TER General Board

Pillow fight - love it! Maybe that could be a new term?! LOL (nt)
WymenLover 36 Reviews 5952 reads
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Let me preface this by acknowledging that I consider myself to be the Will Rogers of Breasts ("I never met one I didn't like).....(I wonder if there is any research indicating this "addiction" might be more likely for those who have been breast fed??)
 Recently, I have begun to ponder the analogy of breasts as "weapons".  1)  A quote in a recent issue of USA Today referred to a lady as "having MX missles attached to her chest"; 2)  During the A&E program "Cleavage" yesterday, Joan Rivers said, "If you have cleavage and you don't understand it's a great weapon, you're a fool"; and, last but certainly not least, 3)  I look at WildWest Kelly's web photos and I think, "Man, the weapons she is packing are more lethal than a pair of Colt 45's."
 So....Ladies, please share with us your experiences of how you have used yours as "weapons" against us poor guys.  Are we  just drooling idiots when you "unleash" yours?  Is this why it is called Mother Nature and not Father Nature?

greatrush 3 Reviews 2185 reads
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I don't think you really want to know. Women have so many 'weapons' that if used instead of some of the hormoanal crap they go through would be ruling the planet. So watch out what you wish for...I learned a long time ago, when she wants to get you, "you're got!"

WildwestKelly See my TER Reviews 3707 reads
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So, you're peeking at my weapons, huh? Better, be careful, Honeybun, as I might take them out and shoot you with them! Bang, Bang! LOL  

Nothing, like a little cleavage smashed up againist your face! LOL   Get's them everytime!  :)

Big Smooch to You!


ozzy335 8 Reviews 2522 reads
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Kelly, and all the other ladies...

The male gender is a fragel thing....and I'm sure that you woman know that all too well....do ya have to 'rub it in our face'?

Not that I really mind it all that much...big, small round, droopy, perky....heck...I luv em all.....the more the better....grin...

But ladies, have a little compassion for us men....we are slaves to the male hormones and we know it. If ya must rub it in our face (oooooooooooooo pppppppppppppllllllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeee) try to do it with a tad bit of respect/understanding. Just a nice gentle, rub it in our face will really make our day. The more often it happens, the more we are in a much better mood.....

I do not consider myself a breast man....or a leg man...or an ass man.....hell....I love it all. To be honest, the one thing that really gets my general ready for war.....is LONG hair....down the back....past the ass......soft like silk.... as she lets it hang down in your face while she is in CG.....After that are the eyes....ooooooooooo yes the eyes...THEN the rest falls into line..... But the longer the hair, the faster my general is ready to report for duty!

xxx/ooo for the ladies......
damn, I wish I could love ya all......grin.......
Very frustrated, and off to a cold shower.....

Ci Ci 2671 reads
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Mine are not as big as Kelly's (you go girlfriend), but ever so supple for the taking. My only "defense" is . . . in order to detonate them, you first have to pull the pin, stretch your arm back and throw baby.  Ooh, love the manhandling.  Excuse me, Special Ops needed.


Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 2391 reads
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Ci Ci 1771 reads
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bobb3950 8 Reviews 3529 reads
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During my time in the Navy, I did get "heavy weapons" training and I became very proficient with them.
You will be in good hands..

Just my opinion...

Cogito Ergo DATY 3199 reads
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A number of years ago, psychologists researched the premise to which you refer to see if there were differences between leg men, ass men and breast men.

The study concluded that preferences for legs, ass or breasts reflected definite differences in personality type among the test subjects.  But it wasn't anything as simple as being breast-fed, for example.

Unfortunately, I lost track of the original study and found nothing during an Internet search (the study was from the 1980's).   I do remember a couple of the basic findings, however:

To greatly over-simplify, of the three groups, breast men had the most juvenille, or immature attitude about women (and their  "fun bags)."  

Leg men had the most mature and well-rounded attitude toward women, and I forget the conclusions regarding ass men.

I wouldn't worry too much about any of it, however, as long as you are enjoying yourself and are able to relate to women in a respectful manner.  Besides, who among us would want to choose between breasts, legs, or asses when they all offer such unique pleasures?

Ci Ci 2771 reads
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Ci Ci 2030 reads
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kill you. Just kidding. So, can you stay down and do pushups for awhile? Wink! Remember the terms, "You're cheesing," "Suck it up," and "Hooyah"?


Ci Ci 3290 reads
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cgsmks 14 Reviews 3077 reads
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How about "stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door!  Jump right out and count to four!"  Or my favorite; "Drop and give me 25!"  

