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Problem is many so many people cannot empathize with TS folks since its so far out...
MissedOpportunity 3079 reads
1 / 51

I am about as liberal and open minded as they come, but I never ever....ever.. would have figured I would even consider a TS provider.  Now...I don't what changed, but I find myself fascinated with a couple in my area that I find very sexy (I have an intense attraction to very skinny woman and the two I keep focusing on are very skinny, so maybe it's just that??) and I for the first time even masturbated to a TS porn.  I would mostly be interested in topping, but even bottoming has me slightly intrigued.  As I scroll through reviews of TS providers, I see that most hobbyists (at least in my area) almost exclusively see TS, so that makes me feel a bit odd as well.  Maybe this is some midlife crisis thing, but idk, anyone have a similar "enlightenment"?

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 615 reads
2 / 51

Posted By: MissedOpportunity
I am about as liberal and open minded as they come, but I never ever....ever.. would have figured I would even consider a TS provider.  Now...I don't what changed, but I find myself fascinated with a couple in my area that I find very sexy (I have an intense attraction to very skinny woman and the two I keep focusing on are very skinny, so maybe it's just that??) and I for the first time even masturbated to a TS porn.  I would mostly be interested in topping, but even bottoming has me slightly intrigued.  As I scroll through reviews of TS providers, I see that most hobbyists (at least in my area) almost exclusively see TS, so that makes me feel a bit odd as well.  Maybe this is some midlife crisis thing, but idk, anyone have a similar "enlightenment"?

Jakethesnake98 12 Reviews 478 reads
3 / 51

Whatever gets you off have fun man lol. I've seen both TS and Genetic female providers... there's no rule of exclusivity. All that matters is that you have a good time. That's the whole purpose of this hobby!

sierrasweetmt See my TER Reviews 507 reads
4 / 51

As someone who is pan sexual I can't stop you lol. I've been with men, women, TS... ok well that's it for now but if there are hot aliens on mars I'll be in there as well lol.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 427 reads
5 / 51
MissedOpportunity 703 reads
6 / 51

I guess the issue for me is just not knowing if I will regret it or love it!  I think I really am just looking for a push out the door on this one, lol  Thanks for providing that folks!  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 753 reads
7 / 51

and their testosterone levels drop that the effects will manifest itself in different ways in different men.  An extreme case would be Bruce Jenner.  Keeping fit at the gym and/or testosterone therapy can help to keep you in the zone and not have doubts about your gender, or what it might be like to play for the other team.  I'm not saying latency is a bad thing, I'm just suggesting its a product of the chemical changes that occur with aging, and it you understand that, they you know you still have choices.  You can accept the changes and go with the flow, or you can reverse the process by doing certain things.  Most men that discover they're gay or transgendered do so at an early age, often with the onset of puberty.  It doesn't suddenly hit them when in mid-life, so you should look to your body chemistry for answers.

Shiksa 440 reads
9 / 51
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 499 reads
10 / 51

"I don't know what changed."   I'm explaining it to him.  Yes, it appears you are crazy.  

MissedOpportunity 462 reads
11 / 51

Yea, sorry, CDL definitely missed it.  I appreciate the post, but I'm most definitely not gay, gay curious, TS curious, etc, testosterone levels I guarantee are quite high! heh  

MissedOpportunity 592 reads
12 / 51

That part is a GREAT point, I do appreciate that, maybe it is a dip in testosterone that has me curious, but not so much I'm ready to switch teams.  Thanks tho!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 446 reads
13 / 51

For convenience.   I have never read anything about him during his sports career that suggested he wasn't all man.  Again, this sudden switch later in life can be attributed to chemical changes, IMO, and supports the point I was making.  

-- Modified on 3/23/2017 9:36:22 AM

GaGambler 660 reads
14 / 51

More like a WRONG point. Low testosterone has a lot of effects on a man sexually, but it does NOT turn him gay or make him start thinking about having "tranny sex" lmao

It's actually one of the dumbest things CDL has ever said.

