 I know many "GFE" providers put on an act. For them, it's really all about the money, but they know many guys like GFE so that's what they advertise; it's good for business. And maybe they've found guys looking for GFE treat them better than those who don't. Some are really good actors, and it can be hard to tell they're acting until you've seen them more than once or twice.  
 Then there's the providers who are genuine with GFE. In my experience, these kinds of providers are rare.  They're rare because what they do is tough to do, day in and day out, and takes a certain kind of personality. Being genuine doesn't mean they want to be the client's girlfriend. It means they strive make their sessions like a date with a girlfriend. And I don't mean just the sex part.  
 Think: what's different about a date with a girlfriend and a session you have with a typical provider (other than the envelope)? You and your girlfriend aren't just there to have sex, and nothing else (I'm talking generally here--some dates might be only about sex). You care about each other's comfort, and feelings. You don't just have sex, but you talk with each other, joke around with each other. It's not just about satisfying your desires, but both of you having a good time. So, for example, you'd never think on a date with a girlfriend, "We're gonna do whatever I want to do, and if she doesn't like it she can let me know."  
 About attraction... GFE isn't about the provider being attracted to the client. At least not a physical attraction (that can happen, but not often IMO). Ever see a couple where there's a big difference in physical attractiveness and wonder, "How did THEY end up together??" There's other ways to be attracted to someone.  
 Suppose there's two clients. One is respectful, considerate, kind, clean. The other makes it clear he's paid his money and wants satisfaction--period. Which client is the GFE provider more likely to have some attraction to? Not physical attraction, but the thought of "This seems like a nice guy, a gentleman, and if he wants to help me O I can get into that."  And the client picks up on those thoughts/feelings from the provider. So he enjoys himself more because she's enjoying herself.  
 Can she wait to see this kind of client? Probably. But when he makes an appointment, she may look forward to it a little more than with some other clients. I've heard this kind of thing from GFE providers, ala "I had a great day today, sessions with two of my favorite clients."  
 Does she have a huge orgasm within minutes? Well, sometimes she does. But a lot of times she doesn't. But that's where the GFE thing comes into play again. Does a girlfriend always have a huge orgasm within minutes? No. It can take time, and a caring touch. (And yes, those massages help there) And sometimes the O isn't huge, or doesn't even happen (e.g. maybe she's the kind of woman who takes time to O, and the session wasn't long enough). But when that happens she doesn't fake it, and it's ok because she appreciated the attempt.  
 You want to understand what GFE is all about? Then you need to find a provider who's great at it (reviews are your friend) and give it an honest try. Treat her like you would a girlfriend, not someone you're paying for sex. See what happens.
-- Modified on 10/12/2014 10:29:42 AM

HandleWithCare1059 reads

First, that you found everything I said about my experiences with GFE "bullshit".  Second, that you believe GFE is "nearly impossible."  Third, you avoided mentioning that you've tried "true GFE" in earlier posts on the subject.  

Based on that, I think it was a valid conclusion that you may have no experience with providers who offer genuine GFE. Otherwise, you would know that such providers are definitely possible.

I don't know what you consider to be statistically significant, but why do statistics matter here?  If I had to quote statistics, I'd say that roughly 10% of the GFE providers I've seen are exceptional at it (i.e. offer what I've called a "genuine" GFE) and another ~20% are pretty good at it, even though some what they do may be acting--but really good acting.  I don't consider those kind of numbers statistically insignificant.  What's significant to me and to anyone seeking this kind of experience is that this type of provider exists.  It's not "nearly impossible" to find them, as you claim. And a lot of those 1.1M reviews relate GFE experiences. I know that because I read a lot of reviews to help me find the best GFE providers.

Why is it that some people, such as yourself, can't simply let others enjoy the experiences that they prefer, even if they're different from what you like?  What's it to you? That attitude, not uncommon here, perplexes me.

You ASSUMED because you didnt have ALL facts or didn't even ask.  

WTF dude??? My comments cant affect how you or anyone else enjoy their experience. i think most are delusional but i dont worry about it or try to convince anyone, i just comment on what I think is the case.

Statistics?  No it doesnt matter. That was just a comment  to make a point. You said out of 10 you see only 1 is really good? Not much success if you ask me.

