TER General Board

Please calm down. I didn't say I wouldn't read it. Just that I needed some time.
JakeFromStateFarm 566 reads

Huff into a paper bag, wouldya?  Will there be a test or sumptin? LOL

Facts: TS porn is the number one selling category in the adult film industry. That breaks down to 1 in 5 straight men are regular consumers of TS content. Study responses also show that between 64% and 73% of men are /regular/ consumers of porn. That means a substantial number of you are really into trans women.

Why do I mention this? Well, between 64 and 73% of the men here are watching porn (I'd be willing to make an educated guess that the number is significantly higher than that as I'm sure there a clearer correlation between hobbling and porn consumption). If 1 in 5 of the total number of men here are watching TS PORN, it's reasonable to assume that a far majority doing so are also seeing TS providers.  

So can we stop with the constant digs at trans women here? Y'all are watching us fuck on film and likewise IRL. It'd be great if y'all just got together and said "trannies? Cool? We all cool? Great, trannies it is... totally glad we're all cool" instead of the constant belittling I see of trans women here.

JakeFromStateFarm635 reads

OK, I'll buy your statistics on straight guys who watch TS porn even though you have not cited a source.  But then when you make the leap to say that, therefore, "it's reasonable to assume that a far (sic) majority doing so are also seeing TS providers."
That statement makes about as much sense as saying, a majority of men watch movies about serial killers, ergo, a large percentage of them ARE serial killers.  
Look, I support everyone's right to seek the kind of sexual identity they want/need with NO stigma.  But please don't just make shit up because it makes you feel good.  'Kay?

TS porn citations  







You can also google to your years content and find a lot more information. You can also take my word for it, as I'm a director for the worlds largest producer we of TS content (kind of a SME here...).

In relation the the second poirtion of your statement... no, your making an equivocation between things that don't exist. I'm not in the business of entertaining fallacy, so I'm leaving that alone. (Murder and fucking aren't even in the same scope)

JakeFromStateFarm558 reads

I think you didn't mean to say "equivocation." You mean an equivalency
the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication.
"I say this without equivocation"
Now let's be friends, OK?

the first link doesn't say anything about Trans porn being the #1 category. It says the exact opposite. Lesbian category gets over 4 times as much traffic on Pornhub than Trans. They said a Trans movie was the #1 seller on a site for a week. But that's not the same. Did you just make that up about it being the #1 category?

... i.e. those who make digs at trans women get noticed because they make comments about it, and those who are fine with trans women don't get noticed because they (we) are just minding our business.

We're all cool as far as I'm concerned. I'd guess I'm more the rule than the exception.

I totally agree that those that aren't hostile to trans people get passed over. We all have a tendency to focus in on what sticks out, and in relation to OP, that's insulting or hostile comments about trans people.

However, while it's quite clear that theirs isn't an issue with the majority, I see the majority pass over on things that are said without correcting it, which is part of the problem in a way.

The whole "well it isn't about me, so therefore I shouldn't say anything" way of thinking.

Posted By: RiverStark
I totally agree that those that aren't hostile to trans people get passed over. We all have a tendency to focus in on what sticks out, and in relation to OP, that's insulting or hostile comments about trans people.  
 However, while it's quite clear that theirs isn't an issue with the majority, I see the majority pass over on things that are said without correcting it, which is part of the problem in a way.

It is not reasonable to assume a "far majority" of hobbyists who view TS porn see TS providers. There is a giant gap between watching and doing, in the first place (and doing or wanting to do and paying for it, for that matter). In the second, it's a fantasy, and usually not a very realistic one. I assume they're lumping together fake or highly manipulated images with realistic transsexual porn to arrive at that statistic.  

Believe me, pornography consumers want to be fooled. Up close and personal is a totally, totally different story. Most TS porn consumers know this, I assume, and those who don't would be in for a surprise if they ever carried out the fantasy. But most don't.

-- Modified on 4/2/2017 8:39:30 PM

All I know is my favorite porn is muscular gay guys.  

I have barely ever watched TS porn but I have sure tried it. lol I barely watch lesbian pron (come on it is made for the men vs the women) but I do it.

I just think it is stupid to go Judge or put down anyone who does whatever they do with their own bodies.

I also feel it is very telling when anyone shows hate. How the hell do I know you know how to respect anyone then?

I think we all want to enjoy sex, right?

(Sorry Darmody, only the first line was for you)

Posted By: darmody
It is not reasonable to assume a "far majority" of hobbyists who view TS porn see TS providers. There is a giant gap between watching and doing, in the first place (and doing or wanting to do and paying for it, for that matter). In the second, it's a fantasy, and usually not a very realistic one. I assume they're lumping together fake or highly manipulated images with realistic transsexual prom to arrive at that statistic.  
 Believe me, pornography consumers want to be fooled. Up close and personal is a totally, totally different story. Most TS porn consumers know this, I assume, and those who don't would be in for a surprise if they ever carried out the fantasy. But most don't.