I don't share your curiosity about Trannies, but if you have an itch that needs scratching, why don't you go find out for yourself if it's something you really want to do. I am sure a TS provider would understand if you contacted her and confess you are "TS curious" and want to explore your urges and that maybe once faced with a dick in your face you might change your mind, but that you've been having fantasies and desires you want to explore.  

If you do like it, great. and if you don't, at least you will have gotten it out of your system.

GaGambler 415 reads
15 / 51

You most definitely SOUND TS curious to me. After rereading your OP I am POSITIVE you are TS curious. Why the backpedaling now?

That doesn't mean you are gay or have any testosterone issues, if you are curious, there's no shame. A LOT of guys are into trannies. BFD

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 437 reads
16 / 51

do a little homework.  Its a FACT that low-T causes loss of sex drive.  Many guys who experience low sex drive are looking for ways to recharge and spice things up.  Many times, its curiosity about certain things like TS, BDSM, etc. that they thing might renew their interest, but the underlying cause of the loss of sex drive is most often low-T.  Perhaps I didn't connect the dots well, but it certainly isn't dumb and is based on valid science.  He says he didn't know what changed.  Obviously, something has.  I'm not saying my answer is the ONLY possibility, but certainly a medically valid one.  Ergo, its not dumb at all.  

LikeTearsInRain 480 reads
18 / 51

Contrary to a little of what is said above - when I first started to hobby my excitement level was through the roof after very successful dates. So I was excited enough to think about trying anything. (so it wan't a dulling of my hormones or interest - quite the contrary)

After a few more dates with women the newbie level of excitement has worn off and that is a good thing because now if I try something new I will be more deliberate and less impulsive.

As with all the dates - approach a TS provider the same - and heed the advice of GaG above.  

No shows are a problem with all providers but anecdotally I think TS providers get more no shows.
Guys get cold feet. So be deliberate and honest. And at least show up to talk if not for the rest.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 475 reads
19 / 51

if cancer cells are already present, it will exacerbate their growth.  I have discussed T-therapy here a few times before, and always with the caveat that if you have prostate issues, DON'T take it.  Anyone on T-therapy should have a PSA test every 90 days.  If the score elevates above the normal range (max 3.5), then you should get further tested by MRI for tumor presence.  

-- Modified on 3/23/2017 1:20:52 PM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 335 reads
20 / 51

I didn't intend my post to be judgmental (although other times I do - lol).  My post was merely to address ONE possible cause of the "changes" you mentioned.  You say low-T is not the issue, so my post is invalid as applied to your situation.   I said one of your options is to go with the flow.  I don't see after your OP how you could now say you weren't TS curious.  Like GaG, not my thing, but there are some TS providers here that are nice people, and if you're curious about it, by all means, hit one up.  If you're to the point that you're masturbating to TS porn, and you don't follow through with your curiosity, I think you will regret it someday.  Better to do it now.  It may be a life-changing experience, or it may make you gag (no pun intended), but until you take the "plunge" you don't know.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 450 reads
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I've not read the rules. But as I'm know to do, if it's not specifically called out or mentioned, guess what? It's not a rule.  

Don't take things so literally.

GaGambler 417 reads
22 / 51

It when you tried connecting dots that simply don't connect is when you went into the weeds.

If you are gay you are gay. testosterone levels have nothing to do with who are what you are sexually attracted to. Some guy who wants to fuck cows, women, trannies and everything else that move,  might have an overly high T level and simply wants to fuck EVERYTHING.  

I have heard a lot of guys with VERY high libidos who have spent decades fucking everything that moves have simply gotten bored with pussy and are searching for something new, but let me assure you, I do NOT fall into that camp. I am far from being bored with pussy and I have ZERO desire to try "pussy on a stick" but those guys that do often have very high sex drives like Charlie Sheen for example.

