TER General Board

"Donations" as term for Fees
howandwhy 6977 reads

Ever wonder how the term "donation" became a euphemism for escorts' fees?  Obviously, the word is used to head off trouble with the law. But calling an escorts' fee a "donation" is like relying on  "get out of jail free card"  from  Monopoly. But that only works in the game.

Sure, no bargained for exchange  no prostitution, no liability. And though the law seems the last bastion of magical utterances, the facile utterance of "donation" , will not allow one to escape the clutches of the law. I'm reminded of hit man Tom Cruz remarks to cabdriver Jamie Fox in their  latest movie: "I didn't kill the man, his fall through the window killed him. As Bill Clinton learned to his dismay, sometimes a thing is what a thing is, and not what you call it. (Yet if Bubba had been familiar with the Erotic Review's review rerminology he could have  more persuasively argued that fellatio is, indeed, not sex!)

The use of "donation" strikes me as comical. If you're an escort and are providing sex for money, it's prostitution, even if you dress like Mother Teresa, and ask, as she did, to "give until it hurts." Even Clancy Wiggam would know, as the poet says "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet," or in this case, as illegal.

"Donation"  can't simply be used, then,  to keep the law at bay, however ineffectually.  With "donations" connotation of charitable giving, are we to think of our escorts as a bunch of poor little match stick girls with hearts of gold? Perhaps they need a few pennies to replace their tattered underwear. Maybe they're saving for a younger brother's kidney transplant. Or maybe "hobbyists" (another interesting term) just want to feel magnanamous. It's intended to make a commercial transaction, often consummatted under seedy circumstances, seem wholesome  Even the envelope many girls insist upon reeks of benevolence.

And hypocracy. If one wishes to continue the tranparent charade of euphem-speak why not, as some girls now do, simply call fees gifts.  At least that's something you might give freely to a girlfriend without the pretense that you're feeding the starving in Sudan.  Better yet, escorts might follow the example of politicians when they give "educational" speeches. Call their fees honorariums. Since  politicians and prostitutes share so many other common traits, it would be most fitting. (No libel of prostitutes intended!)

I always wondered about the wisdom of the term "donation".  By definition, a donation is voluntary.  Are we hobbyists to think that we can choose whether to pay or not?  Does anyone really think that LE would be fooled by this term?  I am sure that some "providers" are more financially affluent than the hobbyists they see, and yet they still expect a "donation" from them!  That's laughable.  I also happen to think that the word "provider" is inappropriate.  It smacks too benevolent or inappropriately gives the impression of a Mother Teresa, as the original poster stated.  Why not call a spade a spade?  We are paying a fee for sexual intimacy.

howandwhy3859 reads

You and i think alike, mensch

No matter what we call them, the real issue is for the providers to become 503c institutions or some entity dealing with religious something or another so that the lawyers, politicians, and accountants can get something in the bloated tax code. In that way, and within certain limits, we can get a tax break for these contributions. This makes it win/win and will likely not quibble over what we call it because almost no one will care and people will generally smile more.

I don't even find the term euphemistic. I've never considered my reason for it to hold law enforcement at bay.  I don't call it a "gift" because, what then do I call a gift?

Sorry the term bothers you.  


howandwhy3784 reads

The term doesn't bother me. As I said, I find it comical.

You use the term "escorts" quite freely.  That's a euphemism, and a more comical one.  Obviously, there may be some "legal" escorts, in theory, but on this board, calling providers escorts is a euphemism.

In fact, the term "provider" is a euphemism, and one that's even more vague and less concrete than escort.  I guess it's a shortened form of the term "Adult Service Provider," but, of course, that shortens to "ASP," which has a rather insulting parallel to a poisonous snake.  

By comparison, calling "donation" a silly euphemism is choosing the poorest target and least funny target.  We don't just donate to charities.  I donate to public radio, too, fully knowing that I receive benifits from it.  I donate and contribute to politicians too and causes, too.  "Contribution" might be another term.  