Ahh, the days when I could do pushups all day.  The term "drill sergeant" takes on a whole new meaning.  Maybe next time I'm doing "pushups", I'll count off each one - "One, drill sergeant; two, drill sergeant....", or is it "One drill, sergeant; two drill, sergeant..."!

ozzy335 8 Reviews 2955 reads
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Ya know what I mean? Platoon is running is step and the sarge class out....
"....I know a girl that lives on a hill...."

you were suppose to answer:

"....what she won't do her sister will...."

Then :
"I know a girl that lives in a shack..."

"she makes her living on her back...."

but we never JUST talked about woman in a sexual manor (ya right)

"...Hay there trooper watta say?"

"...this damn squad goes all the way..."

"My ol CO he got class....."

Old mans gotta face like a bull dogs a**..."

"raise my eyes and watta see???"

"he ol man running in front of me....."

Really silly don't ya think? At best its crass..but it was great fun and took your mind off of the running....hell, we ran EVERYWHERE.  Now as fat as I am, I wish I could just make it around the block.......getting to be an old man sucks the big one. Woman don't want ya....can't see your general much less have him report for duty.....best thing to do with a man over 35 is shoot him...so he don't have to suffer the pain/embarresment of getting old and useless....You woman have all the luck...

Giggles girl.....

ozzy335 8 Reviews 1795 reads
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It takes a man with courage, brains, and balls to stay on the ground and keep fighting.

Only a damn fool and his brohter would be dumb enough to jump out of a plane that is in perfect operational condition, plumet to the gound at about 90mph, pull a damn cord and have his balls wind up somewere about his neck on that first jolt.

Then the enemy gets to watch ya fall....with that big darn warning sign on top of ya and laugh while they use ya for target practice. You get to hang there and get shot at for a few min and its rather hard to shoot back and land at the same time......

As for me....I use to be able to 'run and fight'. now, I'm so fat that god help the SOB that gets after me...cause I'm gonna be very mad that he put me in a situation were I'm suppose to run. I HATE running. I'm gonna stand and fight like a house afire for his use of very poor judgement that leads to pissing me off......grin...

BTW I'm a lover now...not a fighter.....suck at both...but practice makes perfect. have any ideas about how we can practice????????????????????? (please)

Ci Ci 2214 reads
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I know what it feels like to drop extremely fast from the sky, land hard and get shot at, and I now have a pension for that. Ouch!

If you would like, I can place you in my retraining program for ex-soldiers out of commission. It's called Beaver Bootcamp and I call all the shots (even at the firing range). Wink!


ozzy335 8 Reviews 2818 reads
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No, not in military when I got that training. Small arms expert for Texas LE. Got to say, it was the dumbest damn thing I ever did. Almost got my large,fat, ass shot off more then once and for what? Trying to stop drugs comming into the country by our brown friends south of us? The bad men I did not mind. It was our own lawyers, Judges, and political structure.

The bad men...did only one thing....they shot us. You knew what to expect and it was just business. The others were just as good at back stabs and the like. Since the bad men had more rights then a trooper....off came the badge, and the guns hang here on my wall in my office. Lots of awards for action/pistol matches. Now, I'm a medic...fell much better about myself. I like to heal people...not shoot em.....

Now about that boot camp..............

Ci Ci 2393 reads
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intensive field artillery training with circuit trainer Ciara cunnilingus. You'll first have to pass a proficiency test to see if you can make it two miles without collapsing. Wink!


ozzy335 8 Reviews 2889 reads
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already a small arms expert....trained some with/for some of the best.

I can assure you this general is ready for duty. Problem/question is....can you keep up your end 'under fire'?????
Don't want to hear anybody begging for mercy.....no quarter shone...none given.....(wink)

talk/talk/talk......its all I ever hear.....Woman are all blow and no go........(thats why I love em.....)


Ci Ci 2455 reads
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My gun is loaded, I'm in firing position.  Breath, steady, fire!


cgsmks 14 Reviews 2179 reads
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On my command, you will lock your bolt into position:  "Lock bolts into position!"

On my command, you will load one ten round (ten rounds - gonna be a long night!) magazine:  "Load magazine!"

On my command, you will assume a stable, prone,  firing position:  "Assume firing position!"

On my command, you will commence firing:  "Commence firing!"

Ahh, the days when you called your "gun" a weapon and got to shoot it off in front of 120 other people.

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