IBeCurious 47 Reviews 483 reads
23 / 51

I took the plunge. It started when I was on the Politics Forum of the now-defunct other site. I noticed one provider always provided inciteful commentary. That's how she got on my radar. At the time I didn't realize what the TS in the name represented. I reviewed her ad, tasteful, attractive and appeared feminine. I realized at some point, what TS represented but I had a fixation on meeting her anyway. So I booked a session. Initially awkward for me, but really got into the session. I've seen her several times until she retired. Overall, experience-wise I would rank her in the top tier. I've tried with other TS since, but have not been able to recreate the experience.

PenelopeWaters See my TER Reviews 312 reads
24 / 51

I don't know where you call home but if you ever make it to NYC, you should check out my girls TS Sheena Rose and/or TS Monica Onyx.  These ladies will give you the time of your life.  Promise ;)  And if you ever make it to New Orleans while my girls are down here visiting me, I would love to join in the fun!  Xo!

lopaw 29 Reviews 472 reads
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..and I believe that Jenner was no exception. Back in his heyday it was unheard of for athletes to come out as gay, much less transgendered. Many men who are questioning their own sexuality (and who are often surrounded by non-accepting environments at home & school) will compensate and try to earn their fathers/coaches approval by participating in sports. Not all that long ago the gifted ones went on to stellar careers, but they also remained deeply in the closet. Nowadays it's a lot better and some pro athletes are out, but it's far from perfect and a gay stigma (especially for a male athlete) can easily kill a career before it's even begun. Jenner would have faced all of this, so it's not a big stretch to envision his Olympic days full of triumph and also full of despair. It took some serious guts to acknowledge so late in life what was no doubt a lifelong desire to feel complete, both inside and out.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 450 reads
27 / 51

Makes no sense if you have it in the right place, that is, responding to me.

stucaboy 531 reads
28 / 51

up a copy of "Tyme" magazine, March 2017. (YES I did spell it wrong.)  I fully understood that I know Jack-Shit about gay/TS, etc. but after reading the magazine, I realized that probably nobody has a handle on the subject.            I was reading the article in the dentists office.  Who else would have it?  Somehow the TS subject came up and she said one of her patients just had a "change"...male to female.  Nothing out of the ordinary except that this guy, who is now a girl, does not seek men but females!!!  Can anyone explain this?  Guy has a sex change to become a lesbian?

johnnyblaze321 2 Reviews 400 reads
29 / 51

Recently had my first TS experience and it satisfied my curiosity and now I know it's not my thing. I have absolutely nothing against anyone who is into ts providers or the providers themselves but just ended up not being my thing. Maybe one day I might get curious with someone in particular but for the time being I'm good.  

The only thing I will warn about is to be careful, as mentioned above I think a lot of guys back out last minute. The provider I saw was actually a bit let down that I wasn't into it, i imagine stuff like that or people bailing happens often so she was pretty down about it.

lopaw 29 Reviews 534 reads
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..and then it dawned on me that regardless of who these trandgendered folks craved sexually, it was who they were inside that drove their desire to change so that the outside finally matched the inside. So even though a man is attracted to women, he also feels like a woman inside, so yes-after surgery "she" would be a lesbian. For the longest time I thought "well just stay a man and then life will be so much easier". But that's not how it works. Yes it's very hard for the average person to understand.

ponyman49 15 Reviews 397 reads
31 / 51

If a man is willing to suck a dick or get fucked by one whether it's connected to a man or chick with a dick, let's be truthful here that chick is really a dude, then you are gay. In the words of Aerosmith, dude looks like a lady.

Posted By: GaGambler
More like a WRONG point. Low testosterone has a lot of effects on a man sexually, but it does NOT turn him gay or make him start thinking about having "tranny sex" lmao  
 It's actually one of the dumbest things CDL has ever said.  
 I don't share your curiosity about Trannies, but if you have an itch that needs scratching, why don't you go find out for yourself if it's something you really want to do. I am sure a TS provider would understand if you contacted her and confess you are "TS curious" and want to explore your urges and that maybe once faced with a dick in your face you might change your mind, but that you've been having fantasies and desires you want to explore.  
 If you do like it, great. and if you don't, at least you will have gotten it out of your system.