(I might continue to listen to public radio for free, the  comparison with a provider, I guess, would be rape, considering the relationship comparible to an SO does not exist with public radio.)  

I think "donation" as a term is completely and totally apt.         You may call it a "fee," but a fee for sex is a rank absurdity, as 1) you can ostensibly get sex for free; 2) it's for something primal and biological, not for something like the intellectual expertise of a lawyer, or even the training of a chiropractor.

howandwhy3677 reads

Zin, you make some good points, and some really silly one. Sure,  the whole argot of prostitution, especially as it evolved on the internet is chock full of ironies and curiosities. We could use a full time deconstructionist to analyze them all. My little note only addresses one of them.

As far as not paying for sex, that's just silly. You might eat at home for free (and even then SOMEONEo pay for the food) but at as restaruant you're always given a bill, and its not just for the ambiance and service

Only that "contribution" or "donation" describes the money side of the transaction better than "fee."

Im sorry but escorts dont provide sex for money.  They provide time for money.   I dont use the term donation so I can only assume here. But to me, it does imply something thats not expected (at least maybe in the eyes of LE or the like).  So if its not expected by the escort (technically speaking), LE can not really go after her. But Im only guessing here.  I certainly dont think its hypocritical though.  We all have our right to call it as we wish according to our own comfort level.  If certain escorts feel more comfortable calling it donations, then more power to her.  Afterall, when we are comfortable then you get a good time. If it bothers you so much, maybe you should look for a different hobby.

No Carissa, in most of the developed world, with the exception of the USA, escorts most definitely do provide sex for money.

With all due respect, I was not generalizing in culturally imperialistic terms.  I was mostly speaking of US escorts, being one myself.  Moreover, I was trying to highlight the fact that on most escorts' sites (US and elsewhere), the rates are for the hour, not for the sexual act. Therefore, the men pay for the time.  Right?  This is not to say I don’t think that prostitution is real and that money is exchanged for sex acts particularly around the world and in the US; I was only going off what I know. And of course sex is involved (Im not naive) but the pay is per hour. THATS my point. But again, semantics.

-- Modified on 10/24/2004 7:22:19 PM

-- Modified on 10/24/2004 7:30:32 PM

-- Modified on 10/24/2004 7:39:53 PM

"the rates are for the hour, not for the sexual act. Therefore, the men pay for the time.  Right? "  Nope, wrong.

My lawyer charges me by the hour as does my accountant and numerous other professionals.  But I'm not paying my lawyer for her time, I'm paying her to give me advice during that time.  Likewise we whores charge by the hour, and clients pay us for the sexual services we supply during that time.

Yes, i agree with you.  What I was meaning when I say rates are for the hour and not for sex acts was that most escorts do not do the menu item way of charging ($50 for bf, $100 for sex, $150 half and half, ect).  Traditionally, that way of charging has been that of your typical "prostitute" and what distinguishes prostition from escorting. (Again, in my opinion) But at least for me in my experiences, sex isnt the only thing that I offer and that the men want.  When they pay for an hour or 2 hours of my time, maybe they want to go to dinner, then have a fuck, then just talk. Or maybe its all sex, or maybe they just want dinner and companionship. Sex is a *part* of it, albiet an important part and sex is what usually happens.

DickBead4194 reads

I think the providers here in the U.S. would rather not refer to themselves as 'whores' as the term is quite deragatory and demeaning. I suspect that in a more open and less repressive European cultures,that though not the same as calling someone a nurse, people by and large are more open-minded and less senstive about such terms and matters of race and so on. The ladies here use all sorts of euphemisisms, but you are correct, hour for hour, they are selling their bodies. It's about the spreading of legs or ass cheeks for dollars; let's agree that we all know what we mean in this thing we call the 'hobby.'

You've made me think, Emma.  I have several reasons to question your statement.

Lawyers and accountants take years to train.  You are talking a lot of intellectual expertise you are hiring.

