TER General Board

Possible, I've been in rooms where the clock is 5 mins early, probably set for checkout
Marietta 382 reads


Set up a date with a Lady for 12:00 noon. She sends me a message asking if we can change it to 11:30 AM which is okay with me but I'm thinking she has an appointment scheduled after mine and has put herself in a tight time crunch.

I arrive right around 11:30 according to my cell phone but when I look at the clock beside her hotel bed it says 11:42.  

I have a very good time but I leave according to the hotel clock and when I check my cell phone again,  it confirms that I left early.  

Can't help but think she set the clock ahead

Here's what I did about it:

When she went into the bathroom to count the money, I adjusted the clock to the correct time

You were born at night but not last night!

Steph xoxo

In fact, I just did it again yesterday inside an AMP. :)

Posted By: mrfisher
Here's what I did about it:  
 When she went into the bathroom to count the money, I adjusted the clock to the correct time.  

When I first started out, I worked for a well known/reputable agency that would expect me to take appointments back to back. Like a 1 hour apt at 3pm,another at 4pm ect. I would tell them there is no way I could shower, and be ready on time. They told me there is no need to shower between appointments, just wipe off with a baby wipe, and to change the time on the hotel clock. I didn't work for them very long.

I have been the lucky recipient of extra time rather frequently, so it would not cause me heartburn to be occasionally short changed.

Besides, if I don't seriously enjoy myself and pop in 48 minutes, there are bigger problems afoot...

And, "a' propos" of nothing, did any of you mongers read Paulo Coelho's book, Eleven Minutes

Alan_Nimm585 reads

I've stayed in many hotel rooms where the clock wasn't right.  Sometimes I didn't notice it until awhile after I got to the room.  

Or she did know it was wrong... no way to know for sure at this point.  Why didn't you mention it when you first noticed it, e.g. a casual "Oh hey, looks like that clock is about 10 minutes fast", and see what her reaction was?

...scanner was set to ring up a higher price for the item.  It's not a coincidence that the error is almost always in the market's/provider's favor.

GaGambler379 reads

or maybe he thinks the hooker in question was bulimic, and was just trying to get a jump on her next meal? I suppose that would make you very insensitive, AGAIN.

once I was buying steaks on sale and as I was looking them over I noticed the price looked awful low even for the sale price.  When I read the sticker it said "Beef for Stew"  $499/lb.  I bought every one of them.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...scanner was set to ring up a higher price for the item.  It's not a coincidence that the error is almost always in the market's/provider's favor.

Alan_Nimm379 reads

You and your buddy GaG clearly believe, based on your comments here, that all providers are dishonest. So if a clock in a hotel room is a little fast, the provider must have done it to cheat her clients.  

If believing that some people are honest makes me a BSU, I'm gladly a BSU.

I pointed that out to my gal Friday evening, and she was unaware. She went over and reset it. I got my full time, so no biggie for me.

Posted By: Alan_Nimm
I've stayed in many hotel rooms where the clock wasn't right.  Sometimes I didn't notice it until awhile after I got to the room.  
 Or she did know it was wrong... no way to know for sure at this point.  Why didn't you mention it when you first noticed it, e.g. a casual "Oh hey, looks like that clock is about 10 minutes fast", and see what her reaction was?  
I thought about this but then considered that there is no way she didn't know the clock was fast. She did all her communication with me from her cell phone which always has the correct time and as concerned as she was about the time I can't see how she couldn't have noticed.  

For the record, I'm not really complaining about her. Just making conversation. If I was into writing reviews I think I'd give her 10/10. She was great. I told her early on that as an old man I was a one pop guy and not only did she get the second pop out of me for the very first time it was mind-blowing.  

So they can all set the clock 12 minutes ahead if they are that good and I'll be happy.

u guys worry about the silliest shit..

Posted By: hljockey
Set up a date with a Lady for 12:00 noon. She sends me a message asking if we can change it to 11:30 AM which is okay with me but I'm thinking she has an appointment scheduled after mine and has put herself in a tight time crunch.  
 I arrive right around 11:30 according to my cell phone but when I look at the clock beside her hotel bed it says 11:42.  
 I have a very good time but I leave according to the hotel clock and when I check my cell phone again,  it confirms that I left early.  
 Can't help but think she set the clock ahead.  

..it was totally accidental. She did not set the clock ahead. I check them every time now though.

Alan_Nimm347 reads

... be in the race with me for BSU!  Because we all know, as was posted above, if a hotel clock is fast, it could never be an accident. The only possible explanation is that it's a diabolical plot by the provider to steal 12 minutes (or so) from clients.  :

I stay in hotels while traveling for business and find that the clocks are wrong a lot...sometimes it messes me up because I don't realize it until it's too late.  

Why must everyone assume everyone is out to get them? It happened to me the other day on an overnight as well, rolled over and saw the time and started the morning romp, got ready, left, only to get to the lobby and finally take my phone out of my bag and realize it hadn't been set back and I left an hour early. If you are so concerned, bring it up. Don't ASSume it's some trick for 10 mins. That's kinda passive aggressive considering you could have politely asked or mentioned it and cleared it up instead of thinking negatively of her.

VOO-doo416 reads

I'll admit that I pulled this when I was new and worked with a high-volume agency. I think I did it on another girl's advice, as I was really struggling with time management. Lots of guys overstayed and appointments chronically ran late...

I have no need or desire to do it now. My dates are much more relaxed in regards to time, as I rarely have more than one client per day. Also, I have learned some other tricks of the trade, and can generally keep things moving without resorting to subterfuge...

Count 60 minutes from the time on the clock when you walk in? Isn't that still one hour? If she says your over time, just say no the clock is set fast. See here's when I called to say I was here and my phone is ??? Slower than said clock.