Reviews? There was a lady who admitted  a while back that she didnt enjoy her "job" she thought about all other stuff during sex. if you read her reviews it seemed like she was "true GFE" with many comments from hobbyists that there was a true "connection" There wasn't. That's just one example and i'm saying it happens more often than not.

 So ,we agree.You say possible sometimes, I say almost impossible most of the time, that is to say, sometimes it happens but not that often

HandleWithCare834 reads

And the reason it was only 10% for the top-notch GFE providers (this time, YOU assumed, eh?) is because I fumbled around a lot when I first got into the hobby. It took me awhile to learn how to do research and what to look for. Once I found the right approach, my success rate went way up, close to 100%. Now I know several great GFE providers to choose from. And it "happens" for me all the time now. Thus, we really don't agree. But that's ok.

Seek, and ye shall find.

Posted By: earthshined
You ASSUMED because you didnt have ALL facts or didn't even ask.  
 WTF dude??? My comments cant affect how you or anyone else enjoy their experience. i think most are delusional but i dont worry about it or try to convince anyone, i just comment on what I think is the case.  
 Statistics?  No it doesnt matter. That was just a comment  to make a point. You said out of 10 you see only 1 is really good? Not much success if you ask me.  
 Reviews? There was a lady who admitted  a while back that she didnt enjoy her "job" she thought about all other stuff during sex. if you read her reviews it seemed like she was "true GFE" with many comments from hobbyists that there was a true "connection" There wasn't. That's just one example and i'm saying it happens more often than not.  
  So ,we agree.You say possible sometimes, I say almost impossible most of the time, that is to say, sometimes it happens but not that often.  

Take your time to explore, your sweet time. Its about the journey and not the destination.

And don't forget to shower before and after.


earthshined1149 reads

when I know she really doesnt want it, why keep trying?

The chemistry bit is dead on. I've seen over 50 providers, I've had good sex with 35 or so, got the job done but would never go back with 10 or so, great sex with about 5, and mind-blowing, can't believe how good it is and can't wait until next time sex with exactly one.

Except when a client spends A LOT of time on my pleasure only, I start to feel self conscious like I'm being a selfish lover consequently making me lose focus and dampening my arousal. Cause sometimes it's hard to tell if he genuinely gets pleasure from giving pleasure or if he feels obligated to be a generous lover. So, sometimes I'll wonder if his mouth is getting tired down there and he's just being a nice guy or if he really wants to be down there that long. So, the ones that spend a lot of time on my pleasure don't always make it more pleasurable for me. Women are funny creatures. :)

Good providers want to please their clients.

It's good to have some give and take on the pleasuring, lest you upset her and make her feel like she is not doing her job.

Having learned that, I dig right in and enjoy myself and we're both happy, or so it would appear, at least.

I have got to ask what are the type of questions you might have during the screening process to see if a prospective client is compatible with you sexually? Also what types of questions would you ideal clients ask you? Also would your civilian partners also be as intuitive with respect to your needs and preferences sexually? Dialog is a critical part of your sexual experience because as you know all too well your biggest sexual organ and weapon is in between your ears.  Once you make this stipulation part of your professional practice as a courtesan you will find that you have successful encounters and you and your "friends" will be astounded with the experience they have with you.

And I will not answer any email that has sexual acronyms or sex acts in it.  

While I completely agree that communication is key and very useful, the illegality of this precludes that from happening during screening and even after...I leave nothing in print that might come back and haunt me afterwards.

It is a pity because it really would help with compatibility.

Maybe it is how you word the question or how you ask the question that is key in this instance. Take a tip from an undercover detective they ask questions in a way that solicits information that can be useful.

Posted By: Duplicitouslust
Maybe it is how you word the question or how you ask the question that is key in this instance. Take a tip from an undercover detective they ask questions in a way that solicits information that can be useful.

I, for one would love to be able to be frank and ask certain questions and answer those a john might ask.  

However, you cannot use acronyms, and you cannot ask questions directly about sex acts.  

As creative as some people can be, there is always the chance your cloaking of the true meaning is not going to get across.  