A sizable majority of TS porn star are also escorts (punch in any performer in the search and you'll likely come back with a provider page... myself as an example.). So, the assumption that those providers would be using fake images doesn't hold much water as nearly all of us use images from the scenes we shoot, which have minimal editing (fans complain about overly edited images, so we (the producers... ) don't do a whole lot of editions because we don't want to Alienware our customerr base. Further, As far as images of TS providers in general being somehow ""highly manipulated" has nothing to support it. What leads you to this assumption. I'd be willing to guess it's an assumption on what you think trans women look like (man in a dress stereotype) (please correct me if that's not the statement you were making. I could very well be misinterpreting what your stating.

As to the claim that it's fantasy, I agree in part. It is a fantasy, but it's one that often gets carried out. Anyone who's seen me know I sit and ask a lot of questions during a session. This is for 4 reasons 1)making the individual comfortable and confident 2)establishing where my advertising dollars and marketing needs to be focused 3)determining the specific fantasies, wants, and psychological needs of the individual to best determine how to Ralph the session to be a memorable and positive experience 4)determining how it is that the individual decided to start seeing a TS provider generally, and me specifically. In general terms for number four, 100% of all the clients I see have seen TS providers because of porn that they watched as the genesis of their hobbying. For 2 decades (since grooby uploaded the first scanned images of TS porn on the internet), porn has been the largest (for good or bad) source for people's for  familiarity with trans bodies. It's not exactly a grand leap to make the connection between porn and hobbying.

"Different" people will always get bashed somewhere, but for the most part the TS community is accepted here on TER. Sasha2cute is a well liked and well respected poster on this board. She was even the first TS Miss TER almost 2 years ago! Most of your posts here are accepted here, and I haven't seen you face a lot of opposition or judgement. If you are going to let a post by euromodelsshown upset you, then you have a pretty thin skin. Have you seen his other posts? The guy is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

-- Modified on 4/2/2017 4:48:04 PM

JakeFromStateFarm589 reads

and she's also smart when she doesn't let her TS prejudices blind her.  Personally, I'd love to see her keep posting here.  Just take a deep breath first.  Yes, we do have dim-bulbs like EMS but most people here -- male, female, TS, etc. -- are tolerant. I just have one request of River:  Please, PLEASE, don't ask me to start using terms like cisgender.  Otherwise, I'm with her.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
and she's also smart when she doesn't let her TS prejudices blind her.  Personally, I'd love to see her keep posting here.  Just take a deep breath first.  Yes, we do have dim-bulbs like EMS but most people here -- male, female, TS, etc. -- are tolerant. I just have one request of River:  Please, PLEASE, don't ask me to start using terms like cisgender.  Otherwise, I'm with her.

Cissssssgggeennndddeeerrrr. It's a word in the English language... a language that isn't dead and evolves when new words are necessary. Also, not prejudice. I made an observation, provided backing for it, and took a position. It's like the opposite... it's calculated.

JakeFromStateFarm624 reads

The Urban Dick-tionary doesn't count.
PS: I'm NOT cisgender. I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body. And I love it.

It actually is a word. Please catch up here hon, you're falling behind.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
The Urban Dick-tionary doesn't count.  
 PS: I'm NOT cisgender. I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body. And I love it.

It's not just him, thought that post is what inspired the OP here. There have been posts peppered through the boards since I started paying attention to it; it's not just him (please note some of the other posts I've commented on about this... this is just the first post not in a thread tree). Also this thin skinned bs is a derailment from a valid point. See references link

Posted By: sserviceman
Since you mentioned porn, how about this record breaking creamery by Renata Davila!

click on the link Sherlock?

I can't ever unsee 2 Girls and a Cup. I was dumb enough to click on the link. Regret it everyday.

I clicked on that link too. That load was far too much.

I can only imagine you being a provider and getting dick pictures. lol

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

Unfortunately, if history is an indicator, this is likely falling on deaf ears.

I am of the 80% of the 64%-73%, Trans is simply not my thing, but I feel it's ridiculous that this sentiment rears it's ugly head in this environment which really shouldn't be so close minded relative to sexual preferences. If this were a religious board, I would expect it.  

Those folks who you are referencing, who watch Trans porn yet speak out against it, aren't likely to change their public persona until society changes it's prejudices. That may take a while.  

Peculiar isn't it, that this ugliness is in response to a simple statement of an appreciation of fashion and beauty?

Keep fighting the good fight.

ps. Thanks for the math, math is cool. Russ tips his cap.

With TS ladies are when they have a chip on their shoulder or are thin-skinned.  Providers on this board are a bunch of tough smart cookies. Take a cue from them and don't let people here get under your skin. It makes you look like a whiney little girl instead if an adult.

Please do exaplain how what I stated is "whiney" or "thin skinned" about what I stated. Please don't spare any detail in your explanation (I've already stated why that's a derailment and fallacious). The basic fact that I made the statement knowingly expecting the response I got (I even talked about it on twitter prior to post approval), an then continuing to engage it runs counter to your statement.  