The whore needs no such training.  Yes, she may gain experience and get better, and therefore raise her prices, but most every woman at least basically knows how to f*ck, with few exceptions.  What she is providing isn't expertise so much as something primal and basic to biology.      

Furthermore, as one of your sisters in the craft pointed out, sex is commonly available free.  (Ostensibly, that is.  I think the costs just aren't usually observed unless money changes hands, in which case, they become disturbing, hence the reason prostitution is so despised.)  Why this absurdity of charging for something people do for free, all the time?    

Moreover, as a hetero male, if I leisurely ask any woman, without money changing hands, for a few hours of her time, it will be assumed by everybody just knowing that much about it that I want to have sex with her, and for good reason.  Yes, we may enjoy some other things along the way, but if she grants me the personal time, and she could find no objection with me in between, and without anything else stopping it, why shouldn't it happen?  

So, in other words, a provider grants me the time and guarantees me that nature will run it's course.  Her possible objections of the costs to her, biologically, medically, psychologically,  socially or whatever, however she feels them, have been eased by my immediate donation.  Meanwhile, as some of you are very proud, she may add her own flair to it.  And of course, the arrangement is "limited liability."

At the SW level of the sex industry, the quid pro quo is sex and a mutual agreement that it isn't rape.  At the higher levels, it isn't so simple.  My uncensored sex drive is primal, selfish, and not necessarily very friendly.  I need women who can make the sex friendly.  That's what independent providers (who I call trysters or shiftmistresses) do very well.            


When someone contacts a lady and makes a date, they have entered into a "verbal contract".
He is paying X $'s for X # of hours of her time.
What happens during that time is totally and completely up to the 2 adults involved.
It is not a contract for sex., although, sex is usually part of the plan.
The lady has the right, and obligation, if she feels uncomfortable with the gentleman, to decline any and all sex.

Maybe, but that's the way it is and that is what makes escorting different from prostitution.
I have not been in a situation where sex was not offered and accepted, however, I would not feel angered, indignant, or take it personally if the lady decided we were not compatable and she was not interested in sex with me for whatever reason.

Just my opinion....

Call it what you like escort/callgirl/prostitute/whore/courtesan/working girl/hooker/provider but the intent and the act are identical.  All that changes is the delivery mechanism.

Just imagine if a -------- (insert appropriate euphemism here) took the $$'s you were paying her for her 'time' and then declined to shag you?  As if ...

I agree with you. But don't let it get your tattered panties in a bunch. No screaming allowed unless its screaming "Oh god yes yes yes!" Its all about having fun and remaining within one's own comfort level, whether its donation, rate, escort, or hooker. All I know is that Im sick of being sick with the flu in bed for four days straight and I need some!!  ;)

Richard Head4118 reads

I would imagine that no-shag situation would lead to a post of my own, with LOTS of exclamation points!!!

She happened to be an Aussie, BTW, bless her.  I made an appointment without references (having never seen a provider), and since I was on severence, I had no job reference then, either.  

She had her screener look at my pay receipts.  Once she accepted and I was with her for the incall, she actually had me sign documents denouncing prostitution, agreeing that we were not meeting to exchange sex for money.  I signed.  No objection.

It was a one hour session.  We talked for 55 minutes of it.  After 55 minutes of my not pressing the issue, she brought me to the bedroom for the quickie, which actually ran the session over by 20 minutes.  I got initiated, and I gained her reference.  

I heard later that her and her screener got busted and left town.    
I have missed her. :-(

Knowing what I know now, I would feel insulted and ripped off if a shiftmistress took my pay and didn't shag me.  For different reasons, however, than from, say an accountant or a lawyer who took my money and didn't provide their expertise.  

I'd actually take her ripping me off more personal.



I really do agree with your comments.
My point was that there is a legal difference in the "delivery method" as you put it.
If I said "here is $100, give me a blow job", that is prostitution.
If I give you $300 and say "spend an hour with me doing whatever we want", that is escorting.
There is a very distinct legal difference.
Of course, sex is involved, but it is in how it is "contracted" that makes the big difference.