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 363 reads
33 / 51

A homosexual transgendered woman?  It's confusing especially when they are pre op.  The gender you perceive yourself to be has nothing to do with who you are attracted to though.

stucaboy 384 reads
34 / 51

and a female gets your dick hard, why would you turn yourself into a female to chase another female?  If you are a male and like men then you are gay and OK. If you are a female trapped in a male body I can see why you would want to undue things.  Change yourself into a female and hunt down males.    So lets say you are a female but get made into a male and then start dating males?  May be a case of being gay, bi-sexual, and lesbian  in one big mix.

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 542 reads
35 / 51

Not who YOU are.  Try imagining yourself as a person and when you close your eyes and open them you see a body connected to gender roles that don't define you.  That pretty much sums up the experience of a transgender person.

ElleVegas See my TER Reviews 409 reads
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GaGambler 420 reads
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but there is really no need for me to relate to empathize with TS people as long as I accept them for who they are and don't judge or treat them differently than anyone else.

One thing to keep in mind about me however. Treating them equally doesn't necessarily mean treating them "nicely" or treating them with kid gloves. I treat trannies just like I treat everyone else and that means I treat them without a single bit of political correctness and that includes using terms like "tranny" I had this very conversation with TS Sasha quite some time back and she told me she had no problems with that, but for me to PLEASE not use the term "ladyboy" For the record I have never and will never call her a "ladyboy" lol

Now as far as who we are attracted to, that is something I can relate to. If you are attracted to women, that's who you should be with, If you are attracted to women over fifty, or under thirty, or men or trannies, or whatever the fuck it is you are attracted to with the exception of children and animals, you should be with whatever turns you on. THAT is something I can completely empathize with and it only has to make sense to YOU, not the rest of the world

vantheman666 10 Reviews 574 reads
39 / 51

I, too, was a middle-aged bloomer when it came to the TS thing.  First off, don't try to analyze "why" this is turning you on.  It will just frustrate you.  Second, realize that you are still a straight male.  As hard as it is to understand, psychological studies have repeatedly demonstrated that TS attract straight men (for the most part).  Third, do your damn research twice as hard as you would for a "regular" woman.  I didn't do my research, and got burned (see my review of TS Frida).

TSSheenaRose See my TER Reviews 473 reads
40 / 51

1) Every combination gender, sexuality, and the what not has been and/or will be.  
2) As a Transsexual, Most gay men have no desire to play with me at ALL. Turns out Looking like a woman and living as a woman just doesn't turn most gay men on.
3) The majority of the Men i get the pleasure of playing with are in fact straight or mostly, always exceptions. Again cause i look like a woman.
4) Regret and Shame ain't fun to live with.
5) I am one hell of a fun playmate.

RiverStark See my TER Reviews 372 reads
41 / 51

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
and their testosterone levels drop that the effects will manifest itself in different ways in different men.  An extreme case would be Bruce Jenner.  Keeping fit at the gym and/or testosterone therapy can help to keep you in the zone and not have doubts about your gender, or what it might be like to play for the other team.  I'm not saying latency is a bad thing, I'm just suggesting its a product of the chemical changes that occur with aging, and it you understand that, they you know you still have choices.  You can accept the changes and go with the flow, or you can reverse the process by doing certain things.  Most men that discover they're gay or transgendered do so at an early age, often with the onset of puberty.  It doesn't suddenly hit them when in mid-life, so you should look to your body chemistry for answers.
This is, short one thing, completely false (factual accuracy covered at end). Low testosterone does not lead one to being gay or transgender/transsexual, nor dies it lead a person to being attracted to trans people. There is no medical evidence supports this. Full stop. This is straw grabbing at best. Also, let me correct you. Her name is Caitlyn... Caitlyn Jenner,... she... her... hers. Caitlyn... it's really easy, go ahead and try it. Through decades of study on homosexuality, science can make a clear connection between being gay and genetics. There is also, though not a very strong causal connection--statistical significance of these studies is quite low-- between culture and homosexuality. In other words, one is more predisposed to being somewhere on the spectrum of sexuality because of the values and ideas of the society around them.