FYI, hotel clocks are always set faster than real life even if just 5 minutes. Next time you go to one see what I tell ya. Either way, whichever clock you use an hour is always 60 minutes on every clock in the world.

It's like the providers who text me 15 minutes after they were supposed to be here ( I'm outcall only) and say, " I'm running 5 minutes late, but I'm almost there. I always check the time when they get here. I was surprised when my last date showed up early, but she's a professional and that's rare.  

Posted By: hljockey
Set up a date with a Lady for 12:00 noon. She sends me a message asking if we can change it to 11:30 AM which is okay with me but I'm thinking she has an appointment scheduled after mine and has put herself in a tight time crunch.  
 I arrive right around 11:30 according to my cell phone but when I look at the clock beside her hotel bed it says 11:42.  
 I have a very good time but I leave according to the hotel clock and when I check my cell phone again,  it confirms that I left early.  
 Can't help but think she set the clock ahead.  
-- Modified on 11/9/2015 12:53:28 AM

So So will not be late to where ever she's going.  Lot's of folks do this.  However, if I had a question about it, I'd point it out on arrival.   My fav ladies aren't clock watchers so a non-issue.

joecarter450 reads

by a lady I have seen several (3 or 4) times and with whom I was working toward a regular (every 2-4 weeks, multi-hour) status.  Along with her beginning to take things for granted and not listening well to suggestions it kinda soured me on her.
She is hot, but not that hot with all the hot, naughty, and cool ladies out there.
It is a shame, it could have been a beautiful thing

It doesn’t have the numerals 2 or 7, so each hour is only fifty minutes.
They’re on sale at the Ho-Depot

And all this time I thought it was me. ...

But if it was more than 5 minutes off when I arrived, I'd point it out & verify against my cell time.  I'm not a clock watcher either & generally gals have been generous with their time...  but I as given the bums rush a few times early on (and reviewed them as such!)

An hour is an hour...no matter what the clock says.  If you paid for an hour, you should get an hour unless YOU choose to cut it short.

Posted By: hljockey
Set up a date with a Lady for 12:00 noon. She sends me a message asking if we can change it to 11:30 AM which is okay with me but I'm thinking she has an appointment scheduled after mine and has put herself in a tight time crunch.  
 I arrive right around 11:30 according to my cell phone but when I look at the clock beside her hotel bed it says 11:42.  
 I have a very good time but I leave according to the hotel clock and when I check my cell phone again,  it confirms that I left early.  
 Can't help but think she set the clock ahead.  

an hour is not an hour when you mistakenly book a drive-by and and hour means a pop...

Posted By: beccablossoms
An hour is an hour...no matter what the clock says.  If you paid for an hour, you should get an hour unless YOU choose to cut it short.  
Posted By: hljockey
Set up a date with a Lady for 12:00 noon. She sends me a message asking if we can change it to 11:30 AM which is okay with me but I'm thinking she has an appointment scheduled after mine and has put herself in a tight time crunch.  
  I arrive right around 11:30 according to my cell phone but when I look at the clock beside her hotel bed it says 11:42.    
  I have a very good time but I leave according to the hotel clock and when I check my cell phone again,  it confirms that I left early.    
  Can't help but think she set the clock ahead.  

I think they do this so you check out on time!  It happens a lot while I have traveled and I actually think I am late getting ready for an appointment until I look at my phone!  

Don't just assume you know what they say!  Oh and I don't have time to change all the hotel clocks nor the patience going to each city myself!  If she did not push you out it should be a hotel clock issue as described above!  

Just Saying!

Gemini Starr

I caught this on one of my last dates as well. I should have been over but checked phone when I got back in my car and discovered I should have still been on the clock. I didn't write about it, but I know it effected her scores. Funny I front loaded a hefty tip.... and I never tip.

Posted By: hljockey
Set up a date with a Lady for 12:00 noon. She sends me a message asking if we can change it to 11:30 AM which is okay with me but I'm thinking she has an appointment scheduled after mine and has put herself in a tight time crunch.  
 I arrive right around 11:30 according to my cell phone but when I look at the clock beside her hotel bed it says 11:42.  
 I have a very good time but I leave according to the hotel clock and when I check my cell phone again,  it confirms that I left early.  
 Can't help but think she set the clock ahead.  

The amount of subterfuge some of you guys think we resort to for a few extra mins...

I rarely notice if a hotel clock is accurate.  Instead, I usually look at my phone for the time, and unless I was staying for days in a hotel, I wouldn't bother adjusting the time at all whether it was fast or slow.

What's confusing to me ... why did you intentionally short yourself when you knew the hotel clock was fast to start with?

Also shrinks and therapists....just part of the business model.

GaGambler347 reads

I don't really get this whole "I paid for an hour and I want 60 full minutes" attitude that a lot of guys have. Now if she is giving me the bums rush at the 30-40 minute mark, that's a different matter, but 10 minutes? I just can't get worked up about that as long as I enjoyed the 50 minutes I was there.

Alan_Nimm325 reads

My two go-to massage therapists give me at least the full hour (or 90 mins as the case may be). One goes at least 80 mins on an hour appt if there's no one scheduled after me. She charges only $60 for that hour-plus. Of course, I give her a nice tip.  

I know some massage therapists who're clear in their ads and when making appointments that the time is 50 minutes. And that's fine, as I know what I'm getting going in. But when a therapist, or provider, advertises $x for an hour and schedules me for "an hour", I expect to get an hour.  

The providers I see charge a whole lot more than $60 an hour.  I'll wager you do too.  For that kind of money, I appreciate getting the full time we agreed to when we set the date.  And except for one case a few years ago, I've always received at least the full time.

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