There is nothing illegal about paying for a ladies time.
It is illegal to offer to pay for sex.

Emma, you are wise and entertaining in all of your posts.
We just disagree a bit in this.

Just my opinion...

It took me a couple of moments after reading this before I could reply...it took that long to recover from rolling around on the floor laughing.

Come on now, whether you are paying a SW $50 for a quick BJ, or an Escort $300 for her "time," LE sees NO DIFFERENCE.  If you spent an hour with your escort and didn't get any sex then no law was broken, but you would be screaming bloody murder about getting ripped off.  You go into the session knowing full well what is going to happen, whether you believe you are paying for time or sex.

What exactly do you think a jury would believe, if you demanded such a trial?  You would be found GUILTY of Solicitation of Prostitution at the very least.

I love legal naivette.  Don't kid yourself, LE sees no difference in the $50 SW vs the $400 escort.  They know what's going on behind those closed doors.

howandwhy5146 reads


Of course escorts provide sex for money. If you think you are providing only time, try actually providing  time only, no matter how scintillating your personality, and you'll see how long you'd last in the business. BTW, my post was meant to point out an irony that many must have noticed but no one has commented upon. The observation wwas meant to be humorous. Too bad you missed the humor.

Humor doesn't carry well via the internet or through words, thus my lack of observation or complete understanding of your sarcasm. I was only trying to portray my thoughts. Now Im off to change my tattered underwear.

-- Modified on 10/24/2004 7:24:39 PM

-- Modified on 10/24/2004 7:28:08 PM

Yes I am indeed a girl with the "donation" link on my site..link.. i mean page:)....
I ask them to leave, deposit, err.. i mean give  their donation to the Lymphoma foundation on my Dining Table...:)..My eating table..I mean, my meal table..

Our donation.. or gift.. or present.. is for our allotment of hours,I mean time.... Not for intercourse, fellatio, intimacy, consenting adult decisions, I mean.. humina humina ..

Maybe "whorenorarium" is more apropos?  MA

Primordial3863 reads

If you find these terms comical or inappropriate perhaps you can suggest some others. Items such as "terms" can of course be altered to suit the opinion of some but attempting to instill change can be difficult. A controversial subject line like this is of much interest but would have been more meaningful without the comparisions to certain situations and named individuals. The basis of your statement is intelligent and is an area I'm sure is thought of by many but in my opinion is a bit over the top due to the strong political and negative viewpoints. Just my .02 cents worth, it appears to be working thus far.
Be At Peace.

Cynicalman3983 reads

Whenever you legislate morality disrespect for the law and all forms of corruption soon follow. It is only natural that language itself would then fall victom to the hair-splitting foolishness of the euphamisms and metaphores described.
 Just for the record I am a "whoremonger" and whenever I reccommend a "prostitute" to a friend/associate I mysteriously transform according to legal definitions into a "pimp".
Guess what gang? I'm proud to be both!


The world is way too full of harsh reality.  The whole "hobby/provider" industry is but one manifestation of escape and release from said reality.  

I say "Why the fuck not?"  Hobbyist/John, Provider/Whore - which is nicer/kinder?  Let's be kind, damnit.

I crave GFE experiences, knowing full well that nothing will come of them.  I'll deal with the morality of my choice, but I wish to believe that for at least a moment, my life may actually work.  Silly me, huh?

Manners are the grease of human contact.  Do you want to live in a world without?  Not I.

Anyone else?

Danielle Dubois3129 reads

... by definition-- anyone who solicits customers for a prostitute is a pimp.. so by him referring clientele to the girl-- yes, he is a pimp!

the primary (and historical, mind you) definition is as follows:

"pimp    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (pmp)
One who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer."

They are not prescriptive.  The definitions reflect the opinions of their writers.  At least, that's the way it works in English.  In French, the dictionaries are prescripive.  