Several studies have been done that attempt to crest a causal relationship between low testosterone and homosexuality, but all have arrived at the same conclusion; there is just no relationship between being gay and hormone levels. Further, gender has absolutely no connection to hormones. None at all, does not exist. Totally made up.

While largely a laughing stock in the scientific community, John Money did some extensive studies on gender and iatrogenic intersex children. An iatrogenic intersex condition is one cause by human action, an in the case of John money, it was dealing with several male children with botched circumcisions. These children, most notably the late David Rhymer, where operated on and given vaginas, as it was assumed they would lead unhappy lives as males with no functioning genitalia. Money's theory was that gender is something learned (it largely is... behavior is not inate and can change). However, despite his attempts to engineer study that showed that, nearly all of the children he worked with rejected the sex and gender assigned to them because of these botched childhood medical procedures. Further, study has quite clearly shown that transsexuals are likely such because of prenatal origins. In other words, trans people (for the most part) are born that way. Study is continuing on this front, but the the evidence that currently exist all points to several different reasons trans people are trans, with nearly all showing that it's not a concious, or even subconscious "choice", as it is likely the product of genetic factors.

To continue with that, extensive study has been done that shows, with very strong significance, that a persons sexual identity, sexuality, and gender is solidified between the ages of three and five years old. This is compounded by the realization through the same studies that those things are quite unlikely to change in later life.

CAITLYN Kenner is actually a great example of this. While Ms. Jenner is a later life transitioned, her personal narrative runs counter to your claims .Sue has stated many time that she was aware that she was a woman/female from a very early age (5-6). She has also stated that she spent a great deal of time throughout her life to mask that over and play the song and dance of being "a guys guy" for many different reasons. So even the use of Ms Jenner as an example disproves your theory, despite a wealth of other information.

Moving on, being trans or being attracted to trans people has zero to do with again in the context that you present it. If getting old Has any relation to transsexuality, we would see a significant portion of the aging population, and a dominant portion of the trans population would be old. That's just not supported by facts. The population maps of trans people show something similar in age patterns to the general population, with one significant difference. There are nearly triple the number of young and middle aged trans people than there are older trans people. Again, the statements made were false and based on no evidence.

Now, one could reasonably make the argument spit she and trans attraction. As we age, or experiences of the world around us increases and we base our worldview and understanding on those experiences. A straight mans experience through life is that he is attracted to women. Trans women are, in fact, women, so some straight dude being attracted to one isn't exactly something that's revolutionary. We don't walk down the street with little cutouts so you can determine the genitalia that other have, we have the gender expression of that person to go off of, and possibly the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics to look at (does this person have breasts.... likely a woman.... do they have facial hair.... likely a man, wash rinse repeat). So for a man that views a conventionally attractive trans woman that is within his scope of attraction, he's going to (in context of this doscusssion) see that person as fuckable (which is what I believe the OP is illudomg to). Ageatrer at this point because of threshold of experience. We get tired of the basic as we age and move to more interistomf stuff as we gain experience. So guy that is attracted to women, in general, sees a woman that so happens to be trans and thinks "gee, that seems new and fun."

On top of that, I really wish you all would just own up to being into TS girls. If data on porn consumption is any indicator, 1-5 of you is jacking it to TS porn anyway (it's also the industries biggest money maker by 2:1)

I'm not going to address the stuff about puberty because it's quite clear it's just made up on the fly...

Finally, to actress the one true thing there....

However, there is a wide range of medicinal evidence that does support that low testosterone creates a lower sex drive (which is the only factually accurate thing in that post.

