TER General Board

blow-job, not blow-play
WAS 20 Reviews 6439 reads

I don't cum quickly, so a blowjob can, and has, lasted 20 or 30 minutes or sometimes even longer before I have an orgasm. Many of the providers I've been with have given me these long, long BJs and never seemed to have problems providing them until they make me cum. I have a civilian GF who gives great BJs but after 20 minutes she will beg off, saying "I'm exhausted". The first time this happened I asked if she was really that exhausted. She said "Yes, I am. You know, giving a BJ is hard work. That's why they call it a blowJOB and not a blowPLAY. After 20 minutes I have to stop."
My question to the lovely providers who can provide marathon BJs is " What do you do to be able to give a loooong BJ?"

Squirtboodles3263 reads

all the fun. I thought it was blow-play not work. Now you are saying I can't play any more when i am down there? No more wiggling my tounge in varying ways to stimulate little wily? No more licks and bubbles? I have to stick to one monotonous set if movements to assure I get bored so I do not forget I am working and start having fun playing with Jr and the boys?Speaking of the boys, will I even be able to stroke and lick them? Oh and do not forget suck on and wiggle my tounge and........ oh god now I am getting all hot and bothered I might even have to go take a cold shower if I keep on. Darn work is no fun I want to play with the little head and his jewels

Vicki Nicole4380 reads

my suggestion is to offer your girlfriend $100 for every 10 minutes of the blowjob,

I bet she could keep going for 30 - 40 minutes

ashleelala3514 reads

a friend of mine and I actually watched some porn movies together, he showed me what he liked....and then I would try.....after awhile I experimented, and then it became really fun (not that it wasn't before) I just learned new things to do. And the more you know the longer you can go! Setting the mood doesn't hurt either, do something to her or with her that she really likes, and make her eager to please you....
just my humble opinion   GOOD LUCK.  A.

Can I suggest you do a little research on a banana for 30 mins and then come back and post again on this topic.  You'll be astounded just how tiring it is to hold your jaw open and extend your neck, unsupported for 20mins +.  My guess is that after 5 mins you'll be screaming for some balls to lick just to break the monotony and ease your muscle fatigue.  

We ladies simply have stronger jaw muscles and have learned how to change position, technique and incorporate other areas (scrotum, perineum etc) to avoid muscle fatigue.

And Vicki was so right that the $$'s make a difference.  IF you want to estimate how long your civvie GF will blow you before she collapses with jaw fatigue, simply divide your net worth by hers and multiply by 10 minutes.

Cynicalman3694 reads

A very dear friend once told me that before she had become a provider she wouldn't have even considered some of the sexual acts she commonly engaged in now being a provider. $$$+ per hour seemed to have had a very cathartic effect on her inhibitions.



Just imagine a new robot or electronic massage device that would give a blowjob to a man.  The idea would be to design and program it to give just as good a job as what a provider can do.  (Or at least almost as good a job…)  It might have different settings for various massaging motions, to give the feeling of various positions of blowing.

Think of it -- a labor saving device for providers.  The vibrator (a.k.a. the "battery operated boyfriend", or BOB) was invented back in Victorian times as a labor saving device to cure women of hysteria when they went to the doctor's office.  (A female orgasm wasn't regarded as sexual back in those days.)  Likewise, a robotic device could make a provider's work easier.

Admittedly, while the MRE (mechanical robot experience) may take some getting used to, there's an added bonus.  In most of the United States, renting (or buying) an MRE is legal.  And that's what a lot of women do here.  This does give a new definition to "doing the robot".

Dude, I was lucky if I ever got 4 minutes before Mrs. L was "exhausted", and that was back in the days when she still pretended to like having sex with me (i.e., before we got married).

If your girlfriend does 20 without complaining, I say you've found a keeper! Quick go get an engagement ring before someone else snatches her up.

Sorry, Lexy baby...once again, you are kicking those who can't defend themselves on here for laughs.  You can do better than that.

I have had roughly ten GF's of mentionable duration in my life, and almost every one of them were happy to give this much at times.  Why?  Because...

1) It was not something I "expected".

2) It was something I knew was a "treat", and she knew I wouldn't be looking for it when we both were waking up in the morning and had 10 minutes before we hit the shower to get ready for work.

