TER General Board

Proud to be a Veteran and thank you...
locomoco415 22 Reviews 299 reads

I want to also thank my fellow Veterans today. After 4 TOD's in Iraq and losing 1 arm and the lost of use in the other, I thank the men and women who saved my life everyday I wake up, not just on Veterans Day.
Not only did they help me then, but they continue to help me today to move on with my life, even though it's been a tough road.
But it's funny that GaGambler brought up the subject of being spat on because it's happened to me, and unfortunately it was at a Veterans Day parade here in the Bay Area (a member of Code Pink). For a long time after that, when someone would ask "what happened to your arms?" I would answer with "oh I had a bad accident" or "who's asking?". I was reluctant to tell the truth because I didn't want to ever hear "you deserved it" again in my life.
But now after many group sessions, mental health care and support, I can proudly say I'm a USMC veteran and hold my head high.
So please don't just honor veterans on this day but include all of them in your daily prayers that they may come home and rejoin their loved ones as soon as possible.
Thank you Semper Fi

Just remember to thank a Veteran today, because of them we are free to do the things we take for granted. So if you see one thank him/her they will appreciate it!!  Lumberman

No disrespect to the veterans...but I totally forgot it was Veterans Day today. I had a multi hour date set up today and was planning on getting cash at my local branch this morning. Nope!! All branches of my bank are closed. Only have one ATM card and that's not enough. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK!!

SodaPop309 reads


How many years have we had Veteran's Day?  How many Banks offer free ATM cards just by opening an account with a few dollars?  How many grown men have multiple bank cards or credit cards?  Oh, but you need a shoulder to cry on because you forgot.

My recommendation.  Jack of

I go out of my way to thank service members in uniform, and the expression on their face is indication that yes they do appreciate our recognition of their service.

Freedom isn't free.

You will fine that the older WWII Veterans are especially grateful, many feel they have been forgotten in all the years that have past.  I consider them the greatest generation, godspeed to them all...

Posted By: russbbj
I go out of my way to thank service members in uniform, and the expression on their face is indication that yes they do appreciate our recognition of their service.  
 Freedom isn't free.

If not for their sacrifice, valor and strength of character, we would all be speaking German.

If any Veterans feel forgotten, and none are to me, I would think it would be Korean War veterans.

I had an interesting conversation this time last year, the person with whom I was speaking said "I don't believe in what we are doing in Iraq and Afganistan", to which I replied "that's fine, but regardless you should still respect, thank and support those who are in harms way, bringing the fight to the enemy and keeping the war off of our shores, they are doing their job".

Freedom isn't free.

GaGambler336 reads

I am just a bit too young to have served in Vietnam, but I did serve in the 70s and while I wasn't actually spit on, I was hardly given a heroes welcome, quietly contemptuous is more the way I would describe society's attitude towards vets of my era.

I have to say somewhere between the two extremes of blind hero worship towards any one who did so much as spend a couple of years in the motor pool and spitting on an actual hero who came home missing a couple of limbs would be a nice balance.

I don't expect any accolades for having simply "worn the uniform" I was never shot, I never saved anyone's life while in the service, quite frankly I had a rather unremarkable tour of duty and reenlisting never entered my mind. It's like all hookers getting 10-10 reviews, when all hookers get 10-10 (like they seem to now) it cheapens it for the ones that truly stand out. Conversely looking down on all hookers as "cheap whores" is even worse

Either way you served and you are to be appreciated for your service. So I for one Thank you!!!

Posted By: GaGambler
I am just a bit too young to have served in Vietnam, but I did serve in the 70s and while I wasn't actually spit on, I was hardly given a heroes welcome, quietly contemptuous is more the way I would describe society's attitude towards vets of my era.  
 I have to say somewhere between the two extremes of blind hero worship towards any one who did so much as spend a couple of years in the motor pool and spitting on an actual hero who came home missing a couple of limbs would be a nice balance.  
 I don't expect any accolades for having simply "worn the uniform" I was never shot, I never saved anyone's life while in the service, quite frankly I had a rather unremarkable tour of duty and reenlisting never entered my mind. It's like all hookers getting 10-10 reviews, when all hookers get 10-10 (like they seem to now) it cheapens it for the ones that truly stand out. Conversely looking down on all hookers as "cheap whores" is even worse.  

And yes, I agree that a great injustice was done to our Vietnam vets, this is one of many reasons that I'm so adamant about thanking uniformed service members. We should never forget our mistakes, or we're doomed to repeat them.  

Thank you to all Vets, those who served regardless of whether they served during conflict, but especially those who served during conflicts and wars. I fired my weapon many times during my service, but never had one fired at me.

Freedom isn't free.

Non Conflict? Didn't spend enough time in the right bars then ...

I wore an olive drab shirt today, not purposely. I served before Camo, back when the fatigue uniforms were olive drab.  

Funny how the mind works, when its not working as mine isn't early morning.

reenlisting??? I knew I was getting out 10 minutes after I got off the bus at Ft Benning, GA and it was 100 degrees and those sadists made us run. I learned to run at the front of the pack to bypass all the puke (and farts) that come out of alcoholic 18 and 19 year old's when they are forced to exert their self.

nd there aren't that many left. My father entlisted in the army in 1942 when he was 18. Now he 90. He flew 40 missions as a tail gunner on a B17. The only thing he hated more than the army was the Germans.

I want to also thank my fellow Veterans today. After 4 TOD's in Iraq and losing 1 arm and the lost of use in the other, I thank the men and women who saved my life everyday I wake up, not just on Veterans Day.
Not only did they help me then, but they continue to help me today to move on with my life, even though it's been a tough road.
But it's funny that GaGambler brought up the subject of being spat on because it's happened to me, and unfortunately it was at a Veterans Day parade here in the Bay Area (a member of Code Pink). For a long time after that, when someone would ask "what happened to your arms?" I would answer with "oh I had a bad accident" or "who's asking?". I was reluctant to tell the truth because I didn't want to ever hear "you deserved it" again in my life.
But now after many group sessions, mental health care and support, I can proudly say I'm a USMC veteran and hold my head high.
So please don't just honor veterans on this day but include all of them in your daily prayers that they may come home and rejoin their loved ones as soon as possible.
Thank you Semper Fi

USMC Uncle Sam's Misguided Children ... What do I win for getting that right?

followme273 reads

Is the total Disrespect of every Veteran and most likely everyone else too

GaGambler277 reads

That was hardly an insult, it's what the Marines call themselves and unlike black people who get offended when "other people" say it, Jarheads are proud of the saying and I've never seen a Marine get upset over this.

Chill out FM, Marines are plenty tough enough to laugh at themselves a bit.

joecarter262 reads

that some vile knucklehead showed you that disrespect.

The problem is that the "soldier-spitters" (i.e. liberals/progressives) of the Vietnam era never really went away, most just hide it better to meet their political goals.  To the vast majority of us, you represent the best that our great nation has to offer.  To them you represent the nation that they hate so.

Words cannot thank you enough for your service and sacrifice.

Semper Fi

You're very welcome, it was my duty and I'm a better person for it.

Love, Joi Love

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