TER General Board

Please! Move the &%@# on and get over it. (eom)
Lackey1101 1319 reads


Smilealot2404 reads

Since Bill6969 is so uptight about Female Artist not following his rules about where one can or cannot post a joke, I tried to imagine how a provider might react to a session with him.  A review by the Unknown Provider:

The session was delayed while he folded and refolded his clothes until he got them into absolutely geometric squares.  Then I tried to get cozy, but he quickly informed me that I was never to touch his left buttock with my right hand.  He also said that if I felt like licking my lips, the proper way was by moving the tongue left to right - never, ever. right to left.  And then he remarked that since the session had been going for ten whole seconds, it was time to take a break while we both took separate showers.  He told me that I was not to use his wash cloths, which that had been sanitized with ultraviolet light at considerable cost.  He then handed me latex gloves to use if I felt like fingering myself, which I did.  Unfortunately I let some juices drip so, naturally, the sheets (also sanitized by ultraviolet light) needed changing.  It was only a two-hour session and we spent the rest of our time working on getting those sheets just right, making sure the corners were tucked in with neat, sharp military folds.  Bill6969 will always be my model for spontaneous action.

Bill 69691815 reads

sounds like fun.
i still dont see the conection between my having a problem with some one who wont post on the humor board and having an AC dissorder.

either way i want to point this out. when some one post a very newbie question people will respond by saying go check out the newbie board why is my pointing out that our female artist of the year should post the "jokes" that she copies off other internet sites on the humor board?

i dont care if she does not post a link to her site with her "jokes" she is doing it to plug herself and there is a place for that and it is not the national board.

as to you mr. smilealot: go f%&** yourself!

This is funny shit.  Maybe it should also be moved to the humor board, so as not to let smilealot get any free publicity for his bashing of poor Bill...

bounce a quarter off those sheets too. LOL

Good one Smilealot. Something tells me though Bill is not smiling.

Bill 69691331 reads

Bill IS smiling bec he knows that in the real world you guys would see this for what it really is. The problem is that in the TER world, providers can do no wrong. Everyone wants to be a knight in shining condoms and as soon as anyone mentions a provider did something that they disagree with everyone jumps to flame that person because They think that they will score points with that provider. I don’t know how many of you are members of other chat forums but pointing out that some one should post their thoughts in the appropriate boards would not result in the same response that smile posted. The "artist" has no business posting her "jokes" here and if you guys like her "jokes" then you will follow them on the humor board where they belong. I still see her posting her "jokes" here as an attempt to put her name out there and it is a disadvantage to all the other providers who follow the rules and don’t advertise on the national board.
If she had any class she would stop regardless of what her little lackies tell her or even encourage her to do.

skisandboots3900 reads

Finally you've written something halfway coherent!  Most of the flak you've been seeing is because it's hilarious to see someone come across as "stickypicky" who can't put two words down without misspelling one of them!

WebTerrorist2261 reads

Quote:  "I don’t know how many of you are members of other chat forums but pointing out that some one should post their thoughts in the appropriate boards would not result in the same response that smile posted."

Not only have I been a member of, but also a mod an admin of more than a few messageboards (all the way back to helping my oldest brother with a BBS back in 1986).

Now, you wanna know how in my years experience I see it?

You are correct there is a humour board, and jokes shoudl generally go there...but hmmm....it's listed as "Erotic Humour" so if the joke isn't erotic in nature? where should that joke go?
Should there be a humour section with different sub-sections?  

The areas of this message board, in its entirety, is not all that organised, other than the regional boards, and even those aren't exatly organised, as they are by city, and therefore ignore outlying areas or other nearby cities etc.

The general board here seems to have a catch-all nature, so your protests of off topic seem a touch disingenuous.

You mention "guys" getting told to go to the newbie board, and claim in some kind of "Us vs Them" stand that it is because she is a provider...(it does cause me to wonder, but I'll leave questions to the root of your animosity out of this post) I guess since it didn't fit your attitudes or arguments you didn't notice a few posts:

Providers please read this
Posted by nineinch , 7/25/2005 10:09:31 AM
This post really more suited to The ISO board
Does a provider care if your younger than them?
Posted by icedrake4 , 7/25/2005 2:30:28 AM  
More of a Newbie board kind of post
Joining AAE
Posted by steakfrit , 7/24/2005 11:32:18 PM  
Really suited to a regional board
(though was pointed to his regional board was not flamed)
snatch snot
Posted by rkyd , 7/24/2005 9:43:33 AM
Another pretty newbie board kind of question
None of those flamed and none by providers...... wonder who the Knights in shining condoms are defending there by not flaming those guys?

Here's the ironic thing,  Miss Artist does the joke posts at most a couple a week, usually one in a couple weeks and sometimes a month or more will go without her posting one....not really taking up a loads of space  and pushing threads off the general board's first page at an alarming rate....or keeping her "username" at the forefront of the boards...though, by your need to be organisational guy, has caused a thread that would have maybe had two replies to become quite a long thread, spawned this thread, and hey  you even had to make a complaint post on the "Humour Board"...you gave her more attention and her post more life than it would have ever had on it's own.

Hey, here's a question for ya...if a joke doesn't belong on the General Boards...does A complaint belong on the "humour" boards? Did you break your own rule? Oooooppps....that's why moderating should be left to actual moderators, and not members that just kind of want to act like mods (which by the way most mods and admins find very annoying), and of course you will agree with me pointing this out as you're the one that defends only board appropriate posting (which by the way is why i didn't mention this on the humour board...I post responsibly...though the irony does make me giggle)

Mis-posted threads are an issue on message boards, but then so is trolling, flaming, running to another mod to complain when the mod on the board you have a issue with doesn't "jump to" to your liking, thread derailing, etc...which by the way is what you have done in your effort to fix the one transgression you perceive...as well as commiting the same offense as you complained about .

So you will thumb your nose at a lot of rules of internet etiquette to rally against one? one that you don't even follow?

Good plan.


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