3) I was happy to give her the same treatment, and usually when someone loves you and is a remotely sexual being and hasn't grown away from expressing that, they want to give in return.

The biggest reality here is that the OP is not comparing apples to apples.  There is a huge difference in a provider who is making her living from what she does with you doing a one timer on you like this and a civilian GF/wife doing this sort of thing on a regular basis.

Of course, that is so obvious, I am sure that I really didn't need to remind anyone of it...

A little harsh, isn't it? I don't disparage your "Mr. Sensitive" schtick, even when its transparency borders on the absurd.

Besides, all the of the points you make are irrelevant -- there's not a single "Oh, so that's what I was doing wrong" amongst them.

Nice guess though. Keep trying.

-- Modified on 6/12/2005 11:53:43 AM

it wsn't harsh.  You were saying someting about "all" civilian women when you said that if the OP found a woman who did what his GF did, he should get engaged and count himself lucky.  I was pointing out that, given my experience (and I am sure some others here, as well), that is an unfair generalization and putdown...especially when there are very few civilian women here to defend themselves...just to get a laugh.

As for my points being irrelevant, I wasn't saying that they were relevant to you, honey child.  I was only talking about my history.  However, if there all were things you have done, it is nice to see that you are such a sensitive guy as well. :)

-- Modified on 6/12/2005 12:10:40 PM

... get a laugh.  As for "at someone else's expense," I'm guessing that he wasn't suggesting that he be taken seriously, and that he didn't mean this about literally ALL civilian women.  LEX is actually the butt of pretty much all of Lex's jokes -- including this one, by the way.  This is not meant to be a knock on you, MSD; you know I'm a big fan of yours.  I just hate to see the two funniest guys on the boards start taking each other seriously!  If this goes on, it could lead to a humor deficiency that I probably couldn't remedy singlehandedly!

I've tried self-deprecating, and I've tried full-of-myself, so I thought I'd give "testy" a whirl.

BTW -- I wasn't commenting on all civilian women, just Mrs. Luethor. Based on my 20-year experience with Mrs. Luethor I had concluded that BJs were "no big deal"... then I started hobbying and guess what... BJs are kinda cool!

-- Modified on 6/12/2005 5:43:46 PM

You know me, Lex...Mr. White Knight to the civvie gals.

I think we need to kidnap Mrs. Luethor and "re-eroticize" her.

...I've tried being "Mr. Sensitive" myself, but my smile always betrays me. :D

As for re-eroticizing Mrs. Luethor, I'm working on that. The problem is she's in her "bi-phase" and it's nearly impossible to find a bi-provider...


-- Modified on 6/11/2005 10:28:49 PM

fit the bill for you here... she could go on for HOURS, teasing you until your first O, then not even miss a beat and continue on to round two, three, four... would get every last little flaggilate outta you and still be looking for more.
No one has been able to duplicate that in our area since she left.
This would be a good one for National Vote along lines of best legs, eyes etc.

ErynSunshine4645 reads

relax, move around my positions, it helps if you massage the ladies neck or hair talk to her.. make her want you , tease her with talk and play with her little kitty too or with a toy. The more the lady feels good too, the better the BBJ you'll get and love.. XXXX Cum to Chicago baby!!!!

Arent as exercised as ours :)

she isnt too used to it....20 minutes is a long time..

dont disrespect her and make her do it that long..

She will dread having any activity with you.. and one day will tell the story

" I had this boyfriend that wanted me to blow him for 30 minutes "

The Only One3912 reads

...go down on her for as long and as much as she can take.  Don't demand anything in return.  "What you give freely you receive back 1000 times."

I used to have a girlfriend who like to suck cock.  She would put her hand(s) at the base of my cock and I would put my hand on the back of her head.  I would play basketball with her head in your lap.  You push down, and she rebounds.  Eventually you two will get a rythm going.  Oh yeah, it helps if she moans or squeels on the downstroke.  Or tell her to lay on her back on the bed and you can do all the work, good way to get BBBJ and a workout.  definitely tones the buttocks and stomach.
this way you can do it as long as you need, and all she needs to do is breath.

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