Also, don't really need your approval here brah.

-- Modified on 4/2/2017 9:52:08 PM

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

BTW, I don't do social media.  This is as close as I get.  

You should have a sweeter disposition like Sasha2cute.  She's fun.  You're not.  Sorry, brah.

Yes, because fiction is a substitute for real life. Also another derailment via emotion. I made a valid point, and your assumption of my disposition is irrelevant. Further, whatever Saja does has no bearing on what I do... at all... in any manner. Should all black
Folks act the same to get your approval, all day people? All disabled people?

Stop asserting minorities are a fucking monolith. We're individuals. Some of aren't confrontational, some (like myself) will slap down your dumb ass when necessary.

The guys here aren't the ones saying stupid things. This is a post relative to the general board, not the TS one.

I haven't seen too much transphobia on this board, at least nothing out of the way as far as targeting the whole population.  A couple of issues I have seen was one lady who was a post-op and was hiding it from her clients.  She was pretty brutal in her attacks on some of the posters for stating their opinions.  Another was of a TS that posted a dick pic in the pic only board.  To each his own, I don't mind either way on that front, I believe TS girls have the right to post and run ads just as much as the next person.  I've said this before, as far as this being a sex board, it sucks the majority of the time because you have to cipher through a lot of bullshit if you're looking for solid advice or help.  IMO it's not just TS porn or TS's that get thrashed in main stream while watched privately, all porn or sex workers get the treatment to a certain extent, maybe it's just society period?  

Posted By: RiverStark
Facts: TS porn is the number one selling category in the adult film industry. That breaks down to 1 in 5 straight men are regular consumers of TS content. Study responses also show that between 64% and 73% of men are /regular/ consumers of porn. That means a substantial number of you are really into trans women.  
 Why do I mention this? Well, between 64 and 73% of the men here are watching porn (I'd be willing to make an educated guess that the number is significantly higher than that as I'm sure there a clearer correlation between hobbling and porn consumption). If 1 in 5 of the total number of men here are watching TS PORN, it's reasonable to assume that a far majority doing so are also seeing TS providers.  
 So can we stop with the constant digs at trans women here? Y'all are watching us fuck on film and likewise IRL. It'd be great if y'all just got together and said "trannies? Cool? We all cool? Great, trannies it is... totally glad we're all cool" instead of the constant belittling I see of trans women here.

Most of what I see is minor, not she it's taken on a wider scope as a lot of little things in general, that's when it's really problematic. That's why I posted about it. But very thoughtful comment btw

but there have been far more for all 8 years I have been on TER. Nastier than nowadays.

If you had read those posts that you mentioned, there was a lot of hate in there. Not all, but some.

It has gotten better over the years because it use to be all hate when the word was even mentioned on the GD board. At least i am no longer the only one speaking up on it. Use to be such a pleasant experience years ago standing alone on that.

I've even posted on this very board and been accused of being undercover when I am just an open minded gal who in fact likes TS gals. To be clear, that was just one lady who did that to me. It's not going to stop me from being me and doing exactly what I want.

I think it is crap this got moved here as typically this is not an issue on this board.

I think it is pretty simple that we should all not care how others live their lives, that we should give everyone respect and not judge, and if have nothing nice to say don't say harmful things.

I just find it amusing that there are providers who won't see or give references to guys who see the lovely TS ladies. Funny how they won't say that where they will get slammed. Interesting.

Posted By: davincib1
I haven't seen too much transphobia on this board, at least nothing out of the way as far as targeting the whole population.  A couple of issues I have seen was one lady who was a post-op and was hiding it from her clients.  She was pretty brutal in her attacks on some of the posters for stating their opinions.  Another was of a TS that posted a dick pic in the pic only board.  To each his own, I don't mind either way on that front, I believe TS girls have the right to post and run ads just as much as the next person.  I've said this before, as far as this being a sex board, it sucks the majority of the time because you have to cipher through a lot of bullshit if you're looking for solid advice or help.  IMO it's not just TS porn or TS's that get thrashed in main stream while watched privately, all porn or sex workers get the treatment to a certain extent, maybe it's just society period?  
Posted By: RiverStark
Facts: TS porn is the number one selling category in the adult film industry. That breaks down to 1 in 5 straight men are regular consumers of TS content. Study responses also show that between 64% and 73% of men are /regular/ consumers of porn. That means a substantial number of you are really into trans women.  
  Why do I mention this? Well, between 64 and 73% of the men here are watching porn (I'd be willing to make an educated guess that the number is significantly higher than that as I'm sure there a clearer correlation between hobbling and porn consumption). If 1 in 5 of the total number of men here are watching TS PORN, it's reasonable to assume that a far majority doing so are also seeing TS providers.    
  So can we stop with the constant digs at trans women here? Y'all are watching us fuck on film and likewise IRL. It'd be great if y'all just got together and said "trannies? Cool? We all cool? Great, trannies it is... totally glad we're all cool" instead of the constant belittling I see of trans women here.

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