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Positive Correlation btw a Woman's Shape & Her Enthusiasm??
A Question 4650 reads

Have often heard this and the more experiences I have, the more it seems true, that is that those who are more of an average shape (ie not stick-skinny) are more passionate re sex and everything else.  The skinny women in my office and providers I've seen of similar meager proportions seem so lifeless and without passion, whereas the others with more of a healthy Brigitte Bardot type body seem so much more into everything, like even pouring coffee for them is a sexual act!!  Any similar/opposing thoughts or experiences?

where do you get your coffee?   I'd like a double please!

Ex Anorexic3207 reads

Well, all I can say, is that if a woman is artificially below her healthy weight (and that is unique to her, not the charts), that over time, the effect can be dramatic.  Afterall, limited available energy must be meted out.  I speak from experience.  Pouring coffee could have been for me at one point, inclusive of emotions involved,  the Ultimate Coffee Ceremony, but not in the way of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, but more in the way of being the Ultimate Emotional Exhaustive Ordeal.  In fact everything was...blinking my eyes, sitting down and walking barefoot, as I had no more fat padding on my bones.  16 years old, and old, old, old!

Again, I say that some women ARE naturally thin, so as to make it clear that I am not implying that anyone who is super thin has an ingestive (eating or otherwise) disorder.  It could just be her build.  And the lack of passion could be due to a host of other factors in her life ...

-- Modified on 3/24/2004 2:17:03 AM

Either excessively underweight or overweight CAN impact your energy levels negatively... we have the greatest well-being at our ideal weight.  (Please note:  this "ideal weight" is controversial, and you just gotta' find it for yourself!)

Do not judge our sexual natures by our size.  Look at the swing in our hips, the light in our eyes, the way we lick our lips when we are talking to you... and how quickly you are smiling from the door opening the first time we meet.

: )

Carrie of London4499 reads

So would that mean hunky, attractive guys are lousy in bed and a weedy guy, not overly endowned guy would be a demon in the sack? lol

An individual is an individual. In my experience, size/shape has nothing to do with how sexy they can be whereas attitude and an appeptite for fun means everything ;)

rb2884484 reads

You are so right.
Everyone is an individual.
However, even the best attitude and appetite can have an off day sometimes, as we all know.

On a side note-
I was in London for 2 1/2 weeks last summer. I now wish I had been more involved in the hobby then, I think I would have enjoyed having the pleasure of your company. My loss.

I've been with very petite girls and chubby gorditas
and everything in between
and there's no correlation between shape and attitude.

Now that sounds wickedly spicy.

Can a gordita suck a chalupa?  Perhaps it'll make her Meximelt?

It doesn't matter about size and shape of the lady, you have some people of any size that won't ever be sexual dynamos.

Everyone's mood varies as well. We all need to keep that in mind.

Sounds like there is, however, a correlation between a woman's shape and your preception of her sexuality.

Let accept the facy that physical condition has the greatest effect.Stay active, take care of yourself and enjoy life!!

Take it from a guy who has seen both. One a sexy BBW and the other a skinny toothpick. Both had incredible energy and passion.

If i find a lady that i really click with physiologically(easy to talk to, have things in common, share certain outlooks on life and so on) then the other part of the evening always seems to flow seemlessly and naturally and the rules and limits tend to be few and far between. Save for safety of course.

followme5503 reads

It's 90% mental and the other half physical
Y.B. 1986

I've been a BBW most of my adult life, I'm happy with myself, love sex, and keep a healthy mental attitude. I think what attracts men ultimately is enthusiasm for self, for others and life in general. It doesn't matter if a woman is a size 2 or a 20...it's how she feels about herself.

Ci Ci2783 reads

Perhaps those providers that you have seen are just not comfortable with their bodies. I have been stick skinny when I was younger and more curvy but still slender now, and I can tell you I was the same in the sack dear.

Hugs & happy hunting,

This thread will probably be on the next page before this post, however, I have to respond.  I read this yesterday and I have my own correlation hypothesis, but I did not post it until I tested it again.

There is a passion in a woman's eyes and her smile.  If you can look her straight in the eye and she allows you to take a dip (even just a toe) then there is a passion that may await you.  The problem with the eyes is that she may allow you to "dip a toe" into those eyes, but that may be just to tease you.  In other words she's passionate for someone else bucko.  You may do the deed but she's only cracking the door for you on the way out.  

The big one is if she laughs with her smile.  And no, I'm not talking about an audible laugh...I'm talking about the laugh that is infectious, warm, wet and soothing.  She doesn't control her smile it comes out on its own.  The laugh-smile is it's own being.  Those women will put sooooo much passion on you if you are so lucky to receive that smile that you will want to grab a joke book just to try and keep the smile on her face.  If only you realize that it is not jokes that keeps the smile on her face it is life and love (and love can be found it a whole lotta different things), that makes it happen.

Those type of women are HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!

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