RiverStark See my TER Reviews 349 reads
42 / 51

It's just a lot easier not to judge it. In reality TS providers aren't really anything different than the average cisgender (non-trans) women that you may see. I think we give a dick magical powered when it's just a hunk of flesh. I wouldn't dig to deep into trying to analyze what's your thinking and just make a decision to yay or nay.

I would suggest that you find a TS provider that works with individuals such as yourself. An initial encounter can be a minefield if not approached right. A session with a provider that has that as the base of their concerns for providing an amazing experience is really where you want to start. From there is just a preference of what type of experience you'd like.  

Now I'd love to toot my own horn here (as I'm a pretty awesome provider for first timers), but there are tons of amazing TS providers out there, so you've got a lot to choose from.

RiverStark See my TER Reviews 355 reads
43 / 51

The lack of evidence is not evidence or proof... I see your fallacy there

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 541 reads
44 / 51

It can a mind blowing experience with the right one, much like any provider. All that matters is the same with any gal, give her respect, communicate your comfort zone, and just relax.  

There is nothing gay about it. Obviously if I fucked you, it wouldn't make you gay. Sex is sex. Just enjoy it with an open mind and be respectful and gentlemanly.  

I do suggest River (link below). One hot lady. It's important you meet with someone who cares about your comfort level.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 381 reads
45 / 51

Orientation is who you are attracted to.

Transgendered is feeling you were born in the wrong body.

Just because you change gender doesn't mean your orientation changes. Actually it shouldn't unless that person is confused/uncomfortable and trying to fit into a PC society.

Should I become a man so I can go "hunt down" females??? I love the body I am in.
Posted By: stucaboy
and a female gets your dick hard, why would you turn yourself into a female to chase another female?  If you are a male and like men then you are gay and OK. If you are a female trapped in a male body I can see why you would want to undue things.  Change yourself into a female and hunt down males.    So lets say you are a female but get made into a male and then start dating males?  May be a case of being gay, bi-sexual, and lesbian  in one big mix.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 390 reads
46 / 51

It's not a hard concept.

Posted By: GaGambler
but there is really no need for me to relate to empathize with TS people as long as I accept them for who they are and don't judge or treat them differently than anyone else.  
 One thing to keep in mind about me however. Treating them equally doesn't necessarily mean treating them "nicely" or treating them with kid gloves. I treat trannies just like I treat everyone else and that means I treat them without a single bit of political correctness and that includes using terms like "tranny" I had this very conversation with TS Sasha quite some time back and she told me she had no problems with that, but for me to PLEASE not use the term "ladyboy" For the record I have never and will never call her a "ladyboy" lol  
 Now as far as who we are attracted to, that is something I can relate to. If you are attracted to women, that's who you should be with, If you are attracted to women over fifty, or under thirty, or men or trannies, or whatever the fuck it is you are attracted to with the exception of children and animals, you should be with whatever turns you on. THAT is something I can completely empathize with and it only has to make sense to YOU, not the rest of the world

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 435 reads
48 / 51

Posted By: GaGambler
More like a WRONG point. Low testosterone has a lot of effects on a man sexually, but it does NOT turn him gay or make him start thinking about having "tranny sex" lmao  
 It's actually one of the dumbest things CDL has ever said.  
 I don't share your curiosity about Trannies, but if you have an itch that needs scratching, why don't you go find out for yourself if it's something you really want to do. I am sure a TS provider would understand if you contacted her and confess you are "TS curious" and want to explore your urges and that maybe once faced with a dick in your face you might change your mind, but that you've been having fantasies and desires you want to explore.  
 If you do like it, great. and if you don't, at least you will have gotten it out of your system.

Shiksa 219 reads
49 / 51
RiverStark See my TER Reviews 255 reads
50 / 51

Gender identity is who you go to bed as, and sexuality is who you go to bed with.  So in the instance your talking about, that person would be a lesbian.

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