...and a reference is not a procurement.  Period.  

There's more of an extortion/power aspect to pimping.  And it's more of a "career" the way prostitution is.  I wouldn't call a reference pimping.  Otherwise, almost any male who writes a review here would be a pimp.  No, we're clients.


-- Modified on 10/26/2004 8:02:23 PM

It's referring to a dictionary as a random authority that I object to.  They could reflect as much the opinion of the writers as any document, especially with a loaded term like "pimp," which, like "whore" is generally an insult.  

Legal terms have a much more stringent need for precision.


The dictionary IS an authority on the meaning of words.  Though of course, not an authority on the subjects themselves. It is not incorrect to cite the dictionary to clarify terms, I do this all the time.  Dictionary.com is bookmarked on my computer!

Laws DO apply in a reference situation, although the legal system does differentiate between pimping and pandering.  This conversation should really be on the legal board...

If your original message had not been so rude, I most likely wouldn't have replied at all.  Thank you for the edit.


I wrote that on lunch at work, in a rush.  I'm also on a medication that has made me, well, testy.  Not quite myself.  

I tried on my next break to edit it, but the ancient Internet Explorer at work wouldn't let me do it.  It wouldn't give me the edit option, and kept prompting me for the password again.  

Sorry to all, especially Danielle.


-- Modified on 10/26/2004 8:09:23 PM

RhymesWithOrange4831 reads

Maybe I can use them as a tax write-off.  LOL

Arizona Angel4806 reads

I never really did think to much about LE in terms of saying Donation vs Fees etc. I do however use the word donation or gift. Who cares what you or I call it we all do know what is going on, yet at the same time must we be crass and lack the ability to be subtle or sauve? Besides donation has two definitions "The act of giving to a fund or cause." As well as  
"a gift or grant."
As far as the word charity playing into the term of Donation it does apply in our little world of secrets. Charity is also defined as"Benevolence or generosity toward others or toward humanity".You as a client/ hobbiest/ John/ etc. choose whom you would like to see/date/fuck/etc. and you can also choose if you "donate" or not. The provider/escort/whore/prostitute/ etc. chooses to see you or not to see you after you make the desicion to see them.
I belive you may need to in fact dwell on more important issues such as why our Puritanical Society makes it neccesary for such words to be used in the first place...

Just a thought...


I use the term only because it seems to be a more delicate way to put things when speaking on the telephone.  But really, I don't get so wrapped up in wording that I could spend too many calories worrying or debating.  I also find it interesting that so many people put so much weight on wording.  And is there any other escort in the free world that really, truly believes that what is being bargained for is just "time", not a sexual encounter of some sort?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Cowboys are special
with their own brand of misery
from bein' alone too long;
they'll die in the cold
in the arms of a nightmare
knowin' well their best days are gone;
pickin' up hookers, instead of my pen
I let the words of my youth fade away;
old worn out saddles and old worn out memories
with no one and no place to stay

I doubt very seriously that the use of the term "donation" vs "gift" would make any significant difference whatsoever with respect to how LE might attempt to build a case against a provider.

I'm not a lawyer but I don't see that the original poster displays any evidence that he holds a JD from Stanford law or any other legal credentials.

This strikes me more as some transparently pseudo emotional argument with it references to "poor little match stick girls", the "magnanimity" of hobbyists and "seedy circumstances" of a commercial transaction.

Then to close it out with the oh so CREDIBLE "no libel of prostitutes" in the comparison with politicians.

Strikes me more as some evangelical zealot attempting to rise above the fray in an attempt to assuage some underlying guilt, or perhaps preach from a position of self ascribed ethical superiority behind the veil of an alias.

Little substance--less relevance!

can we also try and stomp out the use of the following phrases/sentences/terms:

1) executive/elite/upscale companion
2) discerning gentlemen
3) speaking Greek
4) sense of humor (sorry ladies, but if you have to tell people, you probably don't)
5) I appreciate a gentleman who knows how to treat a lady (there is a scary sub-text here that tells me you had a bf once who beat the crap out of you and you aren't going to put up with that shit any more)

Anyone want to add to the list?