A detective is able to ask questions without the threat of one mistake landing them in jail.

But this nonsense of "not discussing" acts (especially after you've screened some dude) is quite paranoid.  If it makes you feel safer...so be it.  The fact is that some dude is seeing YOU because you ran an ad (website)...he responded.  To think that NOT discussing via email/text about fucking would "save" you is naive.

Now if it's truly an issue that you aren't interested in getting "steamy" emails from some lovelorn john...different story.

And I guess you may have penis envy?  You really want to be "frank"?   Hell...better to be GaG...or CPA  LOL

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I, for one would love to be able to be frank and ask certain questions and answer those a john might ask.  
 However, you cannot use acronyms, and you cannot ask questions directly about sex acts.  
 As creative as some people can be, there is always the chance your cloaking of the true meaning is not going to get across.  
 A detective is able to ask questions without the threat of one mistake landing them in jail.

Regardless of your non lawyerly advice, many ladies still refuse to put "yes I will fuck you up the ass" in an email or a text or even on the phone.  

I prefer to be naive, than stupid when it comes to my safety. And since you won't be paying any hookers bail for slipping up and getting caught because she put a sex act in her email and got busted, I will continue to do things the way I have.

BTW my ads and website have NOTHING related to sex (acronyms etc) and no reviews so I am not part of the low hanging fruit variety and wish to remain that way.

I won't even discuss shit when he gets there. You never know if a cop has slipped through your screening and is wired. So paranoid I shall be. It has kept me safe this long.

Simply put....if you are in a room with LE (even with your stringent screening and non-discussion of sex)...you will be arrested.  That doesn't mean you will be convicted however.

As for legal advice...you should probably speak with one (maybe cough up some money to discuss so that it's not "free" advice) to gain an understanding of this.  Many of "us" have done so and understand the issues at hand.  

Just because you don't want to understand the issues doesn't mean that those issues don't exist.  I guess for many here "ignorance is bliss"  LOL

Some states have used nothing more than an ad or site as evidence.  Sorry...but if some young DA wants to make YOU his target....you are just as low fruit as those you are trying to portray as someone else.

I'd be willing to bet that you even have a disclaimer on your site  ;)

Knowledge is power!

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Regardless of your non lawyerly advice, many ladies still refuse to put "yes I will fuck you up the ass" in an email or a text or even on the phone.  
 I prefer to be naive, than stupid when it comes to my safety. And since you won't be paying any hookers bail for slipping up and getting caught because she put a sex act in her email and got busted, I will continue to do things the way I have.  
 BTW my ads and website have NOTHING related to sex (acronyms etc) and no reviews so I am not part of the low hanging fruit variety and wish to remain that way.  
 I won't even discuss shit when he gets there. You never know if a cop has slipped through your screening and is wired. So paranoid I shall be. It has kept me safe this long.

That was not the subject..it was adding sexual acts(open communication) during a conversation (phone, text or email) during screening.  

No I do not have a disclaimer on my site..why bring that up even if I was denying it. best to say nothing.

It matters not the you think I am paranoid or naive. I will never discuss anything in person, in email or in a text that says sex act. Right or wrong that is the way I roll. It has served me well. Sorry but see no need to argue this point with a non hooker who has nothing to lose

earthshined1159 reads

for a few hours and STILL not want to fuck her.

Not gonna work with escort/ clients either.

DramaPhobic966 reads

Block MSOG.   Give her a massage,  talk to her, put time into "building her up" to pleasure if she's in the right mood.  C'mon,  she's just trying to get her clients to waste as much of the hour as possible so they only get one pop.

The kicker is this statement:  "I favor certain clients who have genuinely kind hearts, and I allow them to please me in ways that I may forbid others. "

Translation: Tip me well and I'll fake it better.

I'm not faulting her.  It's good business

Some like it, some loathe it. It is neither right NOR wrong. Good thing there are choices and preferences.  

Please don't be a fool and think all hookers have to provide the exact same way and all tricks have to want the same things.

Some men want what she described and then others just want wet holes to plug for the entire time.

Just pay me and I will fake the crap out of the session so "you" feel like "the man".

You're not faulting her? Then why did the rest of your post have a very obvious negative overtone?

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