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Plus, if you handle is any guide, your interest is elsewhere. (eom)regular_smile
stilltryin25 16 Reviews 3104 reads


Thumper322754 reads

I am getting tired of the claims of some to be anti-implant. The reality is that more and more providers get them and many of the most popular and highly rated providers have them. I wiil say that I actively seek out slim and fit providers with implants.  I look at seeing a provider as a special occasion and I am looking for someone who presents a bit of a fantasy, and implants give that. Most women simply cannot be that slim and busty naturally at the same time.  And that is the look I prefer.

Second, aesthetically, I prefer the look and feel of implants over natural breasts.  I like the firmness.

Lastly, I like when women are excited and enthusiastic about their new bustlines.  Having gone without them or having lost their previous perkiness, a lot of women with implants are very playful and enthusiastic about their new breasts. I like that.

My only complaint is that there are not enough providers with that description in Philadelphia.

Any thoughts, especially from providers?

softyguy2860 reads

Have had more than one girl (provider and not) explain to me how proud they are of their breasts, and more often than not these are girls with implants.  To me, it's just a matter of self esteem, and why shouldn't everyone take their best shot?  Modern medicine provides all sorts of opportunity at a better life, and implants are just sort of late bloomers.  Why people (females mostly) pass judgement on this type of self improvement is beyond me.  Live and let live and feel good about the other guy's achievements, that's just another version of the golden rule.  God bless you docs who know how to do implants right, and god bless you girls who recognize that the road to self esteem has no definitions or boundaries!

numbnuts114821 reads

Personally I won't see a provider or civilian with implants. I just love all natural breasts

The one issue that I have with implants is that the women who get them always seem to shoot for a size several sizes larger than their natural breast. Maybe the reason why fake breasts always end up being so much larger than natural ones is simply an issue of packing more matter into limited space.  It would be refreshing to see a woman who is a natural 34B (my favorite size, along with a 34C) get implants that leave her at 34B but firm up her breasts.  Maybe someone who understand breast implant surgery can explain whether it is possible for a woman to remain the same size after getting breast implants.

Ci Ci2959 reads

I will get them when they start to droop even more, and I certainly don't have a problem with facelifts. I wish I could get one now, but everyone says to wait because I still look young. I think people should do whatever makes them feel good about themselves. The stats on men getting cosmetic surgery is waging a war between the genders of who conquers the plastic surgery table. Everyone is participating and is very acceptable now. Those people who judge others for improvements are insecure and feel threatened -- that's all!


...they are hard, round, and unnatural looking. Nothing turns me off more than a bad boob job. Would much rather be with a girl that has small real ones than big, fake, hard & round ones. Providers make enough money to seek out a good Dr. I have been with girls that have implants that are hard to tell if they are natural or not.


CumToThinkofIt2584 reads

I have had two SOs in my life who had breast augmentation surgery. They looked FABULOUS after completion. Suddenly every blouse, dress, gown etc looked stunning on them and fit wonderfully. To all the gentlemen who complain that "they" dont feel natural I say:
How much time do you spend watching TV
as compared to fiddling with the knobs?


i love small titties (A or B cup)
and hate to see them be replaced by
bolt-on basketballs that don't look
like tits.

kind of cereal for breakfast.  You've got Captain Crunch over here and grapenuts over there and I get in the mood for both and I don't feel ashamed.  No not at all.

My vote is for implants, and you could not have explained better the reasons why implants are awesome!

Hmmm, have to think about this one.  As a provider with small breasts (a modest B cup) I have considered implants.  But, and it's a big one, I just can't deal with the thought of bags of silicone/saline living in my body.  Also, my nipples are sooo sensitive and anything that might damage the nerves there is not welcome.  Maybe I would get more business if my boobs were huge - but would it be the kind of clients I would want?  Don't know.  Most of my clients are into to the brain f*^k more than anything else and while having big boobs might get them interested in the first place, I can't imagine that would be enough to hold their interest.  I guess it depends on your clientele.   As I've said before, 90% of my 'dates' are talking and 'other'. The sex component is relatively minor (in time, but not in impact).  My approach is all about engaging the mind so the body explodes.  So not sure if boobs or even body matters.  Interesting thought though.

I prefer small good natural tits to big fake ones.......

As long as you don't have the lemon in a gym sock thing going on don't mess with what you got.

Exceptions would be reconstructive surgery or to fix a major defct.

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