Em x

Turkana3196 reads

Discriminating gentlemen.
Beautiful inside and out.  
Open minded (when referring to sexual range or flexibility)
"I know exactly how to treat a man"
"Fitness oriented"

and my personal bete noire:

GFE - Girlfriend Experience.

Honestly, guys, it's not a girlfriend experience.

I for one have no problem with the use of the term GFE. It provides a somewhat useful descriptive tag as to what the encounter may be like for an hour or so. However one must not loose sight of the fact that this is a fantasy, a momentary experience in time. Secondly "Truth in Advertising" is no more a given in this community than anywhere else, and in some instances perhaps less so(on both sides of the equation) (broad definition of the word advertising)

The problem arises when GFE is confused with GF. Loose sight of the difference at your own peril. Of course one's view of girlfriend could of course be another's view of hell personified I suppose, so I suspect it could have a range of meanings.I suspect it would depend in large part on one's past experiences.

There is far more to arranging something that is personally gratifying, even memorable in this community than simply noticing the term GFE on a website or a review.

This whole thread to some extent has turned into an excercise in circuitous "logic"
Anyone who has been around the block in this little community knows quite well, or should know what is going on, and should be able to interpret the various code words/terms that are thrown around for what they are.

Those who do their "homework" carefully, should, in most instances, be fine. Of course there are no guarantees.

Of course perhaps I missed the thinly veiled sarcasm :) or not!

-- Modified on 10/24/2004 9:53:06 PM

A GFE is something for which you pay a fee, a GF is on a retainer.

-- Modified on 10/24/2004 10:53:49 PM

ThePeopleRule4014 reads

Emma, from your mere 16 word post, I sense that you should be looking into a legal career.  Your comparison is perfect.
 The comparison of "GFE" to "GF" is analogous to "rent" and "lease", the former connoting short term and the latter a longer term.  (Many males have cynically concluded that "if it flys, floats, or f**cks, it is better to rent than to buy.")
 If there is not a law firm "down under" that specializes in advising women "in the biz", perhaps that is a "void" you can fill.

howandwhy3857 reads

My dear friend, i do happen to be a lawyer.

And BTW, the number of replies this post has had suggests that it addresses an issue ofr some interest.

why are so many of my clients (sounds so much better than donor, don't you agree?) lawyers or have law degrees.  I'd say around 50%.   Is it me, or something about lawyers?

Those that can do... I mean write their fun time to the poor slobs who need them most. Lawyers are notorious for passing the cost along... and maybe that's the game and no one ever told the average guy how to do it. I am not hating on the lawyers, but the few that I know are very active in the hobby and the funny part was the guy I thought I'd never run in to had just met my date's road buddy an hour before. I saw him leaving the hotel where they were staying and without blowing his cover, I asked him about a certain Saturday night at a downtown hotel next to the lake with loud music and very pretty women. We laughed about it and he's a regular with the traveling ladies. He didn't admit as much, but the guys buys all the table dances too.

-- Modified on 10/25/2004 3:11:44 PM

Turkana4387 reads

If I search the Archives, under Hookers I've Known Who Talked About Their Clients, it always came up lawyers...

If you go back about 20 years to a quasi-documentary film called Working Girls, a very realistic film about a brothel, the clients were...Lawyers.

If you read Gaitskill's brothel stories...the tricks are lawyers.

You've got me as to why.  Perhaps some psychology Ph.D. candidate can write a few hundred pages on the subject.  Then again, maybe it's just a case of birds of a feather....

..is often a debatable issue on these boards. The number of posts to a particular thread may have something to do with interest but the question of course is what's the source of that interest.

Perhaps revealing that you failed to show your hand with respect to your alleged profession/legal credentials in  your initial post.

Of course I'm sure you would advise your clients to accept what ever they read in an informal/annonymous forum such as this to be of the utmost veracity.

