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places I have liked for the activities you have in mind include
Dr. joe 32 Reviews 451 reads

Phoenix, LA, Seattle, Miami, and -believe it or not, a great pair of days in Cleveland but that was with one lady.

I'm a hobbyist mainly when in-between girlfriends, which is right now. Birthday coming up, and I wanted to take a trip. I'm not interested in an exotic location. I don't care where I am. I just want a nice hotel with a pool where I can swim and a gym and a restaurant / bar on site. I also want a location with a good amount of providers, ideally with pricing around the national average (eg not NYC). I'd wake up, go for a swim, see a provider, chill in the afternoon, see another provider, drink at the bar, etc. Maybe 3-4  

I was thinking Montreal or Toronto. Maybe a place like Albany or Pittsburgh, but I've never been to any of those cities. I live in the Northeast.  

Any thoughts / suggestions

Nice hotels with pools, gyms and restaurants are EVERYWHERE. Since you plan on hanging out in the hotel the whole time, all that matters is the selection of ladies in the vicinity.

Of course I can, and I have. There may be factors of particular cities that I'm not considering. Who knows. It's worth throwing the question out there. I'd rather travel away from the Northeast. There are a TON of options. Maybe there are ways of narrowing it down.

GaGambler1096 reads

Check out the Co Cal Hotel Casino there.  

Not only does it have a pool, a gym (kind of crappy gym) a bar and a restaurant, but loads of women at a fraction of what it would cost in the states. For less than a grand a day you can pay your eats, drinks, room and three to four different women a day.  

Another suggestion would be the Hotel Veneto in Panama City Panama. It is a Wyndham property also with a pool, gym, restaurants, bars, casino and all the chicas you could ever want, but no beach. It is also a place where you'll find it tough to spend more than a grand a day as well.

Getting a flight to either place is easy, and it's well worth the trip. You can have a hobbyists 4 day vacation of a lifetime and maybe blow five grand tops, and yes that is allowing for 3-4 chicas a day. Trust me, I used to do this about twice a month, I still spend a LOT of time down there, but I rarely see even three women in a single day, much less four. Two a day is about my average at my "advanced age" lol

Loving the Panama City idea. I'm wondering if I can get by with poor to little Spanish but that's probably something I can google (advice). Thanks.

GaGambler447 reads

If you do decide to go there, drop me a PM for a few hints on places to go and to avoid. There are some great places to go in Panama City, but obviously a few places to avoid as well.

I'm surprised they don't smack you down...
You remind me of CPA

GaGambler379 reads

Did your break back into your dad's liquor cabinet or your mothers pill bottles?

and who is this "they" that you think should smack me down? You don't appear to be even able to stand on your own, much less do any smacking.

Bob.Sugar397 reads

How you remind HoC of CPA.

I'd love to hear this explanation  LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
Did your break back into your dad's liquor cabinet or your mothers pill bottles?  
 and who is this "they" that you think should smack me down? You don't appear to be even able to stand on your own, much less do any smacking.

Sometimes you, and Costa Rica aren't the answer..
It's important that you try on...
Other shoes.


Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
Sometimes you, and Costa Rica aren't the answer..  
 It's important that you try on...  
 Other shoes..  

Or the  Asian.

Posted By: Blantor
Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
Sometimes you, and Costa Rica aren't the answer..  
  It's important that you try on...  
  Other shoes..  

Vegas would work as long as you can stand the heat. Plenty of ladies at $$$$  or try San Diego hotels could be a little high cause it's summer, but plenty of great ladies.  

Posted By: Blantor
I'm a hobbyist mainly when in-between girlfriends, which is right now. Birthday coming up, and I wanted to take a trip. I'm not interested in an exotic location. I don't care where I am. I just want a nice hotel with a pool where I can swim and a gym and a restaurant / bar on site. I also want a location with a good amount of providers, ideally with pricing around the national average (eg not NYC). I'd wake up, go for a swim, see a provider, chill in the afternoon, see another provider, drink at the bar, etc. Maybe 3-4  
 I was thinking Montreal or Toronto. Maybe a place like Albany or Pittsburgh, but I've never been to any of those cities. I live in the Northeast.  
 Any thoughts / suggestions?  

Phoenix, LA, Seattle, Miami, and -believe it or not, a great pair of days in Cleveland but that was with one lady.

I like to camp...
One time I met an escort who traveled the entire world without a room to sleep in..

Yes. She spent time in men's houses, but when the trick didn't fly?
She slept outside. For years!  

I envy that.

Panama sounds attractive, but I'm heavily weighing Montreal. In Montreal, the service level is quite high, and the exchange rate works in my favor. I love clubs and crowded places but the hobbying situation in Panama seems a lot more hustle-and-bustle plus negotiations. Montreal, I pick up the phone for incall, no fuss. Still, the wildness of Panama sounds interesting. I'm a youngish and good-looking but a beta guy. I meet girlfriends but could not pick up a woman in a dance club for the life of me. Which is good, as I've no interest in that. I go to dance clubs to dance.

Just sayin'
I can't spell. Censure seizer  
Dammit spellchecker

-- Modified on 8/5/2015 10:17:44 PM

GaGambler410 reads

but one of the advantages of Panama, well all of Latin America actually, is that since it's perfectly legal you can just go downstairs at the Veneto and pick any of the girls working the bar, This way you have no worries about B&S and you can buy her a drink first and make sure you have any chemistry with her.

Montreal is also another great pick though, I think it's just a matter of your personal taste, Montreal is awash with Frenchies and Asians. Panama is mainly Colombiannas, I would have recommended Colombia instead, but Colombia is kind of the deep end of the pool. Starting in Panama or CR is recommended for those people checking out Latin America for the first time.

I would have also thrown the Dominican Republic into the mix, but after briefly checking out the ladies you have reviewed you seem to prefer them "lighter" than what you are going to find in the DR.

Where ever you end up, have fun.

She was an Occupy Wall Street chick.

Couldn't you tell by her stench and the fact she only charged you a bottle of water for a blow job?

The selection/price ratio there can't be beat based on my limited searches.

Plus French accents.  That's hot.

I lived there for a time. Yes, it is upscale yet low key and laid back. Great place.

Beautiful hotels, pools (Some topless!), great restaurants, night life galore!! You can find cheap flights/rooms here all the time! There is also a huge varity of provdiers such as myself! Just throwing it out there.

If I were choosing either Montreal or Toronto, I'd pick Montreal.

The standard there is two hours and the price is what you pay for one hour here in NYC.

Montreal is the winner, french girls and great food. The night club scene is also pretty good there, you will have a ball!

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