Perhaps you could do something a bit more worth while, a little pro bono work might be in order. However that could be the next claim to fame to appear here.

The patonizing "my friend", that was a nice touch. Come to think of it you might just be a lawyer :)

Perhaps you seriously consider the sheer number of posts to this thread as "validation" of the profoundly stimulating and enlightening nature(read that as interest) of your post, the frivolous/obnoxious post factor aside.

Come to think of it you might just be a lawyer :)

My sincere apologies to all the lawyers in our little community
who conduct themselves in a most professional manner, provide a much needed service, and bring honor and respect to themselves and the practice of law.

My reference to the originator of this thread, and his "status" as lawyer is simply tongue in cheek :P

-- Modified on 10/25/2004 5:42:54 PM

howandwhy3314 reads


You're presumptuous fellow, suggesting pro bono work is in order for me. You're wasting as much time as anyone here. Take your own advice. You don't have to be a lawyer to do volunteer work, you know

You add: "Of course I'm sure you would advise your clients to accept what ever they read in an informal/annonymous forum such as this to be of the utmost veracity." That's a pointless remark in relation to the postings here. Everyone is expressing  opinions, some well-reasoned and others not. But as everyone knows, opinions are a dime a dozen. Nothing I've written here could be considered advise

Reason why I said nothing about my profession was that my post was only parenthetically about law. It's focus was on the usage of the word "donation." I remind you that you brought up the legal aspect.

Speaking as a lawyer (and I have dealt w/ criminal defendants for many years), though, I can tell you that if anyone in an "escort-hobbyist" transaction  thinks  they're selling or buying time and not sex is living in cloud-cockoo land as far as LE is concerned. But here's an interesting tidbit: NY treats unlicensed massage as a felony, prostitution only as an itty-bitty misdemeanor.

As far as the # of responses  is concerned, it is an indication of the interest a particular post has aroused, if not its profundity.  But yes, I'm arrogant enough to believe that my posts are atr least interesting to those who have anything more active than a turnip for a brain.

...I've lost interest in this and don't find much in your response very compelling.

I'm somehow not surprised that you would give the notion of pro bono work short shrift.
Sorry all of you "poor little match stick girls" I tried, but on second thought perhaps it's for the best.

Wear your self ascribed arrogance as a "badge of honor" if you must.

To those who might think there was a bit too much of an "edge" in my responses to this thread, I can only say the somewhat "preachy" nature of the original post just didn't set very well with me.

I think most who have been in this community for a while understand the somewhat precarious position one might find oneself in by virtue of participation in the "hobby". I think most are reasonably capable of interpreting the code words that are used here, and on provider websites and can make fairly informed decisions as to how much they might be at risk, with a little effort.

Just as you shouldn't put much stock in health care advice delivered annonymously in a forum such as this, neither should you seek out, or put much credence in legal "opinion" offered here either.

Sure some generalities can be shared here but there are obvious
reputable sources for such information.

Closing arguments, counselor? Not that I would expect you to refrain, but as for me I don't have anything further to add.

-- Modified on 10/25/2004 10:02:49 PM

howandwhy3926 reads


You're shadow boxing. Recall that YOU  brought up law, pro-bono work, health advice, and so forth. You remind me of a character on the play O calcutta who was so involved in his sex toys that he didn't realize his partner wasn't there.

And yes, you have been the most strident of everyone who has posted on this thread.

Congratulations and welcome to my exclusive and secret "End Of Message" area.  Perhaps you saw the "EOM" indicator in the subject yet something told you the message had not in fact ended.  You have proven yourself to be a unique individual and I admire your instincts!  Maybe it was your unwavering sense of adventure or tenacious spirit.  In any case I commend you.  
If however you're a mindless clicking fool, whether human or robotic web crawler, I pity your meaningless existence.

Geez - all of this is way too complicated for me - I think I'll just jerk off and forget the whole thing!!

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